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For the purposes of this questionnaire please take account of the following:
Level of education: compulsory lower secondary
Type of education: general
Sector of education: public sector
Reference year: 2000/2001

January 2001

Eurydice European Unit

The information network on education in Europe

Avenue Louise 240

B-1050 Brussels


The period of initial teacher training (which is addressed in aspect one of this phase) may be broadly
characterised as a time when student teachers will remain largely within a university or institutional context,
having limited and highly controlled contact with schools. Very often, practical experience of teaching is
restricted to student placements, which are short periods spent in the classroom with limited responsibilities.
Students will generally not receive any remuneration and will be working towards a first-level diploma or
other preliminary qualification.
During the final on-the-job qualifying phase, which is organised in some countries, the teacher will spend a
significantly greater proportion of his or her time in the school over an extended period of time (usually an
academic year). This phase is qualifying in its nature, that is, it constitutes a final stage prior to the complete
admission of the teacher into the profession. It may constitute a last stage of initial training, following the
obtaining of a diploma (an example would be the German Vorbereitungsdienst). In other cases, it may come
after initial training and concern newly qualified teachers (for example, the induction period in England).
The final on-the-job qualifying phase should thus be seen as a bridge between initial teacher training and
full integration into professional life. This implies that there is a strong element of evaluation of the teachers
professional competence. There should also be provision for support and supervision of the teacher, who will
be working in a controlled employment context (he or she will be paid during this period).
Care must be taken to distinguish the final qualifying phase from a period during which fully qualified
teachers in certain countries acquire an interim status before appointment to a permanent post (this is
particularly the case in countries where teachers enjoy the status of civil servants). The latter case will be
addressed within the second phase of data collection for this study.
Thus, the following criteria may be used to determine whether or not a final on-the-job qualifying phase
exists in your country:

the teacher will spend the greatest proportion of his or her time in school (on-the-job);
he or she will be remunerated;
he or she will benefit from support and supervision and/or training in the course of this phase;
he or she will be subject to periodic evaluation and appraisal, and
he or she will receive a final assessment and/or qualification.


Does a final on-the-job qualifying phase exist in your country?

Yes: as an integral part of initial training
Yes: subsequent to (formally distinct from) initial training
No (please answer Q 2 and then go on to Section II)


If no final on-the-job qualifying phase exists in your country, is the introduction of such a
phase under discussion or have any draft texts been prepared?
Please give details of the content of proposed reforms:
What is the planned timetable for reform?
The contextual part of the data collection (national experts contributions) will contain full
explanation and analysis of the policy decisions pertaining to the introduction of the final qualifying


Official text(s) and regulatory body


Please give the title of the official text(s) in both the original language and translated into
English or French. Should the date of implementation of the instrument differ to the date of
adoption, please give this date also.
Title of the official text
(in the original language
and translated)


Applicable territory


Date of adoption

Date of implementation


Regulatory body
Please give the name in full (in the original language and translated into English or French) of
the body responsible for regulating the final qualifying phase



Organisation of time schedule for final qualifying phase



Please indicate the prescribed duration of the final qualifying phase:


The phase may vary in duration, please indicate the minimum and maximum duration and
explain the reasons for this variation:
Reasons for variation:


If the phase is organised in several stages, please specify the number and duration of these
stages as well as how each stage may be distinguished (e.g., in terms of salary, tasks to be
accomplished, etc.).

