Banking Industry Analysis Using SERVQUAL

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Table of Contents

Abstract ............................................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction:........................................................................................................................................ 2
Objectives of the study: ...................................................................................................................... 3
Significance of the study:.................................................................................................................... 3
Hypothesis Development: ................................................................................................................... 4
Tangibles:............................................................................................................................................ 4
Reliability:........................................................................................................................................... 5
Responsiveness: .................................................................................................................................. 5
Assurance: ........................................................................................................................................... 6
Empathy: ............................................................................................................................................. 7
Customer satisfaction: ......................................................................................................................... 7
Research Methodology: ...................................................................................................................... 8
Type of Research: ............................................................................................................................... 8
Source of Data: ................................................................................................................................... 8
Primary Data Collection: .................................................................................................................... 8
Secondary Data Collection: ................................................................................................................ 9
Questionnaire Design: ......................................................................................................................... 9
Measures of Questionnaire sources: ............................................................................................. 10
Sampling Plan: .................................................................................................................................. 11
Target Population: ......................................................................................................................... 11
Sampling Technique: .................................................................................................................... 11
Sample Frame and Sample Size: ................................................................................................... 12
Factor analysis: ................................................................................................................................. 12
Result and analysis:........................................................................................................................... 14
Discussion: ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................ 19
Practical Implications........................................................................................................................ 19
Limitations of the study .................................................................................................................... 20
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................. 21

Purpose: The purpose of this research is to examine and measuring the perceived service
quality of Jamuna Bank Ltd. with a view to assist management to enhance the delivery of
service quality based on SERVQUAL model.
Methodology: Data were collected from the customer group of Jamuna Bank Ltd. (n=92
customers) to examine the satisfaction level of customers based on SERVQUAL model
developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1988). This research employed
questionnaire which was adapted from Nadiri, Kandampully, & Hussain (2009); Caruana,
(2002) and personally distributed to the customer of the bank. Sampling without replacement
technique was used and collected data were analyzed by using SPSS.
Findings: The main findings of this study are responsiveness, assurance and empathy has
positive and significant impact on the level of customer satisfaction. Besides that reliability
has only positive impact and tangibles are negatively associated with the customer
satisfaction level. This study will be helpful to Jamuna bank management and employees to
develop strategy based on customers desire.
Originality: This research will help to understand the most important SERVQUAL area that
customer prefer most and establishing new path between Jamuna bank and its customers.
Future direction of this study: In addition, this research will encourage future researchers
by helping to focus on future evidence-based efforts and providing results that are useful to
the large number of Bangladeshi banks.

Banking is well diversified service oriented business organization that involves with frequent
interactions with customers (Chen, 2009). Success and survival of banking sectors are mostly
dependent on service delivering quality and service quality has become an increasingly
important issue for banking industry (Nadiria, Kandampullyb and Hussain, 2009). Banking
transaction is highly associated with customer dealings, thats why service quality and
customer satisfaction is getting much more importance (Chen, 2009). Customers are much
more concern about banking service quality with safe transaction as they have so many
options to switch. Dissatisfied customers can easily switch to another bank where they might
get comfortable transaction than previous one. Due to availability and customized customer
service, service quality has getting more importance. Management perception of service
delivery may vary from customer to customer and it may leads to gap between perception and
expectation like perception of expectations; management perception of customer expectation
and setting quality specification; difference between service quality specification and service
quality delivery; difference between service delivery and statement to service delivery;
difference between customer expectation and perceived service (Parasuraman A., Berry L.L.
and Zeithaml, 1985). Considering all of the circumstances this study especially explores the
service quality of banks to identify the lagged area of service quality for quality
improvements of bank customers. To improve the banking service quality there has so many
general measurement instruments for measuring banking service quality. All the instruments
try to find out the current service quality level according to company image, growth,
performance and customer expectation (Vibha, Nravichandran and N.K., 2011). Therefore it
is essential to reliably assess, measure, and seek ways to measure the service quality that can
help to enhance the quality of service. According to the SERVQUAL model (Parasuraman,
Zeithaml, & Berry, 1988), service quality can be measured by identifying the gaps between
customers expectations of the service to be rendered and their perceptions of the actual
performance of the service (Nadiria, Kandampullyb and Hussain, 2009). Despite all criticism
it is the model that helps to match service quality with customers perception about the
service they may purify. Out of all instruments SERVQUAL is the most popular and well
known scale developed by Parasurman that really works for service industry (Bahia and
Natel, 2000). In this study five dimension construct of perceived quality based on
SERVQUAL has been used for measuring the service quality and effectiveness of Jamuna
Bank Limited. The degree of relationship between those five dimensions and customer

