Vocabulary of Holiday

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arrive: llegar
break a journey: parar de camino
can afford: poder permitirse
carry on: continuar /seguir viaje
continue: continuar /seguir viaje
explore: echar un vistazo
get back: regresar
get to: arrive, llegar
go by: ir en coche

go on: continuar/seguir viaje

land: aterrizar/ tomar tierra
leave: salir, partir / establecer
look around: echar un vistazo
move to: mudarse, trasladarse
return: regresar
set out: Sali, partir/ establecer
stop off/over: parar the camino
take off: despegar.

General Vocabulary
airsick: marearse en coche
backpacking: a lo mochilero
beach holiday: vacaciones de paya
bed and breakfast (B&B)
camping holiday
carsick: marearse en coche
cathedral: catedral
cheap cut-price tickets: tirados de precio
(in the) city centre: centro ciudad
climbing: escalar
crowed places: aglomerados
cruise: crucero
(on a )cruise ship: crucero
flight: vuelo
free time: tiempo libre
hiking: senderismo
hitch-hiking: hacer autostop
holiday resort: lugar de vacaciones
homesick: morria
journey: viaje
leisure: ocio, tiempo libre
(in) luxury: lujoso
luxury hotel: hotel de lujo
meeting new people:
(in the) mountains:

off-peak hours: horas menos trnsito

off-peak charge: tarifa reducida
off the beaten track: poco transitado
peak period: horas mayor consumo
peak hours: horas punta
physical activity:
rush hour: hora punta
(at) sea:
(at the) seaside: costa, zona de playa
seasick: marearse en marco
seeing new places:
sights: vistas
sightseeing holiday:
sunbathing: tomar el sol
square :plaza
tour operator:
travel agent: agente de viajes
trip: pequeo viaje/escapada
unspoilt: natural
visiting monuments
voyage: viaje barco/espacio
(at a ) youth hostel: hostal

baggage: equipaje
baggage reclaim: cinta transportadora
board: embarcar /subir abordo
boarding card/pass: tarjeta embarque
(suit) case: maleta
check-in desk: punto facturacin

gate: puerta de embarque

land: aterrizar, tomar tierra/tierra
luggage: equipage
seat: asiento
seat-belt: cinturn de seguridad
take off: despegar

carriage: vagn
platform: andn
railway: va tren
railway station: estacin tren /FFCC

the underground: (UK)Metro

the tube: (US) Metro
ticket: billete
ticket office: ventanilla comprar billete

bicycle: bicicleta
pedestrian area: paso de peatones
bike: bici
petrol: gasolina
car: coche
petrol station: gasolinera
car crash: accidente coche
public transport: transporte pblico
car park: aparacamiento
road works :carretera en obras
cycle lane: carril bici
speed limit: lmite velocidad
coach: autocar
scooter: scooter
diesel: gasoil
taxi: taxi
helmet: casco moto
taxi rank: parada de taxis
lorry: camin
traffic jam: caravana
motorbike: motocicleta
traffic light: semforo
motorway: carretera
tram: tranva
parking: aparcamiento
truck: camin
parking fine: multa
pedestrian: peatn
arrange: contratar (package tour)
ban from: prohibir, suspender
catch on: entender
chase: perseguir
complain about: quejarse sobre algo
discourage from: desalentar, rechazar
dismiss: despedir
fire: despedir
fall behind: hacer menos progresos
fell: talar rbol
get by: sobrevivir
get on: tener relacin con alguien
give up: dejar de hacer algo
interested in: interesado en

stay ______________
try to be ___________
be _______________
keep _____________


keep up with: seguir progresando

let down: fallar, defraudar
prevent from: prevenir, evitar
resign: dimitir
pick up: aprender fcilmente
pick up someone: recoger a alguien
pick someone up: ligar con alguien
sack: despedir
set out: establecer
succeed in: tener xito en
suggest (that) we do: sugerir ....
take up: empezar algo nuevo
upset: interrumpir


1. Put each of the following word or phrases in its correct place in the passage below.

off the beaten track

package holiday


youth hostels

travel agents



cut-price tickets

People have more money and more (a) ____leisure____ nowadays and even young
people can afford to go abroad. Many (b) ___travel agents______ offer cheap (c)
___cut-price tickets_________ for flights to all part of the world, so youngsters can
avoid the crowded well-known places and get to less famous areas which are (d)
_off the beaten track_____. Instead of using public transport and hostels, they can travel
by (e) __hich-hiking_____ and stay at (f) __youth-hostels________. But most people
prefer some kind of (g) ___package holiday_____ at a popular holiday (h)
____resort______, which means that everything is arranged for you and the price you
pay includes transport, food and accommodation. Try to avoid taking your holiday
during busy (i) ____peak_____ tourist season. Its more crowed and expensive. If
possible, go in the quieter (j) ___off-peak______ period.

2. Put each of the following word in its correct place in the passage below. Some words
must be used more than once.







a) For general advice about ____travel___________, go to a travel agent.

b) One day I would like to do the _journey_ by train and ship across Russia to
c) Were going on a ____Tour_____ of Europe, visiting 11 countries in 5 weeks.
d) We went on a three-week ____cruise__________ round the Mediterranean. The
ship called at Venice, Athens, Istanbul and Alexandria.
e) He once went by ship to Australia. The __voyage_ took there and a half weeks.
f) Im going on a business ___trip____________ to Paris next weekend.
g) Air France___flight____________ 507 from Paris to New York will be taking
off in ten minutes.
h) The __journey_____________ from Heathrow Airport to the centre of London
takes about 45 minutes by underground.
i) On our first day in New York we went on a three-hour ___tour__________ of
the city by bus, which slowed us the main sights
j) During our stay in London we went on a day ____trip_________ to Oxford, an
another to Windsor.
3. Put one of the following words in each space in the sentences below: in; at; by; on

We went __by____ car.

We went __in____ Johns car.
We went __on____ a journey.
She arrived __in____ London at midnight.
She arrived __at____ the hotel.

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