Soal Bahasa Inggris

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Flying over Venezuela’s lake Maracaibo, one is struck by the deep orange color of the water spewing
from a river into the lake. This is not natural phenomenon but the result of aggressive mining practices
carried out in western Venezuela, where tons of earth and rock are flushed away everyday in the search
of valuable diamonds. As the river carries the earth and rock away from the mining areas, it carries it into
other areas, most particularly to lake Maracaibo. Tons of silt flow into the lake everyday, with dire
consequences for the natural environment and the people who live there. On the one hand, the silting
of lake Maracaibo increases the risk of flooding , thus endangering the lives and the livelihoods of people
living in the area. In addition, the mining is also destroying fishing grounds that have been a major source
of protein food for the country, as well as an important part of the economy.

Petunjuk A: dipergunakan dalam menjawab soal 03. Which one of the following sentences is true,
nomor 01 sampai dengan nomor 20. according to the text?
01. What is the most noticeable characteristic of (A) Lake Maracaibo is natural phenomenon
the river? with the deep orange color of the Water.
(B) Lake Maracaibo has valuable diamonds.
(A) Its location
(C) Living in Lake Maracaibo is peaceful and
(B) Its direction
safe because it’s beautiful place.
(C) Its rate of flow
(D) Rock is carried away from the Lake
(D) Its color
(E) The rock and earth flushed away everyday
(E) Source of protein food is needed for the
KUNCI : D country, so mining exploration is Urgent.
Pembahasan : The most characteristic of the KUNCI : B
river is its color. The answer is “ D “ key words Pembahasan :
of this question is this is not natural phenom- One of the sentences is true is “ B “ because
enon. Jadi ada perubahan warna di sungai yang Lake Maracaibo has valuable diamonds .
kemudian masuk ke danau Maracaibo bukan
Tersurat dari makna kalimat baris ketiga dari
merupakan fenomena alam tapi lebih
bawah sampai titik.Thus endangering the live
disebabkan oleh aggressive mining practices
and the live-hoods of people living in the area
carried out in western Venezuela.
(mengganggu kehidupan dan mata
02. What has been the outcome of the silting of pencaharian masyarakat di sekitar danau
Lake Maracaibo? Maracaibo).
(A) Fishing grounds have been increased Text-2
(B) The loss of protein has been offset by the The country’s police chiefs signed the contract
economic development of the Mining. in an effort to push for bureaucratic reform within
(C) There has been an increase in the risk of the force, dubbed the most bribe-riddled of all state
flooding . institutions. The signing of the “Bureaucratic Reform
(D) Mining and flooding have been kept in Performance Contract“ followed the launch of the
check. National Police ‘s reform program called Quick Wins,
(E) People who live there are potential to pro- which was inaugurated earlier in the day by
tect their environment. President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
KUNCI : C I was watching All Jazeera the other evening
Pembahasan : and there was a whole program dedicated to
The outcome of the silting of Lake Maracaibo corruption in Indonesia.
(akibat dari endapan danau Maracaibo) adalah They had set up a camera at a busy traffic
The silting of lake Maracaibo increases the risk intersection in Jakarta and filmed police taking
of flooding ( baris keempat dari bawah). endless bribe from motorists. I am shocked that
Increases menimbulkan, outcome (akibat) jadi such an expose does not cause a major embarrassment.
ada kesesuaian makna. The Police in Indonesia are an absolute disgrace,
and if it was not such a serious matter it would be

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The Police have no fear , knowing that there is 06. Which of the following sentences should the
no real intent to stop them extorting money . They paragraph end?
openly go about their business on every road in the (A) Our President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono
country, God knows what they are doing behind hoped the police must be more Transparent
closed doors. but not be professional.
The population has no recourse through the (B) The writer states that the police are not
law at all. If there was a will, it would be very simple professional and never reformed.
to prevent the illegal actions of the Police. In (C) Law enforcement is just slogan, the law can
democracy, all People are equal under the be enforced to social people not the
law.___________________________ police.
(D) The writer hopes all the police officers in
04. What is the best title of the text ? Indonesia become more professional. They
(A) The Police officers in Indonesia must be should not take bribes or practice corruption.
really reformed. (E) It’s time to the police to reform their
(B) Bribe-riddled Police move to reform institution, punish their corps if they are
(C) Bribery on the road is illegal, the police still easily bribed by riders or drivers on the
must be responsible road.
(D) Bureaucratic reform for the police is
needed right away.
(E) Social control to prevent bribery is still lack Pembahasan :
in Indonesia.
Which of the following sentences should the
KUNCI : B paragraph end. Caranya adalah cari inti
Pembahasan : paragraph terakhir kemudian cari kata
kuncinya. Kata kuncinya adalah it would be
What is the best title (Judul yang tepat dari text very simple to prevent the illegal actions of the
2) adalah “ B “ karena secara deduktif makna Police. Ini menunjukkan himbauan dari penulis
terhadap polisi.
Yang tersirat di paragraph pertama adalah
“bribe- riddled Police“ karena ada unsur 07. The text is most probably found in ____.
penyogokan yang riddled (misterius) terhadap (A) the police magazine
Polisi. (B) an editorial
(C) pamphlets
05. The writer is shocked after watching the police
(D) magazine
taking endless bribes from motorists, because
(E) the newspaper
(A) It is not really serious problem on the road. KUNCI : E
(B) It is realized by the police officers that their Pembahasan :
income are not sufficient.
(C) It does not cause a major embarrassment, The text is most probably found in ________
and no fear of the police stop the riders Dilihat dari paragraph pertama The country’s
extorting money. Police chiefs signed the contact _________
(D) Bribery on the road is commonly happened menunjukkan text tersebut diambil dari Koran.
everywhere, punishment for the police
never make them injured.
(E) No corps discipline, law enforcement is still Do you want a car, but can’t afford a new one?
stuck. Is your present car __08__. On the road? is it always
in __09__ of repair? Do people laugh at you when.
You drive up? Come in and look at our wide
Pembahasan : selection of __10__ owned Vehicles. Whether you’re
The writer is shocked ___ jawaban sudah looking for a four door sedan or minivan for your
tersurat di paragraph ke tiga baris ke tiga
Family, or a sporty __11__ for yourself, we have
I am shocked that such an expose does not the car that’s right for you. Buy a __12__ car today
cause ______. Maka jawaban yang tepat adalah and save $1000. That’s 5 percent more savings than
“C“ It does not cause a major embarrassment. our competitors can offer. We have all models of
cars to choose from.