Prerequisites for entry

What are the prerequisites for entry into the final on-the-job qualifying phase (several answers are
Successful completion of full requirements of initial teacher training programme
Acquisition of first qualification (please specify):
Successful appearance before board of selection. Please give details:
Passing of examination/ competitive examination. Please give details:


Exemptions to final qualifying phase

Are any candidate teachers exempt from the obligation to fulfil a final on-the-jobqualifying period?
Please describe any categories of candidate teachers benefiting from exemption (e.g., teachers
qualified in other national education systems (please specify which), career returners, etc.) and the
prerequisites for such exemption:


What is the status of teachers during the final on-the-job qualifying phase?
Other (please specify):

Questions 8 16 presuppose the existence of at least minimum or core guidelines, recommendations or

codes of practice. Each question is therefore introduced by requesting specific information and
references pertaining to each point. If the same guidelines, recommendations, etc. are applicable
throughout, this should be indicated and the information given only once. In the event that no common
recommendations or regulations exist, descriptions of general or average situations may be given on
condition that such descriptions are based on sound and reputable sources (empirical research, etc.)
and full references are given.

By salary is meant gross monthly remuneration of a teacher (i.e., the monthly amount paid by the
employer inclusive of all bonuses less the employers social security and pension contributions). The
teacher is taken to be single, without dependants and living in the capital. This figure can be
expressed either in national currency or in euros. Data relative to GDP per capita and Purchasing
Power Standards will be supplied by Eurostat.
What is the scope of regulations fixing the level of salary for a teacher in the final on-the-job
qualifying phase. Do they apply at:
Central level
Regional level
Local level
School level
No regulations
What is the degree of autonomy with regard to fixing the level of salaries?
Limited. What minimum or core requirements apply in fixing the level of salaries?
Please give title and references for regulations, recommendations or other official text (in original
language and in English or French):
If there is total autonomy in setting salary levels, please go on to Q9 except if you have
representative or average general information.
What is the salary of a teacher in the final on-the-job qualifying phase? If the final qualifying
phase is organised in two or more stages, please state the salary for each stage:
(ii) What is the salary of a teacher in the first fully-fledged year of teaching?


By tasks is meant the activities (both teaching and non-teaching) that a teacher is expected to carry
out in terms of his or her contract, job description, etc.
What is the scope of regulations fixing the type and content of tasks for a teacher in the final on-thejob qualifying phase. Do they apply at:
Central level

Regional level
Local level
School level
No regulations
What is the degree of autonomy with regard to fixing the type and content of tasks?
Limited. What minimum or core requirements apply in fixing the type and content of tasks?
Please give title and references for regulations, recommendations or other official text (in original
language and in English or French):
If there is total autonomy, please go on to Q10 unless you have representative or average general

The following table contains proposals of tasks that might be expected of both a teacher in the
final on-the-job qualifying phase and of fully-fledged teachers. For both teachers, please give
a short description of the type and content of the tasks that are carried out in terms of the
contract/formal terms of service and specify to what extent and in what ways the tasks carried
out by teachers in final on-the-job qualifying phase differ from those carried out by fullyfledged teachers. Please add any other tasks to this list if necessary. Where the final on-the-job
qualifying phase is organised in two or more stages and the content of tasks differs according to
the stage, please give information for all stages.

Teacher in final on-the-job

qualifying phase

Fully-fledged teachers

Planning and preparing lessons in accordance with the

needs of the pupils being taught
Duties concerned with pupil assessment and providing
reports on individual pupils
Providing cover for absent teachers
Working with other teachers in the preparation and
development of courses
Preparing textbooks and teaching material
Caring for pupils with respect to their discipline and
Participation in extra-curricular activities (i.e., activities
with pupils outside of scheduled school time)
Supervision of pupils outside of the classroom (i.e.,
lunchtime supervision)
Contribution to staff meetings, school review, overseeing
Liaising with people outside the school
International activities
In-service training and professional development
Participation in parent-teacher meetings

Q 10 Workload
Workload should be understood as being annual working time on a full-time basis as specified in the
contract or other formal terms of service.
What is the scope of regulations fixing the workload of a teacher in the final on-the-job qualifying
phase. Do they apply at:
Central level
Regional level
Local level
School level
No regulations
What is the degree of autonomy with regard to fixing the workload?
Limited. What minimum or core requirements apply in fixing the workload?

