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Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources
Chamberlain, Joshua. After Action Report. Augusta: Maine Historical Society, 1989.
Print. This book provided information on the Battle of Little Round Top from the
eye of the hero, Joshua L. Chamberlain. The Union troops ran out of ammunition
and were forced to use their bayonets if they wanted to live. This was a key
victory for the Union Army and the War could have ended differently if the
Confederate Army won the Battle.
Melcher, H. S. "The 20th Maine at Little Round Top." Battles and Leaders of the Civil
War. New York: Century, 1884. 314-15. Print. This book provided a first hand
account of the Battle of Little Round Top by someone who fought in the 20th
Maine alongside Joshua Chamberlain. It helped to see a broader understanding of
the affect on the entire Union Army.
Chamberlain, Joshua L. "Defending Little Round Top: Pennsylvania, July 1863." Letter
to George B. Herendeen. 6 July 1863. The Civil War: The Third Year Told by
Those Who Lived It. New York: Library of America, 2013. 328-32. Print. This
letter provided a clear understanding of what happened at the Battle of Little
Round Top because it was written by the hero of the Battle, Joshua Chamberlain.

Magazine Article
Chamberlain, Joshua L. "Through Blood and Fire at Gettysburg." Gettysburg Magazine
Jan. 1992: 43-57. Print. This magazine article provided passages written by
Joshua L. Chamberlain on his experience at Gettysburg, specifically the Battle of
Little Round Top. It also provided information on the battle plan of the Union
Army going into the Battle of Little Round Top.
Chamberlain, Joshua L. "Dedication of the Twentieth Maine Monuments at Gettysburg."
Bayonet! Forward: My Civil War Reminiscences. Gettysburg: Stan Clark
Military, 1994. 184-201. Print. This speech by Joshua Chamberlain showed the
importance of the 20th Maine in the Defense of Little Round Top and the Battle
of Gettysburg.
Secondary Sources
Discorfano, Ken. "Col. Joshua L. Chamberlain." They Saved the Union at Little Round
Top. Gettysburg: Thomas Publications, 2002. 18-20. Print. This book provided
information on how the success at Little Round Top would not have been without
the help of Joshua Chamberlain and the rest of the Union Army.
LaFantasie, Glenn. "Joshua Chamberlain and the American Dream." The Gettysburg
Nobody Knows. New York: Oxford UP, 1997. 31-55. Print. This chapter of the
book provided information on the orders of Joshua Chamberlain that ultimately
saved his men's lives. It also told how many Confederate troops they captured and
how many men they lost in the Battle of Little Round Top.

Lemke, William. A Pride of Lions: Joshua Chamberlain and Other Maine Civil War
Heroes. North Attleborough: Covered Bridge, 1997. Print. This book provided
information on Joshua Chamberlain and other Maine heroes.
Longacre, Edward G. Joshua Chamberlain: The Soldier and the Man. Conshohocken:
Combined, 1999. Print. This book provided information on Joshua Chamberlain's
entire life.
Norton, Oliver W. "The Attack." The Attack and Defense of Little Round Top,
Gettysburg, July 2, 1863. Dayton: Morningside hop, 1983. 253-75. Print. This
book provided information on the attack and defense of Little Round Top that
occurred on July 2, 1863.
Pullen, John J. Joshua Chamberlain: A Hero's Life and Legacy. Mechanicsburg:
Stackpole, 1999. Print. This book provided information on Joshua Chamberlain's
entire life.
Pullen, John J. The Twentieth Maine: A Volunteer Regiment in the Civil War. Dayton:
Morningside hop, 1984. Print. This book provided information on the 20th Maine
and what their role was throughout the Civil War.
Trulock, Alice R. In the Hands of Providence: Joshua L. Chamberlain and the American
Civil War. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina, 1992. Print. This book provided
information on Joshua Chamberlain's military career and the large part that the
20th Maine had in the success at the Battle of Little Round Top at Gettysburg.

Wallace, Willard M. Soul of the Lion: A Biography of General Joshua L. Chamberlain.

Gettysburg: Stan Clark Military, 1991. Print. This book provided background
information on the life of Joshua Chamberlain before he enlisted in the military
and became a hero. It also provided information on his life after he retired from
the military.
Magazine Articles
Brann, James R. "Defense of Little Round Top: The Full Story." America's Civil War
Nov. 1999: 34-40. Print. The magazine article provided information on how many
times Joshua Chamberlain was injured but kept on pressing on in battle. It also
provided the information that at the Battle of Little Round Top, cooks and some
doctors had to fight in the battle because they did not have enough soldiers to
successfully defeat the Confederate soldiers.
Desjardin, Thomas. "Letters Reveal the Inner Man." Civil War Times June 2012: 33-39.
Print. This magazine article provided letters from Joshua Chamberlain describing
his desire to leave the military six weeks before the Battle of Little Round Top. It
also described the treatment of the soldiers and how many nights they went to bed
hungry and tired because they did not get a good night's sleep the night before.
LaFantasie, Glenn W. "Joshua L. Chamberlain and the Road to Immortality." North &
South June 2005: 40-47. Print. This magazine article provided information on
how the Battle of Little Round Top changed Joshua Chamberlain's life as he was
seen as a hero after the Battle of Gettysburg. His actions greatly affected his
future and led to him becoming the Governor of Maine and the President of
Bowdoin College.

Perry, Mark J. "An Amateur Among Professionals: Joshua Chamberlain at Gettysburg."

Kepi Spring 1985: 18-25. Print. This magazine article provided the information
that Joshua Chamberlain was militarily uneducated for his position as commander
of the 20th Maine. He was well educated in scholarly subjects since he was a
professor at Bowdoin College.
Pindell, Richard. "Fighting for Little Round Top: The 20th Maine." Civil War Times Feb.
1983: 15-20. Print. This magazine article provided information on the 20th Maine
and the key part that it had in the Battle of Little Round Top, especially its
general, Joshua L. Chamberlain.

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