Public Health Alert Vol 3, Issue 7

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Waking Up the Nation,

One Reader at a Time...



Vol. 3, Issue 7 Investigating Lyme Disease & Chronic Illnesses in the USA July 2008

In This Issue Obesity: Babesia, Bartonella, Lyme

and Mold Toxins Make Real
Dawn Irons
...And We All
Fall Down
Weight Loss Almost Impossible
p. 3 by Dr. James Schaller, M.D. Kim was 60 pounds
overweight. She had Lyme and
You look in the mirror. Babesia. She was placed on
Lisa Copen: You look at the scale. You can Mepron 2 teaspoons per day
6 Action Steps no longer fit into your clothing. and was told after 6 months
for Churches You are overweight. The only she was cured of Babesia. She
Who Care for "solutions" presented to you was retested, and her ECP was
the Chronically are 50 different flavors of diet slightly raised and so I sent her
Ill and exercise, each promising to have two labs run visual
p. 5 you results with the earnestness exams of her blood. One found
of young newlyweds. Babesia. I had learned by then
I believe you should that 1500 mg of Mepron per
stop eating when you cease to day merely lowers body load
Candee: enjoy the food in front of you. and does not cure most
BUGS: The Exercise helps the obese live patients, so we gave her a
Natural Way to longer even if they lose only a higher dose. She was also
Keep them at few pounds. Yet a massive placed on high dose
bay component of weight gain is Artesunate, and not merely at
p.7 the presence of infections, an ineffective dose of 3 cap-
inflammation and biologically sules per day, which may kill toxins, Mold Illness and Mold to tailor all treatments to each
made toxins, which profoundly Babesia but will not result in a Remediation Made Simple and person individually-protocols
Laura undermine weight loss in pos- cure. As she lost her Babesia When Traditional Medicine and guidelines are more fitting
Zeller: sibly tens of millions or more. she lost 30-35 pounds. Fails, so she knew most reme- for speed medicine. Therefore,
The Wetzel I live in an American After trying 10 routine diations fail, and so she used a I will not discuss the many
Family Story county that is world renowned drugs recommended for top remediator who is also a ways we addressed her Lyme
p. 9 for its eternal sunshine and Bartonella that studies show builder. If you are not a from the very beginning of her
vigor. It also has more plastic should work, and yet do not builder, how do you see struc- care. I found many of the "16
surgeons then blades of grass. work in my newer 2008 tural defects? And some reme- reasons" for Lyme disease
And when I started to meet research, she found two prod- diations requested by lawyers treatment failure applied to her.
Marjorie individuals who had certain ucts she wanted to pursue and and mold interested health care I have made some of them.
Tietjen: procedures such as a "tummy we monitored her closely. workers also fail. Some of her Lyme treatments
Book Review tuck," and they looked at 12 Initially the dose did nothing Teri read book after had no effect on her weight
A Husband, A months like they should at 8 but make her legs larger with book, and article after article, and some did. Sometimes a
Wife & A weeks, some patients in my non-pitting enlargement. But and came to the conclusion weight gain followed a Herx
Chronic Illness practice became concerned. after a complete heart work-up, mold toxins, which are made reaction and sometimes weight
p. 12 Some of their doctors asked me and a clean bill of cardiac as the spore is made, do not was lost with medications that
my opinion, since they knew I health and leg blood vessel impact the body in a simple felt invisible inside the body.
liked medical puzzles. health, she raised her dose to predictable manner, but act In this context anyone
I was clueless. Why were some see if the labs would show a more like a bomb and hit the who has treatment resistant
who had liposuction, or tummy Bartonella reduction. Her leg body 300 different ways. And a weight gain really needs to
Tina Garcia few of these ways are through work with someone who is
tucks or even bariatric stomach size decreased and she lost
The Lyme increasing inflammation, turn- very familiar with all of these
reduction surgery, not losing more weight.
Medical Cartel ing off anti-inflammation sample weight issues. Every
weight like they should? Why Ehrlichia was treated
p.13 chemicals, and altering all sorts health care worker in America
indeed. with aggressive doxycycline
Finally, I met Lisa who and after a confirmation she of hormones, including fat cell probably has ideas on how to
had bariatric surgery, lost 125 could tolerate it, she was then hormones. Her home remedia- lose weight. They exhort you
pounds, and then gained back tried on minocycline. While tion did not help her lose much to do x, or take y. But if you
Kathleen 90 pounds. Her problem was she did not lose obvious weight weight. But when she had her have any of the issues men-
Liporace: not diet and exercise! She had her eyes and belly looked less entire home HEPA vacuumed tioned above, they are probably
Worker’s comp four tick and flea-borne infec- bloated on these antibiotics that by three people from head to more important than x or y.
victory for tions, and a moldy attic with were mixed with Ketek. toe, she began to lose weight Please accept my sincere wish-
Lyme patient air being sucked into her small She had her home together with some other treat- es for an increasingly healthy
Part 3 cozy one floor home. After we remediated in a manner which ments. and meaningful year.
p.14 treated her for these five prob- was simple, and yet fully suc- Due to the complex
lems, she began to return to a cessful-she had read my two nature of any single person's “Obesity” ...cont’d pg 2
Josephine healthy weight for her size. easy books on indoor mold Lyme treatment, it is essential
Difficulties in
Social Security
Benefits p.15

Conference Info p. 18

Business Card Directory

Coming Soon!
Place a business card ad for $25
and get online ad for
an additional $10.
That is a $40 savings on online LEFT: Note the enlarged ankle joint collection, the large size of the top of the foot and also the enlarged side of the foot.
advertising! RIGHT: 17 year old with normal eating habits, a good exercise routine and who does not drink alcohol. He has an eccentric pro-
More info ... p. 14 truding belly just inches above his pant line. He is positive for Bartonella and Lyme disease. Treatment for the Lyme had no effect
of the belly. I hypothesize it is due to Bartonella.
Public Health Alert Page 1
A Sampling of Obesity Photos
from Dr. Schaller’s Collection

These are easy to miss

Bartonella striations on one Same woman with san-
side of an obese female who dal removed. See the deep
This is a lawyer with Same patient with mas- This same woman was has failed care with two smart indentation from the sandal.
Babesia, Bartonella and Lyme. sive obesity throughout his told by her cardiologist that her Bariatric experts. She has lost But she has no pitting in any
Patient lost 6 inches with limit- entire trunk area, including his heart Echo was "that of a 25 weight with aggressive and form when you press on her
ed dieting and no exercise with back tissues and not just his year old" and her EKG was nor- newly researched Babesia and enlarged sections. The tissue
newer up to date Babesia dos- lower abdomen. mal. Her WBCs however had Bartonella treatments. Lyme does not indent in any way.
ing-not 2 teaspoons/day of been abnormally high at "16" treatments worked effectively This is not like routine conges-
Mepron which typically leads for years. Two diuretics at full after this because Lyme cannot tive heart failure enlarged legs,
to a relapse. He lost this weight strength had zero impact on this be cured with massive and in fact, her ECHO and
in 7 weeks. He also took swelling which did not pit. We Bartonella suppression -- only other cardiac tests were fully
aggressive double antibiotic have found Babesia and the Lyme body load can be normal. Her leg blood vessel
treatment for Lyme disease and Bartonella edema typically does reduced.Bartonella is far more tests were also normal.
Bartonella. not pit. The cause for this common than Lyme. It can
This type of obesity is edema or high white blood cell never be a side topic in LL
called "Blown up like a count has never been found, medical care. Never.
Balloon" obesity in our prac- despite consultations with over
tice. It is global with perhaps a 15 respected specialists.
few modest extra pounds in the
belly, rear and thighs, but
increased girth all over the

Patient with clear Same woman. Note the

Bartonella who is improving on enlarged ankle joint collection,
HH capsules and losing weight the large size of the top of the
This 35 year old Texas after two types of water pills, foot and also the enlarged side
woman has clear Bartonella and cardiac medications and of the foot.
also meets CDC criteria for White female in her late diet/exercise failed. HH low- This was ignored over 8
Lyme at a large national lab. 30's with markedly enlarged ered the size of these entire legs years during her exams. This
Please note the massive non-pit- feet and calves with no pitting 2 inches after a short modest has markedly improved with
ting swelling of her entire lower of the skin when pressed, but trial. initial Bartonella treatment.
This is full body bloat-
legs. they are markedly enlarged.
ing obesity. The patient is posi-
She is only positive for
tive for Babesia and Bartonella
Bartonella at this time. The out-
and was given routine treat-
lined area is particularly
ments which helped, but then
all treatments led to relapse.
Treatments included 1500 mg
of Mepron per day (only two
teaspoons), Artesunate
(Artemisia) at a useless dose of
three/day, high dose A young man in his late
Artemisinin, high doses of 20's with Bartonella, Lyme dis-
Zithromax, Biaxin, Levaquin, ease and Babesia. The later two
Minocycline, gentamycin and were treated very aggressively.
Rifampin. We have found these This huge excess skin and fat
treatments generally only lower on his chest and side is believed
the body volume of both infec- to be due to Bartonella or resid-
tions-they do not cure. This physician has a Same woman with front view. ual Babesia. Another angle
This man lost some long band of large and protrud- This was markedly worse and shows a drooping upper arm
weight on some of these treat- ing tissue along the foot joint. had a higher diameter in the and large fat filled breasts.
ments but it rapidly returned to After taking a new He is Bartonella and Lyme dis- past, before treatment was start- Black arrows point to acute col-
his very high baseline. We Bartonella treatment that ease positive. We believe these ed by her daughter in the form ored striations or residual white
hypothesize both Bartonella quickly clears the blood of foot findings might be related of the pharmacological herb or skin colored residual stria-
and Babesia contributed to his visualized Bartonella, her legs to body obesity, since one mix HH, which is designed to tions found in some patients
obesity and transient weight significantly decreased in size. merely seems to be a worse kill bacteria of the Bartonella phaa
with Bartonella.
loss. case of the same problem. class.

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Page 2 Public Health Alert
Public Health EDITORIALS
The PHA is committed to
...And We All Fall Down
researching and investigating Lyme
Disease and other chronic illnesses by Dawn Irons
in the United States. We have
joined our forces with local and
As a child, I was always
nationwide support group leaders.
These groups include the chronic ill- fascinated with the game of lin-
nesses of Multiple Sclerosis, Lou ing up dominos in close
Gherig’s Disease (ALS), Lupus, sequence, and in a pattern, so
Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, that when you tipped one domi-
Heart Disease, Cancer and various
no, you would set off a chain
other illnesses of unknown origins.
reaction called the “domino
PHA seeks to bring information effect.” I would spend hours
and awareness about these illnesses doing this on the kitchen floor.
to the public’s attention. We seek to As I became older, more
make sure that anyone struggling
mature and uhhh...cynical, I
with these diseases has proper sup-
port emotionally, physically, spiritu- came to see the same pattern of
ally and medically. the “domino effect” in my myri-
ad of health problems.
My latest domino to fall
PHA Staff has been my hearing. I visited
the audiologist last week and
Editor: Dawn Irons she looked at my previous tests
Asst. Editor: Susan Williams from 5 years ago and then com-
Asst. Technical Editor: Laura Zeller
pared them to the test she had
Distribution: Steve & Rhonda Cope,
Leslie Aune, & Victoria Lott done that day. In her opinion I
should have been prescribed
Contributors: hearing aids 5 years ago! She
Donna Reagan, showed me the drastic loss of
Ginger Savely, FNP, Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that affects multiple body systems. Patients will typically be
hearing over the last 5 years all
Marjorie Tietjen bounced from specialist-to-specialist and be given numerous misdiagnoses before ultimately being
Scott Forsgren, graphed out nicely on a chart.
diagnosed with Lyme disease. This kind of late diagnosis is how patients end up with the chronic
Dr. J David Kocurek, It seems so clinical to
form of the disease.
Susan Williams, Laura Zeller, discuss the graph and chart, but
PJ Langhoff, the frustration of that reality exchange all these dominoes for opinion; all the while ignoring that wrote the 2006 guidelines
Dr. James Schaller, M.D., the FUN kind I had as a child! I the literature that they did not for diagnosis and treatment of
comes to a head when I find
Tami Duncan, Linda Heming, don’t find these new dominos to agree with. Lyme disease...all proven to be
Megan Blewitt, myself getting overly irritated
Joan Vetter. because I cannot understand my all!! The treatment guidelines true by the Connecticut
people that are just 2 feet in I was recently reading a that were written by that very Attorney General.
Website: front of me. I find myself snap- research paper on the multi-sys- committee came under the The research is over- ping at my family, “Do not temic symptoms of Lyme dis- investigation of the Connecticut whelmingly CLEAR that Lyme
e-mail: speak to me unless you are ease as confirmed through Attorney General Richard disease will affect multiple LOOKING at me! How many MANY professional peer- Blumenthal and was found to body symptoms. Be of good
times have I told you that??!!” reviewed journals. I ran across have copious amounts of vary- cheer! It really is in your brain,
Donations: My family thought that I another book ing conflicts your heart, your joints, your
If you would like to make a dona- was just being overly sensitive. where a so- of interest and endocrine system, respiratory
tion to PHA you may do so through Quite often I was a bit taken called Lyme financial gain. system, your eyes, your ears,
Paypal. Please send the donations to aback at my own short fuse and “expert” said “If one falls So for- your nauseum!
the following address: was convinced I just needed a that, “the more give me if I It is my sincere desire,
vacation! I am sure they wish I widespread and down, his friend doubt the through the outreach and educa- peculiar the “expert” tion of the PHA, that I will be
We cannot accept credit card pay-
would have taken one too!
Oh yes...the dominos symptoms are, can help him advice from a able, along with my staff and
the more likely doctor that writers, to offer you hope and
ments. Donations should be sent
from a VERIFIED PayPal account.
will fall! It is just not so enter-
taining at this stage in my life! the complaint is up. But pity the settled out of encouragement in your journey

You may mail your donation to:

As I look back on the previous
dominos that have taken a tum-
ic.” In other
man who falls court on an
to wellness.
The dominos may fall,

Public Health Alert

ble, I remember being told that words, this doc-
tor believes that
and has no one investigation
to avoid crim-
but there is always hope! I
have received letters from all
my spine was progressively
821 Sansome Drive degenerating, my eyes had the more multi- to help him up!” inal charges. across the country (and a few
Arlington, TX 76018 swollen optic nerves that could systems that are So for other countries) that have told
972-804-2876 lead to blindness, my joint pain involved, the every Lyme me the PHA was instrumental in
could not be corrected, my person is prob- patient that their getting connected to sup-
PHA is a free monthly publication.
brain was swelling, my thyroid ably just a Ecclesiastes 4:10 was ever port groups and doctors who
We function on the sale of advertis- psych-case and bounced from could help them reclaim their
ing space and donations from the was malfunctioning, my liver
public. was not healthy, my muscles it is really all in doctor-to-doc- lives.
and tendons may ultimately their heads! tor and was told it was all in Yes, we will all fall
We have nationwide distribution. land me in a wheel chair, and Of course, that “expert” their head, be comforted in the down. As the book of
most recently the audiologist advice was quoted by a doctor fact that there were over 18,000 Ecclesiastes so beautifully puts
We are a privately owned business who was part of a committee peer-reviewed journal articles it, “If one falls down, his friend
and have the right to refuse publica- told me my hearing could not
tion of articles or advertising we be reversed or repaired and that that chose to use only 400 out that agreed with and proved can help him up. But pity the
deem inappropriate. she expected I would end up of a total of 18,537 published your claims; but they were qui- man who falls and has no one to
totally and completely deaf. studies, and chose only the 400 etly swept under the rug for the help him up!” phaa
Disclaimer: This newspaper is Now please tell where I can that agreed with their “expert” financial gains of the committee
for informational and educational
purposes only. The owners, staff,
writers and contributors of this
group are not doctors (unless identi-
fied as such in their title). Articles in
this newspaper are not intended to
prevent, diagnose, treat or cure dis-
Letters to the Editor
You may send letters to the editor:
or by postal mail to:
821 Sansome Drive
Arlington, TX 76018

All letters to the editor must be

signed, and include name, address,
and phone number. Letters will be
printed as space permits. Dawn Irons has a bache-
lors degree in Social Work from
Order Bulk Copies for your the University of Mary Hardin-
Support Group, Baylor in Belton, Texas. Dawn
Medical Practice has been involved in medically
or Special Event related social issues for over ten years. She also serves on the
board of directors for the Texas
All articles belong to the
Lyme Disease Association.
AUTHORS and may not be Dawn and her family
copied, in whole or in part, or re- live in Texas. All 5 members of
posted and/or forwarded or her family have been diagnosed
reprinted with out the expressed with Lyme disease and co-
written permission of the author.