Please give title and references for regulations, recommendations or other official text (in original
language and in English or French):
If there is total autonomy in determining workload, please go on to Q11 unless you have
representative or average general information.

Please indicate the workload of a teacher in the final on-the-job qualifying phase and (for
purposes of comparison) of a teacher in the first fully-fledged year of teaching. Where a
distinction is made in the contract or other formal terms between working time and teaching
time, please give details for both. Where the final on-the-job qualifying phase is organised in
two or more stages, please state the workload for each stage. Where the unit of time is expressed
in periods, please state the number of minutes comprising a period.
Working time/teaching time

Number of
per week

Duration of a
period in terms of
minutes (if

Number of
days per week

Number of
days per year

Working time for a teacher in

final qualifying phase
Teaching time for a teacher in
final qualifying phase (if
Working time for a teacher in
first fully-fledged year of
Teaching time for a teacher in
first fully-fledged year of
teaching (if different)


If the teacher in final on-the-job qualifying period benefits from a reduction in

teaching/working time, is specific provision made for the allocation of this free time (in terms of
national regulations or minimum/core recommendations). Please describe briefly the activities
that are to be carried out as well as, if possible, the time per week that is to be devoted to these
activities. Where the final on-the-job qualifying phase is organised in two or more stages and
the activities differ according to the stage, please give information for all stages:

Q11 Training Obligations

By training obligations is meant activities that are compulsory and specifically directed to teachers in
their final on-the-job qualifying phase in order that they successfully fulfil the evaluation criteria on
completion of this phase (e.g., examinations, etc.)
What is the scope of regulations fixing the type and content of training obligations for a teacher in the
final on-the-job qualifying phase. Do they apply at:
Central level
Regional level
Local level
School level
No regulations
What is the degree of autonomy with regard to fixing the type and content of training obligations?
Limited. What minimum or core requirements apply in fixing the type and content of training
Please give title and references for regulations, recommendations or other official text (in original
language and in English or French).
If there is total autonomy in fixing type and content of training obligations, please go on to Q12
unless you have representative or average general information.


Please complete the following table. Where the final on-the-job qualifying phase is organised
in two or more stages and tasks differ according to the stage, please give information for all

Type of obligation


Place of activity
(1) school,
(2) initial training centre,
(3) university,
(4) other training centre,
(5) other (please specify)

Body/person for whom the

teacher must fulfil the
(1) school,
(2) education council,
(3) inspection board,
(4) university,
(5) initial training centre,
(6) local authority),
(7) other (please specify)

Attending classes/lectures
Participating in
Conducting research
Preparing individual
professional development
Classroom observations
Consultation with
specialists/ resource
personnel/counsellors, etc
Writing reports
Other (please specify)

D = daily; W = weekly; F = fortnightly; M = monthly; O = other (please specify)

Q 12 Responsibility for class(es)

Does the teacher in the final on-the-job qualifying phase have sole responsibility for his/her
class(es)? Where the final on-the-job qualifying phase is organised in two or more stages, please
specify for which stage(s) sole responsibility applies.
Yes. Please give additional details and explanations:
No. Please give additional details and explanations:
Q 13 Types of support and supervision
By support and supervision is meant assistance which is specifically available to the teacher in the
final on-the-job qualifying phase in order to help him or her complete that phase successfully.
What is the scope of regulations fixing the type and content of support and supervision for a teacher in
the final on-the-job qualifying phase. Do they apply at:
Central level
Regional level
Local level
School level
No regulations
What is the degree of autonomy with regard to fixing the type and content of support?
Limited. What minimum or core requirements apply in fixing the type and content of support?
Please give title and references for regulations, recommendations or other official text (in original
language and in English or French):
If there is total autonomy in determining support and supervision, please go on to Q16 unless
you have representative or average general information.

Please complete the following table, giving additional details and explanations if necessary.
Where the final on-the-job qualifying phase is organised in two or more stages and the content
of support and supervision differs according to the stage, please give information for all stages.

