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Code of Practice

The Association represents diving

contractors who are involved with
Inland / or Inshore diving operations
in the UK and Ireland
ADC - CoP:001
(Issue 2 - July 2012)

Conducting Diving Operations

in Connection with Renewable
Energy Projects

Important Notice
The procedures outlined in this document are considered to
represent current industry best practice

The Association of Diving Contractors (ADC) is the trade association
representing diving contractors working Inland /Inshore in the UK and Ireland
and constantly seeks to;
Establish uniform safe standards;
Encourage industry wide observation of such standards;
Encourage the enactment and enforcement of appropriate laws for the
protection and regulation of the business of commercial diving;
To do any such other things as considered by the membership or management
committee of ADC to be of benefit to Members or this industry sector.

ADC CoP:001
This guidance document was compiled for ADC by the Secretary, working under
the direction of a working group made up of members active in this sector.
Any subsequent revisions will be reviewed and approved by the same members
of the working group advising and directing the Secretary.

Front cover image provided courtesy of Professional Diving Academy

The information included in this document is provided for guidance purposes only and seeks to promote industry Best
Practice. No legal liability shall attach to any guidance or recommendation circulated by the Association.
All contracting Members of the Association are strongly encouraged to adopt the guidance set out in this Code of Practice
and to advise as and when changes or improvements to the content are required.


1 Introduction

Leading Commentary
Status of this Document
Use of this Code of Practice
Work Areas intended to be covered by this Code of Practice
Establishing Client Expectations
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Summary of Key Elements of this Code

3 Planning and Preparation for Diving Operations


Organisation and Responsibilities

Minimum Standards of Training, Equivalent Certification.
Diving Medicals, Offshore Survival and other Training.
Communications during the Project.
Project Hazard Identification Study (HAZID)
Provision of Bridging Documents

4 Support Vessel Types Included in this Code of Practice


Support Vessel Type Quick Reference Table

Short duration shallow depth, DDC located ashore.
Self contained barge / Multi-Cat, DDC in Port or on board
Mother ship supporting small service craft, DDC on mother ship.
Large construction barge / ship / Jack-up, DDC on board
Dynamically Positioned Vessels (DP2/3)
Guidance on Mooring arrangements
Diving from the inside of Monopiles
Stand-By Diver
Use of lightweight mobile surface supply systems
Static Surface Supplied Air Diving Systems.
Nitrox Diving (Refer to IMCA Published Guidance)
Surface diving from DP vessels.


9 Post Work and Improvement Arrangements


Post Works Review Meeting

Post Works Reporting
Record retention


10 Summary of External Reference Documents

11 Appendices:
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3

Template for Audit of Diving Operations and Equipment in use Renewable Energy Projects
Model Format Template for Dive Planning and Task Risk Assessment
First Aid Requirements for Renewable Projects (Info Note 01/2009)

ADC CoP:001

Auditors and Auditing Arrangements

Client Representatives



Dive Planning and Task Specific Risk Assessments.

Shift Working, Crew Rotations and Leave Periods.
Emergency Event Response Procedures
Time to Chamber and Casualty landing arrangements
Communications (Between vessels and operational teams)
Tide and Weather limitations (table)
Noise Exposure. (helmet, machinery, deck , piling)
Interface with ROV Operations. (Guidance and / or IMCA)
Near Miss and Accident Reporting and Investigation.
Machinery, vessels and cable isolations.

8 External Auditing and Clients Representatives



Selection of Personnel, Training and Team size. (Reference Table)

Minimum specification for Plant and Equipment.
Adequacy of Compressors and Output Pressures.
Availability of Gas Supplies
Recompression Chambers
Helmets and Band Masks
Diver Launch and Recovery Systems (LARS) including man riding baskets.
Guidance for the use Ladders
Medical and First Aid Equipment
Personnel Protective Equipment
Maintenance and Upkeep of Equipment

7 Operational Elements

6 Standards to be adopted


5 Methods for Conducting Diving Operations


2 Code of Practice Executive Summary



Issue 2 - July 2012

Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

Association of Diving Contractors

Code of Practice


1.1 Leading Commentary

1 Renewable projects developers, clients, main contractors and sub-contractors all have a duty of
care to ensure that diving operations are planned and conducted in a safe manner.
The objective of this document is to provide guidance to ensure that acceptable standards are
adopted on all diving operations carried out in connection with Renewable Energy Projects.

1.2 Status of this Document

1 Whilst this document may have no direct legal status, in the absence of specific regulations, many
courts would accept that a Diving Contractor carrying out inshore / inland diving operations in
line with this Code of Practice, was seeking to using proven and accepted industry Best Practice.

1.3 Use of this Code of Practice

1 This code of practice should be considered as the Minimum Acceptable standard for works
carried out in support of renewable energy projects.
2 When considered appropriate for particular projects, or established as part of the required
preparations, there may be a requirement to adopt standards or work practices, possibly specified
by clients or contractors, that are in excess of the guidance included in this document.

1.4 Work Areas intended to be covered by this Code of Practice

1 This code of practice is intended to cover diving operations conducted up to 12 miles offshore, to a
maximum depth of 45m, that has no connection to any oil or gas producing facility, marine mining
operations where conditions and work requirements suit the adoption of surface support diving
2 Any diving to be conducted outside these limits, or to be directly supported from a Dynamically
Positioned (DP) vessel, should be carried in accordance with the ACoP for Offshore diving.

1.5 Establishing Client Expectations

1 All clients should expect diving contractors involved in renewable energy projects to achieve and maintain
high standards of safety in all aspects of work involvement in the project.

2 This will include, but may not be limited to:

Pre-commencement planning
Safety assurance
Standards of training.
Health, Safety and the Environment.
Site standards and incident reporting
Emergency action planning.

ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012

Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

1.6 Acronyms and Abbreviations
A number of acronyms and abbreviations are referred to within this document. These acronyms are extensively used
in this work sector as well as being adopted in a variety of other industry sectors. The following list is provided to
aid in appreciating their meaning, and avoid readers misunderstanding any references to these that may be included
in the text.

Approved Code of Practice. Commercial Diving Projects Inland / Inshore (ACoP L104)


Association of Diving Contractors is the inland / inshore diving industry trade association body for
UK and Ireland
Association of Offshore Diving Contractors.
(Superseded 01-April-1995 by the formation of ADC and IMCA)
Closed Circuit Television
A document that confirms that a particular test or examination has been carried out or witnessed at
an identified time on a specific piece of equipment or system by a competent person
A diving system built in accordance with a classification societys own rules, can, at the owners
request, be assigned a class
Having sufficient training or experience (or a combination of both) to be capable of carrying out a
task safely and efficiently
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (Regulations)
Decompression Incident
Decompression Chamber. (Used for recompression following diving operations)
See also SDC and alternate acronym for a decompression chamber.
Diving Medical Advisory Committee.
IMCAs medical advisors specialising in guidance in hyperbaric medicine
Diving Equipment Systems Inspection Guidance Note, Guidance documents issued by IMCA
(Expected to be superseded by Diving Systems Annual Audit (DSAA)
Diving Operation Record
Diving System Assurance Audit, Guidance document issued IMCA.


