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1. Basics of world foreign policy and related terminology
2. Evolution of silk route and maritime silk route and their impact over India and South Asia
3. Super power to multiplex world
4. India civil nuclear programme
5. Export control regimes
6. World Nuclear summit and related agreements
7. AERB- critical analysis
8. Nuclear power programme of India (IYB coverage)
9. India-Australia ties
11. Kendriya Vidyalaya and Navodaya vidyalaya
12. Education essay-Mind map
13. Capital punishment and the role of judiciary and executive
14. Problem associated with e-governance and e-education programme
15. Vocational Education in India-comprehensive analysis
16. Janshikshan Sansathans and Kriti
17. Disaster management and Indian Administrative setup- Complete coverage
18. Flood and flood control and flash flood
19. Natraj
20. Resurgency of Islamic Terrorism and ISIS
21. qaedat al jihad and al quaeda threat to India
22. India preparedness regarding internal security and challenges of internal security
23. Capital punishment and SC order regarding review petition
24. Syrian crisis- comprehensive analysis
25. Mapping of the world(Uranium)
26. Indias energy resource (Coal, Renewable energy, Uranium, Oil and Natural gas, Shale
27. Mapping of S-E Asia and their natural resources
28. Mapping of Australia and natural resources
29. Mapping of Central Asia and their natural resources
30. Concept of Tsunami and Mock drill
31. Section 436 A of CRPC- e-prison suite
32. UNICEF report hidden in plain sight for women and children violence
33. Significance of Indian ocean and convergence of power
34. South China sea- geo politics and Indian stand
35. Evolution of Chinese foreign policy (1950-1991, 1991-2001, 2001-08, 2008-14)
36. China maritime silk road and Silk route and their impact over South Asia
37. Ukraine political crisis- comprehensive analysis

38. USA Vs Russia (Syria issue, Ukraine, Iran and ITU)

39. Evolution of Japan Foreign policy and its role in multi polar world (Arc of freedom of
prosperity and broader Asia policy)
40. Concept of TPP and TATA and countering China rebalancing approach through MSR
41. Thiruvathirakali
42. Cases against Mps and MLAs and SC
43. Minority cadre mobilization towards non state actors and GOI steps
44. Indira Gaikwad and disability issue
45. Revise National TB control programme and its component
46. Anti-biotic resistance: causes, consequences and solution
47. Haldia llabad waterway
48. Significance of Inland waterways in India and Govt strategy
49. SCRAP Obsolete laws like police act 1861, Indian Treasure act 1878 and others
50. MP Shah and Goa mining issue
51. Mobile governance and women empowerment- Anjanthali case study
52. Mangroves ecosystem in India- comprehensive analysis and recent climate change and
its impact
53. Climate change gases- natural and man made and their sources and consequences
55. Child sex ratio, regions behind declining and Govt steps to control it
56. Love Jihad- comprehensive analysis with historical background
57. India would not NPT and targeted 63,000 MW by 2032
58. Qualiwar culture
59. Delhi govt. steps towards development-1.5 crore for each village
60. Energy security in India its importance and comparative analysis b/w renewable,
conventional and atomic resources (Queensland plan-India and Australia)
61. Scope of alternate sea route and their distribution
62. Long term Climate change negotiations and its chronology
63. Green climate fund and global Apollo programme
64. SC direction regarding Leprosy
65. Old age and pension reforms in India including new pension scheme
66. Intellectual property right- comprehensive analysis including its types
67. Compulsory licensing and ever greening of license
68. God particle and recent statement of Stephen Hawking
69. Role of NATO forces and their criticism
70. National Board for Wildlife and issues related to it
71. Difference between PTA, FTA, CECA and CEPA (role with ASEAN)
72. MIDORI price and Kamal Bawa
73. Role of NGO, Shakti AIDS prevention sangam, Shakti mahila sangam
74. Sri Lanka Human right issue-Comprehensive analysis (13th amendment and LLRC)