satisfaction has been identified. After that the degree of relationship between customer
satisfaction and service performance has been identified based on respondents response
regarding agenda. This research paper explores the way how SERVQUAL it is used in
banking sector for measuring service performance (Newman, 2001). While is to assist bank
managers develop a differentiated service quality strategy that effectively raises the
satisfaction of existing customers and to attract potential customers (Yu, 2008). This paper
started with the review of hypothesis development according to SERVQUAL five dimension
model and subsequent sections discuss the item scale, data purification, data validation and
findings. This paper also includes the difficulties of service quality improvements in the
context of profitability profile and customers perceived satisfaction of Jamuna Bank

Objectives of the study:

Banking is much more related with delivering service. In this research researchers objective

To analyze and make the SERVQUAL of customer satisfaction and perceived service
quality only.

Measuring the perceived service quality of Jamuna Bank Ltd. with a view to assist
management to enhance the delivery of service quality that will help the management
for making decision based on customer satisfaction.

Significance of the study:

This is a study that will try to find out the difference between customers expectation and
perception of banking service quality. Bank management is always much more aware about
cost rather quality of their service. They always try to provide service in an economic way
that will maximize their economic return. Thats why most of the time customers found huge
gap perceived service quality and promised service quality. So it is really an important factor
from management point of view that is they able to provide committed service. This study
will help management practitioners to set the service quality range based on service criteria as
well as it will help the customer for getting better and reliable service. After all customer will

be satisfied and new customer will attract that will maximize banks wealth as well as all
stockholders wealth.

Hypothesis Development:
Service quality measurement is one of the most important and challenging task for any
product or service delivery industry. We can evaluate the quality of goods and service based
on some criteria like search properties, experience properties, and credence properties (Yu,
2008). There has no standard form of scale or model for measuring service quality.
SERVQUAL of Parasurman is probably well known, universal scale for measuring service
quality (Bahia, Natel, 2000). For developing research hypothesis I have used SERVQUALs
five dimension as it is much more popular along with customer satisfaction in accordance
with service performance of Jamuna Bank Limited.

Appearances of the service providing environment and the facilities that service provider
have available for customers have a greater relationship with customers satisfaction (Chen,
2009). Tangibility includes equipment, the appearance of branches in terms of appeal;
cleanliness and tidiness that actually helps the customer to stay longer in branch and do
frequent banking (Newman, 2001). The interior and the visual outlook of a bank help to
create a favorable perception of service quality upon banking activity (Jayawardhena, 2004).
The activity may take place far away from where the customer is sitting and the place of
service providing place distance is not applicable as customers always demand convenience
of service (Siadat, 2008). The Process of payment and receiving money, location of front
desk, inside interior all of the things helps the customer to make their expectation level for
satisfaction with ease of transaction. As now-a-days more non-human interaction banking
like online banking or e-banking getting popularity compared with physical banking, so
banks have to come up with more friendly websites for their customers. That will help to
create customers fascination for banking service (Yu, 2008). So, whether it is online or
physical banking tangibles always has importance to make customer satisfied.

Hypothesis 1: Tangibles is positively associated with perceived satisfaction by bank


According to Zeithaml et al. (1990) reliability is the ability to perform the promised service
dependably and accurately that boosts customer satisfaction. Bank deals with money so there
should have reliability of public sources that this money will be returned after specific time
period (Bahia and natel, 2000). Accuracy of records with error free transaction records and
Reliability became the major focus of banking activity that closely related with customer
demand for specific service. Getting it right first time all the time'' became the target for
account accuracy, keeping promises, meeting deadlines and providing timely and accurate
information to customers (Newman, 2001). Now-a-days information technology is helping to
enhance the reliability of banking service that related with customer satisfaction. To become
a reliable bank in banking industry bank have to maintain error free record with customized
service. Customers always try to do banking with those banks where they feel safe for
transaction. So, it is clear that reliability is much more associated with customer satisfaction.