All diving plant and equipment used during a diving project including responding to all reasonably
foreseeable emergencies on site and off site e.g. remote decompression chambers etc
Dynamically Positioned Vessel (DP)
Dive Project Plan
Diving Information Sheet (Issued periodically by HSE to clarify specific points of safety)
Diving at Work Regulations 1997
Employers Liability Compulsory Insurance
Emergency Action Procedures
Failure Modes and Effect Analysis. This is a methodology used to identify potential failure modes,
determine their effects and identify actions to mitigate the failures
Failure Mode Effect Criticality Analysis is an extension of FMEA.
Full surface supplied spread
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
A hazard is something with the potential to cause harm, e.g. water, environmental factors, working
at height, plant, lifting operations, diving methods (SCUBA)
Hazard Identification Study
Hazard and Operability Study
High Pressure (Generally as a reference to air supply)
Health, Safety and Executive
In accordance with
International Marine Contractors Association is the international trade association representing
offshore, marine and underwater engineering companies
International Safety Management
International Ship Security
Jack Up Vessel (See also SEV)
Launch and Recovery System (Generally an air or hydraulic winch or crane arrangement)
Lightweight Mobile Surface Supplied System.
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Register
Lift Plan
Management of Change. (A formal process undertaken by competent personnel, incorporating risk assessment,
must take place to change an existing approved design / fabrication or work / installation procedure.)
Method Statement

ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012

Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects


Model Safety Management System

Non Conformance Report
Any mixture of nitrogen and oxygen where the two gasses represent the major constituents of the
gas mix.
International Association of Oil & Gas producers
Represented in this sector by the Diving Operations Subcommittee.
Planned Maintenance System (For Diving plant and equipment)
Personnel Protective Equipment
Permit to Dive
Permit to Work
Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
Rigid Inflatable Boat
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations
The process by which every perceived risk is evaluated and assessed. As part of the process control
measures to be established to prevent harm before an operation commences should be identified.
The findings and actions will be documented. A risk assessment is part of the risk management
Remotely Operated Vehicle
Self Container Underwater Breathing Apparatus
Surface Decompression Chamber
Self Elevating Vessel
Safety Management System
Surface Supplied Diving Equipment
Safe System of Work
Standard Work Procedure
Tool Box Talk
Tidal Volume (The volume of gas that moves in or out of the lungs with each breath)
Time Out for Safety
Task Risk Assessment
United Kingdom Continental Shelf

ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012

Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

Association of Diving Contractors

Code of Practice

Code of Practice Executive Summary

2.1 Summary of Key Elements included in this Code


Planning is critical:
Effort expended to methodically plan each stage of the diving operation will go some way to
ensuring that foreseeable events are fully considered and procedures developed to effectively
mitigate their impact on the progress of the works.

Support Vessel Selection:

By selecting the most appropriate support vessel from which to carry out the works consideration of
the conditions and duration of the task will need to be properly understood.

Selected Methods:
The most appropriate method for carrying out the works generally results from the completion of a
task specific risk assessment.
This code does not encourage the alternative approach where the task is made to fit around the
capability or the availability of a particular type of equipment or method.

Standards to be Adopted:
This code only seeks to sets out MINIMUMS.
The work specification or clients requirements is likely to impose more specific standards that will
need to be adopted and included across all aspects of the contract works.

Operational Elements:
Key amongst all the items that this section covers will be the development of emergency response
This code recommends that emergency event exercises are conducted prior to commencement of
works on site and then periodically during the works on site, as personnel changes occur.

External monitoring of the standards and procedures used by formal auditing or inspection is to be
encouraged by this code.
Over auditing is easy to do and invariably adds little to outcome of the works.
The scope should be agreed in advance of the commencement of works on site and adopted in this
form during the period of the works.

Post Work Review:

This code encourages the adoption of a post works review.
Important lessons can be learnt from holding constructive post works meetings, and information
obtained can be used effectively in any future works of this nature.

This code is for guidance only and MUST be used in parallel with appropriate national legislation
or Regulations, and more formal Codes of Practice.

ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012

Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

Association of Diving Contractors

Code of Practice

Planning and Preparation for Diving Operations

3.1 Organisation and Responsibilities

1 A clear understanding of how the organisation of the project is to be managed is required for reference by
all those who may be involved.
2 The client has an express requirement within the regulations to take such measures as is reasonable for a
person in their position to take, to ensure that the diving contractor has access to the information
necessary to plan and risk assess the work required.
This requirement shall include provision of any information, hazards or dangerous substances that the
diving contractor may or could expect to encounter whilst working on the structure or specified worksite.
Wherever possible it is recommended that the use of easy to view reference drawings, 3D images or other
graphics are used to supplement any written information that is to be provided.
3 The Diving contractor shall, so far as is reasonably practical, ensure that the project is methodically
planned, thoroughly risk assessed and safely managed by competent personnel, who are adequately
briefed on the methods to be adopted, and fully aware of all emergency action plans that are in place.
The required planning and any control measures required to mitigate risks to the dive team to be fully
documented and made known to all relevant parties.
4 Vessel owners and operators are also included in the requirement set out in item 2 above.
Particular attention needs to be paid to the isolations of operating machinery on board and establishment
of a permit to Dive System that seeks to ensure when diving commences that all relevant equipment has
been shut down or controlled in such a way that the risk to the diver is reduced as far as is reasonable

3.2 Minimum Standards of Training and Equivalent Certification

1 All diving personnel should be appropriately qualified to a minimum standard of HSE Surface Supplied
Diving or its equivalent.
2 Notwithstanding the above, it is important that the selected divers have the necessary level of competency
to carry out the required work.
3 Where trainee personnel those who may be suitably qualified, but have yet to obtain the necessary level of
competence - are to make up part of the diving team, the ratio in connection to experienced personnel
should not exceed 1:5.
4 Whilst the Diving at Work Regulations do not require that all members of the team have a current First
Aid Certificate, for the purposes of this code due partly to the remote nature of the work site it is
required that the majority of the diving personnel hold proof of valid first aid training and a valid, in date
first aid certificate.
5 Whenever practical, teams should have access to a Diver Medic Technician as part of the overall manning.

3.3 Diving Medicals, Offshore Survival and other Training

1 All divers must hold a valid diving medical certificate, a copy of which should be available for inspection
on site with their log book; or the diver must be exchanged in plenty of time.
The validity of the medical certificate must not expire whilst work on site is being carried out.
2 All personnel working on near shore, sea or offshore sites are expected to have successfully completed an
approved offshore sea survival or offshore survival training course prior to commencement of the works
on site.
3 In addition to the above, dive team personnel who may be expected to carryout other tasks, including
lifting operations, rope access or more specialist plant or equipment operation, will be expected to have
completed the appropriate level of training to an accepted national standard.

ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012

Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

3.4 Communications during the Project.
1 The names of key personnel, their position, level of responsibility and availability must be clearly set out
and where appropriate the details displayed at or close to the worksite for reference.
2 Full details of the applicable contact information for relevant personnel by private radio, VHF or phone
must be easily accessible to dive team for reference should an emergency event occur.
3 Clients should be expected to provide a list of names and contacts for their designated personnel,
wherever possible specifying the level of authority that each person may have in respect to the approval
and progress of diving operations.

3.5 Project Hazard Identification Study (HAZID)

1 A HAZID should be completed with the client and other contractors as soon after the full scope of work
requirements and support vessel requirements have been identified.
This process is intended to compliment rather than replace the normal process of risk assessment and
should be completed in conjunction with this activity.
2 The primary objectives of the HAZID are to:
(A) Take a high level overview of the full work scope, its management, interfaces, procedures and
equipment required to complete the task.
(B) Identify any specific areas of risk that may not form part of other aspects of the planning.
(C) Provide an open forum for voicing concerns that not normally be highlighted.
(D) Outline any specific requirements for personnel training, plant or equipment that are
considered to be necessary.

3.6 Provision of Bridging Documents

1 Most established diving contractors will have their own in-house management systems, documenting all
aspects of their work activity from safety systems through to operational work practices.
2 The object of the bridging document is to provide a link or bridge between the management control
processes of the client organization, site developer, vessel operator or main contractor and the diving
contractors own safety management systems. The bridging document needs to cover all aspects of the
required works, with copies being issued to all key personnel who could expect to be involved.
3 As a guide, the content of the bridging document could include, make reference too, but may not be
limited to inclusion of the following items:
1. An overview of the full scope of works.
2. A list of key dates and targets.
3. Summary of project works responsibilities.
4. Communication arrangements.
5. List of key reference documents and their relevance.
6. Details of any task specific work procedures.
7. Summarise any contingency and Emergency procedures.
8. List of Permit controls that need to be activated.
9. External support available.
10. Circulation list and document revision status.

ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012

Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

Association of Diving Contractors

Code of Practice

Vessel Types Included in this Code of Practice

4.1 Support Vessel Type Quick Reference Table


Vessel Type
Rigid Inflatable Boat
Fast Support Craft
Survey Vessel
Multi-Cat (1)


Self Propelled Barge

Towed Barge

RIB or Fast Survey Craft

operating from a Mother



Moored large barge

Cable Lay barge


Construction Barge
Self Elevating Ship
Construction Jack Up


DP Vessel


On Board

8 Miles



On Board

Additional diving or
support personnel as
task requires.

8 Miles



On Board

Separate support vessel

12 Miles



On Board

12 Miles



On Board

12 Miles



On Board

12 Miles
12 Miles
12 Miles



On Board
On Board
On Board


Multi-Cat (2)

8 Miles

(Naut Miles)


5 miles
5 miles
5 miles
5 Miles





Min Size
Dive Team





Any suitable small

vessel operating from a
port or harbour.

