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The use of technology (Information and Communication Technology, ICT) in

education is inevitable in current society. From an economical and social point of view, it
is argued that the labour market requires ICT-skills thus, students should be prepared
for the information society. In Malaysia, the Prime Minister has announced 8 new
investment projects worth RM1.4 billion under six National Key Economics Areas








manufacturing. This can be considered as one of the effort to improve the nationals
education quality as well as to suit the needs of the stakeholders
Some roles of ICT in teaching and learning that has been cited by practitioners
over the years are to motivate students, to enhance instruction, to make sure students
and teachers work more productively and to help students learn and sharpen
information age skills.
ICT can be used to motivate students in a way gaining their attention. Teachers
say technologys visual and interactive qualities can direct students attention toward
learning tasks (Roblyer and Doering, 2010). Technology can also be use to illustrate
real-world relevance through highly visual presentations. When students can see that
high-level math and science skills have real life applications, it is no longer just school
work, they are more willing to learn skills that have clear value to their future life and
work. Additionally, students who see the application of what they are studying as
authentic and real are motivated by the application to their daily lives.
Besides that, ICT can be used to enhance instruction whereby interaction and
immediate feedback can be supplied to support skill practice. Software such as drill-and
practice type offers many students the privacy, self-pacing and immediate feedback
they need to comprehend and retain lower level skills. ICT also allow access to unique
information sources; the internet connects students with information, research, data and
expertise that are might not be available locally.
In fact, ICT empowers students to engage in the learning process and give them
an interest in their personal education. By integrating ICT into the classroom, students

have the ability to learn more effectively, collaborate with each other, and explore the
world around them. Anytime, anywhere access to internet-based tools is necessary to
encourage learning inside the classroom and beyond. For example, students who are
always online or having Facebook, they will always explore something and share with
their friends. It unknowingly makes them more collaborate with each other, However,
ICT provided e-learning to the learners. It is a flexible learning to those who are busy in
their own things. Indeed, they are the people who want to work and study at the same
time. E-learning is a way for them to study at home. It is useful and benefit for them.
Other than that, hints and tips are the best practice for them to share their knowledge
and opinion if they have their own ideas.
ICT can be used to make students and teachers work more productively. It saves
time on production tasks whereby software tools such as word processing, desktop
publishing and spreadsheets allow quick and easy corrections to reports, presentations
or publications. Grading and tracking students work will also be quick and easy with the
help of the technology. Additionally, money and other consumable materials can also be
saved when software tools are used instead of using handouts, worksheets or
dissection animals.
It is clear that using ICT asks many questions of the teacher, not only in terms of
designing purposeful learning activities, but also with regard to classroom organization
and the use of different teaching styles. While the traditional teaching model (whereby
the teacher stands in front of a large group of students and issues them with instructions
or passes on knowledge) can also be adopted when using ICT (for example when
telling a class what to do), it is more common to find with the use of ICT that the teacher
works more closely and personally with individual small groups of students. The teacher
becomes more mobile around the classroom, and is able to engage in detailed
discussions with students about the work they are doing, what they are learning and
what they should do next.
ICT in schools provide an opportunity to teachers to transform their practices by
providing them with improved educational content and more effective teaching and
learning methods. ICT improve the learning process through the provision of more

interactive educational materials that increase learner motivation and facilitate the easy
acquisition of basic skills. The use of various multimedia devices such as television,
videos, and computer applications offers more challenging and engaging learning
environment for students of all ages.
The use of technology in teaching and learning can be very beneficial in
improving the achievement of students as well as enhancing the efficiency of teachers
tasks. However, in implementing an invention such as integrating technology in teaching
and learning there might be issues that need to be considered. As a teacher, it is good if
we can make use and fully utilised whatever resources that are available to us to
improve our own work as week to bring benefits to the students. All the limitation that
we faced should be taken as a challenge and not as excuses for not trying the best.
ICT integration in teaching and learning at school in Malaysia might not be fully
developed as compared to other developed countries. However, it is good to know that
we are already in the effort of making things work. The effort of preparing the students
for the Information Age has been internalised in the introduction of the Smart School in
the national education system.

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