Public Health Alert Page 3

Patient Advocate Lucy Barnes Outlines
Speaking Points to Address Congress
To the Honorable Leaders of removed from the scene entire- 4. The IDSA is so dis- chemotherapy if they didn't an attempt to make their point,
the United States of America: ly for his actions or lack there tressed by the possibility that need it. Many patients on stating things such as, "long-
of, he continued to work close- researchers outside their tight- extended antibiotic treatment term antibiotic therapy may be
I am contacting you ly with the IDSA on the devel- knit group will be allowed to sit wouldn't need to be on that pro- dangerous, leading to potential-
today because I'm afraid if you opment of their Lyme disease at a table and present scientific tocol had they not been subject- ly fatal infections in the blood-
don't get the Lyme and Tick policies which have been high- evidence and recommendations ed to the highly unreliable tests stream as a result of intra-
Borne Disease bills (HR-741 & ly contested by many across the to federal agencies which could which missed their infection venous treatment." What they
S-1708) out of the committees country. While working with prove them wrong, they are initially, or had not been fail to mention are quotes by
where they are currently the IDSA and NIH, willing and continue to fight restricted to an IDSA treatment the IDSA authors themselves
"stuck" and get them passed McSweegan continued his bills at state and federal levels protocol that was arbitrarily set who have concluded, "B.
this session, we are going to attempts (under the guises of and forfeit the much-needed years ago, with no scientific burgdorferi [Lyme disease bac-
lose more chronically ill "free speech") to discredit not $100,000,000.00 in research proof it has ever cured anyone. terium] does not acquire resist-
patients to treatable, but very only Lyme patients, but support funding this bill would provide, The fact remains, the treatment ance to antibiotics." IDSA
serious, infectious diseases. groups and doctors. Millions of just to keep from being prescribed to patients via the members also warn of the prob-
I respectfully request lives are at stake. My opinion exposed. IDSA guidelines was designed ability of complications such as
that you push aside any pre- is that patients deserve better. 5 The IDSA is clinging and promoted by them to be septicemia developing during
conceived notions you have 2. The Infectious to its own unsubstantiated and "cost-effective". According to IV therapy. They fail to men-
about the Infectious Disease Disease Society of America unproven theories, which are Raymond Dattwyler, an IDSA tion studies indicating 90% of
Society of America and the (IDSA), who recently pro- failing miserably in every Lyme Guideline author current- cancer patient's IV catheters
NIH for a moment and listen to claimed itself to be a "pre-emi- direction. Tests miss 75% of ly under investigation by the tested showed that infectious
what patients with tick borne nent authority" in a letter to people infected; the Lyme vac- Attorney General for possible organisms had colonized as a
diseases are facing on a daily Congress, when in actuality cine has been withdrawn from illegal practices, there were no result of the catheters and 2%
basis. They desperately need members don't treat chronic the market after prompting studies backing the treatment of the patients developed sep-
your help because the situation Lyme disease at all, failed to multiple law suits; sky-rocket- duration recommended by the ticemia as a result. Shall we
has gone far past intolerable at mention they are currently ing numbers of new Lyme IDSA guidelines. He stated, deny cancer patients treatments
this point, it is bordering on under investigation by the cases have emerged; and inade- "As far as duration of therapy because the medical procedures
criminal. Citizens are counting Attorney General for fraud, quate treatment protocols have [for Lyme disease], as Janet or medications involved in their
on you to listen and to help anti-trust violations, monopo- left people chronically ill, dis- said, two to four weeks has treatment may have associated
them. I am writing to you on lization, and exclusionary con- abled and dying. They stand been the standard, so usually risks? No. Then why deny
their behalf. duct directly related to their behind their failing practices in three weeks seems to have been Lyme patients the same life-
Please note- If every- Lyme Disease Treatment order to avoid being sued by adopted, although I think that is saving treatment?
thing were going smoothly in Guidelines. In addition, doc- hundreds if not thousands of somewhat arbitrary." So much 9. The IDSA contends
Camp A, Camp B wouldn't be tors who don't tow the IDSA people for illegal or immoral for evidence-based science! Lyme disease is not a chronic
fighting for their lives. line have been targeted and per- acts. By burying the bills in (Department of Health and condition and consists of noth-
secuted over the years for step- committee, members of Human Services, Public Health ing more than "non-specific
A Dozen Reasons Why ping out of the restrictive IDSA Congress are unknowingly Services, FDA Anti-Infective symptoms such as muscle and
Congress Should Immediately box and following their oath to, helping them conceal the truth, Drugs Advisory Committee joint pain, fevers, chills,
Intervene to Protect the "first do no harm". which could be considered aid- Meeting, 64th Issue, Guidance fatigue, and difficulties with
Public's Health 3. There IS such a con- ing and abetting possible felo- Documents on Developing concentration or memory loss."
dition as chronic Lyme disease, nious acts. Obviously that is Antimicrobial Drugs. However, the FDA, NIH, CDC
1. The head of the NIH in spite of what the IDSA is not your intention. Thursday, July 30, 1998) and others certainly don't agree.
Lyme Disease program currently trying to get you to 6. The IDSA's claim 7. The IDSA often For example, the FDA states,
(Edward McSweegan) has believe. It has been document- stating, "there are no convinc- points out that some physicians "Permanent damage to the
failed patients, doctors and the ed extensively over the years ing published scientific data are using "laboratory tests that joints or the nervous system
US government which hired and the IDSA and others have that support the existence of are not evidence based and are can develop in patients with
him to protect the public's been receiving millions, if not chronic Lyme disease" is true, not regulated by the Food and chronic late Lyme disease."
health. Among other atrocities, billions, in grant monies to if you consider only their Drug and Administration". The (FDA. Dept. of Health and
he was removed from his posi- study it. If it didn't exist, the selected studies based on their fact is, only tests that are sold Human Services. CDRH
tion, demoted and was taken to Red Cross wouldn't exclude own "unreliable" tests and you on the market need the FDA Consumer Information.
court for harassing Lyme dis- those with chronic Lyme from have financial ties that bind approval referred to by the
ease patients and groups. donating blood and insurers and/or conflicts of interest IDSA in its letter, such as the sumer/lymedisease.html) The
According to a Washington wouldn't refuse to provide life clouding your vision, as they tests promoted by their labs (or NIH also concluded there is
Post article, (NIH Scientist insurance for those with the certainly do. In reality there labs they owned before legal more to chronic Lyme that the
Says He's Paid To Do Nothing, disease. Some patients suffer- are thousands of studies the actions ensued). The labs pre- IDSA has shared with
07-04-2003), after being demot- ing with chronic Lyme have IDSA has ignored or dismissed ferred by patients and doctors Congress, including fatalities.
ed, "McSweegan said he strug- been provided extended treat- which have one thing in com- alike are fully accredited and "Varying degrees of permanent
gles to fill his eight-hour work- ment. That treatment saves mon, they contradict the pass rigorous inspections. They joint or nervous system damage
days by reading, exercising and lives. Patients and their fami- IDSA's theories. No patient have been approved by may develop in patients with
writing fiction. He has self- lies (many now permanently WANTS to have antibiotic Medicare and all necessary reg- late chronic Lyme disease. In
published a bioterrorism thriller disabled from the original delay treatment without good reason ulatory agencies. The problem rare cases, some individuals
and a science fiction novel." in diagnosis and treatment) will and solid science backing the is the specialty tests and labs may die from Lyme disease and
He admitted his duties, for NOT go away until they are protocols; and no doctor wants the IDSA objects to are superi- its complications." (NINDS
which he received a lucrative sure others, especially children, to prescribe treatment if it is or to their FDA approved tests Neurological Complications Of
salary, consisted of, "arranging are receiving adequate medical not required to save lives, as currently on the market and the Lyme Disease Information
coffee for lunches and forward- care. In addition, un-biased the IDSA would have you superior test results are proving Page. NIH. National Institute of
ing messages… the kind of science, medical literature and believe. That deduction is as the IDSA theories wrong. Neurological Disorders and
work you would get an intern clinical trials support antibiotic absurd and preposterous as a 8. The IDSA has a Stroke.
to do." Rather than being treatment. person wanting to have habit of using scare tactics in “12 Reasons” ...cont’d pg 18

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Page 4 Public Health Alert

6 Action Steps for Churches Who Care About
the Chronically Ill
question from pastors is often, ask for occasional personal according to the Marquette serve. Not just be served.
"If people aren't saying any- assistance (especially if the ill- University College of Nursing. Proverbs 11:25 says, "He who
thing about their pain, then that ness is chronic and not acute)? If you church has a lot of sen- refreshes others will himself be
means they are dealing with it Do you know who to call? iors this may be an obvious refreshed." For example, if a
fine? Right? We tell them to Would you like the worship need and she will help organize woman with a chronic illness
send in prayer requests or let us song lyrics in the bulletin and the ministries to this group of explains that she must resign
know if they need anything and not just on an overhead? Are people. There are a lot of from teaching Sunday school,
they don't speak up, so evident- the seats comfortable or would retired nurses who are discover- make sure she knows that she is
ly they are doing okay with it? you prefer a few rows be saved ing this kind of ministry engag- welcome to serve in other ways
Their faith should sustain them for you with cushions?" ing and parish nurse certifica- when she is ready. Though she
during those valleys." Brainstorm with a group of tion can be found at most hos- no longer is physically able to
Let's look at some stag- people who have a chronic ill- pitals. The parish nurse position teach four-year-olds, she may
gering statistics: ness and ask them for a wish description includes a variety of discover that she loves writing
list. Then sit down and priori- duties, depending on your notes to people who have just
* We usually assume the tize. church's needs and goals. For been diagnosed with a chronic
chronically ill are the elderly, example, the role of the parish illness. A man may discover
by Lisa Copen but 60% of people who live 2) Start a small group/Bible nurse may include going to that he prefers mentoring
with illness or daily chronic study for people who cope with homes of church members to another man with a chronic ill-
Nearly 1 in 2 people in pain are between the ages of 18 illness. Rest Ministries is the monitor high blood pressure or ness one-on-one, instead of
the United States of America and 64. largest Christian organization diabetes, organizing health leading a weekly Bible study.
has a chronic condition, which for the chronically ill and they screenings and fairs, starting Let people know that you value
means that if you're not suffer- * 75% of marriages where one have a program called walking groups, and even wounded healers and that your
ing, it's likely someone you of the spouses has a chronic ill- HopeKeepers. You can find assisting with chronic illness church believes that God com-
love who is silently enduring ness end in divorce resource materials, group stud- and disability ministries. The forts us "so that we can comfort
great hardships. * When you are chronically ill, ies, leader support, and books, parish nurse would network those in any trouble with the
Oftentimes a chronic ill- depression is 15-20% higher CDs and more for training. closely with the congregational comfort we ourselves have
ness, such as chronic fatigue than it is for the average person Though a church may assume care pastor. received from God" (2
syndrome, or chronic pain like their current small groups are Corinthians 1:4).
migraines or back pain, is unde- * Many studies have found meeting this needs, people with 5) Stock up on caring Roughly twice a month
tectable to those around them. that physical illness or uncon- illness grow weary of talking resources that are available for someone shares their broken
It may surprise you to know trollable physical pain are and praying about their illness people to borrow. Lots of peo- heart with me because, after
that, according to the U.S. major factors in up to 70% of week after week with people ple with chronic illness are on a much prayerful consideration,
Census Bureau, approximately suicides. who don't understand the daily- fixed-income but they truly they have gone to their pastor
96% of the people who have an There is cause for great ness of illness. When there is a want the encouragement. Your to ask him to consider allowing
illness do not use an assistive concern. Despite whether you place where everyone can church library should carry them to start a HopeKeepers
device, like a cane or a wheel- can see the illnesses that are "speak the same language" and your many books on living with small group. The response is
chair. Pain is nearly always impacting people's lives or not, even laugh at the same tales chronic illness such as "Why "You can minister to others
invisible. Those that are ill usu- your church body has many ail- can be reviving. Even if just Can't I Make People once you are healed." It makes
ally do everything that they can ing bodies. And those who are two people show p, it can be Understand?" or "Beyond me so saddened to see people
to get to church. They want to hurting physically are often life-changing for those two. Be Casseroles: 505 Ways to who believe they are no longer
be part of the church communi- hurting emotionally and spiritu- a church that recognizes chron- Encourage a Chronically Ill useful to their church-or God-
ty and they appear to be ally too. When Jesus speaks of ic illness is difficult to live with Friend," by Lisa Copen or Joni until they are healed from their
healthy. Still, just sitting the broken-hearted, I believe and provide an oasis from it. Erickson Tada's amazing book, illness.
through the service can be the chronically ill are a great "When God Weeps." Purchase a In the parable Jesus
extremely difficult. portion of those who have frag- 3) Ask special guests to come few subscriptions to magazines shares in Luke 14:21, a man
I distinctly remember ile spirits. and speak at your church. There such as "HopeKeepers", asks his friends to come to a
trying to make it through a So, one of the first hur- are many people who have "Guideposts" and even great banquet he has prepared.
service. My rheumatoid arthritis dles to overcome is to find out physical disabilities that go to "Fibromyalgia Aware." Don't But his friends turn him down.
was flaring a great deal. I stood what people with chronic ill- churches and share their testi- forget books on tape, audio pre- Upset with their lack of gra-
up during worship when they ness need if they are being mony; they will encourage sentations and large-print mate- ciousness he orders, "Go out
announced, "Please stand," but vocal about their situation. How everyone in your church. rials whenever they are avail- quickly into the streets and
I had to grab onto the pew in do we help them? Allowing them to stand on the able. Put up flyers or have alleys of the town and bring in
front of me just to balance. stage and share what God has brochures available about the poor, the crippled, the blind
With knees that need joint 1) First, take the time to con- accomplished in their lives, chronic illness or disability and the lame." This is still a
replacement and feet that are duct a survey about the needs despite physical challenges, ministries. These include Joni directive to us today. Too few
deformed and breaking down, I people may have that they are demonstrates to the people in and Friend's "Wheels for the of our churches have recog-
nearly laughed as the worship not vocalizing, especially if you your church, especially the World" program or Rest nized the needs of the chroni-
song lyrics were, "I will stand are a large church where people chronically ill, that you do rec- Ministries' annual outreach, cally ill in their own church,
in spite of pain." may be more reluctant to talk ognize their needs. They will "National Invisible Chronic much less their community. We
Even as I was surround- about their illnesses (or lack of feel you care, and perhaps most Illness Awareness Week." must focus on providing a place
ed by people in a church I healing thus far). In a recent importantly, that you believe Recruit a volunteer to assemble where we offer unconditional
loved, I still felt as though no Barna group study, it was found they are still worthy to be used binders of information about hospitality. We need to "go out"
one understood what I was that larger churches were the by God. People such as Nick national ministries and local into our own pews and ask the
going through-physically or least likely to mention congre- Vujicic, Lisa Copen, Joni resources. Also include chronically ill to help us pro-
emotionally. gational care ministries as a pri- Erickson Tada, and many oth- Christian organizations, maga- vide a place of refuge. And then
It's no secret that ority (Church Priorities for ers, minister to the masses, not zines and newsletters on topics these people will become the
churches feel responsible for 2005 Vary Considerably). just those with disabilities. of interest to Christian seniors, comforters, who, with the sup-
the many needs that already Ask, "If a van was provided, those who live with disabilities port of their church, will be
must be fulfilled in their church would you be able to get to 4) Discuss the possibility of and illness, and caregivers. able to go out into the commu-
body and when someone shares church more easily? Would you adding a parish nurse to your nity and offer to walk alongside
another need it can be seen as listen to church on the internet church staff. The number of 6) Finally, and perhaps most the hurting with understanding.
an inconvenience. And these if you were too ill to attend? parish nurses in United States is importantly, keep in mind that phaa
needs are visible ones. So the Do you feel you can call and estimated to be about 6000, people with illness want to help

Yielding to the Potter’s Hand

by Dawn Irons

Brokenness... For this is but a momentary affliction I surrender my will.