75. NPA and related issues and recent steps of RBI in 2014 and its consequences(V.imp)
76. CBI and issues associated with it-Comprehensive analysis (2011-14)
77. SC decision regarding coal blocs and their economic consequences
78. AAdhaar card and issues related to it (Kotkasam Village case study)
79. VHP and communalism
80. No frills airport and infrastructure development
81. Solution to the PDS system in India
82. Issues related to Biometric system in India
83. Delhi govt. comprehensive module on child abuse
84. IIS sniffer dog
85. Neil Murkherjee
86. Edge of space and TN suresh kumar
87. Ganga pollution reason and comprehensive solution
88. Ebola out break- reason and strategy
89. What is investment- problem and suggestion in India
90. Hedge funding and Mathew martoma
91. CSO report regarding growth of States (Bihar tops, TN last)
92. Manuscript and their conservation and personality George kurounis
93. Labour issues in India, Govt policies, constitutional provisions and recent govt
declaration (whole IYB coverage)
94. Tea plantation labour and their problem in Assam and WB
95. SCO- Evolution, significance and contemporary role
96. Interlinking of water and related consequences- China and India comparative analysis
and solution
97. USA- Anti IS strategy guided R2P strategy
98. Firoza Bhegum
99. Disinvestment and related positive consequences (Coal India, ONGC, NHPC)
100. Liquid Apogee motor and difference b/w solid and liquid propellants
101. Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan, Swatch Bharat mission and swatch Vidayala campaigncomprehensive analysis
102. Manual scavenging act and comprehensive analysis
103. Issues related to transgender and SC order
104. Critical analysis and working of NGT and recent judgment regarding burning of
agriculture field
105. Community led sanitation campaign- rajasthan case study
106. Ozone layer recovery: UN report
107. Strategic networking in the Indo-pacific (China, India,Japan, USA)
108. Man-animal conflict- Elephant (how to control it)
109. Scotland referendum-Historical background
110. Importance of Artic region, militarisation of Artic region and Indias stand-

comprehensive analysis
111. iPS and Japan
112. Getting real about Jiahdi terror and Indias internal security preparedness
113. Apotex drug issue
114. WTO and Food security issue
115. New threat for Indias internal security from SL and Maldives
116. Smart cities- components of smart cities and its impact over India
117. Pre-martial potency test and associated controversy
118. Cyber security , components of cyber security, new national cyber security policy and
comprehensive analysis
119. Rabies must be declared as Notified disease
120. UPSC reforms Pros and cons
121. Various Indian sport personality
122. Acura RLX 1st automatic sedian car
123. National food security analysis and socio-economic cause census
124. North Eastern and associated discrimination
125. Higher Educational and Institutional decay-brain drain
126. SAARC and Human Right
127. India-Vietnam new bilateral relationship in Indo-pacific
128. Property law unfair to Christian women
129. North East Infrastructure development -Govt strategy
130. Contract employees and related issue-Kerala case study
131. China and Maldives
132. Critically discuss the issue of Naxalism and anlaysis of Govt strategy from
Independence till now (govt recent programme)
133. Impact of India-Vietnam ties and other countries and their diplomacy
134. Comprehensive coverage regarding child health strategy in India 2010-14 (newspaper
and IYB coverage)
135. India china (INCH towards MILE) energy ties, economic ties and border issues
136. Components of green architecture and buildings in India
137. Towards an Asian sanctuary of prosperity Xi Jinping
138. National Judicial appointment commission and issues related to federalism
139. UN date related to food security
140. Nuclear activist uday Kumar
141. Ukraine ratifies Landmark EU pact
142. New route for Mansarvore and their impact over uttrakhand
143. Delhi govt sanitation and associated components
144. Rajasthan become 1st state to ratify Judicial Appointment bill
145. India new born Action plan (for preventable new born death)
146. Model village clusters- govt strategy towards better sustainable urbanization

