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Name: ___________________

Global History I

Date _________________
Mr. Ginsberg

Important Figures of the Renaissance Project

We have learned about many Renaissance artists and writers whose works are still famous today. You will
now take this information and apply it by completing the following assignment.
To begin, choose one of the following renaissance artists/ writers that interest you:
Artists: Michelangelo, Donatello, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci
Writers: William Shakespeare, Erasmus, Petrarch, Machiavelli
The following five components must be completed to display your knowledge of this Renaissance figure:
1. Define: The Renaissance
2. List of works of art/ literature: Create a list of at least 3famous works of art/ literature created by your
Renaissance figure.
3. Description of art/ literature: Pick a work of art/ literature of your Renaissance figure. Describe the work
and explain why it was created. Minimum - 3 sentences.
4. Timeline: Create a timeline of at least 4 major events in your Renaissance figures life.
5. Picture & Caption: Find a picture of your Renaissance figure and write a one sentence/caption that
explains what is happening in the picture.
Put the above information on template that will be provided. Organize the information so it is easy to read
and it looks neat. You may put the information in bullet format or paragraph format. The template is available
on Mr. Ginsbergs website.
To access the template:
Go to
Click High School (at the top left of the website)
Click Teachers
Click on Mr. Ginsbergs name
Click Resources & Links
Click Renaissance Project Template
Immediately name and save your project
This will count as one quiz grade. If you are not able to finish your project in class, it may be necessary to
work on the project during lunch, extra help, or at home. The project is due on Monday, May 5.
Have fun with it and be creative!

Name ________________________
Global History I

Date ____________________
Mr. Ginsberg

Important Figures of the Renaissance Project

Grading Guidelines
Requirements met = 20 points, partially met = 10 points, missing = 0
1. Definition: The Renaissance was correctly defined.
Requirements fully met ____

partially met ____

missing ____

2. List of works of art/ literature: The student listed at least 3 famous works of art/ literature created by
their Renaissance figure.
Requirements fully met ____

partially met ____

missing ____

3. Description of art/ literature: The student described the work and explained why it was created.
Minimum - 3 sentences.
Requirements fully met ____

partially met ____

missing ____

4. Timeline: The student created a timeline of at least 4 major events.

Requirements fully met ____

partially met ____

missing ____

5. Picture & Caption: The student found a picture of their Renaissance figure and wrote a
1 sentence/ caption that explains the picture.
Requirements fully met ____

partially met ____

missing ____

Subtotal _____
Late _____
Total ________/ 100

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