A place of total surrender That I count but loss, May I remain immovable
Where I yield my mind, body, For the peace which passes understanding In His presence
Soul and strength Bears witness with my soul Until His perfect work is finished in me.
To my Abba Father That this time of refining will bring about
Who is fashioning and molding me The reflection of His Son in me. May He find my heart and life
According to His perfect plan. a willing vessel
I seek no greater treasure in this world To be broken and refashioned
I place my life without reservation Than to walk in the wisdom of His counsel By His skillful Potter’s hand.
Into the Potter’s hand. And have His character made
I humble myself in His presence Manifest within me;
and willingly receive the skillful That I may comfort others
Refining of the chisel in his plan. With the compassion I have known
From the God of all comfort,
Jehova Shalom, my peace.

Public Health Alert Page 5

Medical Whistle Blowers Whoever is detected in a shameful FRAUD
is ever after not believed
Demand Reform even if they speak the truth.
by James J. Murtagh Jr. against her before the Texas accounts of their experiences. Phaedrus, Macedonian Inventor and Writer
House of Representatives. 3. Amend the HCQIA to
American Medicine is at
a crossroads. The International
Association of Whistleblowers
* Michael Bennett,
President of the Coalition for
Patients' Rights (CPR), who
help curb abuses of the peer
review process. One possibility
would be to add an affirmative
(IAW) spotlighted the incredi- lost his father due to a hospital- defense of "whistleblower retal- IDSA TIMELINE OF CORRUPTION
ble danger to the public at its acquired infection. He is a iation" to the HCQIA. A physi-
In 1992 and 1993, IDSA author Dr. Mark Klempner published
annual meeting May 11- 18, nationally recognized patient cian could then take this claim two studies in the Journal of Infectious Diseases documenting how Lyme
2008. At the center of the con- safety advocate. to an outside body, which could "spirochetes can survive antibiotic treatment through intracellular seques-
ference were repeated findings * Shirley Pigott MD, make a ruling as to whether tion within fibroblasts" making them "among the small number of bacte-
that sham peer review is harm- Texas primary care physician, whistleblower retaliation was a ria that can cause chronic infection by localizing within host cells where
ing patients, and leading to cost who exposed a scheme by Blue contributing factor in any they remain sequestered from some antimicrobial agents" (1993; 167:
increases, decreased quality, Cross Blue Shield of Texas to employment decision. This type Or as he stated in the same journal, "The Lyme disease spiro-
and in many cases excess place its physicians in strategic of independent review is neces- chete...can be recovered long after initial infection, even from antibiotic-
deaths. Peer review is supposed positions of power, such as sary, and is similar to steps treated patients, indicating that it resists eradication by host defense
to be the safeguard of the pub- president of the Texas Academy Congress is on the verge of tak- mechanisms and antibiotics...several eukaryotic cell types provide the
lic, but instead has been used to of Family Physicians, president ing to reform the security clear- Lyme disease spirochete with a protective environment contributing to its
long-term survival." (1992; 166(2):440-4).
suppress doctors who stand up of the Texas Medical ance process for national secu- Likewise, Dr. Raymond Dattwyler proclaimed in Reviews of
for their patients. Association, and Chairman of rity employees. Infectious Diseases 1989, 11(6)S6; S1494-8, "Lyme borreliosis is a
The IAW teamed up the Texas Medical Board disci- 4. Pass H.R. 4047, the chronic infectious disease caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi .
with Government plinary committee. She has Private Sector Whistleblower They [Lyme spirochetes] have been demonstrated in tissues obtained
Accountability Project (GAP), been retaliated against by the Protection Streamlining Act of from individuals with high levels of antiborrelial antibodies, a finding
that indicates the presence of immunity alone does not guarantee eradica-
led by legal director Tom TMB and the Texas Department 2007. Introduced by Reps. tion of this organism."
Devine Esq, and with the of Public Safety. Lynn Woolsey and Education In a New England Journal of Medicine study, Drs. Dattwyler
Semmelweis society, named and Labor Committee and John Halperin (also of the IDSA) "studied 17 patients who had pre-
after the Hungarian physician Alan Dershowitz, the Chairman George Miller, this sented with acute Lyme disease and received prompt treatment with oral
Ignaz Semmelweis who revolu- Counsel of Record for an ami- legislation would streamline antibiotics, but in whom chronic Lyme disease subsequently developed."
These "chronic Lyme" patients tested negative on currently-
tionized global health by show- cus brief in a "sham" peer protections for all private sector available blood tests: "Although these patients had clinically active dis-
ing that simple handwashing review case, wrote: The goals employees, and protect physi- ease, none had diagnostic levels of antibodies to B. burgdorferi on either
saves lives. of the HCQIA and peer review cians who are retaliated against a standard enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay or immunoflourescence
Victims of "sham" or are undermined, not promoted, for blowing the whistle on assay. We conclude that the presence of chronic Lyme disease cannot be
"bad faith" peer review rarely when qualified physicians are inadequate health care. excluded by the absence of antibodies against B. burgdorferi and that a
specific T-cell blastogenic response to B. burgdorferi is evidence of
gain access to any independent punished and excluded from 5. Pass H.R. 4650, the infection in seronegative patients with clinical indications of chronic
due process to challenge this practice because they have cho- Congressional Disclosures Act Lyme disease."
unique form of retaliation, sen to stand up on behalf of of 2007. The legislation, intro- Dattwyler RJ; Volkman DJ; Luft BJ; Halperin JJ; Thomas J;
which in many cases results in patient safety or against corrup- duced by Rep. Al Wynn, would Golightly MG. Seronegative Lyme disease. Dissociation of specific T-
the end of their careers as tion by special interests. When give federal workers, contrac- and B-lymphocyte responses to Borrelia burgdorferi.
New England Journal of Medicine 1988, 319(22):1441-6 A year
physicians. Bad faith peer physicians cannot speak out tors, and any other employee of earlier these same two researchers reported on "the clinical courses of 5
review against one physician because of fear of dire conse- an organization that receive patients with Lyme disease who developed significant late complications,
can and does persuade others to quences of a fundamentally payments from the federal gov- despite receiving tetracycline early in the course of their illness.
remain silent rather than advo- unfair, bad faith peer review, an ernment, including hospitals, All 5 patients had been treated for erythema chronicum migrans
cate on behalf of patients. essential prong in the checks access to court when they are with a course of tetracycline that met or exceeded current recommenda-
Speakers at the confer- and balances integral to a suc- prosecuted or otherwise tions" (Failure of tetracycline therapy in early Lyme disease. Arthritis &
Rheumatism 1987, 30:448-450.)
ence urging integrity in medi- cessful health care program will harassed for blowing the whis- In 1993, Dr. Halperin co-authored an article entitled “Recurrent
cine, and an end to sham peer be silenced. tle directly to Congress. erythema migrans despite extended antibiotic treatment with minocycline
reviews included: Without accountability in a patient with persisting Borrelia burgdorferi infection” in the Journal
and transparency, any process GAP is also pushing for of the American Academy of Dermatology, 28:312-4. The title says it all:
* Patrick Campbell can be exploited for unaccept- this expansive definition of Even “persisting Borrelia burgdorferi infections” can occur, with mani-
festations as odd as a recurrent bull’s-eye rash (erythema migrans).
MD, California internist, who able hidden agendas. That is employee to be included in Or as Dr. Halperin wrote in Neurology in 1992(42):43-50, "In
provided evidence to the FBI what has happened with peer congressional efforts to over- many instances continued infection appears to be essential for symptoms
that led to its successful raid at review. haul protections for contractors to persist, no matter how small the number of organisms, as antimicrobial
Tenet's Redding Hospital, The IAW unanimously in H.R. 985, Rep. Waxman's therapy is generally followed by clinical improvement."
where 83% of cardiovascular adopted the GAP-Semmelweis whistleblower legislation, Or as Gerold Stanek (also of IDSA) put it in the British Journal
surgeries were found to be plan for reform, and urged which passed the House in of Dermatology in 2001, "The relapses she repeatedly suffered despite
unnecessary. Unfortunately, the Congress to explore ways to March, and is soon to be recon- initially successful antibiotic treatment could be related to the observa-
Justice Department failed to prevent the misuse of peer ciled with Senate whistleblower tion that Borrelia [the Lyme disease bacteria] may possibly be able to
remain dormant in certain tissue compartments, thus escaping bacterici-
reward him. Dr. Campbell sued review, including: legislation. dal antibiotic activity" (144(2):387-392).
and prevailed through a land- 1. Launch a Government Patients, citizens and Or as Allan Steere, guru of IDSA on Lyme, told the American
mark court of appeal decision. Accountability Office of inves- taxpayers all have a stake in Journal of Medicine in 1995 (88:4A-44S-51S), "Similarly [as in tertiary
* Roland Chalifoux tigation to assess the vulnera- protecting the nation's health syphilis or tuberculoid leprosy], the antigenic stimulus in Lyme arthritis
DO, West Virginia neurosur- bility and extent of hospitals system. The inspiration of would appear to be a small number of live spirochetes, demonstrated
geon, President of the abusing the peer review process Ignaz Semmelweis was alive at here by monoclonal antibodies, which may persist in the synovial lesion
for years (p.494)".
Semmelweis Society, who blew to retaliate against physician this expanding annual event.
Or as Dr. Steere, wrote in the New England Journal of Medicine
the whistle on competitors in whistleblowers. The joint task force of (1990 Nov 22; 323(21):1438-44), "The likely reason for relapse is failure
Fort Worth, Texas. He was 2. Conduct oversight International Association of to eradicate the spirochete... This last article is one of many studies that
subsequently shammed by the hearings for a public forum on Whistleblowers (IAW) urges show continuing symptoms are most likely due to persistence of the
Texas Medical Board which any significant GAO findings. you to write your congressman, spirochete [type of Lyme bacteria]." Indeed, many articles have been
revoked his license under Hundreds of physician whistle- your senator, the media, and published before AND since 1990 demonstrating the possible persistence
of Lyme infection in antibiotic-treated patients.
Roberta Kalafut's direction. blowers whose careers have your friends to support the goal These studies have been written by members of the IDSA Lyme
Kalafut, board president, now been ruined because they chose of a safer, freer American "team" and many other reputable scientists. And they are among the 98%
faces criminal charges for per- to advocate for patient safety or health system. phaa of available literature on Lyme NOT cited in the IDSA’s newest treat-
jury and illegal retaliation challenged inadequate care at ment guidelines!
against competitors. Chalifoux
has returned to Texas to testify
hospitals are ready and willing
to bear witness with first-hand

w w w. t r u t h a b o u t l y m e d i s e a s e . c o m
Q: Did you know that there are about 100 tick-borne disease symptoms?
A: Neither does your doctor.
Visit us today and get educated about Lyme disease. Finally solve the mystery, once and for all, as to what may be causing your symptoms.

Read Lyme patient stories Receive caring support

Visit with those who have Lyme Discuss the newest medical research
Join our unique, free online Lyme forum Learn to cope in emotions, mind, body & Spirit
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Dana Floyd, Moderator Teen Forums, Christian Forums, General Forums

Page 6 Public Health Alert
Bugs: The Natural Way to Keep them at Bay
food stores) and oil of eucalyp- Black flies ruining a an insect bite. bug-free.
tus. The essential oil of euca- relaxing day in the park? The common weed, Infected houseplants
lyptus, derived from the leaf of Check out the surrounding area plantain, when mashed with a often respond well to a strained
the tree, contains naturally for aromatic evergreen trees, rock or chewed to break down spray of water blended with a
occurring chemicals repellent to break off a branch, mash it with its capillary walls (only chew if few fresh cloves of garlic. The
ticks and fleas. A most effec- a rock and apply to arms and you are certain it has not been eucalyptus/water spray
tive method is to dip a thin rope legs. The released essential oils chemically treated) and poul- described above can also be
into the undiluted oil, wrap it in will repel those bothersome ticed (affixed) directly on the applied to houseplants.
a bandana and tie it around bugs. The essential oil of laven- affected area, pulls out the tox- In centuries past, aro-
your pet's neck (fashionable, as der, which CAN be applied ins of an insect sting or bite and matic herbs were strewn on the
well). The rope can be directly on the skin, can also relieves swelling. A paste of floors of homes to repel insects.
refreshed twice a week or more repel black flies. baking soda and water or mud Instead, branches of herbs can
often, if necessary. The oil is Don't be the local attraction and water will calm the area. It be hung in doorways, arranged
quite potent and should not be for stinging insects. all depends upon where you are creatively in containers or
applied directly to the skin as it Bees, wasps, and yellow and what's available. Usually, crumbled into potpourris creat-
may cause irritation. Mixing jackets are attracted by sweet what you need is right at hand. ing pleasant pest-repellent aro-
by Andrea Candee, MH, MSC 1oz oil of eucalyptus into one smells and bright colors. If you You just need to be able to rec- mas. Essential oils can waft
pint of water in a spray bottle don't want them to think you ognize its healing benefits. throughout the home in electric
Bugs! Do I respect also enables you to spray your are a delectable flower to Keep in mind that more than or candle diffusers. Cotton
them as part of Nature's mirac- pet's coat on a daily basis. But explore, avoid wearing per- one application may be neces- balls infused with essential oils
ulous design…yes. Do I like why save all the good protec- fumes and scented hair and sary so use what is convenient can be strategically placed.
them…not really. Despite daily tion for your pets? Before gar- body care products, as well as for the moment and follow up a Let us peacefully co-
intake of supplements reputed dening or hiking, scent yourself brightly colored clothing. few more times that day with exist with the insect world
to be bug deterrents (i.e. garlic, with "eau de eucalyptus." The Neutral colors such as tan and what seems to provide the most without polluting ourselves and
B vitamins), many of us are oil/water combination can be white are least likely to attract comfort. our fragile environment by
still sweet meat for the little sprayed on skin and/or clothing unwelcome visitors. Cover House moths, using Nature's bountiful gifts.
critters. Acknowledging the before an outdoor excursion, sugary food and drink at picnic the unwelcome guests. phaa
skin's ability to absorb sub- gardening, or romp in the grass. sites. Those bothersome
stances into the bloodstream Eucalyptus diluted in a veg- The easiest, most non- moths moved right into your Andrea Candee, MH,
(modern medicine's example of etable oil (e.g. almond, sesame, invasive way to remove embed- clothes closets and food pantry MSC, is a master herbalist
this biological fact is the inven- sunflower) can safely be ded stingers or body parts of without invitation - or did you with a consultation practice in
tion of skin patches for deliver- applied to the skin for longer insects (splinters and thorns, unwittingly invite them? South Salem, NY. She lectures
ing pharmaceutical drugs into lasting protection. too!) is to tape on an over-ripe Residues of odors and stains on throughout the country for
the body) encourages us to seek Mosquitoes and black fly banana peel (pulp side facing clothing attract moths to your schools and corporate wellness
out natural alternatives to take wing! skin), overnight. The enzymes closets. Open bags of cereals, centers about taking charge of
chemical insect repellants. Dilute 1oz essential oil in the banana will painlessly grains and flours are compara- your health naturally. Her
of pennyroyal in 16oz veg- draw to the surface any foreign ble to putting out the welcome book, Gentle Healing for Baby
Ticks and Lyme Disease etable oil to effectively repel object. mat. The easiest way to deal and Child (Simon & Schuster),
Dogs and cats are often mosquitoes. Keep a vial of this Stopping the itch and with the food items is to refrig- was awarded The Seal of
the carriers of Lyme infected dilution with you when headed swelling. erate them during summer Approval by The National
ticks. To fully protect one's self for a picnic, swing in the ham- If you ventured out into months. Clean clothing before Parenting Center.
and family from being bitten, mock or anywhere mosquitoes the great outdoors without pro- storing. Additional protection She may be contacted through
the family pet must also be pro- hang out. Oil of pennyroyal tection and got bitten or stung, can be provided by placing her website:
tected. A successful program has protected campers in the safe, non-chemical solutions muslin bags in your closets or
for preventing any tick from swampiest of areas by directly can prevail. The oil of a vita- filled with combinations of by mail at PO Box 171, South
attaching itself to your pet applying the dilution to min E capsule punctured with a dried, aromatic herbs and Salem, NY 10590.
includes garlic powder and exposed areas of skin. (Note: pin and applied to a bee sting essential oils such as tansy, Andrea Candee has
brewers yeast sprinkled liberal- you may have difficulty locat- can relieve pain and swelling. peppermint, rosemary, eucalyp- sucessfully treated Chronic
ly on their food every day ing oil of pennyroyal. It can be A juicy slice of onion rubbed tus, cedar, sage, thyme, cinna- Lyme patients for 15 years
(found in a convenient pow- purchased from the website on or taped into place will mon and clove. with natural remedies.
dered combination in health below.) relieve the itch and swelling of Keeping houseplants