147. Lalitha Kumara Mangalam- New NCW chief

148. PUSA hydrogel and Hydro fonics and PUSA bin
149. Agriculture innovation
150. IIS novel membrane filters to solve water problem
151. Environment Impact Assessment and its components
152. India in Scandinavian region with particular emphasis on Norway.
153. Nobel prizes: Inner GPS, Nanoscope, LED and its application, Monopolistic practices
and how to control it.
154. Child labour
155. Development industry Bachapan Bachao Andolan.
156. E-commerce, components, hurdles with major emphasis up on Amazon case study.
(market-place model)
157. Private cleanliness aimed public squalor
158. Strategic role of Turkey in West Asia
159. Peterpiot and the risk of Ebola in India (Nigeria and Senegal model)
160. List of Nobel laureate 1913 to 2014
161. New health policy decolonizing society
162. China Russia rising relationship in 21st century
163. Adarsh Samshad Gram Yojana and its critical analysis
164. Sanitation by Law (delhi case study)
165. Trade facilitation agreement: problem and prospect
166. ENDS (electronic nicotine delivery system ): critical analysis
167. Issue of Kurd people and the role of Turkey
168. Autonomy of the RBI in relation to inflation. (urjit patel committee and BN srikrishna
169. Strategic significance of Afghanistan and recent Govt. strategies after the with drawl of
ISAF (1980-2015)
170. New forms of Cyber threats (matrimonial site case study)
171. Cyclone HudHud and vulnerability of AP coast
172. Health sector reforms, public health as political priority (AP case study- Rajiv Arogyasri
173. Growing problem of TB in India especially MDR TB and Indias effort to control it
174. India-Canada ties.
175. Analysis about green rating buildings (LEED and GRIHA)
176. UAE happiness meter (Eg. Of Good Governance)
177. India Arctic research
178. Role of innovation in Health sector
179. West Asia peace process 1960-2014 and its impact over India.
180. Transgender and Indias strategy
181. Rising problem of malaria and Dengue and their association with urbanization

182. India-Sl YalDevi Express

183. Umbrella Revolution or Hongkong protest- reasons and issues.
184. Siding spring comet and significance oort cloud.
185. India-Pakistan cease fire violation, role of Shimla agreement 2003 agreement and
recent Narendra modi govt. policy.
186. From the third pole to North pole: Indias role in Arctic region
187. Vishing a new threat
188. Vedic Maths-Innovation in Education
189. Child labour prohibition and regulation amendment Bill
190. Pakistan and SL- growing threat for Internal security in India.
191. Mal-nourishment and recent survey by UNICEF
192. Declining in the global crude prices, reasons and its impact over India
193. New cigarette packaging guidelines by India (85% of front and back)
194. Shremveya Jayathe- 5 major reforms in labour market by new govt.
195. Phobos and Demois- 2 natural satellite of MARS
196. Internet addiction disorder.
197. Climate smart agriculture and the role of Agro forestry- V IMP
198. Fast breeder reactor and the role of AERB
199. Buckers prize to flangen
200. SL new curbs on travels to North
201. Egg freezing cost: Apple and Fb
202. Special 301 and Indias response
203. Amnesia reasons and consequences
204. National Green tribunal and first monetary penalty on Simboli mills UP Hapur to
conserve R.Ganga
205. IRNSS and other global and other regional positing systems
206. Flying Tiolets: issue of sanitation in Kenya and solution to energy problem
208. Vinita Gupta-India US diaspora
209. Blue green Algae and its uses in India
210. Auto mobile, food processing, IT and Pharmaceutical Industries and locational analysis
and shifting pattern
211. Indias missile program, issue of deterrence with special focus upon Nirbhay
212. Needs for Cyber battalion in Arm Forces-Why and How?
213. Hawaldar tukaram v patel
214. Operation Brass track role of rajiv gandi- India Pakistan peace process.
215. Corruption and Judiciary- case study-Jayalalitha
216. Make for India not Just for India- issues related to Indianisation of technology.
217. Oil sector reforms in India (deregulation of diesel prices, modification in C.Ranagrajan
committee, per/Kg LPG subsidy, DTC, and aadhar reforms)