Additional diving or
support personnel as
task requires.

Task may require two

or more shifts of diving

Limited by Class Designation and Weather Refer to IMCA Specific Guidance

Key to Task References:



Inspection tasks
Light Survey
Light Parts Recovery
Light construction work



Heavy Construction work

J Tube Connections
Cable Burial / Protection
Cutting and welding tasks



Salvage Work
All work designations.
Team size may increase
subject to vessel and task

4.2 Short duration shallow depth, DDC located ashore.

1 Intended primarily to cover light survey work and inspections tasks on existing monopile, jacket
installations or shallow anchored structures in a maximum water depth of 25m, no more than 5 nautical
miles from the location of the emergency recompression chamber.
2 A selection of small, fast vessels or multicats, nominally to a maximum length of 15m, with appropriate
Workboat Code Certification are likely to used in this work category.
3 Due to the nature of the small craft configuration, the use of a lightweight mobile surface supplied system
with a limited volume of gas is likely to be available.
4 24 hour access to a suitable decompression facility will generally be via a self contained unit located
onshore at an easily accessible site close to arrival point of the vessel.
Where small multi-cats are to be used, the addition of a fast RIB to assist with a casualty transfers in an
emergency will be required.
Where the arrival point is likely to be affected by tidal constraints, an alternative location that enables
access to the chamber through all states of the tidal range and sea states must be available.
5 Where a third party chamber facility is nominated that is remote from the arrival site, it will be a
requirement that availability of the chamber cannot be compromised whilst the offshore works are
6 A full emergency casualty exercise, commencing from the furthest point of the expected worksite, is to be
ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012

Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

completed prior to commencement of the works on site to demonstrate that the time to chamber
requirement, as set out in the ACoP, is achievable in all weather or tidal conditions.
Details of the completed exercise should be included in the dive plan for reference by the Supervisor,
should an emergency event occur.

4.3 Self Contained Barge / Multi-Cat, DDC in Port or on board

1 Based on the use of a medium range support vessel, suitable for establishment of full specification surface
supplied diving spread with high output LP air compressor for the primary air supply, and adequate
supplies of emergency air in HP banks.
Considered suitable for the support of diving operations to 35m maximum depth when the DDC is located
on board, and maximum distance from shore of 8 miles.
2 The equipment specification and manning levels will be determined by task and should be fully detailed in
the Project Plan
3 The mooring of the vessel should be a minimum of three point arrangement, based on anchors or using
secure points on existing structures.
Access and egress arrangements need to take into account the need to recover an unconscious diver in a
swell condition, so the use of LAR systems are preferred to the use of ladders.

4.4 Mother ship supporting small service craft, DDC on mother ship.
1 A large vessel, possibly a DP vessel, positioned on the site and being used primarily for providing full
welfare and support services to personnel working on aspects of the project.
The vessel would be fitted with suitable launch and recover systems for handling smaller vessel from
which the diving work would be carried out.
2 The limit of operation will be 12 miles from shore, but the maximum depth for diving operations will be
determined by the work activity, dive platform and access to emergency recompression facilities.
3 Where a DP vessel is to be used as the Mother Ship consideration will need to be given to the
implications of working under the Offshore ACoP, (L103) as this has specific requirements form
operations conducted from a DP vessel.

4.5 Large construction barge / ship / Jack-up, DDC on board


This arrangement assumes that the diving operation is being carried out directly from a moored vessel or
jack up barge or ship.
The scale of this operation would suggest that a most comprehensive diving spread is available with
multiple LAR systems and adequate space primary and back up equipment.

This platform would be suitable for conducting Nitrox diving or operations requiring surface

This arrangement would tend to be suitable for conducting operations out to the 12 mile limit and to a
maximum depth of 50m.

4.6 Dynamically Positioned Vessels (DP2/3)


All diving work carried out from DP vessels will be conducted under the L103, Offshore ACoP.

Reference to specific guidance in respect to the use of DP vessels is available from IMCA

4.7 Guidance on Mooring arrangements


Mooring to a monopile or other static structure:

Extreme caution should be exercised in all where it is necessary for a crew member to achieve the
connection or attachment of a mooring line between a moving and static structure. Utilise smaller support
vessels to take mooring lines all the way around a tower.
Wherever possible hook lines or boat hooks should be used to remove the crew from the direct risk if
crushing or entrapment as the initial connection is made.

Mooring to a pre-positioned buoy or anchorage:

A high level of vigilance needs to be maintained as the vessel makes the final approach to enable the

ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012


Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

attachment of the mooring lines.
The use of floating pick up lines should be adopted to simplify connection and mitigate the need for a crew
member to act directly at the interface between the vessel and the buoy.

Mooring to an existing anchored barge:

A similar level of caution should be maintained in this mooring configuration, albeit that the anchored
barge is likely to be significantly more stable than either of the two previous options.

Personnel transfer should only be commenced after the mooring operation has been completed and the
vessel Master indicates that it is safe to proceed.
The use of safety harnesses, lifejackets and other PPE consider to be appropriate to the conditions in
which the transfer is occurring should be adopted.

4.8 Diving Inside Monopiles


Since most monopile structures are not fully sealed, primarily to facilitate the passage of supply cable
through the casing, water exists within the monopile allowing diving to occur inside, should there be an
operational requirement.

Conducting diving from inside the monopile will necessitate personnel and equipment being moved onto
the monopile and the diver entering the water via the internal platform.
The inside of the monopile should be considered as a confined space, as a result additional precautions
and safety measures will be required to comply with the Confined Space Regulations, prior to any diving
being carried out.

Personnel and equipment transfers to static structures from support vessels can be challenging in
anything other than ideal conditions.
All personnel will need training, or at the very least, extensive briefing about the safety measures that will
be required for transfer activities from moving vessels to static structures.

ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012


Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

Association of Diving Contractors

Code of Practice

for Conducting Diving Operations

5.1 Stand-By Diver

1 Irrespective of the method of surface diving adopted, a standby diver must be available at immediate
readiness to provide any necessary assistance to the diver, whenever a diver is in the water, as instructed
by the Supervisor.
The standby diver shall be fully dressed to enter the water, but does not need to be wearing the mask or
helmet, but this does need to be fully operational and be immediately to hand, ie connected to the bail out
and harness, properly tested, and be held by the diver or supported at or close to chest height.
2 Where there are two working divers in the water at any one time, there must be a stand-by diver available
on the surface for each pair of divers, to render assistance as instructed by the Supervisor.
The use of an in water stand-by arrangement will not be acceptable under this code.

5.2 Use of Lightweight Mobile Surface Supplied Systems. (LMSSS)

1 LMSSS is a generic term used to describe lightweight surface supplied equipment that provides most of
the benefits of full surface supply equipment with some of the less unencumbered, free swimming
benefits that more lightweight equipment offers.
2 This mode of diving is predominantly used when working from small support craft operating close to
shore or from a mother vessel, where any additional support equipment can be positioned and easily
3 This mode of diving, whilst providing a limited surface supply to the diver, and allowing communications
to be maintained, is likely to be very limited due to the available volume of supply cylinders.
4 LMSSS replacement is generally suitable for short duration or simple inspection tasks where the work
requirement for the diver is kept to the minimum and there is no foreseeable risk of prolonged

5.3 Surface Supplied Air Diving

1 Surface supplied diving generally refers to any more established diving operation conducted from a static
location, small or larger vessel, where a dive control station is set up, the intention being to carry out
more extensive diving operations in depths up to a maximum of 40-50m.

The level of control provided using surface supply, can result in an almost unlimited supply of air to
support the diver, with the team size and support equipment being specified as a result of the work task,
expected duration, location and availability of emergency support arrangements.

5.4 Nitrox Diving


Full details of the requirements for conducting safe Nitrox diving operations are included in the IMCA
Code of Practice.

5.5 Surface diving from DP vessels.

1 Any diving conducted from a DP vessel will be carried out under the Offshore ACoP (L103).
2. IMCA provide specific guidance covering diving operations being conducted in this manner.

ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012


Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

Association of Diving Contractors

Code of Practice

to be adopted

6.1 Selection of Personnel, Competence and Team size.

1 A competent workforce is more productive, operating with reduced risks, shorter down times and fewer
At the same time, all those involved know a rigorous assessment procedure is in place against which their
skills, experience and knowledge will be measured.
The brief guidance included in this section aims to:
* Provide an overview and description of a typical competence assessment.
* Specify minimum standards and qualifications, where applicable, and minimum experience required
to ensure that personnel are competent to fulfill their safety-critical responsibilities.
* Provide a reference document detailing the procedures, criteria and recording
2 Competency is made up of a variety of things comprising, education, training, knowledge, experience,
practice or anything else that aids in understanding a particular task or skill.
Certain core competences are considered essential to all safety-critical personnel working at any level in
the renewable industry.
These include safety awareness issues, behavioral factors, communication ability, and emergency
response capability.
Knowledge and demonstrable skill levels in these competencies will also vary with a persons seniority
and level of operational responsibility.
For each safety-critical position there may be additional job-specific key competences where assessors
apply specified criteria to determine whether a person has the required knowledge and can demonstrate
their ability to complete the task.
Records intended to aid in demonstrating competence can take various forms, and aims cover personal
details, qualifications, certificates, training, specialist experience and details of any competence
assessments that may have been carried out
The Professional Divers Logbook, the Diving Supervisors Logbook, an Inspection Divers Logbook or a
Diving Technicians Logbook all seek to provide a format in which details of experience and competence
can be recorded.
Logbooks should not be taken purely on face value, background checking may be required to confirm the
accuracy of the content.
In most cases competences will be reviewed automatically in the course of standard management
evaluations and where job responsibilities, work sites, tasks or roles change.
To maintain client confidence in the competence of their personnel, companies should audit their
competency assessment systems to check the appropriate procedures are in place and work effectively.
Where personnel move from one employer to another, it may be appropriate for competences to be cross
checked and where appropriate further assessments carried out.
3 The number of personnel in a diving team must meet the requirements outlined in Regulation 6 of the
Diving at Work Regulations 1997, ACoP L104, sections 73-92.
This requirement relating to the type and level of support required in order to run a safe operation. This
section provides further guidance on the factors to be considered when determining the manning levels
required in a diving team.
4 The team numbers required will vary according to location, working depth, tidal currents and the work to
be undertaken.
Additionally project management and specialist personnel may need to be included in the diving team to
control or assist in specific types of work.
Therefore, the actual number of personnel required to carry out the scope of work , per shift, given in a
contract, and their functions, should be specified, and should be at least in accordance with the guidance
included here.

ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012


Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

Table 6.1

LMSSS, being used from a RIB or small vessel (DDC remote)

FSSS, larger support vessel or work barge. (DDC Remote)
LMSSS / FSSS, working to a mother vessel. (DDC Remote)
FSSS positioned on board large barge, Jack Up or SEV (DDC on site)

Guidance on Minimum Team size:







5 Explanatory Notes:
The minimum team size acceptable under this code will be five (5)
The Supervisor
The Working diver
The Stand-by diver
Tender for the working diver
Tender for the Stand-by Diver
Additional personnel will need to be added to this minimum to facilitate the handling, control and
operation of plant, equipment, tools and / or for operating the recompression chamber

6.2 Minimum specification for Plant and Equipment


Whether diving in less than 10m or working in depths not exceeding 50m, the success of a project is
directly proportional to the detailed preparation and use of appropriate plant and equipment.

Formal, task based risk assessments will have been completed, they may also assist in identifying the
most appropriate plant and equipment to be considered for use on the project.

The risk assessments may need to include reference to the topics listed in Reference Table 6.2, all of
which may have a bearing upon the selection of suitable and sufficient diving plant and equipment.

Selecting the right plant and equipment for a project based upon management principals is a key aspect
in differentiating between those that maintain standards and professionalism, from those that put costs
before health and safety of persons involved in a diving operation.

2 The choice of equipment location will be determined by the type of installation, a static structure
requirement may differ from a small vessel, jack up, self elevating ship or floating structure.
In some applications the diving system may be required to operate in a multi work area (e.g. an area in
which there is the possibility of conflict with lifting, handling or construction activity).
Equipment location is often dependent on available deck space. However, if it is possible that when
placing the diving deployment system (LARS) consideration of the likely impact of other work activity
needs to be taken into account.
A deck layout or plan should be prepared prior to mobilization, possibly as part of he dive plan, in order
that a suitable equipment location and the service connections required are clear to the vessel operators.

Reference Table 6.2:

Diving Project

Requirements of the ACoP that the diving project is properly and safely managed.
Clarification of how many separate diving operations the over project will comprise.

Diving Method

Work site - RIB or other craft, floating platform etc

Surface supplied Air or Nitrox ?
Helmet, Mask, communications hat mounted CCTV, recording / playback
LP Air compressors or HP bottle bank supplies and HP compressor
Diver deployment and recovery - diving ladder, stage, basket
Stand-by diver deployment and recovery
Recovering injured / unconscious diver to a safe place to administer assistance
If conducting decompression dives or not

Dive Team Size

and Skills

ADC CoP:001

Diving depth, 12hr or 24hr operations, number of divers working in the water
Sufficient number of competent and where appropriate qualified personnel to operate
all the diving plant and to provide support functions to the dive team without
reducing safety. Including level of medical administrators, first aiders, DMT etc
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Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

Type of Work

Specialist tools, plant and equipment to safely complete the work scope e.g. oxy-arc
burning, lifting rigging, air bags, hp water jetting / cutting, grouting etc
Specialist diving suit for contaminated waters
Appropriate PPE for all tasks
Tide gauge for reference in tidal waters

Remoteness of

Plan for all reasonably foreseeable emergencies and contingences

Decompression chamber on site or identify nearest in-date chamber available and
confirm travel time from work site
Availability of a suitable emergency vehicle for immediate support if required
Level of first aid, Oxygen resuscitation, eye wash, decontamination showers etc
Additional spares, tools, plant & equipment, ease of getting replacements


Seasonal considerations - suitable PPE for adverse exposed cold / wet locations,
shade for sun and heat etc. survival or immersion suits must be worn until the sea
temperature is confirmed at 12 degrees centigrade
The availability and policy with regard to the use of either survival or immersion
suits should be clearly documented and be made known to all personnel involved.
Specific reference to the policy about sea temperature and when the appropriate suit
must be worn should form part of all briefing and be displayed on notice boards.
Facilities, changing / rest-room, catering, WC, water heating, drying etc

Positioning of diving plant and equipment, distance between dive control and dive
Considerations deployment site, control, availability of radios, need for CCTV, likely support services.
Protection of life support umbilicals, hoses, bottles and quads from dropped objects,
moving site plant, personnel etc
Suitable and sufficient fire extinguishers and their locations
Bunding for machinery and oil spill cleaning materials
Waste segregation, management and disposal
Need for barriers, warning signs etc for other site users or public
Load bearing ground plates if supplying own craneage
Additional lighting if working 24hrs
Local hazards e.g. noise, COSHH, fumes, dust, etc
DVD, Video, Audio or paper recordings of each dive when appropriate.
Need for hand-held radios, loud hailer, intercom units, mobile phones etc
Load Out List

Sufficient plant and equipment in-house

Decision to purchase or rent additional plant and equipment
Assurance of 3rd party supplied plant and equipment

6.3 Adequacy of Compressors and Output Pressures.

1 Compressors are rated according to the volume of air that they take in each minute. This is the free gas
volume of the air that is supplied to the diver.
The volume of air used by the diver will vary according to the work rate, the following table summarises
the rates that should be used for gas calculations.
Normal Working

40 Ltrs/Min

1.5Ft3 (Approx)

Emergency Events

50 Ltrs/Min

1.87Ft3 (Approx)

As a result of theses variations it is necessary to have a facility to deal with changes in demand, and this is
dealt with by having a reservoir on the compressor. The supply pressure must, of course, be adequate to
deliver air to the diver.
At 50 msw (165 fsw), which is the maximum depth for air diving the pressure is 6 Bar. Add to this an
allowance of 10 Bar for the regulator general used to control the distribution of air, and the required
supply pressure must be at least 16 Bar.
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A pressure of around 20 Bar (290 psi) would more normally be used for safety.
Most commercial compressors used in diving operations are capable of supplying air pressures well
above this level. However it is always necessary to check the supply pressure and ensure that a
compressor of suitable output, fitted with an adequate reservoir is to be used.
The same cannot be said of the smaller, lightweight compressors, generally designed for other activities
not relating to diving. Consequently, for the purposes of this Code, compressors with an output of less
than 13 or 14 Bar are not generally suitable for use on renewable energy diving projects.
The formulae for calculating the absolute pressure at a particular depth are:
Absolute Pressure = Depth (msw)


+ 1 Bar

Absolute Pressure = Depth (fsw)


+ 1 At

6.4 Availability of Gas Supplies

1 It is appropriate to indicate the minimum quantities of gas or breathing mixture that are necessary for a
particular mode of diving, and establish that these are actually available, before diving operations
During any diving operation, if it is not possible to replenish gas supplies to maintain an operational
condition, restrictions on maximum depth or dive time may need to be established.
A number of key factors influence the volume of gas that may be required and these must be considered
as part of the project planning activity.
* Breathing mixtures to be used
* Planned maximum depth of dive
* Expected work rate
* Decompression schedules used
What follows is guidance indicating the Absolute Minimum Level that must be available for the
operational method being used.

