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Education Technology I

Lesson Plan: Integrating Technology and Pedagogy Directions and Outline

Kristin Lindman
Grade 8: English Lesson
End of unit project combining knowledge of Romeo and Juliet and the Globe Theatre.
First day where the project is introduced to the students.
New York State Teaching Standards
NYS P-12 Common Core Learning Standards for English Language Arts:
By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and
poems, at the high end of grades 6-8 text complexity band independently and
Use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing and present the
relationships between information and ideas efficiently as well as to interact and
collaborate with others.
Technology Standards:
1. Creativity and innovation Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and
develop innovative products and processes using technology.
a. Apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, or processes
b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression
c. Use models and simulations to explore complex systems and issues
d. Identify trends and forecast possibilities
Lesson Objectives:
A. Content Area
- Students should have back ground knowledge on both Elizabethan Theatre and
William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet
- In this lesson students will be doing a quick review of Elizabethan Theatre in order to
refresh their minds on what they are going to need for later on in the class period
- Students will apply their knowledge in order to create an end of the unit project

Students will be able to combine their knowledge of Romeo and Juliet, Elizabethan
theatre, and contemporary film advertisement in order to create their projects
B. Technology:
- Students will review a previously discussed topic from the beginning of the unitElizabethan theatre, through an interactive online tour and/ or YouTube video.
- Students will be able to explore the use of a computer program- Microsoft Publisher,
to create their own advertisement of the play they just finished reading.
Introduction to Learning:
1) Students will begin with a Do Now assignment- located on the white board, which will
consist of asking the students to do a quick write (2-3 Minutes) on identifying the images
up on the projection screen. The objective, use you knowledge of Romeo and Juliet and
Elizabethan theatre to create a movie poster, will be written on the board above the Do
Now assignment. These images will be contemporary movie advertisement posters.
They will also be asked to describe the images purpose.
- In doing this students will be drawing from their own personal thoughts and funds of
2) After 2-3 minutes of free writing the students will be asked to share their ideas in a class
discussion. The discussion should last around five minutes in order to Segway students
into the topic of their project.
3) After the discussion, the teacher will explain the significance of the movie posters and
how they connect to Shakespeare, and Elizabethan theatre. Then the students will be
handed the assignment for the movie poster project. The directions will be read to the
students, and any further questions they have about the project will be addressed.
4) Students will then be asked to go to the teachers website, and then click on the resources
tab. From there students will have the choice of clicking one of the first three online
resources; the choice is up to them. The resources are as follows:
A Walking Tour Guide (YouTube video) ,which gives an overview of the ins and
outs of the globe theatre as well as Shakespeares role in the theatre

Globe Tour, describes certain physical attributes of the globe theatre, and their

The Virtual Globe, an interactive based guided tour through the globe theatre

These sources will help them review their knowledge of theatre, and will help them
create their movie posters. They will fill out a worksheet that has questions about
Elizabethan theatre. The three resources will help them answer the questions on the

5) The worksheet and online resources task should take between 5-10 minutes. It is purely
a quick review of the students knowledge in order to help them with the poster project.
6) Once they are done with the online assignment they have the rest of the class period to
work on the movie poster project on Microsoft Publisher.
Provide Information:
A. The Do Now and objective will be written on the board. The images for the Do Now
assignment will be projected onto the screen on top of the white board, so the objective
and Do Now should be written off to the side so the students can see the assignment as
well as the images they are supposed to be writing on. The explanation of the movie
poster project will be pulled up on a word document on the projector screen as well as
physically handed out to the students so they can read along. The review task, using the
online resources, will also be handed out to the students on a worksheet that they will
have to fill out before starting their movie poster assignment.
Provide Practice:
A. Students will be given the opportunity to practice the task stated in the objective midway
through the class. They will first have to complete the Elizabethan review before they
can start on the movie poster project. The review can be done in groups of 2-3. This way
they can work collaboratively and get the review done in order to work on the next
B. The Movie poster project must be done individually, but are free to discuss their ideas
with one another as they create the poster on publisher. Each student has to hand in one
poster, but is not restricted from talking to their classmates, just so long as they are
getting their work done on time and efficiently.
Provide Knowledge of Results:
A. The review assignment will be gone over as a whole class to discuss the answers and
make sure that the students know what the right answers are. They can correct any
answers that they got wrong on their worksheet.
B. The review assignment worksheet will be handed in at the end of class and graded as a
homework assignment since the students will not be able to work on their projects at
home. The sheets Ill be handed back to them the next day.
Review Activity:
A. Students will have to fill out the bottom of the movie poster assignment sheet. The
bottom of the sheet will ask the students to do the following:
Identify the scene that their poster will focus on

List at least one theme and one symbol from the play that they will incorporate
into their poster
The ticket prices for all classes of society during that time period
Where the play will be held
Find one quote from the play that they will put on the poster, and why they chose
this quote

By filling out this worksheet they will be able to draw from their knowledge of the play,
and the information they reviewed at the beginning of class with the online resources.
Method of Assessment:
A. Content Area:
Students will be assessed through a rubric that will be attached to the other side of
their movie project hand out. This way they will see what is expected of them in
the project and what they need to include. The rubric on the back of the
assignment will be the one that is used when the project as a whole is completed.
The online assignment on Elizabethan theatre will also be graded, but as a
homework assignment and will be handed back to them the next day.
B. Technology:
The students understanding of both the online sources and Microsoft publisher
will be assessed while the students are working on the computers during class

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