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Every Nation London Group LIFE

Connect Group Discussion Notes

Ask if there are any stories of answered prayer, any updates on things
prayed for, or new things people would like prayer about.
Make a note of any prayer requests so you can followup next week.

2. Friend of Sinners
Jesus answered them, It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but
those who are ill. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners
to repentance. - John 5:31-32



What has made you glad, sad, or mad this week?

What is the most trouble you got into at school?

What characteristics and habits make a good friend?

Connect Group Discussion Notes


So What

The religious people of the day hated Jesus was because he spend time with
sinful, undeserving people. When they were scrutinizing his life to find
reasons to kill him, the greatest accusation they could come up with was
that he was a friend of sinners.

Jesus was not a sinner but he was a friend to sinners, and ultimately
expressed his love for them by dying in their place to take away their sin.

What words and thoughts come to mind when you hear the word

The bible says that all have sinned and fall short of Gods standard, but
all can be equally forgiven through faith in Jesus. What difference does
this make to how we view:
a. Ourselves

Watch the video clip at (if you are

unable to watch in your group, you can read this story in Luke 5:27-32 and
Luke 18:9-14 )

b. Other People

What most stands out to you from this story?

Why do Christians sometimes struggle to be friends of sinners? What it

would look like for them to really be friends to sinners?

How would you have felt about this incident if you were:
a) Levi/Matthew the tax collector a Jew collecting taxes for
the Romans

Jesus spent a lot of time hanging around with sinners, yet he never
sinned in fact those sinners changed because they came to know him.
How can we be more like this?

b) the religious teachers who had spent their lives trying to be

holy by teaching about sin and separating themselves from
c) Jesus disciples who were following him but still steeped in
their Jewish culture and religious traditions.

Now What

Could someone accuse you of being a friend of sinners? Why or why


Who do you know that isnt perfect but needs a friend right now? How
will you be a friend to them this week?

Have you been set free from sin by putting your trust in Jesus?

What do we learn about the basis for Jesus friendship and forgiveness?



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