Important Clarification Points to Note:

Two totally independent sources could be interpreted as, two separate compressors, one of which is
stand alone, the other being connected to the support vessels emergency electric power or separate
power source (e.g. diesel)
Alternatively this could be one compressor capable of filling completely separate compressed air storage
Air provided from a support vessels own system, should not normally be considered as a dedicated air
supply for diving as it is principally provided for other purposes and may not be available when required,
be delivered to the quality, at the pressures required, or in the quantity necessary to meet the demand.
Required gas volumes should be calculated based on the following breathing rates:

Normal Working: 40 Ltrs/min

Emergency situations: 50 Ltrs / Min
Bail out requirement: 50 Ltrs / Min
An adequate supply of breathing oxygen must be available at all diving sites, suitable for providing a
continuous emergency supply to the diver from time on surface to arrival at chamber, irrespective of how
remote the chamber may be from the dive site.
3 Minimum Specification:
Lightweight Mobile Surface Supplied System
1 Sufficient compressed air volume for the primary diver in two separate cylinder banks. One
designated as the primary supply and of adequate volume to support the diver for the duration of the
expected dive. The other designated as the emergency air, with adequate volume to support the diver
for no less than 30 minutes at the maximum expected depth.
2. For the stand-by diver, there should be sufficient compressed air volume in two separate cylinder
banks. One designated as the primary supply and of adequate volume to support the stand-by diver
for no less than 30 minutes at the expected maximum depth. The other designated as the emergency
air supply, with adequate volume to support the stand-by diver for no less than a further 30 minutes
at the maximum expected depth.
3. A bail out gas supply for both divers, calculated at the emergency situation rate, to provide no less
than 10 minutes supply at the maximum expected depth.
4. An emergency O2 supply for use by an injured party from time on surface to arrival at the site of the
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recompression chamber.
4 Minimum Specification:
Standard Surface Supplied System (DDC remote from dive site)
1. Each diver primary and stand-by - is required to have sufficient compressed air supplied from
independent sources. The primary air can be provided from an LP source, assuming the reservoir
capacity is adequate to support the diver.
2. The volume required in the LP air reservoir should be adequate to support the diver working at the
expected maximum depth for no less than 20 minutes, whilst the supply is transferred to the
emergency air source.
3. Where HP is to be used for either primary or secondary air, the compressor capacity is to be adequate
to fill depleted cylinders at a rate that does not compromise the ability to use one or other cylinder
for the diver or stand-by.
4. For the stand-by diver, there should be sufficient compressed air volume in two separate cylinder
banks. One designated as the primary supply and of adequate volume to support the stand-by diver
for no less than 30 minutes at the expected maximum depth. The other designated as the emergency
air supply, with adequate volume to support the stand-by diver for no less than a further 30 minutes
at the maximum expected depth.
5. A bail out gas supply for both divers, calculated at the emergency situation rate, to provide no less
than 10 minutes supply at the maximum expected depth.
6. An emergency O2 supply or use by an injured party from time on surface to arrival at the site of the
recompression chamber.
7. Since the chamber is remote from the dive site, the gas requirements for its operation must be
considered separately to that for the diving operation .
5 Minimum Specification:
Full Surface Supplied System (DDC as part of the spread)
1. Sufficient compressed air must always be available for the primary working diver and stand-by diver
to the full intended diving depth. This air must either be stored in suitable containers or else supplied
by two totally independent dedicated sources.
2. Sufficient compressed air must be available to pressurise in an acceptable time - both locks of the
decompression chamber to the maximum possible treatment depth sufficient air for three complete
surface decompression cycles. This air must either be stored in containers or else supplied by two
totally independent dedicated sources
3. Each diver primary and stand-by - is required to have sufficient compressed air supplied from
independent sources. The primary air can be provided from an LP source, assuming the reservoir
capacity is adequate to support the diver.
4. The volume required in the LP air reservoir should be adequate to support the diver working at the
expected maximum depth for no less than 20 minutes, whilst the supply is transferred to the
emergency air source.
5. Where HP is to be used for either primary or secondary air, the compressor capacity is to be adequate
to fill depleted cylinders at a rate that does not compromise the use of one or other cylinder.
6. For the stand-by diver, there should be sufficient compressed air volume in two separate cylinder
banks. One designated as the primary supply and of adequate volume to support the stand-by diver
for no less than 30 minutes at the expected maximum depth. The other designated as the emergency
air supply, with adequate volume to support the stand-by diver for no less than a further 30 minutes
at the maximum expected depth.
7. A bail out gas supply for both divers, calculated at the emergency situation rate, to provide no less
than 10 minutes supply at the maximum expected depth.

8. No less than 90m (3200 cu ft) of breathing oxygen (O2) must be available for emergency treatment
procedures conducted in the decompression chamber.

6.5 Recompression Chambers

1 Over and above the explicit requirement set out in the ACoP (L104) for contractors to have access to a
recompression chamber in the event of a diving emergency, this code seeks to build on that requirements
and consider the potentially remote work site in which diving operations are likely to occur.
2 The following table summarises the requirement for minimum access to a suitable recompression
chamber required by this code:
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Access to Chamber Requirement

Max Depth

2 Hrs (1)

6 Hrs (1)

On site

On mother
ship (3)







(1) Within 2 or 6 hours means, absolutely no longer from diver on surface to arrival at fully operational
chamber, irrespective of weather of tidal conditions.
(2) On site means immediately adjacent to the dive control and egress point for the diver.
(3) On mother ship means the diver to be at the entrance lock within 30 minutes travelling in any
weather condition, including any lift onto deck operation.
(4) Option means that where a chamber is available on site or at the mother ship, this should take
precedence over the 2 hour requirement.
3 The build specification and size of available, semi-portable chambers does vary since these are long life
items that may have been in service for a significant number of years.
The following items should be considered as the minimum acceptable standard for a chamber to be
offered for use under this code:


Recompression Chamber Specification

Normally to no less than 54 (1.37m) diameter.


48(1.22m) chambers will be acceptable where an older, but fully certificated and
serviceable chamber is offered.
Comprises no less than two separate connected chambers, the entry lock and main
chamber, each capable of being operated independently.



Tech File

Has at least one medical lock fitted to the main chamber to permit the transfer of
medicines, liquids, foods or other items into or out of the chamber, without affecting the
pressure integrity of the main chamber.
Has a valid test certificate confirming a hydrostatic test has been completed in the last 5
years, and the validity of this certification - or any subsequent annual certificates of
inspection - will not end during the expected period of operational use.
Has been subject to an annual inspection and testing regime since the last full
hydrostatic test, and records to support this are available.
Has the technical file comprising all current certificates to support the suitability of all
the individual components, view ports, gauges, valves and piping etc that fitted in or
onto the chamber.
The chamber should be located in an area where weather will not affect the operation
or control of a treatment.


The location and the chamber can be heated in winter or cooled in summer to control
the comfort of the occupants.
Adequate lighting should be provided to enable effective control to be maintained
inside and outside the chamber.

Air Supply


Is supplied and connected to a suitable air supply capable of pressurising both

compartments to the required depth in an acceptable time period, and will allow the
periodic flushing of the air within the chamber(s) without depleting the air reserve.
Is connected to a breathable 02 supply via BIBS, of no less than 90M3, suitable to provide
at least two persons with 02 for the duration of the expected treatment.
Has a designated competent operator available whilst diving operations are underway.


