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SBI PO Descriptive Paper Essay Writing - Introduction

In real life situations we express our feelings, ideas and thoughts largely
through the spoken medium where as in academic situations expressing and
thinking is done mainly through writing. The ability to collect, select, arrange
and use information is developed through essay writing. While writing an essay
aspirants are constantly judging, analyzing, self examining and self correcting.
Thus writing an essay can be looked at as an exercise in thinking and self
understanding. This is the main reason why they ask you to write essays in




The word "essay: means to try, to attempt. When you write an essay, you
attempt to explain the topic to the best of your knowledge and ability. It is the
similar to the exercise of expansion of the topic (simply we can say that this is
just the opposite of precis writing).
Essays can be classified as Narrative, Descriptive, Expository, Reflective and

Narrative Essay :
A narrative essay is a narration of some event or incident. The narrative can
cover historical events (the 1857 mutiny); social events (a marriage or
festival); incidents like an accident or earthquake; a journey or a story.

Descriptive Essay
A descriptive essay deals with the description of a place or a thing. It can
describe a historical building (Lal Quila or Charminar); a city or town
(Hyderabad or Delhi); a botanical garden or a Zoo etc

Expository Essay
An Expository essay consists of an explanation or exposition of a subject it can
be an exposition of a scientific process (how computers work)l a biological
phenomena (how our respiratory system works); or a literary topic (all that
glitters is not gold).

Reflective Essay
A reflective essay, as the name suggests, is a reflection or thoughts on some
subject. It can contain arguments, debate and discussion which could also be
abstract in nature. It may deal with philosophy or theology (science and


or political

problem (is democracy

suitable for india);

abstractions (does God exist) or general thought provoking subjects.

Imaginative Essay
In imaginative essay you have to imagine a position or situation such as 'if I
were the prime minister; or if all the motor cars are banned, autobiography of a
washing machine etc.

How to Write Essays for Bank and Other Competitive

To write a good essay, you must first plan it properly. In descriptive and
narrative essays, you can describe or narrate things in a chronological manner.
If it is an exhibition you are describing, after a short introduction, start with the
entrance and proceed as you would go along; different stalls, decor and display,
any eye catching or exciting thing, people,k your feelings of happiness or
boredom etc. If it is a train journey follow the chronology, how it started, what
you felt, how you enjoyed and how it ended.
While writing expository essay, you must link logically all the different aspects
of the process or phenomena that you choose to describe. In the reflective
essay, adopt a balanced approach. If you are writing an essay on "Should India
make an atom bomb" take a stand for or against. Put your explanation in a
logical manner, show awareness of the opinion of the opposing side (as in a
debate); counter the opposing arguments "to justify your stand and come to
conclusion that supports the stand you have taken.

In an imaginative essay, let your imagination take over, because you have no
experience of the situation or position you have taken. Be consistent in your
explanation and logical in your arguments.
As we have already discussed, writing an essay is not merely adding one
sentence to another. You may write very good sentences, but the problem is
how to arrange them logically. The best solution to this problem is to look at
sentences as parts of the overall plan of an essay. In other words, instead of
beginning with sentences, we should think of the entire essay and then break it
down into paragraphs and then into sentences. Thus essay writing is a
systematic process involving the following steps.
Preparation ---------> Planning -------------> Drafting

Essay Writing Tips for Bank Exams Descriptive Paper

- Preparation :
Any piece of composition has a topic, a purpose, a point of view, and an
intended reader. When we write an essay we have a definite purpose like
narrating, persuading, or writing an exposition. Our reading, experiences and
imagination help us develop an approach which decides the treatment given to
a topic of the essay. By keeping the reader in mind we decide the appropriate
organization and style. The following are the major activities performed at this




Defining the Topic : Asking different questions about the topic helps
define the topic and understand its different aspects. Look at the following
questions that we may ask ourselves about the topic 'Empowerment of

1. What is meant by 'empowerment?'

2. What are the weaknesses and strengths of the female sex ?
3. Do women need generous help from men?

Here Question 1 demands definition, question 2 expects a list of

characteristics and question 3 introduces an argument.

Generating Ideas : Answers to these questions provide us ideas. The

more questions we ask ourselves the more ideas are generated. List all
these ideas as they occur to you. For jotting down, you can use tree
diagrams, tables or columns. Look at the following example relevant to the
topic "Pollution".