Hypothesis 2: Reliability is positively associated with customer satisfaction of a bank.

Customers always want to get help from the employees and to get individual priority that
increases their satisfaction level. Responsiveness is the degree of willingness of employees to
help customers and provide prompt service to ensure that customers are satisfied with current
service (Chen, 2009). The responsiveness dimension actually incorporates a number of
activities, including the readiness of staff to tell customers exactly when things will be done,
the provision of prompt service, giving customers their undivided attention as well as being
demonstrably responsive to customers' requests. Now-a-days private banks are getting more
priority than public bank just because of providing customer driven service to make them
happy regarding service by private bank employees. And there has high propensity to convert
public bank to private just to increase customer loyalty by improving responsiveness through
which customer base will increase (Vibha, Nravichandra, N. K., 2011). Improvements in staff
behavior became a prime focus for individual staff as well as for teams' improvement

initiatives with apparent success (Newman, 2001). Bank always have to be responsive to
service what customer demand and what kind of serve have to be provided to make them
satisfied (Jayawardhena, 2004). Customers are always aware about the degree of attention
and prompt service that they are getting from their bank, so it is related with customers

Hypothesis 3: Responsiveness is positively associated with customer satisfaction of a bank.

Service provider is how much capable to provide promised and committed service that
basically denotes the assurance level of that organization that determines the customers
satisfaction level. Assurance requires staff to have the knowledge to answer customers'
questions and the ability to provide competent, confidential, courteous and friendly service to
heighten satisfaction intensity (Newman, 2001). In general employees capability to provide
service with most recent data along with promised service accurately helps customer to set
their assurance level for any service (Chen, 2009). Increased level of service assurance leads
to create positive loyalty and readiness to pay extra compared to competitors service for the
service, decreased intentions to switch to competitors (Vibha, Nravichandran and N.K.,
2011). Assurance and customer satisfaction is much more associated with one another as
customers set their level of expectation based on that. If the customer has a problem, the
customer service option of telephone or e-mail is how to report this and it is here that the
companys ability to respond well and at a reasonable speed is judged. This is also relevant if
fulfillment is part of the service and the customer has to send back an item or it is late
arriving (Siadat, 2008).

Hypothesis 4: Assurance is positively associated with customer satisfaction of a bank.

Empathy is one of the most valued dimension that directly impact on customer loyalty of a
bank, willingness to banking with that bank, customer commitment and customer trust
(Kumar, Kee and Charles, 2010). Empathy is individualized attention to customers and
willingness of bank personnel to help customers and resolve their problems in a timely
manner (Chen, 2009). It includes Caring, easy access, good /communication, customer
understanding and individualized attention given to customer (Zeithaml, 1990). According to
the study (Lewis Gabrielsen, 1998), service quality and delivery is subjective and is
experienced and judged by customers during service encounters and can be used as a strategic
variable among organizations (Yu, 2008). Customers dont what to waste time in bank and
they expect problem of their solution within a short time period. Personnel have to be
prepared in a way that they can satisfy a customer may with quality service displayed by staff
when they demonstrably had customer best interests at heart by offering convenient opening
hours, understanding of individual customer needs and problems as well as providing
individual attention (Newman, 2001).

Hypothesis 5: Empathy is positively associated with customer satisfaction of a bank.

Customer satisfaction:
Berry and Parasuraman (1991) found that the customers service expectation exists at two
levels, the desired level and the adequate level. The desired service level describes the service
that the customer hopes to receive. This level is made up by a mix of what the customer
believes can be and should be. The adequate level describes what the customer finds
acceptable (Nadiria, Kandampullyb and Hussain, 2009). Always it is not possible to fulfill
customers expectations based on their demand and also customer expectation vary from
customer to customer so, it is possible that satisfaction level of customers may vary (Vibha,
Nravichandra, N. K., 2011). Customers satisfaction level varies from customer to customer
based on service performance of banks and both are related with each other.