The operator to have reference copies of the decompression and treatment tables being
used, and have access to a specialist diving medical doctor, possibly via a phone or VHF
radio link to discuss aspects of the treatment as it progresses.

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6.6 Helmets and Band Masks

1 For most surface supplied diving operations there are two methods for providing breathing gas to the
diver, (1) a demand system or (2) free flow or continuous supply system.
Demand systems are available on both helmets and masks, and are the most commonly used method for
diving operations.
Free flow systems are only suitable for use with helmets, however because there is a constant supply of
air free flowing into the helmet, there is a significant increase in noise within the helmet, and so they are
generally limited to short working periods to avoid over exposure to increased noise.
In addition to the primary function of providing breathing gas to the diver, helmets and masks have other
distinct benefits.
Helmets generally provide a dryer environment and full head protection in line with surface worn safety
hats, they reduce the potential for ear infections to occur, the voice communications are usually clearer,
and the facility to add supplementary items such as cameras or head lamps can easily be accommodated.
Band masks rely on a water-tight seal being made around the face, as a result the ears are in a wet
environment, the head is not fully protected, although a lesser level of protection can be achieved by
adding an external shell to the hood arrangement.
Band masks are generally lighter, improve mobility, are easier to use when free swimming, and most
importantly can be suitable for self dressing, in an emergency situation.
2 For the purposes of this code the selection preference of helmet or mask has been simplified into the
following table.



Bank Mask







Note: This is a guide only. The final choice to be determined by the Risk Assessment when all site
conditions are taken into account.

6.7 Diver Launch and Recovery Systems (LARS)


Since weather, swell and tide conditions can adversely affect the safe use of ladders, wherever possible
the use of a man rated LARS arrangement or crane operated man basket is preferred as the primary
method of access and egress from a working vessel.
For deployment in this mode, a basket will be provided to lower the diver (s) to a position as close as
possible to or adjacent to the worksite.
The basket and LARS system must ensure that the unplanned rotation of the cage can occur, increasing
the risk of diver umbilical entanglement.
If a single diver is deployed in this manner, it is recommended but not considered as essential that a
duplicate system be provided for the standby diver. (With proper planning it is practical to conduct safe
diving operations with a single LARS system)
The system will be fully certified with on site load test and required back up certification and be equipped
with a 50 litre air cylinder fitted with a first stage reducer, contents gauge, demand valve and spider whip
with turn valve.
It would be a requirement to have a duplicated LARS system if two or more working divers are to be
deployed to separate tasks..
A secondary means of recovery must always be available so that the ability to recover an unconscious
diver can be achieved.
All deployment systems shall have air/hydraulic redundancy systems incorporated.

Particular safety standards will need to be applied when using lifting equipment to carry personnel
because serious injury may result from falling. Such handling systems should be designed to be man-
Both hydraulic and pneumatic winches will need suitable braking systems, providing primary and
secondary protection. They are not to be fitted with a pawl and ratchet gear in which the pawl has to be
disengaged before lowering.
Diving Baskets and Diving from Wet Bells
The wet bell will be fully equipped with onboard gas supplies independently manifold to each diver and

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capable of evacuating the dome.
Each diver will have an independent gas supply from the surface.
A third supply from the surface will act as a further supply to each diver (via a manifold) and be capable of
evacuating the dome so that it may be used as a refuge in the case of an emergency.
A secondary means of recovery from the water must be provided. This may be in the form of a clump
weight/guide wire system. Lights and communications will be provided.
A man basket or recovery cage, used in support of surface-supplied diving, will need to be able to carry at
least two divers in an uncramped position. It will need to be designed with a chain or gate at the entry and
exit point to prevent the divers falling out, and with suitable hand holds for the divers.
The design will also need to prevent spinning or tipping
Lift Wires
Particular standards and testing criteria will need to be used for man-riding lift wires, including wires
intended for secondary or back-up lifting. These wires will need to have an effective safety factor of 8:1, be
non-rotating, and be as compact as possible to minimise the space requirements of their operating

6.8 Guidance for the use Ladders


Ladders are permissible as a means of access or egress subject to compliance with the requirements set
out in 2.
Irrespective of the method selected for access and egress, any system must be capable of dealing with
foreseeable events. The need to recover and unconscious diver is in effect a foreseeable event and one
that must be carefully considered as part of the dive plan and access, egress arrangements.

(1) The ladder should have a clear side to side rung width of 400-500mm, with the vertical height
between rungs not to exceed 250mm
(2) The vertical height of the ladder from water line to deck level should be max 3m.
(3) The ladder should extend at least 2m below the waterline.
(4) Where practical a handrail should be fitted to one side and be extended to at least 1.2m above deck
level to aid use by a laden diver.
(5) The ladder should be securely fixed to the deck or bulwark at a point where good clear access is
available at the transition point between ladder and deck.
(6) The location of the ladder should be within reach of a mechanically assisted method of lifting the
diver from the water to deck, should the need occur.
(7) A Bar or chain(s) should be fitted across the opening of the ladder when not in use.

When operating from small vessels and RIBs, the proximity of the deck or air tube - assuming this is no
more than 500mm above water level - to the water level tends to permit launch and recovery of the diver
directly from the vessel.
However in certain circumstances the use of specially fitted ladders in these vessel also simplifies safe

6.9 Medical and First Aid Equipment


The Diving at Work Regulations require a diving contractor to arrange for the provision of suitable first
aid for all persons taking part in the diving project.
To supplement the specific guidance provided in Regulation and ACoP (L104) regarding the minimum
level of first aid equipment required to be provided at a dive site, industry groups periodically review
the requirements in parallel with any changes to the Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations.

In addition to the basic requirements, elements specific to the worksite and task to be carried can
significantly influence the selection of first and medical equipment being required. The following
elements must be considered in the dive planning process to ensure adequate facilities are made
1) Remoteness of site
2) Duration of expect works
3) Number of personnel involved.
4) Number and level of trained medical personnel available.

Where No compression chamber available is expected to be available on site,

ADC recommends that the items included in Part 1 of Appendix 3 should be held at a diving site where
there is.

To determine the additional level of medical equipment to be held at a diving site where there Is a
decompression chamber available on site, reference should be made to Part 2 of Appendix 3.

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Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

The Diving Medical Advisory Committee (DMAC) periodically review and update best medical advice for
diving operations and publish their recommendations on a website.
DMAC 15 deals specifically with First Aid Requirements. The most up to date guidance can be accessed
via the web at:

6.10 Personnel Protective Equipment


The minimum level of acceptable PPE consists of;

Coveralls, safety boots, working gloves, hardhat and glasses.
Whilst working offshore, this basic requirement will be supplemented to include when appropriate:
SI Lifejacket or buoyancy aid, full body harness, ear defenders and access to an immersion suit, for use in
an emergency situation.
Task specific PPE may include:
Full face masks, oral nasal masks etc.

Diving supervisors have a specific require to ensure suitable PPE, appropriate for the task, is available and
worn. Damaged PPE and safety equipment should be reported to supervisors as soon as identified,
quarantined to exclude further use, and replacement items be provided.

6.11 Maintenance and Upkeep of Equipment

Planned Maintenance Systems

The purpose of a Planned Maintenance System (PMS) is to ensure diving plant and equipment is correctly
maintained, inspected and certificated, so that informed, reasoned and logical decisions can be taken
about its serviceability and fitness for purpose.
It is unlikely that a diving system would be able to meet the stringent mandatory minimum requirements
of the periodic examination, testing and certification of some of the more complex items, unless an
adequate PMS existed and was methodically implemented.

The systems used across industry take on a variety of forms, however, without due care and attention
during their initial development, they can drain a companies resources through being unnecessarily
complex, time consuming, often requiring complicated administrative action to track and maintain.
This unwieldy administrative burden can result in an overload that leads to inspections and important
maintenance being neglected. Conversely, simpler systems that consider operational use and promote
methodical inspection and maintenance when warranted are much more likely to be successful, and more
importantly, fully understood by the users and third party auditors.

A key element of any PMS is the ability to refer to current and historical records, trace maintenance,
repair, inspection or test and certification records for any piece of diving plant or equipment currently in
service with a company, or presented for use in an operational situation.