Cutting-Edge Research in the Fight Lyme Disease Quiz

Which of the following is

Against Lyme Disease not a symptom of Lyme dis-

ease? (check all that apply):

National Non-Profit Funds Innovative Research Flu-like symptoms

Tingling in the extremities
by Turn the Corner This research project ance to antibiotic treatment. Lyme disease, projects that Joint and muscle pain
Foundation will focus on treatment studies increase awareness and further Headaches
for various classes of Lyme Alan MacDonald, M.D. education of this devastating Heart palpitations
Turn the Corner patients. It is unique because it St. Catherine of Siena disease. TTC is proud to con-
Difficulty concentrating
Foundation (TTC) has includes subjects who have a Medical Center in Smithtown, tinue the Physicians Training
Stiffness in the neck
announced its 2008 grant recip- clinical diagnosis of Lyme dis- NY Program, which provides med- Stiffness in back or jaw
ients. These cutting-edge ease but have tested negative ical practitioners the opportuni- Bell's palsy (facial paralysis)
research projects will have a using standard criteria. These This study will explore ty to study with a Lyme-literate A rash at the site of the bite,
monumental impact in regard to types of patients are often if a Borrelia burgdorferi infec- health care professional. often a Bull's eye rash
treatment and diagnosis of excluded from Lyme disease tion is the cause of neurodegen- Through this experience, partic-
Lyme disease. All grant recipi- research. This study will deter- erative diseases, such as ipants develop the skills neces- Answer
ents' research will support mine if these types of patients Alzheimer's disease. It will sary to properly diagnose and All of these symptoms
research, education, awareness require treatment approaches also seek to discover the role of treat Lyme disease. The Lyme could be a result of a Lyme dis-
and innovative treatments for different from today's conven- biofilms in Borrelia infections. Educational Awareness ease infection. In particular, if
Lyme disease and other tick- tions. Development Series (LEADS) you develop flu-like symptoms
borne diseases, which is TTC's This research is critical Raphael B. Stricker, M.D. was created by TTC to enable during the summer or early fall
mission. because Lyme disease is notori- San Francisco, CA community members to host (when your chances of contract-
ing Lyme disease are the high-
ous for false negatives, result- their own educational event on
est), visit a doctor who special-
Under Our Skin ing in patients that are told they This study focuses on Lyme disease and raise money
izes in Lyme disease. You can
do not need treatment. In reali- reviewing the effectiveness of for a cause that has meaning to find a Lyme-literate doctor
This film is the first fea- ty, these patients are sick and IV antibiotic treatment for them. through TTC. Call 212.580.6262
ture-length documentary that deserve a treatment approach Lyme disease. In studying vari- to find out more.
reveals the untold story of tailored to their needs. ous doses given at different Note: Several other grants are
Lyme disease. Under Our Skin intervals, doctors will be able to pending approval. The percentage of people
investigates the shocking Eva Sapi, Ph.D. determine the best course of with Lyme disease who
human, medical, and political University of New Haven in treatment for patients requiring develop the characteristic
dimensions of this disease. West Haven, CT antibiotics. This study is one of Turn the Corner Bull's eye rash are:
TTC has entered into this the first analyses of the safety Foundation is a not-for-profit
strategic partnership because One study aims to iden- and efficacy of true long-term public charity recognized by A)Almost 100%
this film has the potential to tify whether or not deer ticks IV antibiotic therapy for neuro- the IRS under 501 (c) (3). If B)About 75%
reach hundreds of thousands of carry nematodes (microscopic logic Lyme disease. you are interested in learning C)Less than 50%
people and it will further TTC's worms) in order to develop more about TTC or applying
vision of education and aware- more focused treatment for Lyme Literacy Programs for for a grant, please email your Answer
ness of the physical, emotional, patients infected by tick bites. Doctors and Patients, request to info@turn- C. While the presence
and social effects of Lyme dis- The second study explores National If you would of the rash is an indication of
ease. Borrelia burgdorferi, the bacter- like to make a donation to Lyme disease, many people
ial agent of Lyme disease, is TTC also allocates TTC to ensure continued fund- do not develop the rash; in
Cheryl Koopman, Ph.D. capable of forming a complex funds for public relations ing to these programs, please fact, research shows that less
Stanford University, of covering called biofilm and if efforts, support groups and edu- visit our website at www.turn- than one in five people even
Stanford, CA this biofilm increases its resist- cational conferences focused on recall being bitten by a tick.

Public Health Alert Page 7

Pharmaceutical Mistake Leads to
Recall of Prominent Antibiotic
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. - these lots, and ample supplies
Medicis today announced that of SOLODYN® remain on the
the Company is voluntarily market.
recalling lot numbers B080037 Any inquiries related to
(Exp: 12/09) and B080038 this recall should be addressed
(Exp: 12/09) of the antibiotic to Stericycle Customer Service
SOLODYN® (minocycline at 1-888-656-6381 with repre-
HCl, USP) Extended Release sentatives available Monday
Tablets, 90 mg, 30-count bot- through Friday, 8 a.m. to 11
tles (NDC 99207-461-30). p.m. EST. For any medical
Medicis has received a information inquiries or to
report that one bottle in lot report an adverse event related
number B080037 contains to this recall, contact Medicis at
AZASAN® (azathioprine 1-800-900-6389 with represen-
tablets) 75 mg (NDC 65649- tatives available 24 hours a day,
231-51) instead of SOLO- 7 days a week.
DYN® (minocycline HCl, Health care profession-
USP) Extended Release als may continue to prescribe
Tablets, 90 mg. AZASAN® is the Medicis brand SOLO-
an immuno-suppressive agent DYN®.
used in transplant patients to This recall is being con-
prevent kidney rejection and for ducted in cooperation with the
the treatment of rheumatoid contract manufacturer of the
arthritis. Taking AZASAN® products and with the knowl-
instead of SOLODYN® pres- edge of the FDA.
ents a health hazard and safety Any adverse reactions
risk to patients. Side effects experienced with the use of this
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Unanticipated interactions with
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Page 8 Public Health Alert
Thin Bones Seen in Boys With Autism
and Autism Spectrum Disorder
by NIH News wish to include a dietitian in of 75 boys between the ages of At 5 or 6 years of age, were 20 percent thinner than
their children's health care 4 and 8 years old who had been the bones of the autistic boys normal for children their age.
Results of an early team, to ensure that they diagnosed with autism or ASD. were significantly thinner than Boys who were not on a casein-
study suggest that dairy-free receive a balanced diet." The researchers then measured the bones of boys without free diet showed a 10 percent
diets and unconventional food Dr. Hediger stressed that the thickness of the bone locat- autism and the difference in decrease in bone thickness
preferences could put boys with the current study results need to ed between the knuckle of the bone thickness became even when compared to boys with
autism and autism spectrum be confirmed by larger studies. index finger and the wrist and greater at ages 7 and 8. normal bone development.
disorder (ASD) at higher than Until definitive information is compared its development to a The bone thinning was The study authors wrote
normal risk for thinner, less available, however, it would be standardized reference based on particularly notable because the that bone development of chil-
dense bones when compared to prudent for parents of children a group of boys without autism. boys with autism and ASD dren on casein-free diets should
a group of boys the same age with autism and ASD to include Dr. Hediger said that the were heavier than average and be monitored very carefully.
who do not have autism. a dietitian in their care, particu- research team measured cortical would therefore be expected to They noted that studies of
The study, by larly if the children's diets do bone thickness. She added that have thicker bones. casein-free diets had not proven
researchers from the National not include dairy products or this procedure was done as a The researchers do not the diets to be effective in treat-
Institutes of Health and they are not otherwise eating a substitute for a conventional know for certain why the boys ing the symptoms of autism or
Cincinnati Children's Hospital balanced diet, she said. bone scan, which measures had thinner than normal bones. ASD.
Medical Center, was published Because girls are much bone density. Bone density is A possible explanation is lack Only 9 boys on casein-
online in the "Journal of Autism less likely to have autism or an indication of bones' mineral of calcium and vitamin D in free diets were available to par-
and Developmental Disorders". ASD than are boys, the content. Less dense bones may their diets. Dr. Hediger ticipate in the study, Dr.
The researchers believe researchers were unable to indicate a risk of bone fracture. explained that a deficiency of Hediger said. When conducting
that boys with autism and ASD enroll a sufficient number of The researchers used the these important nutrients in the a scientific study, it's easier to
are at risk for poor bone devel- girls within the short time measure of bone thickness boys' diets could result from a obtain statistically valid results
opment for a number of rea- frame of the study to allow because many of the boys were variety of causes. Many chil- by studying a larger number of
sons. These factors are lack of them to draw firm conclusions. unable to remain still long dren with autism, she said, have individuals than with a smaller
exercise, a reluctance to eat a Dr. Hediger added that if a girl enough for the conventional aversions to certain foods. number of individuals.
varied diet, lack of vitamin D, with autism or ASD is not eat- scan, which requires individuals Some will insist on eating the However, the dramatic differ-
digestive problems, and diets ing diary products or eating a to lie immobile for an extended same foods nearly every day, to ence in the boys' bone thickness
that exclude casein, a protein balanced diet, it would be pru- period of time. To successfully the exclusion of other foods. So when they were either on a
found in milk and milk prod- dent for a dietitian to be includ- complete the bone scan, many while they may consume casein-free diet or an unrestrict-
ucts. Dairy products provide a ed in her health care team. of the boys would have enough calories to meet their ed diet and when compared to
significant source of calcium Autism is a complex required sedation -- a step the needs -- or even more calories normally developing bones
and vitamin D. Casein-free brain disorder involving com- researchers were reluctant to than they need -- they may lack strongly suggest that the bone
diets are a controversial treat- munication and social difficul- take for an early study. certain nutrients, like calcium thinning the researchers
ment thought by some to lessen ties as well as repetitive behav- The hand X-ray, Dr. and vitamin D. observed was statistically valid.
the symptoms of autism. ior or narrow interests. Autism Hediger explained, offers an Other children with The researchers recom-
Funding for the study is often grouped with similar approximate indication of bone autism may have digestive mended that larger studies be
was provided by the NIH's disorders, which are often density. She added, however, problems which interfere with conducted to confirm their
National Institute of Child referred to collectively as that because the researchers the absorption of nutrients. results.
Health and Human autism spectrum disorders. The were unable to use a conven- Moreover, many children with Until those studies can
Development and National underlying causes of autism tional bone scan, the results of autism remain indoors because be conducted, Dr. Hediger
Center for Research Resources. and ASD are unclear. There is the current study should be they require supervision during offered the following advice:
The research team that conduct- no cure for the disorders and confirmed by additional studies outdoor activity. Lack of exer- "Our study shows that it could-
ed the study was led by Mary treatments are limited. using conventional bone scans. cise hinders proper bone devel- n't hurt -- and would probably
L. Hediger, Ph.D., a biological When the boys were The investigators found opment, she said. Similarly, if help -- if parents of children
anthropologist in NICHD's enrolled in the study, the that the bones of the boys with children remain indoors and are with autism or autism spectrum
Division of Epidemiology, researchers asked the boys' par- autism were growing longer but not exposed to sunlight, they disorder consulted with a dieti-
Statistics and Prevention ents if the boys were taking were not thickening at a normal may not make enough vitamin tian during their children's rou-
Research. over-the-counter or prescription rate. During normal bone devel- D, which is needed to process tine medical care to make sure
"Our results suggest that medications, were taking any opment, material from inside calcium into bones. that their diets are balanced."
children with autism and autism vitamin or mineral supple- the bone is transferred to the The boys in the study phaa
spectrum disorder may be at ments, or were on a restricted outside of the bone, increasing who were on a casein-free diet
risk for calcium and vitamin D diet. thickness, while at the same had the thinnest bones. In fact,
deficiencies," Dr. Hediger said. During the study, time, the bones are also grow- the 9 boys who were on a
"Parents of these children may researchers X-rayed the hands ing longer. casein-free diet had bones that

The Wetzel Family Story

"Invasion of the Body Snatchers"
felt pain like this in every cell knees. Susan also had flu like was from being pregnant and knew she had to find out why
of my body!" Because the flu symptoms whenever she exert- carrying kids around all the she was having these symp-
came several weeks after she ed herself. After pushing her time. Susan had fulltime day toms, so she refused treatment
discovered the bulls-eye rash, infant son around day after day care in her home, in addition to via surgery. She thought "how
she never connected her symp- in a stroller, her fatigue was her own children, so she felt do you treat something you
toms to infection from a tick unrelenting. Again, Susan never overwhelmed. Susan also began don't understand?" It was total-
bite. connected her symptoms to the dealing with depression on a ly illogical.
At the time of her initial original rash in May. She just regular basis. At that time, Susan's
illness, Susan was nursing her didn't know anything about Over the next 7 years, family was dealing with some
newborn son. She would later Lyme disease, or how serious it Susan had three more children, huge life changes and trauma-
learn that she was unknowingly can become if left untreated. unknowingly passing Lyme dis- tizing experiences. The stressful
passing tick borne diseases on Months dragged on into ease on to all of them. She saw events seemed to be a catalyst
to her son through her breast years, and Susan was having so doctor after doctor for what she for her untreated Lyme disease
milk. Lyme disease can be many weird symptoms. None of describes as "weird and scary to rear its ugly head full force.
transmitted from mother to her doctors could figure out symptoms." Susan was not used As Susan explains "my Lyme
child during pregnancy, and via why, and attributed her fatigue to running out to see so many went haywire, and spun out of
by Laura Zeller breastfeeding. Women with to the normal "tiredness" of doctors. In fact, she disliked control!"
known cases of Lyme disease being a busy Mom. Worried, hospitals so much that she gave The Wetzels decided to
For the Wetzel family of must take aggressive pregnancy Susan began a very restrictive birth to most of her 7 children move to rural Gerrardstown,
Germantown, Maryland, it all safe antibiotics during pregnan- diet and started taking a large at home. West Virginia, into a 200 year
started 16 years ago on cy, and are advised not to assortment of supplements. The She felt forced to seek old farmhouse on 114 acres. It
Memorial Day weekend 1992. breastfeed. Susan was in the supplements seemed to help out the cause of her strange was a beautiful new home for
The Wetzel family spent the dark. She had no idea of the Susan's energy, and she felt symptoms, and that meant more the family, but again, it was
weekend camping and hiking. magnitude of the family health well enough to move on with doctors, and more diagnoses. located in a tick infested area.
After the weekend trip was crisis that was brewing. She her life. Susan gave birth to her Susan received a whole bunch Within two months of
over, Susan Wetzel discovered kicked up her heels, and went fourth child, and seemed to get of different diagnoses, all of moving, Susan was admitted to
a very painful and large bull's- on with her life as usual. past that awful phase in her life. which were wrong. For her the hospital for four days. She
eye rash on her thigh. On the After attending a March Or so she thought. chronic knee pain, Susan's doc- was so sick that she couldn't
urging of a friend, she was on Washington in July of the The Wetzel family tors wanted to perform surgery even move a finger and her
promptly tested for Lyme dis- same year, Susan broke out in a moved to a farmhouse in and "fix her up like new." heart began to flip flop.
ease. Her Lyme test came back bizarre rash on her thighs. Martinsburg, West Virginia, an Susan could barely walk, and Doctors suspected that Susan
negative, so she assumed it Puzzled, Susan remembers that area loaded with ticks. Susan her doctors insisted that surgery had strep throat, but couldn't
must have been a spider bite. it appeared to be a cross remembers pulling ticks off her was the answer, even though figure out why she had so much
A couple weeks later, between boils and self and her children on a regu- they could not provide her with pain and weakness all over her
Susan came down with a terri- shingles....incredibly painful! lar basis. As the years went on, an answer as to why she has the body. Susan begged the doc-
ble flu. The flu was so bad that At the same time, Susan Susan began having more and pain and swelling in the first tors to figure out what was
she had hallucinations and became very fatigued, and more joint pain, especially in place. wrong with her.
remembers thinking "I've never began having joint pain in her her knees. She thought the pain Susan wasn't stupid; she “Wetzel” ...cont’d pg 17
Public Health Alert Page 9