Research Methodology:

Type of Research:
Objective of this research was to find out the service quality level of Jamuna Bank Limited in
terms of customer satisfaction. The study has been conducted within some specific condition
for analyzing the service quality situation. This research is a conclusive research and
objective was to provide information that is useful in reaching conclusions or decisionmaking (Malhotra and Dash, 2010). It tends to be quantitative in nature that is to say in the
form of numbers that can be quantified and summarized. This research has already been
evidently defined. Indeed, it was a conclusive research which was appropriate for this study.

Source of Data:
Data has been collected from so many sources to test hypotheses of this study. Data that that
has been collected were actually categorized in to two main sources. One was Primary Data
and another one was Secondary Data. Both of the data has been used to develop and validate
hypotheses of this study based on past research and present research.

Primary Data Collection:

Primary data are those data that are originated by researcher to perform research work for the
specific purpose of addressing problem at hand (Malhotra and Dash, 2010). Primary data
collection is expensive and time consuming as researcher have to do field work to collect data
from target respondents. For this study target respondents were customers of Jamuna bank
Limited, all of the primary data has been collected through structured questionnaire based on
SERVQUAL model developed by Parasurman. Primary data has been collected through:
Structured questionnaire Survey

Secondary Data Collection:

Secondary data are those data that have already been collected for any research or any other
purpose. It is easy to collect secondary data and secondary data is inexpensive too. For this
research I have used so many secondary data from different sources like journals, books, ejournals and many more sources. I tried to collect all secondary data in relation with my
research topic and research objective.
The secondary data has been collected from following sources:
A lot of academic articles and journals on SERVQUAL.
Different online libraries and educational websites which publish articles and reviews.
Different education associated websites.
A lot of research related books from North South University library.

Questionnaire Design:
Primary data has been collected through Structured Close Ended Questionnaire, so that it was
easier to collect information from respondent as well as it was easier for respondents to
response. To measure customer satisfaction Likert scale has been used in this study that
helped to covert qualitative data to quantitative data with a value of 1 to 5 where 1 stands for
strongly disagree, 2 for disagree, 3 for neither agree nor disagree, 4 for agree, and 5 for
strongly disagree. There were five independent variables and one dependent variables with 28
scale items. Independent variables were collected from SERVQUAL model. Questionnaire
has been collected from published journals and articles with standard value. In my research I
have used Parasurmans (1988) SERVQUAL five dimension construct of service quality
named tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy (Bahia and Natel, 2000).
These five items were used as independent variable in relation with customer satisfaction.
Questionnaire for independent variables were 22item scales with five dimension item were
collected from a journal named Zone of tolerance for banks: a diagnostic model of service
quality by Nadiria, Kandampullyb and Hussain, 2009. Dependent variable customer
satisfaction questionnaire were collected from an article named service loyalty by Caruana,
2002. There I used three item scales to measure the customer satisfaction. And that last
dependent item service performance were collected from Dyer and Reevess (1995) proposed

dimensions of company performance and there I used three scale item to measure the service
performance of Jamuna Bank Limited.
Measures of Questionnaire sources:


Nadiri, H., Kandampully,
J., & Hussain, K. (2009)


Nadiri, H., Kandampully,

J., & Hussain, K. (2009)

Responsiveness Nadiri, H., Kandampully,

J., & Hussain, K. (2009)


Nadiri, H., Kandampully,

J., & Hussain, K. (2009)

Questionnaire Items
1. The bank has modern looking
2. The banks physical facilities are
visually appealing
3. The banks employees are neat
4. Materials associated with the
service are visually appealing at
the bank
1. When the bank promises to do
something by a certain time, it
does so
2. When you have a problem, the
bank shows a sincere interest in
solving it
3. The bank performs the service
right the first time
4. The bank provides its services at
the time it promises to do so
5. The bank insists on error-free
1. Employees of the bank tell you
exactly when services will be
2. Employees of the bank give you
prompt service
3. Employees of the bank are
always willing to help you
4. Employees of the bank are never
too busy to respond to your
1. The behavior of employees of
the bank instills confidence in
2. You feel safe in your transaction
with the bank
3. Employees of the bank are
consistently courteous towards
4. Employees of the bank have the
knowledge to answer your


Nadiri, H., Kandampully,

J., & Hussain, K. (2009)


