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ACULAB Stack Installation

1. Add user aculab in the target machine (super user mode i.e. as root user)
$ adduser aculab
$ passwd aculab (set password for aculab user)
If user already exists skip this step.
2. Crate directory for installation(super user mode)
$ mkdir p /opt/aculab
$ chown -R aculab.aculab /opt/aculab (create ownership for the created folder)
3. change directory to /opt/aculab
Get the Aculab stack load AIT-1_2.tar.gz from release server and put in current
Directory. i.e /opt/aculab
4. Untar the AIT_1-2.tar.gz load as follows
$ tar -zxvf AIT_1-2.tar.gz
5. Change directory to AIT as follows
$ cd AIT
6. Now run the following command
As we run the above command the following GUI is displayed
(Fig - 1)

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Fig -1
7. Press OK button and then click on the File Menu as the screen shot displayed in
the following.

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Fig -2
8. Now choose Open Package or press [Ctrl + O] keys from Keyboard as shown in the
following screen shot available packages will be displayed. Now choose aculab and
click on Open button.

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Fig 3

Now all the components will be displayed as in the following screen shot and by
default all components will be selected. Now Click on Install button to install all the

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Fig 4
10. After successful installation the following screen comes. If any components failed to
be installed, then corresponding error log comes in Output window. Otherwise it
displays ads Installation successful.

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Fig -5
11. Now Click on File Menu and Click on Exit. Now press OK button to exit Installation

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Fig 6

12. Now change directory to /opt/aculab

$ cd /opt/aculab

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1. Export the aculab environmental variable as follows
$ .
2. Now change directory to /opt/aculab/driver
$ cd driver

Now issue the following command

$ ./dacpinst build
Aculab dacpinst
*** Refer to readme.install for instuctions on using this tool ***
Cleaning Aculab driver object
Cleaning Aculab SS7 driver object
rm -f -f *.o *.ko .*.o.cmd Modle.* modules.order
Aculab driver generation

Do you want to have Prosody S support? (y/n)? [Y]:n

Do you have any 16 port carrier cards in your system? (y/n)? [N]: n
Would you like to have Prosody X card support? (y/n)? [Y]: y
Do you have any Prosody X cards installed in this machine? (y/n)? [Y]:n
(cPCI only) HotSwap is always supported in this configuration
Speech and IP drivers are not needed for Prosody X cards, the functionality
is user-space only.
If you have a PMX fitted onto any Prosody X or 16 port trunk card used by
this machine, then you will need to say 'y' to the following question.
Failure to do so will cause undefined behaviour.

Would you like to have E1/T1 call control support (y/n)? [Y]:y
Do you have any other Aculab cards installed? (y/n)? [Y]: n
Would you like to have ss7 driver support (y/n)? [Y]: y
Note: The driver name will be: dacpswcl.ko
make -C /lib/modules/2.6.18-92.el5PAE/build SUBDIRS=`pwd` modules CONFIG_DACP_SWCL=m
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-92.el5-PAE-i686'
CC [M] /opt/aculab/driver/src/dacpmain.o
CC [M] /opt/aculab/driver/src/kern_if.o
CC [M] /opt/aculab/driver/src/dacpdrv.o
CC [M] /opt/aculab/driver/src/dacpinit.o
CC [M] /opt/aculab/driver/src/dacpio.o
CC [M] /opt/aculab/driver/src/dacpntry.o
CC [M] /opt/aculab/driver/src/dacpcmd.o
CC [M] /opt/aculab/driver/src/dacpintr.o
CC [M] /opt/aculab/driver/src/dacpswap.o
CC [M] /opt/aculab/driver/src/dacppci.o
Tayana Software Solutions 54, Richmond Road, Bangalore 560 025. India