218. Rheumatology a new health problem in Urban areas

219. India approves Irans port project- its strategic significance for India and N-S corridor,
Look west policy and connecting central Asia policy.
220. India, UK,USA should jointly fight terrorism
221. CRZs costal regulation zone and its importance for coastal management
222. Gonzalo and Nilofer new tropical cyclone
223. Massacre issue in DR Congo (ADFNALU)
224. New National Air quality index _ VIMP
225. 20 year anniversary of Beijing platform
226. HeforShe campaign
227. Orbital test vehicle mission (X37B)
228. Cost of ignoring hunger (growth Vs Development)
229. SEBI and its role-DLF case study
230. Syrian crisis-genesis, issues and solutions
231. E-auction of coal mines- challenges and significance
232. 100 year celebration n of Chola empire and their architectural significance
233. Revampning of Rastriya Sawsthya Bima Yojana and National Assurance Health
234. 3 pronged strategy for tobacco control in India (tax, alternative agriculture, packaging
235. IMF vs WB- changing world economic order
236. Mutiny in the internal reforms of the WB
237. Climate change, challenges in the talks of climate change, its consequences and
Indias response (Imp for P3 and Essay)
238. Moyhnihan and Nixon and Indira Gandhi initiation of climate change talks in World
239. MPA in Antarctica
240. New India China Border management plan
241. New Malaria detection kid by IIS
242. Tractor laser beam-new technology
243. New economic reforms by Govt. special in relation to clearance of Infrastructural
244. Simplifying building by laws
245. New ranking method for Indian universities issues and challenges.
246. New Asia Infrastructure Investment bank Eg. Of changing world order
247. MEA to oversee foreign investment (also to solve centre-state relationship in relation to
investment projects)
248. Ashwika Kapore and Panda prize
249. Civil servant Independence and good governance (Vijay Shankar pandey Case study)
250. MIS for Swachh Bharath Mission
251. Indias offer to help Pakistan in polio eradication

252. Prabha Sridevan committee for IPR drafting policy

253. Mega defence deal with focus on Indian Navy 78,000 crore
254. Edge of the space and google executive
255. Rastriya Ekta Diwas
256. India Vietnam ties- emerging relationship in Asia-pacific region
257. Space X and micro gravity and long duration human space flight experiment
258. Reforming the health care sector-new govt. strategy
259. New law proposed for SME sector (labour reforms)
260. Jarawas tribal issue in A&N
261. Jairam head future earth engagement committee
262. Organ transplant act
263. Old age ( 3 year analysis for essay and P1)
264. UPSC reform ( Kothari committee, Satish Chandra committee, Khanna committee and
Arving varma committee)
265. Vocational education and Indias policy
266. AFSPA and analysis
267. IUCN
268. Rebalancing Asia- USA vs China Vs India
269. Discussing emerging problem of Mal-nourishment and Indias strategy
270. Challenges of increasing urbanization and govt. multipronged strategy to solve it
271. Slums- emerging problem of Slum and Govt. response
272. Loss of flora and fauna-reasons, consequences and strategy
273. Critically analysis of Govt policies by arun kumar for a place on world stage
274. Global infrastructure facility by WB
275. IMF stresses Labour reforms
276. NSSO survey regarding sanitation and its utilization.
277. Impact and origin of tropical cyclone
278. Govt. emphasis up on the promotion of tourism and make over of tourism center.
279. Centralization vs. Decentralisation-Vijayawada case study
280. Importance of child health care especially the 1st 1000 days
281. International criminal court; working and recent conviction
282. Prathima Dharm- indian US diaspora
283. Nanoscope- new science and tech
284. Broad spectrum confocal microscope-indianisation of technology
285. Clinical trails-issues, challenges and solutions (p2 & P4)
286. Surrogacy in India and New ART bill
287. Swachh bharath mission and critical analysis
288. Sieg fried lenz
289. Begum Akthar
290. COWL (confinement with origin web labels)