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Page 10 Public Health Alert

National Multiple ALS Association Lyme Disease Support Lyme Disease Support
Sclerosis DC / MD / VA Southern Arizona - Donna New Mexico
Association: Hoch: Veronica Medina
7507 Standish Place 520-393-1452 (505)459-9858
Rockville, MD 20855 L.E.A.P. Arizona
(301) 978-9855 Tina J. Garcia
Alabama Oklahoma
Great Philadelphia Lyme Education Awareness
3840 Ridgeway Drive Janet Segraves 405-359-9401
Birmingham, AL 35209
ALS Chapter
321 Norristown Road, 480-219-6869 Phone
Phone: (205) 879-8881
Phone: 1-800-FIGHT-MS Suite 260 Arkansas Portland, Oregon Military Lyme
Ambler, PA 19002 Mary Alice Beer
Phone: 215-643-5434 (501) 884-3502
Meets 2nd Sunday of each Disease Support month 2010 NW 22nd Street
Toll Free: 1-877-GEHRIG-1 Military Lyme Support
Second Floor from 1-3 PM. is an online source of informa-
(1-877-434-7441) California
Northern California 503-590-2528 tion and emotional support. This ROBIN SCHUMACHER
150 Grand, Oakland, CA TEXAS : site is for Military Members,
94612 South Texas Chapter 1057 R St. Greater Austin Area Lyme Veterans, and their family mem-
Phone: 510-268-0572 Fresno, CA 93721 Council. Teresa Jones bers who suffer from Lyme and
toll-free: 1-800-FIGHT MS (210) 733-5204 Phone: (559) 485-5445 other vector-borne diseases.
Email: toll free at (877) 257-4673 Dallas/Ft Worth Members are stationed in the
Colorado United States, and abroad. North Texas John Quinn Mary Parker
site/PageServer 303-447-1602 214-749-2845 com/group/MilitaryLyme/
Colorado 1231 Greenway Dr., Ste.385 Houston
700 Broadway, Suite 808 Irving, TX 75038 Connecticut Contact: Teresa Lucher
Denver, CO 80203-3442
Phone: 303.831.0700 972-714-0088 914-738-2358 League City/ ClearLake Texas Lyme
1.800.FIGHT.MS & NASA Area
877-714-0088 Meetings: first Thursday of
Sandra Mannelli
The ALS Association every month from 7-8:30 p.m.
Georgia Upstate New York at the Greenwich Town Hall Association
455 Abernathy Rd. NE, National Support: San Antonio
Suite 210
323 Route 5 West
Atlanta, GA 30328 Dana Floyd, director Contact: Franklin Moormann, Givi
P.O. Box 127
256-417-7466 or ng
Phone: 404-256-9700
Elbridge, NY 13060 LDA of Iowa Lym
Phone: 1-800-FIGHT-MS
315-689-3380 PO Box 86, Story City, IA 210-595-1014 e
Toll Free for PALS: 515-432-3628 Washington State the
1-866-499-PALS Alexis Benkowski boo
Florida Kansas WA-Lyme-owner@ t!
2701 Maitland Center Pkwy, Lyme Disease 913-438-LYME
Suite100 WI / IL / MN Regional areas
Maitland, FL 32751
Montana Contact PJ Langhoff
Phone: (407) 478-8880 (920) 349-3855
Email: Pat Smith 888.366.6611
Alabama North Carolina (Intl)
Jim Schmidt (334) 358-3206 Stephanie Tyndall
8111 N. Stadium Drive, Western Wisconsin Lyme All donations are
Northern Arizona South Carolina Action Group
Suite 100 tax exempt.
Houston , TX 77054 Tina Caskey: Greenville Lyme Support Marina Andrews Donate online with PayPal:
Phone: 713-526-8967 Kathleen (864) 704-2522 715-857-5953


A Lyme Literate
Medical Doctor will
HEAR you...
...not dismiss you.

Flu-like symptoms Changed sleeping habits

Fever Thinking difficulties
Chills Nerve damage - in the arms and
Malaise legs
Swollen lymph nodes Motor coordination problems
Headaches Muscle weakness
Stiff neck Severe headache
Fatigue Irregular heartbeat
Muscle aches Dizziness
Body aches Shortness of breath
Neck aches Eye inflammation
Arthritis Conjunctivitis
Joint pain Hepatitis
Knee arthritis Severe fatigue
Numbness Chronic skin disorders
Limb pain Joint problems
Limb weakness Recurrent miscarriages
Radiculitis tremors
Bell's palsy Sleep disorders
Visual disturbances Thyroid Dysfunction
Poor motor coordination Irregular menstrual cycles
Encephalopathy Cessation of mestrual cycles
Memory loss Hormonal imbalance
Difficulty with concentration Weight gain/loss
Change in mood Depression

by Terri Reiser
Public Health Alert Page 11
Top 10 Tips to Prevent Chronic Lyme Disease
by Contrary to popular 4. Don't assume that you Lyme disease even if your tests you don't have another condi-
belief, Lyme disease is not just can't have Lyme disease if are negative. tion or coinfection.
For those who suffer an "East Coast" problem. In you don't have a rash
from chronic Lyme disease, life fact, in the last ten years, ticks Lyme disease is difficult 7. Avoid taking a "Wait and 10. Expect success
is never the same again. People known to carry Lyme disease to diagnose without a rash, See" approach to treatment You should expect to
with chronic Lyme can have have been identified in all 50 Bell's palsy, arthritis, or menin- Up to seventy percent of get better. You should not
many debilitating symptoms, states and worldwide. gitis, but you can still have ticks in Lyme-endemic areas accept "watchful waiting" - the
including severe fatigue, anxi- Although the deer tick is con- Lyme and not have any of those are infected with Lyme or other practice of stopping antibiotic
ety, headaches, and joint pains. sidered the traditional source of signs or symptoms. Many peo- tick-borne diseases. With odds treatment before you are well
Typically, chronic Lyme Lyme Disease, new tick species ple react differently to the like that, if you have proof or a and then waiting for symptoms
patients have a poorer quality such as the Lonestar tick and infection and experience high suspicion that you've been to clear on their own. Some
of life than patients with dia- the Western blacklegged tick, fatigue, headaches, irritability, bitten by a tick, taking a "wait doctors advocate stopping
betes or a heart condition. have been found to carry anxiety, crying, sleep distur- and see" approach to deciding Lyme treatment while the
The fact is that Lyme is Borrelia burgdorferi, the bance, poor memory and con- whether to treat the disease has patient is still symptomatic and
a complex disease that can be corkscrew-shaped bacterium centration, chest pain, palpita- risks. The onset of Lyme dis- then hoping that he or she will
very difficult to diagnose. that causes Lyme disease. tions, lightheadedness, joint ease symptoms can be easily evenually recover without fur-
Reliable diagnostic tests are not Avoiding a tick bite pain, numbness and tingling. overlooked or mistaken for ther treatment. Government tri-
yet available which leaves remains the first step in pre- other illnesses. Once symp- als have identified a number of
many patients, and physicians venting chronic Lyme disease. 5. Do not rely on test results toms are more evident the dis- individuals whose symptoms
alike, relying on the so-called One needn't have been "hiking Currently there is no ease may have already entered did not clear when treatment
"telltale signs" of Lyme dis- in the woods" in order to be bit- reliable test to determine if the central nervous system, and was cut off prematurely. There
ease: discovery of a tick on the ten by a tick. There can be someone has contracted Lyme could be hard to cure. This is are doctors who feel your
skin, a bull's eye rash, and pos- ticks where ever there is grass disease or is cured of it. False one case in which an ounce of symptoms will clear with fur-
sibly joint pain. However, or vegetation, and tick bites can positives and false negatives prevention really is worth a ther antibiotic treatment. phaa
ILADS research indicates only happen any time of year. often occur, though false nega- pound of cure.
50% to 60% of patients typical- Spraying one's skin with DEET tives are far more common. In
ly recall a tick bite; the rash is or one's clothes with perme- fact, some studies indicate up to 8. Don't be afraid to get a sec- Support by Turn the Corner
reported in only 35% to 60% of thrin-containing insect repel- 50% of the patients tested for ond opinion Foundation
patients; and joint swelling typ- lent, wearing long sleeves and Lyme disease receive false neg- Recognize that opinions
ically occurs in only 20% to long pants, and "tucking pants ative results. As a result, the on how to diagnose and treat Turn the Corner Foundation
30% of patients. And given the into socks", continue to be the CDC relies on physicians to Lyme disease vary widely (TTCF) is dedicated to the sup-
prevalent use of over-the-count- best ways to avoid ticks attach- make a clinical diagnosis based among physicians. It is worth port of research, education,
er anti-inflammatory medica- ing to the skin. But don't forget on a patient's symptoms, health getting a second or even a third awareness and innovative treat-
tions such as Ibuprofen, joint the post-walk body check. history, and exposure risks. opinion, especially if you are ments for Lyme disease and
inflammation is often masked. 2. Check your tick facts Doctors who are experienced in symptomatic and your doctor other tick?borne diseases.
Based on these statis- Ticks can vary in size recognizing Lyme disease will advises not to treat, or symp- Since its inception, TTCF has
tics, a significant number peo- from a poppyseed-size nymphal treat when symptoms typical of toms recur or persist after treat- organized and supported count-
ple who contract Lyme disease tick to the sesame seed-size the illness are present, even ment. Keep in mind that your less programs that address
are misdiagnosed during the adult tick. The ticks can carry without a positive test, in an physician may focus too nar- Lyme disease education, diag-
early stages of the disease, other infectious agents beside effort to prevent the develop- rowly on diagnosing and treat- nosis and treatment.
leading to a chronic form which the spirochete that causes Lyme ment of chronic Lyme disease. ing a single symptom. For
can prove even more difficult to disease, including Ehrlichia, example, a physician may diag- About ILADS
diagnose and treat. Lyme dis- Anaplasma, Babesia, and 6. Be aware of similar condi- nose a pain in your knee as ILADS is a nonprofit, interna-
ease is often referred to as the Bartonella. Lyme disease can tions "arthritis", and not see this as tional, multidisciplinary med-
"great imitator" because it sometimes be hard to cure if Chronic Lyme disease is just one part of a larger set of ical society, dedicated to the
mimics other conditions, often these other infections are not called the "great imitator" symptoms that adds up to a diagnosis and appropriate treat-
causing patients to suffer a treated at the same time. because it is often misdiag- diagnosis of Lyme disease, ment of Lyme and its associat-
complicated maze of doctors in nosed as another condition such which requires different treat- ed diseases. ILADS promotes
search of appropriate treatment. 3. Show your doctor every as multiple sclerosis, fibromyal- ment. understanding of tick?borne
ILADS is committed to the pre- rash gia, chronic fatigue, or anxiety. diseases through research and
vention of chronic Lyme dis- The bull's-eye rash is Misdiagnosis is a common 9. Know your treatment education and strongly supports
ease. the most famous, but there are experience for patients with options physicians and other health
many other types of rashes chronic Lyme disease. Work with your doctor care professionals dedicated
The following tips are designed associated with Lyme disease. Treatments that work for these to identify the appropriate treat- toadvancing the standard of
to offer guidance and minimize In fact, Lyme disease rashes other illnesses are not appro- ment option if your symptoms care for Lyme. and its associat-
the risk of contracting chronic can be mistaken for spider bites priate for treating Lyme dis- persist. There is more than one ed diseases.
Lyme disease. or skin infections. Take photos ease. Currently, the only effec- type of antibiotic available.
and make sure a medical pro- tive treatment for Lyme disease Longer treatment is also an For more information visit
1. Know that Lyme disease is fessional sees the rash before it is antibiotics. Ask your doctor option. You should also work the ILADS website at
a nationwide problem fades. to carefully evaluate you for with your doctor to make sure

Book Review
A Husband, A Wife and an Illness:
Living Life Beyond Chronic Illness
important that we try to under- giver. made the situation much worse. the book shares William's per-
stand why this is happening so William July, PH.D has I'd like to include an excerpt spective as a caregiver. Some of
that we can prevent or lessen published several books, one of from the back cover of their the subjects he covers are the
the incidence of chronic dis- which is a national bestseller. book. financial problems encountered,
ease. However, in the meantime He also appears regularly on "We were living the creating a "new normal"and
we need to learn how to cope television where he shares his American dream. But when ill- how the caregiver needs to
with the sometimes extreme perspectives on the psychology ness invaded our lives, it tore attend to their own needs so
difficulties inherent in dealing of relationships and other those dreams apart and we were that they don't fall apart in the
with chronic illness. issues. His wife Jamey was thrust into a fight for our sur- process of trying to be every-
Chronic illness is very very active in the field of health vival. In the devastation, we thing for everybody. He advis-
often a traumatic and devastat- and fitness as a model, instruc- lost our home, our savings, our es that the caregiver should set
ing experience for both the tor, author and lecturer. She has cars and even our dogs. We lost personal goals outside of the
patient and their caregivers. In also appeared on television and everything but each other." illness scenario. This helps to
the book "A Husband, A Wife, has been featured in several William and Jamey's maintain sanity and the sense
and an Illness:Living Life magazines...including SHAPE book very effectively shows that life can still be "normal" in
Beyond Chronic Illness", the and Muscle and Fitness. readers how they can turn some ways.
by Marjorie Tietjen authors share with us their Together they make a most catastrophe into something pos- Most of us who are sick
deeply personal experiences in unique team for presenting a itive. They share with us the with a chronic disease have
Title: A Husband, A Wife and dealing with disability, pain, book on coping with chronic practical ideas which have experienced the ignorance and
an Illness: Living Life Beyond guilt, other emotions and finan- illness. I found it very interest- worked for them and how ill- arrogance of many physicians.
Chronic Illness cial loss. Dr. William July and ing and ironic that the difficult ness in the family has helped Of course there are intelligent
his wife Jamey wrote this book issues they have to cope with both of them to define priorities compassionate doctors but it
Authors: Dr. William July and so that families, friends, care- on an every day basis directly and to grow spiritually. Both seems that most of us who have
Jamey Lacy July givers and the patient, could correlate with their professions. William and Jamey are very an undefinable or unaccepted
better understand the many Jamey and William had honest about the emotions they chronic disease, have a very
ISBN: 978-0-595-44726-8 issues involved when one suf- just about anything they could experience....and what one can difficult time finding doctors
fers from long term disability. ever want until Jamey became do to work with these emotions, who actually look at the facts,
Unfortunately a growing The authors stress the fact that ill with Chronic Lyme disease which affect most chronically listen to the patient and try to
segment of our society is hav- chronic illness does not just and Morgellon's disease. Heavy ill patients and their caregivers. discover the root of the prob-
ing to deal with the disabling affect the patient but that it can doses of steroids were pre- The book has been divided into lem. Doctors are educated
effects of chronic illness. It is also drastically affect the care- scribed for her which only two sections. The first part of “Living Life” ... cont’d pg 16

