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Confidence Man: The Authors resolve for the unauthorized publication of his literary work Oct. 26, 2001.

What I know for sure is that what you give comes back to you Oprah Winfrey,

As I enjoin within the light and vivacity of my life today. To a particular

segment elapsed from time. Through my minds eye the metacognition of that, a
transom amidst in darkness the peering controversial intruder had gazed. The
dissemination in the persuasion of a man's soul, exposed and vulnerable when
subjected to the trespassers regard. Their perceptions not open for debate when based
on supposition, voiced in publicized judgment and of matters that had since been
etched in verdict. With each passing day, a step further in dimension. Cogitating that
the facet of mythical foot prints left behind from a questionable journey of comprised
obscurity incised on a rugged trail of twisted treachery. That had not since faded from
the distant epoch, nor could it have been permanent exact essence carved deep into the
circuits of my psyche either. However, is it not? Instead, as scientists are discovering
that memories change every time we think about them become sensitive to disruption.
This can only mean that our retention to precise detail isnt an abstract snapshot stored
forever in a bulging file compiled in our head. Rather, they are a collection of brain
cells neurons that undergo chemical change every time they are engage. So, as I think
about the enthrallment of my life today. In contrast with the original episode that Id
marked through the remembrance of personal experiences, which are continually
reviewed and revised in subtle ways. Conjunctionally sent along a neurological path
amid the hippocampus and into the archive of my mind where in combating a stored
monster dwells.
Appraised and amended in such a manner, that for most people they are recalled
encounters. That when retrieved can be shared or enjoyed between families, friends,
and trusted colleagues throughout their individual lives with little or no concern. Yet
my depictions comprised of intellectual property and formulated trade secrets had
manifest from the cerebral narration of personal interactions. That were not in the
greater of doubt, yet itd been in the greater of an awakening that Id transcribed.
Through divergent erudite into computerized text that had been intertwined. With
such precision, that when jacked by governmental agents prior to, and further
submitted to their foreign faceless counterparts thereafter. Whereas nothing short of a
generation lost to that wisdom would be solidify in the aftermath from my act of
registration, as the work in question consisting of the noted provision had been
unmistaken in the premier publication date of October 26th 2001 as indicated on the
received Certificate of Copyright Registration from the Canadian Intellectual Property
Office. That upon opening the envelop I sensed a clam before the storm not knowing
the exact nature that surrounded October 26th 2001, although later discovered through
blind unwitted understanding in H. R. 3162, and further entrenched as a blueprint in

February 4, 2013

Confidence Man: The Authors resolve for the unauthorized publication of his literary work Oct. 26, 2001.

the foundation of PL 107-56 the Patriot Act. All of which orchestrated by neighboring
nations without due diligence as they proceeded without my acknowledgment or
authorization. Left a pondered intuition. A vivid image in my mind of the unknown
uniformed subjects, shouldered and crouched. Unsuspecting heads clad by balaclava.
Forefront computers obscured black tombstone eyes. Their gun, a virtual keyboard lay
beneath trigger fingered hands. A poetic irony, to become part of an association
structured incident that in and it would define me.
This uncanny transformational journey form its chemical connotation expressed
intuitively through folios of electronic bits and bytes. To find that fourteen years had
escaped the recognition of a life once lived with God at my side, met with the continued
struggle of a soul influenced by the deviled wearied eye. Whereas I too had helplessly
watched the unlawful fiend liberation of my devised electronic literary
manuscript - Confidence Man while living on Vancouver Island in the fall of 2001.
I am the first to admit that maybe, just maybe. I waited a little too long to shed this
storys light. Nevertheless, Im a firm believer that everything happens for a reason,
and thus the procrastinated release of this tome is an unveiled discernment shadowed
right. Furthermore, the sympathy sought is not from the evil ways of a life once lived,
in terms with the plea that Ill be coping come judgment day.
However, and until then its a mere request for the readers empathic acumen.
Regarding this digest untimely delay, and in prayer, that God have mercy on the
Gatecrashes iniquitous sold soul. Whilst the paragraphs before yet read. Become a
virtual journey forth; as each page turned will precede wit through a sequence thatd
spanned in excess of a generation across multiple dimensions of time.

February 4, 2013

Confidence Man: The Authors resolve for the unauthorized publication of his literary work Oct. 26, 2001.

February 4, 2013

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