Type of support

Provider of support
(1) an experienced teacher,
(2) the school head, (3) other members of staff,
(4) the initial teacher training centre/university,
(5) another training provider,
(6) an independent specialist/counsellor,
(7) other (please specify)

Designator of support
(1) the school head,
(2) the initial teacher training
(3) the inspection board;
(4) the local authority,
(5) other (please specify)

Pairing with/shadowing a colleague

Formal/semi-formal meetings (i.e.
to discuss progress or problem
Advice, information and informal
Classroom assistance
Assistance in lesson planning
Assistance in pupil
Classroom observations
Skills counselling
Organisation of seminars/
workshops/discussion forums
Visits to other schools/resource

Q14 Regularity of support

Please complete the following table, giving additional details and explanations as necessary. Where
the final on-the-job qualifying phase is organised in two or more stages and the regularity of
provision differs according to the stage, please give information for all stages.
Type of support

Regularity of support

Pairing/shadowing a
meetings (i.e., to discuss
progress or problem areas)
Advice, information and
informal feed-back
Classroom assistance
Assistance in lesson
Assistance in pupil
Classroom observations
Skills counselling
Organisation of
ssion forums
Visits to other
schools/resource centres

D = daily; W = weekly; F = fortnightly; M = monthly; O = other (please specify)

Q 15 Support providers

Is one person principally responsible for the overall support and supervision of a teacher in final
qualifying phase? Who is this? Please give details:


If another teacher is involved in providing regular supervision and receives training in order to
carry out this function:
What is the duration of this training? Who is the training provider?
Initial training centre/university

Other teacher training centre

Other training agency
Other (please specify)

Does this teacher receive a salary increment or other incentive in order to carry out this
Yes. Please give details:


Is any provision made for monitoring the effectiveness of this support?

Yes. Please give details:

Q16 Evaluation
By evaluation is meant all types of assessment (examinations, reports, etc.) of the teacher during his
or her final on-the-job qualifying phase.
What is the scope of regulations relating to the evaluation of a teacher in the final on-the-job
qualifying phase. Do they apply at:
Central level
Regional level
Local level
School level
No regulations
What is the degree of autonomy with regard to organising evaluation?
Limited. What minimum or core requirements apply in organising evaluation?
Please give title and references for regulations, recommendations or other official text (in original
language and in English or French):
If there is total autonomy in organising evaluation, please go on to Q17 unless you have
representative or average general information.

Please complete the following table, giving additional details and explanations if necessary
(several responses are possible). Where the final on-the-job qualifying phase is organised in
two or more stages and evaluation differs according to the stage, please give information for all
Type of evaluation

Evaluating body
(1) school head,
(2) school board/governing body,
(3) inspection board, (4) initial training
centre or other training provider (please
specify), (5) local authority, (6) ministry
of education, (7) other (please specify)


Classroom observation
Meetings (please specify participants,
i.e., teacher, support person(s),
Written report from teacher
Other written materials from teacher
(i.e., evidence of lesson planning,
activities, pupil reports)
Written report from support
persons/other (please specify)
Oral presentation from teacher
Exam/ competitive examination /board
of selection
Other (please specify)
D = daily; W = weekly; M = monthly; T = termly, O = other (please specify)


If the outcome of the evaluation is negative/unsuccessful, is provision is made for:


Additional/complementary training
Repeat of final qualifying phase
Other employment opportunities
Other (please specify):
Q17 If available, please state the rate of unsuccessful outcomes of final on-the-job qualifying phase (i.e.,
how many/what proportion of teachers entering this phase are not able, at the end of the phase, to
continue teaching on a fully-fledged basis because they have been unsuccessful in meeting the
evaluation criteria and do not receive the appropriate qualification/positive assessment?)
For which year of reference is this data available?
Please specify the sources of the data:




At the beginning of their career, new teachers have particular needs that may not necessarily be those of their
more experienced colleagues. In order to provide a smooth passage into professional life and to ensure that
fully-qualified teachers do not choose to leave the teaching profession in the early years of their career, some
measures have been introduced in different countries in order to address the needs of new entrants and to
provide them with stable employment and support.
This support should be distinguished from support given during the final on-the-job qualifying phase. The
new entrant to the teaching profession is fully qualified and has secured his or her first full teaching post
following the appropriate recruitment procedures (see Section III of this questionnaire). There is therefore no
longer any expectation that overall evaluation of professional competence is necessary, although it is
possible that new entrants experience specific forms of evaluation and inspection. The element of
supervision of the teacher will also be less pronounced. The objective of support is instead to facilitate
integration into the teaching profession and to provide guidance with a view to overcoming any problems
arising primarily from the lack of experience of the new albeit fully-qualified teacher.
How long this support is to last will vary from country to country in function of the regulations and practices
governing these measures. Thus, the term new entrant is defined in terms of the specific regulations
applicable to your country but should in any event be a teacher with not more than five years experience.
Support measures available to all teachers irrespective of their years of service will be addressed in phase
two of this study.

Is provision made in your country for formal support and guidance to new entrants?
No (please answer Q 18 (ii) (iii) and then go on to Section III).


Are any support measures for new entrants under discussion or have any draft texts been prepared?
Please give details of the content of proposed reforms:


What is the planned timetable for reform?

The contextual part of the data collection (national experts contributions) will contain full
explanation and analysis of the policy decisions pertaining to the introduction of support and
guidance ton new entrants.

Q19 Administration of support measures


Please give the title of the official text(s) regulating the support measure. Should the date of
implementation differ from the date of adoption, please give this date also.

Title of the official text in the

original language and translated into
English or French

Applicable territory

Date of

Date of implementation

N = National, R = Regional, L = Local


Please give the name (in the original language and translated into English or French) of the
authority(s) responsible for regulating and administering support measures to new entrants:


For what period of time is support and guidance available?




If the provision/availability of support is variable in duration, please indicate the minimum and
maximum duration and explain the reasons for this variation
Reasons for variation:

Questions 20 23 presuppose the existence of at least minimum or core guidelines, recommendations

or codes of practice. Each question is therefore introduced by requesting specific information and
references pertaining to each point. If the same guidelines, recommendations, or similar are applicable
throughout, this should be indicated and the information given only once. In the event that no common
recommendations or regulations exist, descriptions of general or average situations may be given on
condition that such descriptions are based on sound and reputable sources (empirical research, etc.)
and full references are given.
Q 20 Workload of new entrants
Workload should be understood as being annual working time on a full-time basis as specified in the
contract or other formal terms of service.
Do new entrants benefit from a reduced workload in comparison to other teachers?
No (please go to Q 21)
If new entrants benefit from a reduced workload, what is the scope of regulations fixing this workload.
Do they apply at:
Central level
Regional level
Local level
School level
No regulations
What is the degree of autonomy with regard to fixing the workload?
Limited. What minimum or core requirements apply in fixing the workload?
Please give title and references for regulations, recommendations or other official text (in original
language and in English or French).:
If there is total autonomy in determining workload, please go on to Q21 unless you have
representative or average general information.
Please complete the following table. Where a distinction is made in the contract or other formal terms
between working time and teaching time, please give details for both. If the unit of time is expressed
in periods, it is essential to state the number of minutes comprising a period.
Working time/teaching time

Number of
per week

Duration of a period in
terms of minutes (if

Number of
days per week

Number of
days per year

Working time for a teacher in

first year of teaching
Teaching time for a teacher in
first year of teaching
(if different)
Working time for a teacher with
10-15 years of service
Teaching time for a teacher
with 10-15 years of service
(if different)