Page 12 Public Health Alert

The ABCs & XYZs of Lyme Disease
The Lyme Medical Cartel
Final Part of a Series of Opinions
because ten years had passed. that are made at the NIH, CDC, just watch television or read a duct is unacceptable and it is
After nearly three years IDSA, ADHS and through CDC novel. However, it is my my opinion that any physician
of searching, I finally found directives to every state health choice to speak my mind. And who chooses to utilize biased
evidence that the Arizona department in this country. speaking one's mind, asking treatment guidelines authored
Department of Health Services Three members of the Lyme questions and filming such by such a corrupt organization
lied to me in writing by stating Cartel hold directorship posi- encounters on camera in the should be avoided like the
that the tick testing results were tions in biowarfare labs. It's United States in 2008 is prov- plague.
negative. In fact, I found pub- time for every citizen in this ing to be a dangerous endeavor; Since the Agreement
lished research co-authored by country to read between the for many who are speaking the was signed between the
Craig Levy in which he estab- lines. Borrelia burgdorferi is a truth against various cartels, are Connecticut Attorney General
lished an Arizona county as debilitating bioweapon that has being arrested and their films and the Infectious Diseases
endemic and Ixodes pacificus been unleashed in this country, are being confiscated by the Society of America, Lyme dis-
(western black-legged ticks) as and nothing is being done about authorities. ease patients and their physi-
testing positive for Borrelia it. Why? Because the CDC I admire greatly the cians continue to bear the brunt
burgdorferi by IFA. His has this bioweapon under its efforts of advocates who have of harsh criticism from IDSA
research demonstrated a four direct control. coordinated protests against the President Donald Poretz and
by Tina J. Garcia percent (4%) infection rate in How do we make sure Lyme Cartel, whose members NIH Lyme Program
Ixodes pacificus ticks in the that justice is served? I ponder are the drug and vaccine lords Manager/American Lyme
Oppress- (verb) To keep down Hualapai Mountains south of these questions daily and live who are oppressing us. For Disease Foundation Executive
by the cruel or unjust use of Kingman, Arizona. with constant frustration from many years, the Lyme patient Director Phil Baker. (The
power or authority; to tyran- These positive test being stepped on by the big community has held peaceful American Lyme Disease
nize, crush or trample down. results were published sixteen boots worn by the NIH, CDC, protests, testified at hearings Foundation is made up of mem-
years ago in 1992. Even if IFA IDSA and the ADHS. I'm thor- and watched while inquisitions bers of the Lyme Medical
I feel oppressed. I also is considered preliminary evi- oughly fed up with their of their treating Lyme physi- Cartel.) I have no doubt that
feel betrayed. I have lost my dence, the ADHS Vector-borne orchestrated corruption. The cians were carried out by the IDSA has every intention of
trust in government and those and Zoonotic Diseases Program reason I am so frustrated is that authoritative inquisitors who skewing the review panel again.
elected officials who sell their Manager has failed to conduct I have a very keen, or rather conduct witch hunts and mock Unfortunately, the IDSA has
integrity for campaign contribu- additional confirmatory testing intense, sense of justice. I trials on behalf of the Lyme authority to choose the chair-
tions, and who knows what (according to his correspon- know it is important to fight for Medical Cartel. man of the panel and choose
else. I no longer look to any dence to me). Craig Levy my rights and for the rights of Are Lyme patients alone the panel members. The same
government health agency, never mentioned to me, either others, and I will continue to in this struggle? No we are not. IDSA committee who failed to
whether federal or state, for verbally or in writing, anything take advantage of any and all There are chronic fatigue ill- abide by their own conflicts of
advice or information. about his research in which he legal means to do so, as long as ness patients, myalgic interest policy with their previ-
I rely upon my own demonstrated the existence of I am able. encephalitis patients, autistic ous guideline committee will
ability to research my health Bb in ticks in Arizona. In my opinion, it is nor- patients, Gulf War illness participate in overseeing the
problems and will continue to The ADHS has been mal for a Lyme crime victim to patients and Morgellons new review. Doesn't that
look to Lyme-treating physi- disseminating false information exhibit healthy anger toward patients. Our numbers are great explain their overly confident
cians for truthful answers. For to physicians, residents of and one's oppressors. Am I worried and I encourage all of us to rec- and arrogant press releases?
in my past search for diagnosis visitors to Arizona that there is about appearing outraged or ognize that, although our ill- For many years,
of, and treatment for Lyme and no Lyme disease in Arizona. hysterical? Am I afraid of what nesses vary, we are all being Americans have looked at third
Erlichia infections, I did not This false information was people might say about me oppressed by a Medical Cartel world countries with disdain for
find one doctor, besides my responsible for delaying my when I protest with a bullhorn? that controls the parameters of the manner in which their gov-
Lyme docs, who had a thought treatment at least two years, Do I care if some consider me a our infectious diseases the same ernments have abused their
of their own or any inclination according to my medical lone wolf or a loose cannon way they controlled the param- people. We no longer need to
to conduct any research on my records from three Arizona because I utilize my right to eters of the Tuskegee Study of look overseas to witness such
behalf. The best they could do physicians, who stated in my free speech according to the Syphilis for 40 long years! We atrocities, for as Lyme patients
was defer to the Arizona records that there is no Lyme United States Republic's must unite, as sick as we are, and Lyme-treating physicians
Department of Health Services disease in Arizona. I hold the Constitution? Do you think my and join forces to fight this we are experiencing oppressive
(ADHS), a strong arm of the Arizona Department of Health life with chronic Lyme infec- orchestrated corruption that is tyranny right here in the United
Centers for Disease Control and Services and its supervisor, the tion is enjoyable? The answer sentencing all of us to LIFE IN States.
Prevention (CDC). The best CDC, directly responsible for to all of these questions is an PRISON FOR THE CHRONI- I am infected with a
they could do was to parrot the disability I have incurred in emphatic "NO!" CALLY ILL!! debilitating biowarfare weapon
false and misleading informa- my life due to chronic Lyme My life consists of daily I extend gratitude to and a coordinated effort exists
tion disseminated by these infection. I also hold the pain, fatigue and now hoarse- Connecticut Attorney General to deny treatment that helps me.
deceitful agencies. Infectious Diseases Society of ness and uncontrollable cough- Richard Blumenthal and his The United States government
I wrote to the ADHS in America (IDSA) responsible ing and choking. What will Assistant Attorneys General for paid for the research at Plum
2005 requesting copies of all due to the false information tomorrow bring? If you are a their perseverance in the Island years ago that led to the
test results of Borrelia burgdor- they disseminate to physicians, patient suffering from any type antitrust investigation they con- initial outbreak and it is paying
feri in ticks and animal vectors legislators and the media of chronic infection, you under- ducted into the monopolistic for continued research of this
in the state of Arizona. The through their website, biased stand what I mean. Each week ventures of the Infectious bioweapon in biowarfare labs
ADHS responded in writing treatment guidelines, biased brings a new debilitating symp- Diseases Society of America across the country. These
stating that the test results were published research and press tom. Just when I think I'm and their Lyme disease treat- Lyme disease biowarfare
negative. I again asked them releases. pulling out of the quicksand, I ment guideline committee research programs are directed
for copies of the test results or How can a community sink to even greater depths. I members. Many individuals by members of the Lyme
the summaries that former of debilitated patients stand up am fighting for my very life. provided valuable input and I Medical Cartel. We the People
ADHS Chief of Infectious against such high-level public That's why I am sitting in front gratefully acknowledge their need to wake up! I am
Diseases Dr. Victorio Vaz had corruption? This is an extreme- of my computer, pounding contributions as well. The AG's conivnced we have been
informed me existed. I was ly difficult task. The corruption away at the keyboard, express- investigation confirmed con- hijacked and are part of a
told by Dr. Vaz that the test and infiltration goes all the way ing my frustration and anger at flicts of interest that involve bioweapons experiment mod-
results were "discarded because to the top within the Lyme dis- a group of drug and vaccine associations with pharmaceuti- eled after the Tuskegee Study!
they were negative." Craig ease program at the National lords who have robbed me of cal companies, consulting phaa
Levy, ADHS Vector-borne and Institutes of Health. The Lyme my health and joy with my hus- arrangements with insurance
Zoonotic Diseases Program Medical Cartel controls the band and family. companies and interests in
Manager, told me the test decisions relating to Lyme dis- Yes, I could choose to Lyme disease diagnostic tests
results had been shredded ease diagnosis and treatment ignore the Lyme War. I could and other patents. Such con-

Public Health Alert Page 13

Precedent South Carolina Workers' Compensation
"Victory" for Chronic Lyme Patient
(part 3)
contracted while working in the health crisis that is ignored. As and that cattle are routinely multi-systemic complications of
field as a timber buyer. a result, many are suffering due given feed that contains antibi- this disease. One such patient
Insurance companies need to be to an epidemic of ignorance otics. So, why are Lyme whose deposition was taken on
held accountable, by legal that is rampant in the medical patients routinely denied cover- behalf of Phil Wood had noted
action and or legislation that community. An example of this age for needed antibiotics as after reading a symptom list for
prevent them from denying ignorance is that during the seen so clearly in Phil Wood's Lyme disease, she had 59 of the
coverage to patients like Phil course of Phil's legal battle to case? Why are Lyme literate 60 symptoms listed!
Wood who dearly need it. obtain coverage for Lyme, he doctors being persecuted for Patients such as Phil
Unfortunately, treating physi- was sent by the Defendants to doing right? Wood are suffering due to
cians and Lyme patients end up an Infectious Disease physician The IDSA would like insurers adopting the IDSA
in a position of detrimental in Charleston who thought that everyone to believe the fallacy guidelines as the only standard
reliance with insurers all too Phil didn't have Lyme disease. that Lyme disease is hard to of care that they care to recog-
often. Physicians need to make Nor did this doctor believe that catch and easy to cure. nize. Patients are being
a living and Lyme patients need Lyme disease even exists in the Unfortunately, the opposite is defrauded by their own insur-
to be able to access affordable, State of South Carolina. The true. Even the CDC notes that ers! As a result, Wood's bene-
knowledgeable healthcare that Defendant's physician was Lyme is underreported by ten- fits have been further reduced
by Kathleen Liporace is paid for until the patient's ignorant of even how to inter- fold annually, so it's certainly by Liberty Mutual, medical
health is indemnified. Proof pret a Western Blot Lyme test not hard to catch. As well, the bills remain unpaid, as well as
This decision in favor of exists which clearly shows that and was not familiar with even longer it takes to get diagnosed, the cost of prescriptions. This
Phil holds promise for those insurers are slowly picking off the Centers of Disease Control the harder the disease is to cure, is an outrageous conclusion and
who suffer from chronic Lyme Lyme literate physicians by (herein referred to as CDC) sur- because it doesn't just circulate "settlement" to this case!
disease. It attests to the authen- instigating bogus actions veillance criteria. This doctor in the blood-stream. It has an People need to realize
ticity of Lyme, and it under- through medical boards. This diagnosed Phil with a sleep dis- affinity for collagen and that Lyme does exist in South
scores the necessity of long- predatory practice must stop. order instead and suggested he sequesters itself in tissue to Carolina, as it also exists in the
term treatment for chronic For insurers, it is easier to pick get a shot in the foot. Sadly, evade detection and eradication. remainder of the 50 states.
Lyme disease. That's important off one physician, thereby ignorance travels faster than Borrelia Burgdorferi, the There are a few hundred cases
because many insurers now removing hundreds of patients knowledge. causative agent of Lyme dis- of chronic Lyme disease in the
limit treatment to 30 days, from their balance sheets. It is There are three individ- ease, is quite a sophisticated upstate of South Carolina alone,
resulting in extensive out-of- a cold, calculated move on the uals of the 14 member IDSA bacteria with a chromosome not to mention the thousands
pocket costs for the continued, part of insurers that have been guideline writing committee (macromolecule) that has 21 across the nation.
long-term treatment of this left unchecked. Insurers have who were also on the nine plasmids (DNA molecules dis- Accurate information
multi-systemic condition. gone as far as threatening member panel who wrote the tinct from the chromosomal needs to be widely disseminat-
Phil was found to be a physicians to cease treating American Academy of DNA and able to replicate ed to doctors, citizens, indus-
believable claimant by all Lyme patients. Neurology Lyme guidelines. autonomously). As well, the tries of every kind and of
Workers' Compensation deci- Insurance companies are The three common guideline bacteria also has 132 genes, course politicians. There exists
sion makers. The aided and abetted by the writers are John. J. Halperin, compared to syphilis, which a very real and present need to
Commissioner found Wood to Infectious Disease Society of Eugene Shapiro and Gary only has 22. This is a formida- educate physicians, the general
be a "credible" individual. The America. This organization, as Wormser. There are no listed ble disease that is not easily public and government officials
Full Commission "found Mr. well, does not represent the conflicts of interest for these cured unless discovered speedi- about the signs and dangers of
Wood to be very credible and it interests or health of Lyme men in the American Academy ly after the initial infection. We Lyme disease so that it can be
is respectively submitted that patients. Their guideline writ- of Neurology (herein referred are dealing with an under- detected and healed in its earli-
his testimony should be accord- ers have stated conflicts of to as the AAN) Lyme guide- reported epidemic! est and most treatable stage.
ed the same high level of credi- interest. Some of the IDSA lines as those that were dis- The few, brave, knowl- It is of utmost impor-
bility by this Honorable member conflicts of interest closed in the IDSA guidelines. edgeable physicians who recog- tance that advocacy is under-
Appellate Panel." are: holding patents on frag- There are 8,000 members in the nize the numerous manifesta- taken with speed and diligence,
Despite the overwhelm- ments of the bacteria, develop- IDSA; however the AAN has tions of Lyme, find themselves as the IDSA vigilantly contin-
ing evidence that supports the ing substandard Lyme test kits 20,000 members. This then harassed by insurance compa- ues, unabated to mow down
case for chronic Lyme disease, and performing insurance gives the IDSA's guidelines an nies who hold the purse strings any attempt on the part of states
there exists a misguided contro- reviews that deny patients the appearance of legitimacy. As a to the profits of their practices. and the nation to enact mean-
versy about Lyme due to many care that they need. As well, result, these harmful guidelines Some have stopped treating ingful Lyme legislation. This
health insurers and the "elite" informed consent is also have been disseminated to Lyme disease, not because they question of their vigilance aris-
Lyme disease guideline writing ignored by the IDSA camp that 28,000 doctors respectively. don't know the truth about the es: What does the IDSA stand
members of the Infectious endorses short courses of treat- Often these physicians take chronic nature of the disease, to lose if proper legislation
Disease Society of America ment, when there are two sets guidelines as gospel truth, with- but based on economics and a were in place to bring justice to
(herein referred to as the of treatment guidelines in the out independently, logically need to provide for their own the many who suffer with
IDSA). Insurers are concerned National Guideline examining the claims and inter- families. Other doctors who Lyme? The answer is likely, a
about the bottom line of money Clearinghouse. Notably, as of ests of the writers. In the final have continued to stand against loss of credibility and exposure
as is clearly confirmed by Phil's yet there is no reliable test in analysis, the conclusions of insurer tyranny, have been of their decades of misdeeds in
case and ongoing struggles by existence that assures any these writers simply don't make brought before medical boards seeking to bury the truth about
this claimant. Insurer's interest patient of being cured after the sense in light of the consider- on trumped up charges and end Lyme disease.
is for profits rather than IDSA's recommended 30 day able information available on up losing their licenses or being If you would like your
patients. They push for guide- course of antibiotics. the chronic nature of Lyme dis- severely censured for doing chronic illness related legal
lines, not for better treatment of To date, there exists a ease. what they were taught to do, cases highlighted in an upcom-
patients, but solely to manage sizeable quantity of information It is notable that the which is simply to heal the ing article, please contact the
the cost of patient care. on chronic Lyme disease and IDSA comes off as being con- sick. This is a travesty of jus- author at (864) 704-2522 or e-
Insurers are supposed to uphold some of the initial peer- cerned about patient health and tice, because it is the very mail at greenvillelyme@bell-
the doctrine of utmost good reviewed information on chron- not exposing them to needless absence of justice to those . phaa
faith and yet they are the worst ic Lyme was written by those antibiotics, and thus producing brave and compassionate doc-
offenders of that pivotal legal IDSA "elite" who now oppose "super bugs". However, the tors. They care for a population
doctrine as evidenced in Mr. their own prior scientific find- argument doesn't fly when of very ill individuals who are
Wood's legal ordeal to obtain ings. This definitely raises a teenagers can have access to often maligned due to a lack of
coverage for the disease he red flag! Lyme disease is a years of antibiotics for ACNE true understanding about the