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Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

Association of Diving Contractors

Code of Practice


7.1 Dive Planning and Task Specific Risk Assessments.


The primary purpose of dive project planning is to formally identify, plan for, document, and risk assess
the various stages of the project to ensure compliance with all applicable statutory requirements.
In particular any intention to the use of specific techniques, products or specialist services, any related
quality objectives should be included.
The plan should make reference to any site specific safety or other information provided by the client, and
summarise any specific requirements they may have indicated.

The output of the planning effort must include the specific methods, facilities, equipment, manning levels,
materials, and the support services needed to achieve all desired results for the work task including
emergency preparedness, and where appropriate, a formal system for controlling any operating
machinery and setting out a safe system of work.
Any known or suspected underwater or above-water items of plant, or substance that may cause a hazard
effect to the dive team should be formally identified or referenced, in sufficient detail, to ensure a safe
place of work is provided at all times throughout the project.

The issued dive planning document should result in a concise, user friendly reference document
supported by relevant, files, documents or drawings required for reference and briefing all personnel

A method statement is closely interlinked with a task risk assessment and plays a fundamental part in the
management procedures of any company. It provides the basic vehicle for the transmission of
information to those who will be doing the work.
For all repetitive activities being carried out, a specific method statement, supported by an appropriate
task risk assessment needs to be compiled and any options within the task that may exist included
ensuring a complete statement is achieved.
A method statement is generally commenced by detailing the key aspects of task that is required in a
series of easily understood steps that in full result in the completion of the task.
By using a combination of knowledge, past experience, awareness of the work site and the hazards that
are likely to be encountered it is possible to analyse almost any task, however complex, and document the
elements necessary to complete the task safely and efficiently.
Specific consideration should to be given to:
The extent of available site information and latest revisions.
Control of the documentation and distribution list.
Any special training that may be necessary.
The provision of safe access and egress arrangements.
The level of supervision that may be required.
How adopting a safe system of work will be achieved.
The requirement for specific PPE that may be warranted.
The plans for emergency arrangements that will be required.

It is acceptable to make reference to documented standard work procedures in a method statement as

long as the circumstances under which the procedure is documented remain unchanged in the proposed
Although a method statement may be prepared well in advance of the arrival on site, best practice
requires that prior to commencing any work activities, a final review of the method statement and
supporting documents is made by the site manager or diving supervisor.
Any changes to approved procedures and documents should be implement a Management of Change
(MoC) process

Risk Assessment:
This stage requires that you establish what hazards are associated with the proposed task, make an
assessment of the risks, identifying the control measures that will be necessary to mitigate the risks.
For multi part or complex tasks it will be necessary to reduce the activity to individual tasks and then
assess each separately.
The extent of controls required will vary depending on the level of risk that is linked to the task. The

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higher the risk, the higher the level of control that will be necessary to mitigate.
The following illustration seek to put this in an easily understood visual form.

A sample format for dive planning and risk assessing has been included in Appendix 2.
The Code does not require that this format is adopted, but is intended to suggest the level of information
that would be expected to be included in a Dive Plan Document.
Diving contractors have no reason to change from their own well established procedures and formats as
long as the diving project is to be planned and managed in a methodical manner.

7.2 Shift Working, Crew Rotations and Leave Periods.


Continuous diving projects should be planned on the basis that the complete diving team, should work a
maximum shift of twelve hours in any twenty-four hour period and would strongly advise to equal shifts.
Under non-shift conditions, each complete dive team should have minimum of eight hours rest in one
continuous duration, in each twenty-four hour period.
Where this is not achievable due to operational requirements, it will be necessary to adjust manning
levels so that the cyclic replacement of members of the diving team occur, to achieve the eight hour break
Alternatively, sufficient personnel should be provided to work in two or more shifts, each to a maximum
of twelve hours duration.
1.4 When diving in areas of strong tidal current, where diving is limited to those periods of slack water
which occur when the tide turns, the timing and duration of operations will be dictated by a mixture of
astronomical and environmental conditions. If three periods of slack water are required to be worked in
each day it will not be possible to follow the guidance in 1.1 above and the procedure to be followed
should then be:
1.4.1 Where manning levels are planned so as to allow working for two periods of slack water in each day,
this may very occasionally be extended to three periods of slack water in each day, for up to a maximum
of three days as a single exercise, provided that a rest period of a minimum of eight hours continuous
duration be allocated in each twenty-four hour period and that on completion the diving team is rested
for a minimum of twelve consecutive hours.
1.4.2 Where it is planned that working for three periods of slack water in each day should be sustained for
longer than three days, manning levels should be arranged to meet the guidance given in 1.2 above.

7.3 Emergency Event Response Procedures


Every diving contractor has a responsibility to develop, and exercise effective emergency arrangements
for all reasonably foreseeable emergencies at each diving operation site, and in so doing communicate the
details of the plans to all persons involved in the project.
For the purposes of this code, having to deal with the recovery of an unconscious diver is a foreseeable
event, and one that the EAP must be suitable.

All emergency arrangements should be of a site specific nature making clear references to any particular
issues unique to that site that may compromise the ability of the support team and those assisting to gain

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Issue 2 - July 2012


Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

the necessary access and deal with the nature of the incident.

Emergency plans must be achievable and should not be reliant on the intervention of the emergency
services as the primary course of action. Whilst the use of the available emergency services may
ultimately result credible plans that can be initiated by the support team but form the basis of the
immediate action arrangement.
All diving contractors should have as part of their emergency plan arrangements, a comprehensive list of
applicable contact numbers, that permits contact with all necessary emergency services, hospitals or
other parties at all times when work is underway, and should be clearly displayed on each dive site.

7.4 Time to Chamber and Casualty landing arrangements

1 In the potentially remote, near shore or offshore working environment that will define diving on
renewable energy projects, careful consideration of the time it will take to transfer a diver requiring
recompression from the worksite to the entrance of the chamber.

Maximum Time to Chamber Requirement

Max Depth


2 Hrs

Up to 10m


(No planned
20-30m stops)


1. Subject to dive plan arrangements.
2. Maximum 2 hours, on site if Dive plan specifies.
3. Must be on site.

6 Hrs



7.5 Communications (Between vessels and operational teams)


The standards of communication between various parties working in projects offshore can vary and are
often not uniform in style, as a result some confusion can occur.

The variation in standards can occur from project to project or between different work sites controlled by
the same company.
It is not uncommon for a number of users of communication equipment not to have had any specific
training in its use, particularly in the use of VHF radio. Clearly ships officers have that training (although
they can also fall into bad habits!), but other members of project teams often do not. Also, company
procedures are sometimes difficult to implement when non-company personnel are involved. These
factors clearly have implications in relation to safety.

It is useful to provide a graphic description of the communications available by the use of a matrix
diagram. This will give an immediate understanding of the communications available and would be of
valuable use as a handout at crew change, or when personnel unfamiliar with the vessel join for a project.
It can also act as a useful reminder to users, especially in emergency situations. A communications matrix
is a requirement in some operational areas. An example is given in 14.1.

Company procedures should ensure that a very high level of communications discipline is exercised at all
times. Effective communications are vital to the safety and success of any operation and the term
communication covers all means of communication, such as hard wire systems, sound powered systems,
radios and emergency back-up systems; computer systems, alarm, warning and indicator lights and audio
alerts; CCTV, word of mouth, hand signals, other visual signals, tool box talks and post operation
debriefing. With regard to the latter two, supervisors encouragement toward clear comprehensive
communication is extremely important at these talks and debriefings.
All personnel directly involved in an operation should be fully aware of the work being undertaken and
the status of any unusual situation that may arise during operations.
Apart from the obvious safety benefit from exercising good communication procedures, radio
communications unless used on a private channel network - are often heard by other personnel in the
field, who are not necessarily involved, therefore a professional standard should be maintained at all

7.6 Weather conditions, Tidal Working awareness and the Effect of currents on
ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012


Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

Working Divers

The subject of diving in currents has been dealt with by a number of bodies and there are many sources of
published information available for reference. It is unfortunate, however, that this documentation is often
contradictory and does not always reflect commercial practice.

Currents are flowing masses of water within a body of water and can be divided into the following groups:
* major ocean currents;
* tidal currents (which may augment or reduce existing currents);
* rip currents;
* river currents in the proximity of the estuary.
The direction and speed of a current varies with water depth, tide and bottom contour. Current readings
near the surface may not reflect the actual speed and direction of a current in deeper water.