Caruana, A. (2002)


1. The bank gives you individual

2. The bank has operating hours
convenient to all its customers
3. The bank has employees who
give you personal attention
4. The bank has your best interest
at heart
5. Employees of the bank
understand your specific needs
1. Based on all of your experience
you are satisfied
2. Compared to other banks you
have done business with
3. In general, I am satisfied

Sampling Plan:
Target Population:

Target population has been set after questionnaire design and this target population was the
respondent who actively participated in my research. My targeted population was customers
of Jamuna Bank Limited who actually scored the bank in terms of their service quality.
Sampling Technique:

I included one element only one times and followed sampling without replacement technique.
Meaning my questionnaire was structured with non-repetition of questions. Every respondent
got only one chance to response; they were not allowed for second time participation in
survey as my survey technique was non-replacement technique of respondents.


Sample Frame and Sample Size:

I have conducted a convenient survey. I have collected data from those samples which were
convenient for me to reach and collect data. All of the respondent were taken from Jamuna
Bank Malibagh branch whish was easier for me as I was working there as internship student.
Although convenience survey may lead to biasness but indeed it is helpful to measure the
service quality within short time span. Sample respondent has been chosen those who can
understand the questionnaire and can response independently.

There were total 92

respondents from and all of them from Malibagh branch.

Factor analysis:

Exploratory principal component factor analysis with Varimax rotation identified five
SERVQUAL factors namely: tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy
and one independent factor namely: customer satisfaction. Result of the factor analysis is
showed at table 01. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin measure of sampling adequacy exhibited score
of (0.51) or more than (.51), which indicates that that factor analysis was appropriate for the


The first factor was categorized as tangibles of Jamuna Bank. This factor had four scale items
which are related to tangibles and appearance of service environment. This factor accounted
for (77%) of explained variance and considered as most vital.
The second factor reliability had five items which comprised of error-free records, service
promises and service performance. This factor accounted for (58%) of explained variance.
The third factor responsiveness accounted for (50%) of variance. This factor consisted of four
items which are related to providing prompt service, employees willingness to help
customers and service speediness.


The fourth factor assurance explained (53%) variance. The factor was defined by four scale
items that primarily related to behavior of employees, transaction safety, bank courteousness
and knowledge of employee regarding banking service.
The fifth factor empathy had five scale items to measure empathy of the bank. These five
items are related with convenient operation hours, individual attention towards customers and
banks interest to help its customers. This factor is accounted for (53%) of explained
The sixth and the last factor is customer satisfaction the most important factor of this study.
Based on this factor we found the level of customer satisfaction based on their perceived
service quality. This factor comprised of three scale items and all of the items were basically
related with observed service quality satisfaction. The factor table (table: 01) shows that this
factor is accounted for (66%) of explained variance.

Result and analysis:

Table: 02 Correlation table with mean and standard deviation


St. Dev.



2. Tangibles




3. Reliability





4. Responsiveness






5. Assurance







6. Empathy








1. Customer


* Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

** Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Correlation table (table: 2) shows the means, standard deviations, and correlations for all the
variables used in this study. The result indicated that SERVQUAL factors have significant
influences on the perceived service quality by customers of Jamuna Bank Limited. Table 2

shows that tangibles are negatively associated with customer satisfaction of Jamuna Bank
Limited (r = -.024, p<n.s).
Correlation table also shows relationship regarding for the rest four hypotheses based on
customers response. Reliability (r =.085, p<n,s) is positively correlated with customer
satisfaction that has been supported by this study respondent group, although reliability and
customer satisfaction doesnt have significant relationship. Similarly rest of three variables
responsiveness, assurance and empathy is positively associated with customer satisfaction
that supports hypotheses 3, 4 and 5 of this study. Responsiveness (r =.210, P< .05) is
positively associated with customer satisfaction with a significant level of 95%. Assurance (r
=.412, P< .01); empathy (r= .429, P< .01) also positively associated with customer
satisfaction of Jamuna Bank Limited at a significance level of 99%. This indicates that
hypothesis 3, 4 and 5 of the present study is supported by my sample respondents.