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Page 14 Public Health Alert

Difficulties in Obtaining Social Security
Disability Benefits
useless. Once the diagnosis is diagnosis in supporting a claim corroborate your story, or to state whether an expert has
made, many people believe that of disability, many Claimants add a different perspective. It been retained to testify against
there is nothing to do but go do not have access to such doc- does not matter who the person you. If you find that there is an
along, day by day, doing the umentation. is, and sometimes it is even bet- expert who will testify at your
best you can, without resorting The reason such docu- ter to have more than one per- hearing, you are urged to ask
to a revolving cast of main- mentation is important is that a son appear to testify in your the Judge for an adjournment
stream medical professionals mental health diagnosis cuts case. The person must know so that you may obtain an attor-
who seem to be unable to do across all occupational levels you well and must be able to ney. As most Judges do not like
anything definitive. Or, many and titles. Thus, if you have a tell the Judge how you have surprises, and because SSA
people resort to alternative clearly documented mental or functioned in the past and con- pays the expert to come to the
remedies and practitioners out emotional impairment, it does trast it with how you function hearing, it is best if you ask for
of desperation. Yet, SSA not matter how much education presently. an adjournment the minute you
requires that a Claimant's or experience you have. You Additionally, one of the know that an expert will appear.
impairments be documented by can be determined to be dis- most effective pieces of evi- If you are not sure, you can call
"medically acceptable" evi- abled based solely on your dence you can produce is a the hearing office and ask about
by Josephine Gottesman dence. mental health diagnosis, even if contemporaneous diary. This is whether an expert has been For a disability you are in good physical condi- a notebook or pad in which you assigned to your case. If there
claimant, the way to handle this tion. . make frequent entries about is one, you can ask at that time
I am an attorney who is to have a mainstream doctor Unfortunately, many how you are feeling and what for an adjournment.
has practiced disability law for with whom you can "check in" Claimants with these impair- you are doing on any particular SSA requires that the
over seventeen (17) years. This on an as-needed basis, or at ments "look healthy." To the day. It is written with an successful Claimant be actually
article will focus on the diffi- least once every emphasis on your limi- disabled for at least 12 months,
culties involved in obtaining three months, tations and your mental or be expected to be disabled
Social Security disability or SSI who is willing to state during your illness for at least twelve months. For
benefits for individuals who are document your or during bouts of exac- many Claimants who must
unable to engage in full-time complaints in erbation of your illness. leave a job or who get fired
employment due to impair- detail. The doctor Its worth is that it is because of severe problems
ments such as Lyme Disease, may or may not written in an ongoing performing on the job, their
Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue prescribe specific manner at the same financial situations force them
Syndrome, Lupus, and other medications or time as the feelings or to apply for disability benefits
"soft" illnesses. actions to take, symptoms are occur- before too much time passes.
These illnesses are and you may or ring. Benefit denials in such cases
termed "soft" because, for may not follow At your hearing, occur many times because SSA
many individuals, the most dis- his/her direc- a so-called "Medical believes that the Claimant will
abling aspects of such afflic- tions, but your Expert" may be called get well enough to be able to
tions are unable to be objective- signs and symp- to testify. The stated return to work in less than
ly demonstrated. That is, the toms will be doc- purpose of SSA produc- twelve months.
symptomatology can seldom, if umented. ing such a witness is so It cannot be stressed
ever, be demonstrated by CT Additionally, if that the Judge can ques- enough that you must appeal a
scans, MRIs, X-rays, etc. there are any tion him/her on those claim denial, not start a new
Because of this, the Social objective medical aspects of your illness claim. If you start a new claim
Security Administration tests available which prevent you from rather than appeal, you will lose
("SSA") is reluctant to grant that can assist in working. The real pur- all of the retroactive benefits
disability benefits to people documenting pose is so that the that have accumulated since
who are unable to work due to your illness (e.g., blood tests, Administrative Law Judge who Judge can gather additional you started the initial claim. In
these illnesses. Note also that trigger point tests, neuro-psy- makes the decision on your ammunition against you if addition, if you have appealed
these same difficulties are chological or other cognitive claim, who may see you for 30 needed. The same for to the hearing level and lost,
encountered when one attempts examinations) you should make minutes in an artificial setting, "Vocational Experts," who can and you start a new claim
to obtain long-term disability sure to undergo these tests, you appear to be fine. Many tell the Judge which of thou- instead of appealing the hearing
benefits or a disability pension even if the best they can do is times you are able to perform sands of jobs you can theoreti- decision, you may lose the sec-
from an employer. to rule out other similar illness- activities of daily living with cally hold given your limita- ond claim simply because a
Some frequent issues es. There is no harm in being some exceptions. If the Judge tions. It makes no difference if Judge has already decided the
which arise in attempting to treated by an alternative practi- does not ask about the excep- an employer would never hire issue of your disability in the
obtain disability benefits for tioner, and such treatment tions, that aspect of your illness you, and it makes no difference first hearing, and it then
people who suffer from these should still be documented, as is not recorded or considered. if the job, as stated in the nearly becomes legally binding.
illnesses are: lack of medical it is a useful adjunct to more The Judge is allowed to make 20-year old Dictionary of The Social Security dis-
documentation; objective vs. mainstream treatment. findings of credibility, which Occupational Titles, is obsolete ability process is a complicated
subjective evidence; credibility For many people who means that he or she is allowed as described. The "job" is a the- and time-consuming one. When
of the Claimant; testimony of suffer from these "soft" illness- to state in the decision that you oretical construct. If you could you are not feeling well, it
"experts" against the Claimant; es, the mental or emotional are either a credible witness or theoretically do it, you are not becomes particularly onerous.
and duration of the illness. I aspects or symptoms are more not. Such findings of credibility disabled. This article's purpose has been
will treat each of these subjects uncomfortable than the physi- are not easily overturned if Unfortunately, if an to alert the reader to some of
separately. cal. Yet many Claimants either your claim must be appealed. expert witness is called to testi- the more difficult issues
For many who suffer cannot afford, or are reluctant Here is where it is use- fy against you, you will almost involved in maintaining a claim
from these illnesses, the to use, ongoing psychotherapy ful to have a "lay witness" certainly need the services of for Social Security disability or
prospect of ongoing profession- as a way to deal with their ill- (someone who is not appearing an attorney who is able to SSI benefits, and to assist the
al medical attention seems to be ness. Thus, despite the great as an expert in your case). Such cross-examine the witness. reader in dealing with them.
usefulness of a mental health lay witnesses can be used to Your Notice of Hearing should phaa


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Public Health Alert Page 15

“Living Life” ... cont’d from pg 12
mainly by the drug companies including some questions I had
and or universities,many of for William and Jamey, along
which are funded by the drug with their responses.
companies. So naturally the I would like to ask
trend in treatment would be to both of you, Jamey and
NOT find the cause of the prob- William, as to whether you
lem and treat it but to perhaps feel that in some way your
instead keep the problem sim- experiences were a gift, to
mering so that the patient enable you to acquire greater
would require many sympto- empathy and insight in order
matic treatments. If a patient is to help others? Do you feel
cured, he is no longer a cus- that your journey has pro-
tomer.....of the doctor or of the moted personal growth and
drug companies. This whole sit- does it amaze you that both of
uation can be very frustrating you are being challenged in
for the patient and the caregiv- the very areas of your expert-
er. William includes a chapter ise?
dealing with this very difficult
dilemma and offers some help- William: That's a very
ful guidelines on how to navi- insightful question. Yes, I feel I
gate through these shark infest- have become much more empa-
ed waters of the modern day thetic by having this experi-
medical system. ence. When I'm talking to a Jamey Lacy-July and her husband Dr. William July are living life with a postive attitude despite
Each chapter includes person with a chronic illness or chronic illness. They have deep insight into for caregivers and people
Action Plans, Questions to a couple, I can FEEL where living with long-term illnesses.
Consider and Journal Ideas. they are instead of only hearing Jamey, do you feel that over ing process? the psychological jail it can
This book is very validating for them. But also, I recognize that stressing the body with very William: It is my hope become. Every day, try to do at
patient and caregiver but at the though we have an experience heavy exercise or being in a we are experiencing an awak- least one small thing that is joy-
same time it offers real life in common with millions of constant state of "rush" can ening as a world. Things such ful and for pleasure. It can be
solutions and even spiritual others, each person's story is lower the body's immunity to as the oil crises, wars, famine, as simple as sitting outside and
inspiration. It is written with a unique and each person/couple disease? You mention in the and new diseases, can threaten watching the clouds roll by. I
deep sense of love, compassion is experiencing something book that your illness may be to wipe out humanity or they spent many a night doing that
and hope. unique. But with the common teaching you to be a Human can serve as a signal for us to when I was frustrated.
Jamey's section of the threads that run through all of Being instead of a Human make changes in all aspects of Sometimes it's watching a ball
book deals mainly with the per- our stories, that's where we find "Doing". In my case Lyme our existence. If I were only game on television. Or, I even
spective of the patient. She the empathy to help each other. disease has definitely changed looking at it from an existential play video games. One has to
helps the reader find ways to Facing chronic illness is my perspective on things, point of view, I'd say we were have moments of joy and hope
survive the critical stages of ill- not time to reinvent the wheel. I causing me to slow down and doomed. But, my spiritual per- in order to cope.
ness. She talks about recogniz- want to share what I've learned pace myself , which allows me spective tells me we are in a Jamey : One thing that
ing your mental and physical in this experience by using my to savor life more fully. Do renaissance of humanity. The we didn't say overtly or specifi-
pain so that one can confront it gifts. Being a best-selling rela- you have any comments con- question is, how long will it cally is that life will throw us
and work through it...but yet tionship author, having a doc- cerning this? take us to make the changes we curve balls and sometimes they
Jamey and William both cau- torate in psychology, and being Jamey : I have no need and what price will we slam right into us. It's in those
tion us not to dwell on or live accustomed to working in the doubt that stress suppresses the have to pay to come to that moments or experiences that
in the quagmire of chronic ill- media, presented me with a immune system and makes the realization? we are left with two choices;
ness. Jamey speaks about suf- unique opportunity to bring this body more vulnerable for ill- Jamey: I see from a get bitter and give up trying or,
fering and how we can lessen message to the millions who ness (and so many studies are writer, researcher and long time get better and do whatever
it's effects. Some of the ways need it. The whole idea started now verifying this). I think that wellness professional, that helps each day, to strive toward
we can do this are through for- when I was struggling personal- in today's society with so many years (decades) of people gen- recovery and embark on a heal-
giveness and compassion...for ly to deal with the situation, pressures on everyone to meet erally abusing/neglecting their ing path. The other thing is, that
ourselves and for others who yet, I couldn't find a book out high standards (in our finances, bodies and their environment when a family/couple are bom-
may not understand what we there that addressed the plight careers, physical appearances, has begun to take it's toll. When barded with illness, it is vital to
are going through. Compassion, of couples. So, reluctantly, at etc.), that everyone is vulnera- I was researching for my first keep in mind that we are our
forgiveness , attitude, etc, may first, I set out to write the book ble. Because of my knowledge book (about silicone implants) I best advocate (we cannot rely
not sound like very tangible I wanted to read but couldn't professionally, in fields of fit- had the opportunity to inter- solely on physicians or others
solutions but they can be very find. ness and nutrition, I was always view hundreds of doctors and for our recovery) and may typi-
powerful tools in making Jamey: I do not believe blessed to know to approach researchers as well as patients. cally realize that we must main-
chronic illness more bearable in "life accidents" and feel cer- exercise in balance so that it Many of the studies I reviewed tain a vigilant quest for healing
and at the same time aid in our tain that all we go through enhanced my health,as opposed indicated that immune related solutions. Never ever give up
spiritual growth. It is also gives us opportunities to either to being harmful. I've always illnesses had sky rocketed over because a medical practitioner
brought out in the book that learn, grow and become tried to impress that upon the past 50 to 60 years. Much tells you that he/she cannot
positive emotions, such as grat- better/stronger or, to weaken clients and people attending my of this was attributed to poor help you or because they don't
itude and humor, are potent and allow circumstances to get workshops/lectures. So for me, health habits (diet, lack of exer- have an answer. I believe with
healers. Our emotions definitely the best of us. I've always been exercise has been a life-saver. cise) and stress but a significant all of my being that our loving
effect our physical being. a compassionate person, some- William has often said, if I portion also was connected to Creator provides the means for
Jamey very gently one who gravitates toward car- were not in such good shape the toxicity in our foods, water, our healing, but it may be a
shares her experiences and ing, giving, mentoring, etc and prior to contracting this disease air, etc. When you think of it, long road and many bumps
ideas on prayer. Prayer has the these tendencies have been very that I'd never have survived the entire 20th century was along the way before we find
potential to heal us physically, visible in my personal and pro- these last five years and I agree. devoted to the "external" mate- the healing that we are seeking.
mentally and spiritually. Here is fessional lives. But the extreme There were certainly times in rial/physical growth/gain
one of my favorite quotes from challenges and losses I've the midst of owning and operat- through technology, etc. and the Although Jamey's
the book. (we've) experienced from the ing a personal training center quest was not made in con- chronic illnesses are diagnosed
"The truth is, no matter illness and bad medicine, etc., and raising a daughter, who sciences, or should I say, con- as Lyme disease and
what affliction, trouble, or iniq- have just made me more aware also was busy in school and scious matter, thereby leaving Morgellon's, this fact is not
uity, you may be battling, God's and more inspired to encourage dance, that rushing and busy- toxic leftovers along the way. mentioned in the book. I
Loving Presence is there for others in similar situations. ness left its effect on me. In comparison, very little atten- thought this was a wise move
each of us - no matter what. When I look back at it As my health worsened, by tion was devoted to our "inner" by the authors because their
All we have to do is ask and we all, I think that there is an obvi- necessity I was forced to give selves or spiritual awareness book is geared towards anyone
eventually realize that Divine ous irony of sorts in the fact up much of my time at work as and growth. So we are now with chronic illness...not just
Love never leaves us, but that I was a professional in an well as personal family activi- paying the price and I think our those of a specific diagnosis.
sometimes our pain and despair arena where health, physical fit- ties. saving grace or solution is to Anyone dealing with long-term
can block out our reception. It ness and strength, and overall When illness gets us turn our attention to the internal health problems will find this
is as though our spiritual anten- wellness were the products or down and drains our energy, we in order to find a balance and book to be both helpful and
nas aren't receiving or are being results of my work. Now, have to find a place of peace in see things from a spiritual per- comforting. I highly recom-
blocked by static in the form of through the limitations that ill- the "not doing" and in that, is a spective not just a physical mend this book to patients and
pain, fatigue, and so on. ness and the effects of terrible great opening for spiritual heal- one... and, to begin to revere caregivers. I also would suggest
However, if we keep searching side effects from dangerous ing and emotional strength. In the resources in this world that that this book be shared with
for that clear station that chan- medicine have created, I've these moments I've grown God has blessed us with. family and friends, to help them
nels the voice of God's Love, found myself on the flip side of tremendously in these areas Are there any thoughts better understand how to inter-
the static will abate, and this is things. But this is also very (but I also believe that we can you would like to add that act with their loved ones who
when we really feel the amaz- likely to be part of the Divine grow in these areas without the you didn't include in the book are struggling with chronic
ing effects of healing and hope Plan as it makes our story/expe- extreme challenges of illness!). or are there any aspects you infirmities.
flowing through us." rience that much more intrigu- In other words you don't have would like to reemphasize? To purchase their book,
I want to thank William ing. to get sick to get better! William: I would like to listen to their story and to
and Jamey for writing such a Fatiguing chronic ill- Do either of you have to again point out to both cou- find out more about Dr.
helpful book. There is definite- nesses often strike the Type A any thoughts as to why so ples and individuals that it's William July, you can visit their
ly an urgent need for this type personality. Many patients many in the world are experi- important to have a life beyond websites at :
of compassionate and practical have told me that they used to encing such an increase in the illness. The illness will
information.... coming from be very active and were able disease? Could our struggles attempt to trap you into not and
first hand experience. I am to handle everything at once. be part of a spiritual awaken- only the physical cycle, but also phaa
Page 16 Public Health Alert
“Wetzel”... cont’d from pg 9
The hospital staff treat- autistic. The young boy could beating hard and fast, or it her she was crazy and that she traits whatsoever. All of her
ed Susan like she might be not read, or control his sound would flip flop. I could no needed to see a psychiatrist. children are active and moving
crazy, and needed a break from effects that came rolling out at longer drive because my night Amazingly, the doctor at forward with their lives now.
raising 7 children. They thought the most unusual times. Many vision was horrible. In fact, I the walk in clinic was educated Although there are still times
she just needed to go home to of her children were displaying couldn't handle the flicker of and experienced in tick borne when they feel some symptoms,
her kids, and everything would volatile behavior, and acting the TV, or flashing lights. It set disease. She knew that Susan the Wetzel family is getting bet-
be fine. Susan explains "would- extremely explosive as well. me into horrible anxiety had many of the classic Lyme ter every day. Susan explains
n't any Mom rather be home Susan remembers "this attacks. I could no longer talk disease symptoms. Eventually, "this disease has taken so much
with her kids than in the hospi- all went on for a few years as I without hesitation between Susan was diagnosed with from our family. Yet, the Lord
tal? It made no sense, I was got more and more ill. It just words. I just couldn't find the chronic Lyme disease and much has guided us and our faith is
sick, and desperate to find out seemed like a long and painful right words. I couldn't read to to her relief, she began treat- stronger than ever. I know we
what was doing this to me!" day that never seemed to end. my kids anymore. I just could- ment immediately. Susan went will survive it and live full lives
The doctors treating Susan did- We just tried to survive each n't make sense of the words, I home, and got on the internet. in spite of Lyme! It continues
n't understand that she was day. I had so many symptoms was confused and in a constant She started reading about Lyme to be a huge part of our lives.
truly afraid she was dying and by this time. One thing piled on fog. I had severe motion sensi- disease and soon realized that The financial cost has been and
she had some sort of mystery top of another. My hands and tivities. If I was rocked in a her entire family was experi- continues to be huge. Even
illness. Susan was discharged arms were so numb and painful rocking chair it felt like I was encing a massive invasion of without the antibiotic cost that
without an explanation, and left most chronic Lyme patients
feeling worse off than when she have, we have a ton of supple-
arrived. ments and alternatives that cost
Around the same time an awful lot for a family of
that Susan was feeling so sick, nine. My husband is seeking a
she realized that some of her new career due to the physical
kids were not healthy either. demands of his current career.
Although they were all young, He no longer has the strength to
her children had been com- keep up physically. And he
plaining of leg pain and weak- can't stop to get well. He just
ness, tummy aches, and has to keep working, and try to
migraines. Susan knew some- juggle his health, home, and
thing was terribly wrong career as best he can."
because she had eliminated any Susan is an active mem-
and all possible allergy issues. ber in the Lyme community
Her children ate healthy and now. It is heartbreaking for her
took supplements. The to talk with so many people on
Pediatrician said it was growing a weekly basis that are so sick
pains. Susan knew that was a and have yet to be diagnosed.
joke! She was raising enough Susan believes it is a sin that so
children to know better than many doctors are so uneducated
that! Mystified, Susan's chil- about Lyme disease and tick
dren all seemed to be suffering borne co-infections. Susan
in some fashion, some vague, started her own small support
some more severe. Neglected group in the panhandle of West
by the doctors, and confused by Virginia to help other people
the situation, Susan and her like her. She hears the same
family decided to just "cope" I could hardly eat with them or falling off a cliff. Everything the body snatchers. And after story time and time again.
and try their best to be happy. write. They said it was carpal from sound to noise to smells realizing the extent of the inva- Susan is working hard to edu-
The Wetzels did their tunnel syndrome; I had trouble was exaggerated to incredible sion, and how poor the testing cate others, and pass out infor-
best to survive, but as time breathing, as though I wasn't levels. My emotions as well for tick-borne diseases is, she mation about Lyme disease and
went on, this mysterious syn- getting enough air. I had were off the charts, and I cried concluded that her entire family Lyme literate MD's. Susan's
drome appeared to be affecting episodes where I would wake all the time. I simply couldn't was probably infected. Susan's goal is to empower people to
the entire family all at the same up with spots on my face that function at all anymore." research on the internet helped help themselves since there are
time. Susan's three year old was were severely swollen and Desperate, Susan's hus- her discover many treatment so few people out there to help
having terrible tummy aches. painful for no apparent reason. band Scott, who was sick him- alternatives and they all began all of us. She also wants to
Susan remembers "he looked as I was choking all the time. self, took her to a walk in clinic the long treatment road to emphasize to everyone who is
though he was dying. He was Even at night on my own spit. I one day because he really recovery. sick and suffering that there is
so weak and gaunt looking, we could barely walk anymore. I thought Susan was dying. By Three years later, Susan hope! In closing, Susan remarks
all felt so lost, especially when sometimes needed help just to this time, Susan had refused to is fully functioning again. She "a few years ago I never would
all his tests came out negative." walk to the bathroom. My legs see another doctor. The Wetzels doesn't have the daily pain and have dreamed I'd have a full
Around the same time, Susan's and body were just so weak. had no insurance, and every suffering that she had for so life again. But I do. I want to
eight year old who had severe Every cell in my body hurt diagnostic test, doctor visit and many years. Her kids are pass on that hope to other Lyme
ADHD and symptoms of ALL the time. At night and in travel only made things worse tremendously improved. disease patients still in the
autism was having belly aches the morning were the worst. financially and emotionally. After Lyme disease treatment, midst of all the pain." phaa
too. Susan's five year old was My joints were swollen and ter- Susan was fed up with all doc- her two autistic sons now dis-
also severely ADHD and also ribly painful. My heart began tors because they always told play very little to no autistic