291. Role of GPS

292. Critical analysis of Rajiv Gandi vidyuthikaran yojana
293. Critical analysis of Rajiv Awas Yojana
294. Critical Analysis of JNNURM
295. 1st FYP to 12th FYP Indias Urbanisation
296. New govt. advertisement norms to prevent funds misuse and political power
297. National investigation agency and its role in the internal security
298. Supreme court guidelines in encounters (P2)
299. Robotics and application of Robotics (CRACAS)
300. Israel and palestine historical basis and present issue
301. Antenatal care in India and its significance
302. Achievements of Indians in Asian games
303. CBSE education reforms
304. India Vs China missile development (Dongfeng)
305. Black money in Indias response
306. Cyber bulleying and social Phobia movie
307. Albumin a new health problem regarding shortage of drugs
308. Whistle blower in India- problem and prospect (Watergate controversy vs satyendra
309. RTI and recent Madras High court judgment
310. World strategy regarding disarmament
311. The right to medicines of world of stock house.
312. Nisha Biswal and Richard Ravi Varma Indian diaspora
313. Employees cannot be treated differentially recent SC guidelines
314. Debt for nature SWAP US and Indonesia
315. Space to burn zero- a venture in space technology
316. India-USA issues and prospect in 21st century
317. Components of clean India campaign and its pledge
318. Aditya Hebber
319. Afghanistan- change of guard bilateral security agreement
320. New NATO head-Stoltenberg
321. World geriatric 1st of October
322. RBI monetary policy- critical analysis
323. JPALE (Lathif Jameel poverty action lap)
324. Buddist extremism in SAsian and SE Asia (bodu bala sena)
325. Problem of Rohingya in Mayanmar
326. Seema puniya
327. Women role modelling UN response
328. Genesis of ISIS and threat over India
329. Prospect of Solar energy and India and USA

330. 100 year celebration komagata maru

331. Maharaja nanda kumar and his realtion with corruption
332. Naxalism in Indias response in Chattisgarh
333. The relationship between and generalist and sources Ethics
334. A for T in Uganda international eg. For whistle blowers
335. A food system for the future;: Indian response to climate change-swaminathan
336. More hot air at climate summit
337. Importance of Bangladesh for India and India Strategy
338. WHO heart day advice- reduce salt intake
339. Indias response to Goal 4 and 5 in MDG
340. Yogeshwar dutt
341. Braille printer
342. Modi seeks global convection on terror
343. Order free toilets and phosphate harvestors
344. Representation of people act sec. A(4)
345. Catalonia issue
346. Indonesia political crisis
347. Invisbility clock recent S&T
348. Make in India campaign components and challenges
349. Redrawal of MGNREGA
350. Bamiyan SAARC cultural capital and mission MAUSEM
351. Relevance of Sanskrit for India
352. Impact of cancellation of coal blocs
353. New dynamism in west Asia- role of Saudi Arabia and Iran
354. Indias energy security USA vs Russia
355. MSME sector and its importance for Indias economic revival
356. National taxation tribal law-unconstitutional
357. Problem of Bokoharam inMali
358. Suvaransingh
359. Antyodaya diwas- Indias response for urban poor
360. MOM and its instruments
361. CBI and related controversies
362. Analysis about ISRO programme in India
363. Higher education bill (SWAYAM and GINE)
364. Alternative novel to snowdam
365. Manjul Bhargava
366. Synthetic biology importance and challenges
367. Liar Dice- Indias participation in OSCAR
368. World food programme and challenges

369. 4th phase of NACO

370. NPPA and withdraw of price control order-issues and challenges
371. G20 and regulation regarding black money
372. Revision of entry norms for IITs
13A + and- Indias response to SL

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