Essay Writing Tips for Bank Exams Descriptive Paper

- Planning
The ideas thus generated need to be logically arranged. Main ideas and
supporting (subordinate) ideas need to be properly grouped together. Identify
main ideas and group the relevant ideas around each of them. Develop each
main idea into an independent paragraph. This exercise will help you decide on
how many paragraphs your essay will have. While planning you can use tree
diagrams, a table / column or note-form as follows.

Topic : English in the 21st Century

Introduction :

English as the world language

Spread of English - an overview

Facts about English :


Users of English

English as a window to the world





Use in business, trade and industry

Information Technology :

Dominance of Information Technology

Role of English in IT


Essay Writing Tips for Competitive Exams -

Drafting :
Having outlined your ideas as mentioned in above posts, you are now well
equipped for writing the essay. You have to execute your plan through
paragraphs. Each paragraph normally deals with one key point and the
supporting information or ideas as pointed out earlier. As long as you observe
this principle, your sentences will be automatically linked to each other. A few
paragraphs and an appropriate introduction and conclusion make a good essay.
a. Paragraph Writing : Each paragraph will have a beginning, a middle and an
end. Generally you should begin a paragraph with a topic sentence. Supporting
information or ideas can be given in the succeeding sentences either in a
parallel manner or linked to each other in a chained manner.
Read the following Paragraphs
1. 'Road accidents are common in India. Recently, 50 people were killed
in an accident on Pune - Bangalore highway. Last year a bus collided
into a truck taking the life of 30 passengers. In 1996 a bus carrying 60
passengers plunged into a river leaving nobody alive. Thus, road
accidents are fatal'. Look at the arrangement of sentences. The main
idea or key point is stated in the first sentence. The remaining

sentences give an example each illustrating the topic. Though the

examples are not related to each other, they are linked in a parallel
manner to the topic sentence.
2. Road accidents are common in India. Indian Roads are mostly
responsible for accidents. Accidents take place due to bad roads and
reckless driving. Drivers are normally less paid and some have bad
habits. Drinking is one of the major causes of accidents. Whatever the
reasons, road accidents are fatal.
Look at the last and the first words of each sentence in this paragraph. The
repetition of words helps establish a link between the sentences. It also
indicates that the same idea is continued or extended in the succeeding
sentence. This kind of linkage is called chaining.

b. Introduction and Conclusion : Introduction is one of the most challenging

sections to write. It has to catch the attention of the reader, establish a
relationship with him / her, introduce the topic, set the tone and, by doing that,
control the reader's expectations. Let us consider a few examples.
1. The essay entitled 'An Ascendancy of Man' written by Paul R. Ehrlich begins
with the following sentence :

"The most starting terrestrial event in the

two-billion year history of life on the earth has been the rise of the species
'homo sapiens' to its present position of global pre-eminence...'
2. Jane Austen begins her books Pride and Prejudice with the following
sentence : "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in a
possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife".
Both the introductions not only catch the attention of readers, but also state the
topic. Apart from being statements of irrefutable facts, they are put in carefully
selected words Each one of these beginnings very effectively indicates what is
going to follow.
Concluding an essay is equally challenging. It has to appropriately summarize
the essay or highlight the main points. At the same time it is advisable to make
the conclusion interesting. An essay can also be concluded with a moral or a

striking contrast with something that has gone before in the essay. Look at
some examples given below.
1. The essay 'All About a Dog' by A. G. Gardiner portrays the character of an
ill-mannered bus conductor, Being a witness to his rude behavior, the
author gives him a piece of advice, and the essay is concluded as follows
" "He took it very well, and when I got off the bus he said 'Good night' quite
2. Violet Markham in ' Women in Our Changing Society' writes about the
emancipation of women and mentions, in this connection, different
milestones / landmarks in history. She sums up this essay as follows : 'One
after another the barriers about her had fallen. Today she is a free agent as
never before'.
Both these conclusions adequately summarize the essays. In almost a scientific
manner, a cause and effect relationship is established. We seen the conclusion
as a natural outcome of whatever happened before.

How to Score Maximum Marks in Essay Writing ?