Is specific provision made for the allocation of non-scheduled teaching/working time (in terms of
regulations or minimum/core recommendations)? Please describe briefly the activities that are to be
carried out during this time as well as, where possible, the time per week that is to be devoted to these
Lesson preparation and planning.:
Reporting and pupil appraisal. Please state the hours devoted per week:
Continued professional development activities. Please state the hours devoted per week:
Advice, information and feed-back on professional activities. Please state the hours devoted per
Other (please specify):
Q 21 Types of support and guidance to new entrants
What is the scope of regulations fixing the type and content of support and supervision for new
entrants. Do they apply at:
Central level.
Regional level
Local level
School level
No regulations
What is the degree of autonomy with regard to fixing the type and content of support?
Limited. What minimum or core requirements apply in fixing the type and content of support?
Please give title and references for regulations, recommendations or other official text (in original
language and in English or French):
If there is total autonomy in fixing type and content of support, please go on to Q22 unless you
have representative or average general information.
Please complete the following table, giving additional details and explanations as necessary:
Type of support

Provider of support
(1) experienced teacher,
(2) school head, (3) other members of
school staff (please specify), (4) specialist
personnel (please specify), (5) training
provider (please specify), (6) other(please

Regularity of support

meetings (i.e. to discuss
progress or problem areas)
Advice, information and
informal feed-back
Classroom assistance
Assistance in lesson
Assistance in pupil
Classroom observations
Skills counselling
Organisation of
ssion forums
Visits to other
schools/resource centres

D = daily; W = weekly; M = monthly; T = termly, O = other (please specify)


Q 22 Conditions
Conditions may or may not apply to the obtaining of support to new entrants. These conditions may
relate, for example, to the geographic location of the school (e.g., socially disadvantaged area, rural
area) or other characteristics particular to the school (e.g., size of the school). They may also possibly
relate to the characteristics of the class(es) taught by the teacher, e.g., class(es) integrating special
needs pupils, or with very mixed abilities, or with acute discipline/violence problems. Support might
also be offered to teacher of specific subject matters. It may also be that support is only available on
the request of the new entrant, in which case please give details of the steps that must be undertaken in
order to obtain that support.
Please complete the following table giving full information in each case:
Type of support

On what basis support is given

At the request
Subject to specified
to all new
of the new
conditions (please
give details)

Designator of support
(1) the school head,
(2) the initial teacher training
centre/university, (3) the
inspection board;
(4) the local authority,
(5) other (please specify)

Formal/semi-formal meetings (i.e.

to discuss progress or problem
Advice, information and informal
Classroom assistance
Assistance in lesson planning
Assistance in pupil
Classroom observations
Skills counselling
Organisation of
Visits to other schools/resource

Q23 Support providers


Is one person principally responsible for the overall support and guidance of the new entrant?
Who is this? Please give details:


If any person(s) involved in providing regular support to the new entrant are teachers, is training
given specifically in order to carry out this task? What is the duration of this training?
Who is the training provider?
In-service training centre/university
Other training agency
Other (please specify):


Does this person receive a salary increment or other incentive in order to carry out this function?
Yes. Please give details:


Is any provision made for monitoring the effectiveness of this support and guidance?
Yes. Please give details:



Teacher recruitment methods in Europe vary greatly. From advertisement of individual vacancies at the
discretion of the school head to centrally organised examinations and constitution of a single recruitment list
for all teaching posts in a country, the differences in approach with regard to the organisation and regulation
of recruitment to the teaching profession are significant.
The explanation for this lies mostly with the status of the employment relationship for teachers. In some
countries, teachers are appointed by the state as civil servants under the provisions of public law. In other
countries, on the other hand, although teachers may be employed by a public authority, their contract of
employment will be governed by private law provisions and will be negotiated at an individual or local level.
Recruitment methods also differ according to the type of vacancy that is to be filled. The procedures
governing recruitment to supply or short-term teaching positions are unlikely to be the same as procedures
for recruitment to permanent full-time teaching posts. The way teachers are recruited may therefore also be a
function of the nature of the employment contract that is offered, which in turn is determined by the nature of
the teaching position that is available.
This questionnaire will only address recruitment of teachers to positions for which they are fully qualified.
Stop-gap or emergency recruitment measures taken in the face of teacher shortages will be separately
addressed as part of the questionnaire dealing with teacher supply (see Phase One Questionnaire, Aspect 3,
Teacher Supply). This means that steps taken to recruit teachers to teach subject-matters for which they have
no specialist knowledge or indeed, steps taken to recruit persons who are not (fully) qualified as teachers
should not be included in your response to the present questionnaire.
Official Texts Regulating Recruitment
Q24 Are the procedures applicable for the recruitment of teachers embodied in (an) official text(s) (i.e.of a
legally binding nature)?
If yes, please complete the following table, indicating the title of the applicable text (in the original
language and translated into English or French) as well as the applicable territory (national/regional).
Title of the official text (in the original
language and translated)


Applicable territory
Regional (please specify)

Q25 Teaching contracts

The type of teaching contract may be defined in terms of the conditions of employment set out in the
contract. This will include, for example, details of the duration of the employment relationship, the
nature of the employment and the working hours. Examples of different types of teaching contracts
may include permanent, supply, substitute, etc.
Care should be taken to distinguish between different types of teaching contracts on the one hand and,
on the other hand, changes of status (generally in terms of promotion) which do not result in a new
recruitment as far as the teacher is concerned. Such changes of status, which may be the result of
seniority, the acquisition of additional qualifications or other criteria, will not be addressed in this
questionnaire but in the second phase of this study.
Please describe which types of teaching contracts are available, giving details in each case and, if
possible, the term (in the original language and translated into English or French) used to identify that


Q26 Competitive examinations


If teachers are recruited by means of a competitive examination in your country, please describe
for what type(s) of teaching contract the competitive examination is organised:
If a difference exists in the organisation of the competitive examination for different teacher
profiles (i.e., according to the subject matters and other specialisations obtained by the candidate
in the course of initial teacher training), please complete Q26 (ii)-(vii) twice, for candidates
qualified to teach mathematics and mother tongue respectively.


Are all candidates sitting the competitive examination guaranteed a teaching post in terms of the
No. Please give details:


Who is responsible for organising the competitive examination?

The Ministry of Education or agency controlled directly by the Ministry of Education.
Please give details (including name of unit/agency, etc.):
Another body at central level. Please give details:
The education board or agency at regional level. Please give details:
Other. Please specify:


What are the conditions of admission to the competitive examination?

Qualifications obtained from initial teacher training. Please give details of all diplomas, etc.
Constitution of a dossier (i.e., description of candidates qualifications, experience,
references, etc.). Please describe the contents of this dossier:
Other. Please give details:



How are candidates ranked on the outcome of the competitive examination?

On the basis of the examination grade obtained from the competitive examination only
On the basis of the examination grade obtained from the competitive examination and on
the basis of the candidates level of achievement during general/professional components of
initial teacher training? Please give details:
On the basis of the examination grade obtained from the competitive examination and other
criteria? Please give details:
How are teaching vacancies identified? Please describe the procedure:

(vii) Who is responsible for matching candidates to teaching vacancies?

The competitive examination organiser
Other. Please specify:
Q27 Candidate lists
By candidate lists is meant a system whereby teachers eligible for employment submit their names to a
central organising body.

If teachers are recruited by means of a list of candidates for recruitment to teaching posts (at
national or regional level) without recourse to a competitive examination, then please describe
for what type(s) of teaching contract the candidate list is drawn up:
If different types of lists are applicable for different teacher profiles (i.e., according to the
subject matters and other specialisations obtained by the candidate in the course of initial
teacher training), please complete Q27 (ii)-(viii) twice, for candidates qualified to teach
mathematics and mother tongue respectively.


