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Assessment an ongoing process that encompasses a wide range of

methodological techniques.
Test a method of measuring a persons ability, knowledge, or performance in a
given domain.

A method its an instrument

a set of techniques, procedures,
or items that requires
performance on the part of the
A test measures an individuals
ability, knowledge, or

A test must measure a process

of quantifying a test-takers
performance according to
explicit rules or procedures


A test measures a given domain

A test measures performance,

but the results imply the testtakers ability or, to use a term
common in the field of
linguistics, competence

Measurement the process of quantifying the observed performance of classroom

Evaluation is involved when the results of a test are used for decision making.

Formative & Summative

Formative evaluating students in the process of forming their competencies

and skills with the goal of helping them to continue that growth process
Summative aims to measure, or summarize, what a student has grasped and
typically occurs at the end of a course or unit of instruction

Assessment of learning (summative) is the use of a task or an activity to measure,

record, and report on a students level of achievement in regards to specific
learning expectations.
provide the focus to improve student achievement
give everyone the information they need to improve student achievement
apply pressure needed to motivate teachers to work harder to teach and learn

Assessment for learning (formative) is the use of a task or an activity for the
purpose of determining student progress during a unit or block of instruction

Types and purposes of assessment

Proficiency test (almost summative and norm-referenced)

test overall language ability of students at varying level
traditionally consisted of multiple-choice items on grammar, vocab, reading
comprehension, and aural comprehension
not limited to any one course/curriculum/single skill
sufficient for gate-keeping role they play of accepting or denying someone
passage into the next level of education
cth: Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL test)

Achievement tests (summative)

usually administered at mid- and end- point of the semester or academic year
generally based on the specific course content/on the course objectives
to see what a student has learned with regard to stated course outcomes
indicate what a student needs to continue to work on

Placement test (formative)

to assess students level of language ability for placement in an appropriate
course or class
indicates the level at which a student will learn most effectively
main aim: to create groups, which are homogeneous in level
Test content: come in many varieties assessing comprehension and
production, multiple-choice, gap-filling, etc.

Aptitude test
designed to measure capacity or general ability to learn a foreign language a
priori (before taking a course) and ultimate predicted success in that
designed to apply to the classroom learning of any language

Diagnostic test
to diagnose aspects of a language that a student needs to develop or that a
course should include
difference between achievement test achievement test analyze the extent to
which students have acquired language features taught; diagnostic test
should elicit information on what students need to work on in the future
more detailed, subcategorizes information on the learner
based on failure
Progress test (formative
measure the progress that students are making towards defined course or
programme goals
administered at various stages
cover a smaller amount of material and assess fewer objectives

norm-referenced test (NRT) untuk summative

in NRTs, an individual test-takers score is interpreted in relation to a mean
(average score), median (middle score), standard deviation (extent of various
scores), and/or percentile rank
purpose: place test-takers along a mathematical continuum in rank order
reported back to the test-taker in the form of numerical score (baka biasa)
used for summative assessment
criterion-referenced test (CRT) untuk formative
the collection of information about the student progress/achievement in
relation to a specified criterion
designed to provide feedback to test-takers, mostly in form of grades, on
specific course or lesson objectives
citeria based on learning outcomes or objectives
baka ba coursework

Objective test

Types: multiple-choice, true-false, matching, fill-in

Receptive/selective response
supply type of response rather
than creating a response
Options/alternatives a list of
possible responses 3-5 to
choose from

Stem (the body of the item that

presents a stimulus)
question/assignment in an item
must short and simple must
not easily give away right

Distractors (disturber) to
distract students from selecting
the correct answer

Key (correct response) either

correct or the best one

Weakness of objective test:

may limit beneficial washback

enable cheating
challenging to write good items
technique strictly limits what can be tested
only recognition knowledge
encourage guessing consider score

guidelines to design items

design each item to measure a single objective
state both stem and options as simply and directly as possible
subjective test

evaluated by giving opinion

include essay, short-answer, vocab
provide more opportunity to test-takers to demonstrate their understanding
test-takers may provide unpredictable alternatives/acceptable responses

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