1) Choosing the topic:

In SBI PO you will be given 3 topics and you have to chose one among them.

One of them will be related to Economy / Financial issues or something

very close to it which we can attempt only if we have proper idea /
knowledge on it.

One among the remaining two will be related to social causes like
Dowry,Unemployment,Women empowerment e.t.c.

And the third one will be very very general topic like reading books,role of
newspaper,television impacts e.t.c.

Well choosing first type of the topic that I mentioned above is not at all very
good ideaunless one has COMPLETE knowledge on it.

2) Introduction and Conclusion:

These are the very important parts of any essay. Your introduction should be
awe-inspiring and it should be not more than three lines. Starting with a related
quote is always a plus point.

And conclusion must be very clear, precise and it must be related to what you
have stated in the whole essay.

3) How to start :
Pick any general topic (Because we can cover a lots of matter when we pick up
a general topic). Think about the topic for few minutes. Make few questions on

topic like







your perception on it.

These keywords that I've given can be any depending on the topic.

Your body of essay should be minimum 2 paragraphs, 3 is preferable.

4) Be creative:
One thing what you have to understand is, the evaluator evaluates many papers
and all what he come across are very common thoughts and views from
maximum papers on any particular topic.You should be ahead of them, so be
creative, state your view from a different perception and in a organized and
coherent way. This will surely fetch you good marks.All the best :)

Important Topics for SBI PO Descriptive Paper - Set 1

Role of Youth in Nation Building

If the youth of the nation decide to take up the task to nation building
for three years. Give three possible consequences if such a thing
Youth is the future builder of the nation. They should be well equipped morally

to discharge their duty to their motherland. If the youth of India decide to take
up the nation building for three years, the following consequences will be there.

1. Youth can undergo any type of sacrifice. They have the vigor vitality and
stamina to face the greatest hardship. They can fight for national
integration. They can improve the hygienic
conditions in villages by adult education.
2. Youth are generally idealistic in nature. They would fight against the false
politicians. They expose the problems of youth and they demand the










unemployment in the country.

3. When youth want to decide to take part three years in the main stream of
the people. They know the hard ships of the villagers. They would
undertake vocational and technical education to the villagers. They
provocateur the people to take part in modern agriculture.
There are the main points friends. You can add some more stuff to make it
more readable. You can use those standard facebook quotes like "Youth are not
useless, they are used less" etc to bring more weight to your essay. But the
point you should keep in mind is, Quality is important than quantity. So don't
try to fill the paper with useless stuff. All the best.

Important Topics for SBI PO Descriptive Paper Essay on Corruption

Chanakya in ArthaSastra described about 22 forms of corruption. He also stated
that, As its impossible not to drink a drop of honey or poison on the tip of the
tongue, its also impossible restrain a person in power from misusing it.

Recent agitations led by Anna Hazare and his team against corruption in all
forms attracted masses and gave birth to LokPal bill, which is in dormancy for

the past 2 decades.

Points to be elaborated

Corruption refers to any form of misuse of power by government

authorities for the well being of a few individuals expecting some favor in

Facts about scams in India: 2G spectrum scam 1,76,000crore which is

equal to amount needed to implement Right To Education (RTE) throughout
the country.

Coal gate scam, where Prime Minister himself is accused of misusing


Not only these many scams involving union ministers, chief ministers of
states like Fodder scam of Bihar, Taj heritage corridor scam of UP etc.
made people to lose confidence on the elected governments.


Mechanism to check this : Prevention of corruption act

Establishment of CBI in 1963 on the recommendations of Santhanam
Committee on Prevention of Corruption and CVC in 1964 to deal with cases
of corruption.

Right to Information Act passed in 2005 gave the citizens right to know,
which provided transparency in governing.

Lokayuktas established at state level to deal with corruption cases.

Recent LoKPal bill that is intended to provide ombudsman system for

redress of public grievances etc.

Lacunae : Lack of political spirit to implement the laws

People unaware of their rights and laws made for their purpose

Illiteracy among Indian masses

Increase in money and muscle power in elections made mockery of


Conclusion : Saakshara Vipareetatve Rakshasa Bhavathi Druvam


Theres a chance for people with too much knowledge becoming monsters.

It can be controlled only by vibrant civil society and educated masses.

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