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Public Health Alert Page 17
The Lyme-Autism Connection
June 26 - 29th, 2008
The location for the 2008 Lyme-Autism Connection conference will be the beautiful Hyatt Grand Champions Resort in Indian Wells, CA, just a few miles from the Palm Springs Airport.
You'll enjoy a four star, AAA rated property which includes a 30,000 square foot spa - Agua Serena Spa (just named "One of the Top 100 Spas in the World!") , seven swimming pools, camp Hyatt
for the kids and just adjacent to the Indian Wells Golf Resort. The Indian Wells Golf Resort will be hosting our charity golf tournament "Tee Up For Autism" on Saturday. We encourage vendors
and attendees to bring the entire family to enjoy this location.
The average temperature for the end of June in Indian Wells is 87 degrees, so bring your shorts! Each of the 480 guest rooms have a private balcony or patio with breathtaking panoramic
views of the mountain-studded skyline. We have negotiated special room rates of just $125/night before taxes and hotel fees. Check out the resort and schedule your stay at: http://grandchampi- to schedule your room at the special discounted rate.

Steve Harris, M.D. - Lyme Disease, Considerations in Diagnosis and Management
Garry Gordon, M.D - The Use of Oral Chelators, Fiber, Zeolite and Silver to lower total body burden of mercury, pathogens and toxins.
Aristo Vojdani, PhD - Clinical Neuro-Immunology: Immune Dysfunction Pathways to Neurologic Disorders in ASD and Lyme Disease.
Josh Berry, N.D.- Botanical, Nutritional and Homeopathic treatment of Lyme Disease.
Stephen Harrold Buhner - Healing Lyme: Natural Healing and Prevention of Lyme Borreliosis and its Coinfections - physicians training
William Lee Cowden, M.D. - Quantum Physical Testing and Treatment of Autistic Children

Jeff Wulfman, MD - The Big Picture: How Lyme Borreliosis, Chronic Infections, Toxins and Other Factors Relate to the Autism Epidemic.
Leo Shea III, PhD and Judith Leventhal, PhD- Neuropsychological Features in Children with Tick Borne Illnesses Diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorders
and/or ADHD.
Stephen Buhner - Healing Lyme: Natural Healing and Prevention of Lyme Borreliosis and its Coinfections
Amy Derksen, ND - Non-Antibiotic Lyme Protocols for Kids.
Tamara Mariea, CCN - "EMR" How Electromagnetic Radiation affects an individuals ability to sucessfully detoxify and how "EMR" plays a synergistic role in
the etiology of Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Garry Gordon, MD - The End of Lyme is Near!
Christie Dames - Insider Secrets: Healing Insights Through the Eyes of Your Child

Brooke Landau - Overcoming Health Challenges for a more Meaningful Life.

Nicola McFadzean, ND - Preventing Lyme Disease and Autism: Preconception and Pregnancy Health Care.
Allan Sosin, MD - Oral and Intravenous Nutritional Therapies in Autism
Richard Horowitz, MD - Meditation, Mind Training and Medicine: The Path of Inner Peace
Cindy Griffin, DSH-P, DIHom., HD (R.Hom.) and Lindyl Lanham - The Homeopath's Perpective: Insights on Autism and Lyme Disease
Kazuko Grace-Curtin and Dennis, O'Dell, MD - Genetic Predispositions for Immune and Detoxification Dysfunction in Lyme Disease and Autism
Toby Watkinson, DC - What the Phage Do We Know?: Microbe Management- How we may be able to put them to work for our benefit.
Andrea Lalama - BT Toxin: An Autism Theory and What a Mother Did About It
Dietrich Klinghardt, MD - The 5 Levels of Health and the Treatment of Lyme Induced Symptoms in Autism.
Richard Horowitz, MD - Herbs, Hormones and Heavy Metals

For More Information:
“12 Reasons” ...cont’d from pg 4 research support the conclusion Minocyclines, Gentamycin, investigation was launched by ously and aggressively lobby
ders/lyme/lyme.htm) CDC that when an antibiotic is not Doxycycline, quinolones (Cipro the Attorney General into their against bills, at both the state
studies have documented the utilized for its bacterial effects, and many more), perfloxacin, alleged illegal practices, are and federal levels, that would
following: "Chronic Lyme dis- it may still be a safe and effec- Erythromycin, macrolide antibi- telling. Several IDSA members provide for more research fund-
ease involves abnormalities in tive agent for the treatment of otics (roxithromycin, erythro- have gone to other organiza- ing (which they would be enti-
either the skin, the joints, or the conditions such as prostatitis, mycin, azithromycin tions (American Academy of tled to receive through grants
nervous system. Abnormalities chronic sinusitis, acne, staphy- [Zithromax]), Clarithromycin, Neurology and New England also)? Isn't that similar to cut-
in the skin are rare, but include lococcal exotoxins, rosacea, Amoxycillin (Imacillin), Journal of Medicine) and sat on ting off your nose to spite your
localized swelling especially in inflammatory bowel disease, Bactrim (trimethoprim-sul- their panels to promulgate face? Why would they exclude
the ear lobe, arm pit, and nipple rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn's famethoxazole), metronidazole "cookie cutter" treatment guide- evidence, facts and important
areas, and thinning of the skin disease, lung cancer, neu- (Flagyl), Cephalexin, penicillin lines, which they now present details from Congress? Why
on hands and feet [ACA pres- trophilic dermatoses, asthma, G, chloramphenicol, strepto- as "independent corroboration" would they rather let the
entation]… Chronic Lyme dis- periodontal disease, ulcerative mycin, and Clindamycin. Yet, of the IDSA guidelines. shameful situation facing peo-
ease infection of the nervous colitis and other inflammatory the IDSA recommends against Several members of the IDSA ple across the country continue
system most often produces diseases such as dermatitis her- the use of all of these antibi- panel sat on the AAN panel, unchecked than welcome assis-
pain in arms or legs, along with petiformis, Wegener's granulo- otics for Lyme (many which including the chairman of each tance (both financial and scien-
weakness and/or numbness in matosis, leukocytoclastic vas- have been used successfully in panel. In addition, several tific) with open arms? What's
the affected limbs. These prob- culitis, Fox-Fordyce disease, the past on numerous patients), authors of the NEJM guidelines going on here?
lems are caused by Lyme dis- bullous lupus erythematosus, except of course, for the least also were on the IDSA panel. Please realize if this bill
ease infection of the spinal vitiligo, discoid lupus erythe- expensive drug on the list, The IDSA's suggestion that the isn't passed and the federal
cord. With infection of the matosus, pyoderma gangreno- Doxycycline, and even that advisory committee, provided advisory committee isn't assem-
brain, a number of other prob- sum, pustular psoriasis, sclero- drug is limited to a short, "cost- for in the bill, exclude the par- bled immediately, it could be
lems can occur. These include derma, and ankylosing effective", and as already point- ticipation of certain people, decades before any progress is
headaches, severe fatigue, spondylitis, to name a few. The ed out by Dattwyler (IDSA), an namely patients and the com- made. I respectfully request
impaired vision, double vision, use of antibiotics for many con- arbitrarily set course. munity physicians who treat your consideration of the cir-
hearing impairment, facial ditions has gained acceptance 11. The IDSA guideline them, is a continuation of its cumstances in question and ask
paralysis, and difficulties with and has been deemed relatively authors have not only refused exclusionary tactics. The IDSA that you immediately bring the
memory and thinking." Notice safe, according to multiple to recommend antibiotics nec- has virtually controlled research Lyme and Tick-Borne Disease
these government agencies all sources. For example, one essary to successfully address in Lyme disease for the past 30 Act up for a hearing to further
refer to "chronic Lyme dis- study reported, "In conclusion, bacterial infections, they have years with no improvement in shed light on the current abuses
ease", something the IDSA there do not seem to be theoret- further restricted access to any the patient's quality of life. outlined above. We can't afford
insists doesn't exist in its letter ical or demonstrated disadvan- treatment by recommending Enough is enough. to wait. Millions of lives are at
to you. tages in terms of ethical or against the use of all alternative stake. People with tick borne
10. If the IDSA's theo- pharmacological considerations therapies, including such com- For years the IDSA diseases are not only fighting a
ry were true (it isn't) about of using "immunostimulating" mon items as over-the-counter guideline authors have aggres- bacterial infection, they are
antibiotics being able to help antibiotics." (MARIE- supplements (i.e. vitamins, etc) sively fought the inclusion of fighting a war that only you
patients ONLY because of an THE´RE´SE LABRO* to improve a chronically ill anyone into their small circle have the power to stop. Please
"anti-inflammatory effect" they INSERM U 479, Faculte´ patient's overall health. At this who wasn't of the same like do!
possess, then so be it. The Xavier Bichat, 75018 Paris, point patients are worried the pocket book. Their actions
IDSA would still lose their France.) The following antibi- next thing that will be denied over the years, and here today, Sincerely,
argument that patients should otics have been used strictly for them by the IDSA will be the are highly questionable to say Lucy Barnes, Director
be denied antibiotic treatment their "anti-inflammatory" very air they breathe. the least. Reasonable people Lyme Disease Education and
on that basis too. Evidence affects for the conditions listed 12. The actions of the must ask themselves, why Support Groups of America
from basic science and clinical above- Tetracyclines, IDSA panel members, since the would IDSA members continu- phaa
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Public Health Alert Page 19


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