1989 Curve Geometries

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Curve Geometries


A. Ferrusi, Engr. Trk., CN, Capreol, ONT

This report deals with the problems a roadmaster could encounter on curved track on his territory excluding
those commonly associated with rail and ties. It is imperative that curve alignment, surface, and uniformity be
maintained in order to provide the best ride quality possible and prevent unnecessary deterioration of
components and hazard to traffic.
Incidence of Curves
The orientation of tracks across North America vary greatly from one geographical location to the next, but two
facets seem common; we generally suffer from similar problems and limitations. Since railroad construction in
the past generally took the path of least resistance following coast line, rivers, lakes, etc. for grade reasons, most
railroads have a great many heavy curve territories. Obvious with this choice of route is the natural instability of
locations along these water courses.
Causes of Curve Problems
Essential to the understanding of curve geometry problems and how they develop is the understanding or
recognition of the underlying causes of these problems. The causes of curve geometry problems can be split into
two categories, natural and self-inflicted. These causes are broken down as follows:
Sinkholes - gradual sinking of the entire and/or part of railway embankment in a curve.
Soft spot - usually quite small, may affect only one rail. Usually associated with a drainage or water percolation
Frost heaves - restricted to northern locations. Worse in the spring and may affect cross level and/or alignment.
Improper surfacing - poor or inadequate surfacing techniques or equipment causing alignment, superelevation
or cross level problem.
Traffic behavior - overspeed, temporary slow order effects.
Track features or curves - joints, bridges, crossings, turnouts.
Improper ballast sections - poor or weak ballast shoulders especially on high side of curve.
Type of Problems
The curve geometry problems that can be associated with the above causes are as follows with their probable
associated causes:

Vertical profile distortion - either a hump or a sag in curve body caused by sinkholes, frost heaves, or poor
Dog legs at end of curves - poor alignment of interface area between curve and tangent caused by poor or
improper surfacing and lining techniques, surfacing at night, malfunctioning equipment.
Superelevation starting on tangents superelevation for curve starts out on tangent track; poor staking of curve or
improper surfacing and lining.
Curve and spiral alignment distortions original curve is altered in alignment either by moving up or down hill
causing either reduced or increased curvature caused by improper surfacing and lining techniques, traffic
patterns, or poor ballast section.
Flat spots in curves - short segments of what appears to be straight rail in curve. Usually caused by surfacing
(especially at transition points), frost heaves, soft spots or track features.
Improper superelevation - wrong superelevation for posted train speed usually caused by poor surfacing
techniques, sinkholes, soft spots, or frost heaves.
Track twist - difference in cross level between the trucks at the two ends of a railway car should not exceed
given parameters for various railways. Usually appears in the spiral area of curve and usually caused by
improper surfacing of frost heaves or soft spots.
Detection Procedures
Correction of these curve geometry problems as they develop is necessary as soon as possible, since the
following consequences can develop due to poor curve geometries:

Poor ride quality

Excessive rail wear and/or crushing
Rapid tie deterioration
Excessive curve movement under traffic
Excessive and/or long lasting slow orders
Detection of curve geometry problems can be accomplished in a variety of ways each having its own
Visual - a trained and/or experienced eye is probably the best tool for detecting the majority of the curve
geometry problems associated with line and surface.

Mechanical - usually used to verify visual detections by use of stringline method or use of level boards, also
used on a regular basis to check curves even if visual detection is not made.
Track evaluation and/or geometry cars -frequency of testing of curves by this method varies greatly across
North America. This method not only locates obvious visual problems but also detects latent and/or less obvious
problems which cannot be detected by visual methods.
Corrective/Preventative Practices
Methods to prevent and deal with curve geometry problems generally depend on good preventative and
continuing maintenance practices. These are as follows:
1. Provide and maintain good drainage.
2. Build strong embankment or fortify or rebuild an existing embankment in frost heave and sinkhole
3. Provide and maintain a strong ballast section. North American standard is eight to twelve inches of good
quality ballast below the ties and at least twelve inches on outside shoulder on high rail side.
4. Properly stake curve-provide permanent markers for locations of TS, SC, CS and ST. If possible, these
markers should also show grade markings for curve or required superelevation. These markers should be set
by a survey crew.
5. Prevent installation of track features on curves such as joints, bridges, crossings, turnouts unless absolutely
6. Proper training of track maintenance employees in the detection of curve geometry problems, their
measurement through various accepted methods and methods to correct problems.
7. Proper training of surfacing gang employees: the foreman for overall purpose, techniques, quality and
results and the operators in the proper use of their machines.
8. Regular track inspections using visual, manual and testing equipment. Periodic checks of curves even if
geometry problems not suspected.
9. Regular surfacing program to correct minor developing problems with line surface and cross level between
rehabilitation and/or tie programs. The North American standard appears to be about every three years on
heavy tonnage lines over 20 MGTM and every five years on lighter lines.
In conclusion, the proper maintenance of curve geometries is a continual on-going task, and with the proper
circumstances and vigilant maintenance a given curve will ride as it was designed. Thank you. (Applause)
Mr. Poulsen: Thank you, Mr. Ferrusi. Please accept this certificate as a sign of our appreciation for all the work
put into that report. At this point I'll turn the podium back to President Matte for our business meeting.
President Matte: Thank you, Carl and Ron, and your committee chairmen for their fine reports.

At this time I would like to recognize those past presidents who are here with us today. Please hold your
applause until I have introduced all of them. Mr. R. K. (Dick) Pullem, chief engineer maintenance-of-way
(retired), CSX Transportation, President 1977-1978; R. E. (Russ) Frame, chief engineering officer (retired) CSX
Transportation, President 1978-1979; Karl Sutherland, director maintenance-of-way system (recently retired)
CP Rail, President 1981-1982; Ray Hernandez, assistant division engineer, Southern Pacific Transportation
Company, President 1982-1983; Huburt V. Meek, general roadmaster (retired), Denver and Rio Grande
Western, President 1983-1984; Dave Staplin, assistant chief engineer systems, CSX Transportation, President
1984-1985; M. J. (Mike) Marlow, senior project engineer tracks and property, Elgin, Joliet and Eastern Railway,
President 1986-1987; Ray Snyder, assistant chief engineer structures, Chicago and North Western
Transportation Company, President 1987-1988. How about a round of applause for these gentlemen.

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