Table: 03 Regression table of SERVQUAL factors


Customer satisfaction

1. Tangibles




2. Reliability




3. Responsiveness




4. Assurance




5. Empathy




R square


Adjusted R square


F value


In order to examine the study more comprehensively I have done regression analysis for all
regarding variables to validate this study. Regression table (table: 3) shows that SERVQUAL
model impact on level of customer satisfaction. First of all that shows the impact of each


SERVQUAL variable has to ensure customer satisfaction of Jamuna Bank limited. Here we
can see the magnitude of change of each variable to ensure customer satisfaction.
Theoretical evidence shows a positive relation between customer satisfaction and tangibles
(Parasuraman A., Berry, L.L. and Zeithaml, 1991). Regression table of this study shows that
service performance negatively related with customer satisfaction based on customer group:
= -.149 (p< .280) which doesnt support hypothesis 1 of this study. We can also see that
overall strength of association between tangibles and customer satisfaction is not significant
as R square value is .266. So, according to my findings my hypothesis 1 was rejected as
Tangibles and Customer satisfaction are not positively associated with each other.
Reliability is an SURVQUAL variable that interlinked with customer satisfaction helps to
determine the level of customer level. Regression table (table: 3) shows that service
performance is positively related with customer satisfaction but not in a significant level (p<
.367) based on customer group response. This result doesnt support hypothesis 2 of this
study. Result also shows that overall strength of association (R2= .266) between reliability
and customer satisfaction is not significant. Both of the variables have positive beta with
adjusted R square .223 and F value 6.221.
Every customer hopes for individual attention that leads to maximize their satisfaction level.
Regression table (table: 3) shows that service performance is negatively correlated with
customer satisfaction although it was positive in correlation analysis at 95% based on
customer group response. Result shows = -.012 with significant level of (p< .92) which
indicates there has no significant relation between responsiveness and customer satisfaction
that doesnt support hypothesis 3 of this study. Result also shows that overall strength of
association between independent variable and dependent variable (R2=.266) is not significant.
Both of the variables has negative beta with -.012 with positive adjusted R square .223 and F
value 6.221.
Regression table (table: 3) also shows that assurance is positively related with customer
satisfaction as it was positive in correlation analysis at 99% significance level based on
customer group response. Result supports hypothesis 4 of this study which was assurance and
customer satisfaction has positive relationship. = .274 with significant level of (p< .05)
indicates both of them has significant relation. Result proves the overall strength of
association between assurance and customer satisfaction (R2=.266) is significant. So,
according findings hypothesis 4 of this study was accepted as it was assurance of Jamuna

bank Limited and Customer satisfaction is positively associated with each other as they are
positively related in a significant level of 95%.
Empathy and Customer satisfaction goes hand to hand (Bahia and Natel, 2000). Result shows
that service performance is positively related with customer satisfaction as it was positive in
correlation analysis at 99% significance level based on customer group response. Here result
was = .329 with significant level of (p< .01) that indicates empathy and customer
satisfaction has significant relation between them. According to findings hypothesis 5 was
accepted as it was empathy of Jamuna bank Limited and Customer satisfaction is positively
associated with each other as they are positively related in a significant level of 99%.

Findings of this study are not matching with the result of previous SERVQUAL research
(Parasuraman A., Berry L.L. and Zeithaml, 1985) to some extent. Although SERVQUAL is
an effective model to measure service quality (Stodnick and Rogers, 2008) but it might not
properly worked in Bangladeshi context as Bangladeshi people have different choice criteria
based on local service environment. The model that has been used in this study is one of the
most effective models to evaluate service quality that supports by the previous research
results (Bahia, Natel, 2000; Wang and Shieh, 2006; Parasuraman A., Berry L.L. and
Zeithaml, 1985).
Based on study result of the respondent hypothesis 1 was not supported by the respondents
that shows that stunning tangibles failed to meet the level of customer satisfaction. Service
providing environment helps to set service quality of any organization (Wang and Shieh,
2006). According to this research finding tangibles are not related to customer satisfaction
this is may simply because of Jamuna Bank have appealing interior or service environment
but customer failed to correlate it with their service quality. One of the major things of
tangibles is Service enquiry desk from where customer will get information about banking
service. This enquiry desk might not properly in place thats why customer face problem
regarding their query. Air condition facility is another factor that customers cannot associate
with their service quality. Another factor could be the indicating sign inside the branches that
should be placed properly to ensure customer satisfaction. In JBL there might not has