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We also have a number of __13__ options to 12. (A) using

choose from, so you don’t need to worry about (B) uses
__14__ out to get bank loan before you shop for a (C) used
car. (D) new
(E) the newest
Come to John’s Auto Factory. __15__ on the
corner of Highway 7 and Main. Don’t wait . This KUNCI : C
offer is good only today and tomorrow. Pembahasan :
08. (A) safe Used car (mobil yang sudah bekas) sudah lazim
(B) safety digunakan dalam Percakapan sehari-hari, jadi
(C) safely used (kata sifat) car (kata benda). Jadi pola Adj,
(D) save Noun tepat.
(E) safes
13. (A) financing
KUNCI : A (B) finance
Pembahasan : (C) financially
(D) financial
Jawaban soal no 78 harus adjective (kata sifat) (E) fin ant
karena diikuti oleh to be “ is “ yaitu “ safe (A)
Safety (kata benda), safely (kata keterangan) KUNCI : A
(adverb ), save (kata kerja)(menabung). Pembahasan :
Selain sesudah diikuti of harus kata benda,
09. (A) needed financing adalah kata benda (Noun) artinya
(B) needing pembiayaan.
(C) need
(D) necessarily 14. (A) run
(E) necessary (B) ran
(C) having run
(D) running
Pembahasan :
(E) runs
Jawaban no 79 adalah “ C “ karena need disini
berfungsi sebagai kata benda , yang diikuti KUNCI : D
Oleh “ in dan of “ Pembahasan :
Setelah worry about diikuti verb “ ing “ yang
10. (A) previous berfungsi sebagai kata benda, “ running out “
(B) previousness (kehabisan).
(C) before
(D) previously 15. (A) locating (D) locates
(E) later on (B) located (E) locate
(C) location
Pembahasan : KUNCI : B
Jawaban soal No.80 harus adverb (kata Pembahasan :
keterangan), karena sesudah _______ owned Kalimat pasif, maka maknanya harus pasif “
disini Adalah verb ( kata kerja ), jadi previously
(adv) jawaban yang tepat. Polanya adalah Adv 16. ___ seriously in an accident, the truck driver
berpartner dengan verb. was got on to the public car, since the
ambulance came late.
11. (A) comfort (A) Having injured
(B) comfortably (B) Having been injured
(C) comfortable (C) injured
(D) converable (D) to injure
(E) convertible (E) injuring
Pembahasan : Pembahasan :
convertible (mobil touring) berfungsi sebagai injured , yang bermakna (because the truck
kata benda, maka sebelum convertible harus driver was injured, The truck driver was got
kata sifat (sporty). Polanya adalah Adjactive _______. Jadi jika diawali dengan dengan pola
dengan Noun. ini dan bermakna “ Because, since atau as)

hal: 3 dari 4 halaman

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17. Mother : Can you get the waiter ___ the 19. By the end of may 2010 you ___ from your
table, please? school.
Daughter : Ok mom! where is she now? (A) will graduate
Mother : She is in traditional market (B) will be graduated
shopping. (C) have graduated
(A) to clean (D) have had graduated
(B) cleaned (E) will have graduated
(C) cleaning
(D) cleans
(E) clean Pembahasan :

KUNCI : A By the end of ______, ciri “ By “ adalah ciri tenses

Pembahasan : Future Perfect Tense, maka jawaban yang Tepat
adalah “ E “ ( will + have + V3 ).
to + verb 1 “ . Ini kalimat causative yang artinya
get disini adalah. Menyuruh/ meminta jadi kalau 20. The lawyer of the suspect objected to ___
Can you get the waiter (Bisakah kamu explanation to the journalists about his client.
menyuruh pelayan) Get diikuti oleh someone (A) give
(the waiter) maka harus diikuti“ To Verb 1 (B) giving
(C) be given
18. Most of senior high school students ignored (D) gives
the suggestion that they ___ earlier to be (E) have given
accepted in Institute of Technology Bandung.
(A) prepares
(B) prepared Pembahasan :
(C) prepare
objected to _______ selalu diikuti oleh V-ing
(D) had prepared
(bermakna Noun (kata benda) jadi termasuk
(E) have prepared
Gerund (verbs seperti object to, lookforward
KUNCI : C to, be usede to, get used to, be accustomed to
Pembahasan : dan be oppsed to) selalu diikuti oleh verb-ing.

Subjunctive dengan ciri ada kata “ suggestion

that + Subject 2, maka sesudah. Kata that harus
diikuti “ verb 1 atau be. Tidak pernah ada verb2
dan auxiliary ( do, does, did dst) maupun modal
auxiliary ( can, may, must dan should ).

hal: 4 dari 4 halaman

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