Who is responsible for drawing up the list of candidates?

The Ministry of Education or agency controlled directly by the Ministry of Education.
Please give details (including name of unit/agency, etc.):
Another body at central level. Please give details:
The education board or agency at regional level. Please give details:

Other. Please specify:



What is the territory covered by the candidate list?

Regional. Please specify:
Local. Please specify:
What conditions govern eligibility for the inclusion of a candidate on the candidate list?
Qualifications obtained from initial teacher training. Please give details of all diplomas, etc.:
Other. Please specify:


Are candidates ranked on the list?



If yes, what are the ranking criteria?

On the basis of qualifications and grades obtained during initial teacher training
On the basis of date of application
Other. Please specify:

(vii) How are teaching vacancies identified? Please describe the procedure:
(viii) Who is responsible for matching candidates to teaching vacancies?
Q28 Open recruitment

If teachers are principally recruited by means of advertisements in your country, then please
describe for what type(s) of teaching contracts the advertisements are drawn up:
If the way the advertisement is framed and/or placed differs according to the teacher profile
(i.e., according to the subject matters and other specialisations obtained by the candidate in the
course of initial teacher training), please complete Q28 (ii)-(viii) twice, for candidates
qualified to teach mathematics and mother tongue respectively.


Who is responsible for placing the advertisement?

The school head
The school board/governing body
The local education authority
Other. Please specify:


Do the regulations impose conditions on where the advertisement is to be placed?

Yes. Please give details:


Do the regulations impose conditions on which candidates must be given

Yes. Please give details:


Are internal candidates to be considered prior to the placing of an advertisement?

Yes. Please give details:


Are other eligibility criteria applicable?

Geographic area
Date of application
Other. Please specify:



(vii) Are short-listed candidates interviewed?

(viii) If yes, do the regulations make provision for who is to be responsible for interviewing
School head
School board/governing body
Local education authority
Other. Please specify:
Q29 If methods of recruitment to the teaching profession clearly distinct from any of the three methods
outlined above (i.e., competitive examinations, candidate lists or advertisement), exist in your country,
please describe in full the method used (including how this method differs from methods described
above). Please consider in particular whether provision exists for alternative methods of recruitment to
teaching posts which are offered on a strictly short-term or irregular basis (examples may include
substitute or supply teaching posts, etc.). We remind you, however, that emergency steps to overcome
problems of teacher supply should not be considered here and that these other recruitment methods
should always relate to recruitment of candidates who are fully qualified for the vacancy:
Q30 Other conditions
What other conditions govern eligibility for recruitment in your country?

Language(s): please give full details, including the criteria and conditions applied (i.e., what
Please specify whether this relates to recruitment by (more than one response possible):
Competitive examination
Candidate list
Open recruitment


Nationality: please give full details, including the criteria and conditions applied (i.e., what
Please specify whether this relates to recruitment by (more than one response possible):
Competitive examination
Candidate list
Open recruitment


Evidence of personal integrity (e.g., certificate of good conduct, no criminal record, etc.): please
give full details, including the criteria and conditions applied (i.e., what restrictions):
Please specify whether this relates to recruitment by (more than one response possible):
Competitive examination
Candidate list
Open recruitment


Evidence of physical fitness: please give full details, including the criteria and conditions
applied (i.e., what restrictions):
Please specify whether this relates to recruitment by (more than one response possible):
Competitive examination
Candidate list
Open recruitment



Evidence of mental fitness: please give full details, including the criteria and conditions applied
(i.e., what restrictions):
Please specify whether this relates to recruitment by (more than one response possible):
Competitive examination
Candidate list
Open recruitment


Evidence of knowledge of national situation (e.g., knowledge of education system: please give
full details, including the criteria and conditions applied (i.e., what restrictions):
Please specify whether this relates to recruitment by (more than one response possible):
Competitive examination
Candidate list
Open recruitment
Other (please specify):


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