specific direction for customer which department is where located that boosts customer
dissatisfaction as they have to shift more than couple of desks for any single transaction. So
considering all of the factors it is identifiable that customers of JBL were unable to connect
whole banking process layout with their satisfaction level.
Reliability is positively related with customer satisfaction according to Bahia and Natel
(Bahia, Natel, 2000), but result of this research shows that reliability is not positively related
with customer satisfaction which doesnt support hypothesis 2 of this study. There might
have some factors like when Jamuna bank promises to do something by a certain time, it does
not do so for its client although they are committed to do it for customer satisfaction. When
any clients have any problem regarding service issue bankers doesnt show a sincere interest
in solving it or bank failed to provide the right service at the right time. So, customers cannot
relate that how banks reliability drives for their satisfaction and they become dissatisfied
regarding their reliability issue as it hampers their satisfaction level.
Assurance and customer satisfaction comes hand to hand and they are correlated as per
theoretical evidence and I also found it from my research. This research shows that assurance
and customer satisfaction of have significant relationship. Respondent customers might have
few assumptions regarding service that helps them to correlate assurance and satisfaction.
Assumptions that they may have regarding assurance and satisfaction relation could be the
behavior of employees of that helps to boost customers level of satisfaction, customers are
doing frequent transaction with bank and they feel safe with the bank transaction that also
related with satisfaction. Bank has consistently courteous and knowledgeable employees with
required competencies for answering any query regarding service. All of this helps to set
customer satisfaction level and all of the factors may drive customers to correlate satisfaction
and assurance.
According to this research findings and analysis customer satisfaction and empathy is
positively correlates and associated with each other in a significant level. Some factors
regarding banking service might help customers to correlate empathy and satisfaction level
like individual attention towards a customer, convenient operating hours to all customers,
hiring employees who can are capable to give personal attention towards customers,
employees of the bank understand customers specific needs and demand regarding service
and bank has customers best interest at its heart. All of the factors are related with customer


satisfaction and all of this categorized under empathy. So, respondents judge goes to positive
association between these two different variables.

This study indicates the impact of different SERVQUAL factors on the level of customer
satisfaction in Jamuna Bank Ltd of Bangladesh. This research experientially verified the
results of SERVQUAL model with regard to organizational performance of Jamuna bank in
terms of customer satisfaction. The study shows the most important SERVQUAL area that
contributes most to satisfy a customer. Future researcher may encouraged to do this kind of
research that will help to improve the level of service quality in banking sector as well as
management would be able to know the weak area regarding service delivery. That will help
management to be proactive and they will be efficient to take proper initiative to recover the
lagged area of service environment.

Practical Implications

The fundamental linkage process will facilitate the management of Jamuna bank to design
programs that will bring forward better outfitted results to achieve higher monetary expansion
with greater customer satisfaction. The study estimated the connection between SERVQUAL
model and customers perceived level of satisfaction to assist management for their upcoming
planning. The study recognized that some SERVQUAL factor have positive and significant
impact on the level of customer satisfaction of Jamuna Bank. The experiential results specify
that in order to increase customer satisfaction the bank have to improve its business
performance and should be competitive as there has so many competitors in banking industry.
Management of the bank should realize the significance of the role SERVQUAL factors and
they have to use this information as a source of tactical knowledge and should thereby
integrate SERVQUAL items in decision making. The focus of management should be to
recognize organizational performance procedure and plan to integrate all of the possible


Limitations of the study

The study has several limitations those pushed to cross the scope and capability of the
The information regarding customer satisfaction was collected by distributing survey
questionnaire although most of the respondents were not concern about SERVQUAL
It was very difficult to deliver information about SERVQUAL model as most of them

were not familiar with this term.

In some cases customers were not willing to take part on the survey.
It was not easy to find out the perfect and knowledgeable customer to do proper
The time constraint was another limitation factor; time was not that much for
conducting such an important research.
The sample scale was also too small to go for the maximum possibility method that is
accepted now as a better technique for connecting model testing.




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