CC [M] /opt/aculab/driver/src/dacpvirt.o
CC [M] /opt/aculab/driver/src/acustr.o
CC [M] /opt/aculab/driver/src/speech_stub.o
CC [M] /opt/aculab/driver/src/vbmi_stub.o
LD [M] /opt/aculab/driver/src/dacpswcl.o
Building modules, stage 2.
WARNING: could not find /opt/aculab/driver/src/../linux/2.6.x/.snaccess-2.6.x_gcc4_i386.o.cmd for
LD [M] /opt/aculab/driver/src/dacpswcl.ko
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-92.el5-PAE-i686'
make -C /lib/modules/2.6.18-92.el5PAE/build SUBDIRS=`pwd` modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-92.el5-PAE-i686'
CC [M] /opt/aculab/driver/ss7_src/ss7osglue.o
LD [M] /opt/aculab/driver/ss7_src/aculabss7.o
Building modules, stage 2.
LD [M] /opt/aculab/driver/ss7_src/aculabss7.ko
make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/kernels/2.6.18-92.el5-PAE-i686'
Installing network drivers.
Drivers are already installed
You must configure the driver if:
- this is a fresh installation
- you have built a driver with a different name, or
- you want to change the CT Bus type

Do you wish to configure the driver now (y/n)? [Y]: y

Aculab driver configuration
These questions apply to all Aculab cards.
The following are valid switch modes:
0 = H100
1 = SCBus
2 = MVIP
Which switch driver mode would you like to work in? (0..2)? [0]:0


Aculab tools will be spawned by the resource manager by a non-privileged

The user must be created before running 'aculab_dacp start'
Enter the non-privileged user here [aculab]: aculab

13. Change directory to /opt/aculab/driver

$ cd /opt/aculab
Start Aculab SS7 Service
$ ./ACU_SS7Service {start|stop|restart|debugstart}
This command is used to start/stop aculab resource manager and aculab ss7 driver

Tayana Software Solutions 54, Richmond Road, Bangalore 560 025. India

The ACU_SS7Driver command can be used to start/stop the driver alone. When we
use ACU_SS7Service default it starts and stops both aculab resource manager and
driver. If we want starting and stopping of aculab driver in later times we can use
ACU_SS7Driver command.
$ ./ACU_SS7Driver {start|stop}
Note: For starting aculab service automatically when system starts the following
piece of script should be pasted in /etc/rc.local file (from root user).
/opt/aculab/ACU_SS7Service start

ACULAB Stack License Installation

Change directory to /opt/aculab
$ .
Now change directory to bin
$ cd bin
Execute Act tool
$ ./Act
The following screen appears

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Now click on Licence Manager in the left panel as shown in the following snap shot

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No click on the button describing Request Licence Keys

The screen will be displayed as follows

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Now choose product and click on the OK button.

No collect the machine id and generate license key in aculab licensing portal
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Close the machine id display window and click on Install licence Keys button.
The screen is displayed as follows.

Now paste the licensing key which is generated from aculab portal. While pasting
licensing key please ensure any extra space or tab is not there in the licensing key.
Now the licensing corresponding to SS7 is installed. If we want to install the
licensing key for any particular feature like M3UA or L3_API then corresponding
licensing keys should be pasted as mentioned above for ss7 product.
Once we got machine id we can generate licensing key for ss7, M3UA and L3_API.
On successful/Failed installation of licensing key window pops up saying success
and failed correspondingly.

Starting ACULAB Stack

SS7 stack module has to be started using ACU_SS7Start which is included in
Tayana Software Solutions 54, Richmond Road, Bangalore 560 025. India

Ss7 load also. (Normal user can start the aculab ss7 stack module using
$ ./ ACU_SS7Start {ss7 configuration file}
The ss7 configuration file name is passed as command line argument here.
Configuration help and specifications can be obtained from /opt/aculab/docs/
Collecting ACULAB Trace/Log

For the following commands to execute change directory to /opt/aculab

Change directory to /opt/aculab/bin and execute the commands with proper
subcommands and options
Stack Trace
Aculab SS7 operates with system tracing permanently enabled; you do not need to
take any pre-emptive action to enable tracing prior to a problem occurring. The
trace is held in system memory in a history buffer, which is only copied to a disk file
when requested by the user.
By allowing trace to collect in the history buffer instead of writing it to a disk file, the
impact on system performance is minimized. In typical use, the trace collected
during some time critical protocol test or error condition, could be written to a disk
file at a later time.
It is also possible, using ss7maint, to trace continuously to a disk file. This mode of
operation avoids using large system memory buffers but, under conditions of heavy
load, it can have an adverse effect on system performance.
If Aculab SS7 detects an irrecoverable internal error or inconsistency, the driver
may generate additional trace information, even though your applications (or other
system components) may not detect any errors. This trace information can be
collected using ss7maint, but you must do so before unloading SS7 or restarting
your system. Therefore anytime you think the system is malfunctioning, you should
collect the trace information as described in following section before rebooting your
system to restore normal operation. The trace file can then be submitted to Aculab

Tayana Software Solutions 54, Richmond Road, Bangalore 560 025. India

ss7maint trace will normally terminate automatically when it has processed the entire contents of the history buffer. If trace is being generated more quickly than it can
be read then ss7maint trace may need to be terminated by breaking in with Ctrl+C.
You can specify any of the options described below.
$ ss7maint

trace -c

Continuously read the trace, waiting for further events to be logged.


trace -n

count Stop after processing count trace entries, default infinite

$ ss7maint

trace -w logfile

Write decoded trace to the specified file, default stdout

The first line of the trace is always the driver version string.
$ ss7maint trace c w <filename>
Write decoded trace to the specified file continuously
Checking IP status
$ ./ss7maint ipstatus
This displays information about all the TCP and SCTP connections.
TCP - TCAP Handler Applications connected to stack
SCTP - Remote stack connection status
Checking sccpstatus
Displays information about SCCP. When used without any options, a summary of
the remote MTP3 and SCCP states is displayed. A remote MTP3 can take one of
the following states:
MTP3 State

An MTP-PAUSE primitive has been received. The destination
cannot be reached.
An MTP-RESUME primitive has been received. The
destination can be reached and SCCP messages can be sent
to and received from the remote SCCP.

A remote SCCP can take one of the following states:

Tayana Software Solutions 54, Richmond Road, Bangalore 560 025. India

An MTP-PAUSE primitive has been received. The
destination cannot be reached.
An MTP-STATUS primitive has been received with cause
unknown. The remote SCCP is unavailable.
An MTP-STATUS primitive has been received with cause
unequipped remote user. The remote SCCP is
An MTP-STATUS primitive has been received with cause
inaccessible remote user. The remote SCCP is
An MTP-STATUS primitive has been received indicating
congestion at the remote user. The remote SCCP is
available but traffic to the remote SCCP is restricted.
An MTP-RESUME primitive has been received. The
destination can be reached and SCCP messages can be
sent to and received from the remote SCCP.


You can display other more detailed information using the options -o, -d, -g, -G, -l and -r as
described below:
$ ./ss7maint sccpstatus -o nnnnn
Only display information about the specified originating (local) point code.
$ ./ss7maint sccpstatus -d nnnnn
Only display information about the specified destination (remote) point code.
$ ./ss7maint sccpstatus -g
Display information about the global title tables, including load share information
and packet counts.
$ ./ss7maint sccpstatus -G
Display information about current congestion levels.
$ ./ss7maint sccpstatus -l
Display information about local subsystems.
$ ./ss7maint sccpstatus -r
Include information about remote subsystems. A remote subsystem can take one of the
following states:
User State

The remote subsystem is available and traffic can be sent
to and received from the remote subsystem.
The remote subsystem is unavailable. Either the remote
MTP3 or SCCP is unavailable or an SCCP subsystem prohibited (SSP) message has been received for this subsystem or the uos_on_resume option has been set.

Check tcapstatus(TCAP Handler(SS7) status)

Tayana Software Solutions 54, Richmond Road, Bangalore 560 025. India

Displays information about each connected TCAP application including the point
code, subsystem number and transaction identifier ranges. Information can also be
obtained from the library code in the application itself.
$ ./ss7maint tcapstatus -d
Display information from the device driver (default).
$ ./ss7maint tcapstatus -l
Display general information from the library.
$ ./ss7maint tcapstatus -f
Display flow control counts.
$ ./ss7maint tcapstatus -k
Display receive and transmit packet counts (default output).
$ ./ss7maint tcapstatus -A
All information from driver, equivalent to -cfk.
$ ./ss7maint tcapstatus -T
Display per-transaction information from the TCAP library. With v display the
SCCP address information.
$ ./ss7maint tcapstatus -A -i 3000
All information from driver, equivalent to cfk continuously with interval of 3000
Please follow the following documents for reference
Go to /opt/aculab/docs directory
- STACK Configuration :
- STACK driver installation:
-ACULAB Configuration Tool

Tayana Software Solutions 54, Richmond Road, Bangalore 560 025. India

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