The effects of currents on divers varies with the individual, the work being done and the diving method
Currents produce forces which affect not only the diver's body but also his umbilical, together with the
various lines and pieces of equipment he may have at the work depth.
A proportion of the diver's expended energy is therefore devoted to overcoming these forces until the
point is reached when he will eventually become unproductive, and be focused solely on self preservation.
As an increasing amount of energy is devoted to combating the effects of current as well as carrying out
productive operations, it follows that the greater the speed of the current, the shorter will be the period
during which the diver will be effective before the onset of significant fatigue.
As a guide a diver operating from a surface controlled man basket or wet bell is better able to operate in
currents than a surface orientated diver since his umbilical is shorter, may be deployed in the horizontal
plane and therefore is likely to attract much less resistance to water movement.

It must be appreciated, however, that it is impractical to be definitive in identifying the restrictions

imposed by certain current conditions since these are affected by so many variable factors.
The values shown in this table should, therefore, be applied with a degree of flexibility taking account of
diver feedback and operational requirements.

Current (Knots)

Dive Method


Surface supply Mid water

Surface supply Bottom
Basket / Bell Mid water
Basket / Bell Bottom

Description: (1)


(1) + (2)



(3) + (4)
(2) + (3)
(1) + (2)
(1) + (2)



Over 1.5


Suitable for working with local factors taken into account.

Some restrictions will apply, observation should be workable.
Probably unsuitable, but local factors may permit.
Unsuitable without cofferdam protection

7.7 Noise Exposure


Divers at work are routinely exposed to high levels of noise from a variety of sources both above and
below water. The noise exposure of diving personnel along with all other persons at work should comply
with The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005. (CNWR-2005).
Since divers are routinely exposed to a range of noise sources of sufficiently high intensity to cause
hearing damage and medical studies show that diver hearing can be impaired by exposure to factors
directly associated with diving.
Human hearing underwater, in cases where the divers ear is wet, is less sensitive than in air and as a
result needs be assessed using an underwater weighting scale. Manufacturers of diving equipment,
employers of divers and employees have a combined responsibility to ensure compliance with the
exposure values in the Regulations.
Whilst it is recognised that noise is only one of the hazards to which a diver is exposed, there is a need to
adopt a balanced risk assessment approach that must be applied to the whole diving operation, including
any associated above water exposure and the background noise to which all persons are generally
exposed. .
Any diver noise reduction strategy that is evolved may need to be linked to a health surveillance
programme, involving audiometric tests.
The guidance included here is not definitive but should be adequate to assist anyone to develop an

ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012


Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

adequate understanding of the noise exposure of divers to develop a strategy and achieve compliance with
the requirements of the Control of Noise at Work regulations.
Since ignorance is not an adequate defence in any health and safety matter, all diving contractors are
encouraged to develop and evolve their own arrangements to protect the hearing of all personnel in their

7.8 Interface with ROV Operations (Remotely Operated Vehicles)

1 The term ROV covers a wide variety of equipment that range from the smallest flying camera inspection
vehicles to the largest French excavators or cable burial systems.
For the purposes of this brief summary, ROVs should be considered as unmanned vehicles operated from
the surface under the control and direction of a specialist technician.
2 The offshore industry has subdivided the range of ROVs generally available into five classes:
Class 1 Observation vehicles. Likely to be fitted with cameras, lights and sonar units only.
Class 2 - Slightly larger than Class 1 with the addition of a light payload capability.
Class 3 - Considered as work class vehicles generally fitted with an assortment of sensors
Or manipulators arms.
Class 4 - Towed bottom crawling vehicles for trenching or cable laying.
Class 5 - Usually reserved fro vehicles that are prototypes being developed for any of the
Class of vehicles.
3 ROV capabilities are constantly expanding as technology improves and an even wider range of tasks fall
within the capability of the vehicles that are available.
4 For each separate planned use of an ROV, the contractor should be satisfied that the vehicles and
equipment provided are fit for purpose, able to operate in the range of conditions that are to be expected
and that an adequate range of spare equipment is available.
New or innovative equipment should be very carefully considered, but should not be discounted if it
offers a safer and more effective method of gaining the information required.
5 Even though they are remotely operated, ROV operation can still be limited by a number of factors
Sea state and swell
Water Depth
Seabed conditions.
As a result the ROV operation may also need to be carefully planned to ensure effort in mobilization
equipment to do a particular task is not wasted.
6 When used in advance of diving operations, ROVs have the potential to provide useful and highly relevant
information that may not only improve the efforts to plan the diving operation, but may also help in more
thoroughly briefing the divers involved.
7 For more specific information on the use and possible limitations of ROVs, refer to IMCA Code of Safe
Practice for The Safe & Efficient Operation of Remotely Operated Vehicles.
Document Number: IMCA R 004 rev 3 (July 2009), or the most up to date version.

7.9 Near Miss and Accident Reporting and Investigation.

2 Near miss reporting is strongly encouraged on all renewable projects, for any unforeseen occurrence that
develops in the workplace, but is not a legal requirement for events that fall outside the scope of RIDDOR.
Only by adopting an open and honest approach to reporting near miss incidents, will the lessons be learnt
that allow subsequent operations to progress without similar events.
2 Accident reporting is a mandatory requirement, and one that demands the persons involved and their
supervisors record accurately the events that lead up to, and actions that were taken following the
3 The principal reason for thorough investigation of any near miss incident or accident, is to identify how
the events occurred and to develop appropriate preventative measures, and in many cases these will
need careful considered before being published.
ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012


Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

Sometimes the implementation of several preventative measures can have a negative effect, in that some
measures may actually increase the number of aspects that can go wrong, creating a different causal path
and possibly another accident.
If a previously unknown risk is discovered in an investigation, care has to be taken in the way in which
mitigation of it is factored into any operational process.

7.10 Machinery, Vessels and Cable Isolations

1 Experience has shown that any diving operations conducted from, on or in close proximity to an
operational Merchant Vessel or energised machinery, have the potential to put diving personnel at
additional risk, especially if there is inadequate planning and coordination between diving contractors,
vessel operators, working crews or machinery operators.
Across the world commercial divers regularly suffer severe or fatal injuries when they come into contact
with live underwater fittings on merchant vessels (for example, sea chests, rotating shafts, propellers,
impellers or other types of thrusters).
In an effort to safeguard commercial divers engaged in diving operations of this type, effective measure
must be taken to prevent access to dangerous parts of ships machinery. If access to dangerous parts
cannot be prevented, then effective measures must be taken to stop the movement of any dangerous parts
of machinery before any person enters a danger zone. In addition the dangerous parts must remain
motionless until all persons are confirmed clear of the danger zone.
2 In the diving industry there are a number of situations where divers need to operate in or around danger
zones associated with shipping;
(1) During maintenance or inspection operations or when using a vessel as a dive platform.
(2) During diving operations from, on, in, or close to live merchant vessels the operating controls for
fittings located underwater, will normally be remote from the dangerous underwater parts, and
thus more difficult to control.
This means that the operators of such machinery may not be able to see divers in danger zones and may
be unaware of their presence. Under such circumstances machinery may be inappropriately energised
with devastating consequences for any diver working or moving in the danger zone.
In order to prevent the risk of injury or death to divers working from, on or in close proximity to a
Merchant Vessel two things are needed:
All relevant personnel must be properly briefed
Before diving commences proper, effective isolations must be in place.

ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012


Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

Association of Diving Contractors

Code of Practice

Auditing and Clients Representatives

8.1 Auditing Arrangements

1 All contractors have a moral, social and in most cases legal duty to prevent accidents by every
practical means available to them.
Safety inspections and audits are a beneficial tool that assist management or others to judge how
well safety is being managed and, when carried out effectively, helps to identify problems and
possible causes of accidents before they happen.
Once problems or deficiencies are identified working practices, risk assessments or other control
measures can be revised to reduce the possibility of a recurrence.
2 Since legislation requires the preparation of task specific risk assessments, and many clients
require sight of safety policies, method statements or risk assessments prior to an award of
contract, by providing evidence that an effective audit process exists, helps demonstrate that good
safety performance is a key component within the organisation.
3 Internal audit results are critical inputs to aid in assessing the effectiveness of any SMS and are
used to identifying opportunities for improvement.
Their purpose is to determine whether the process has been effectively implemented and
maintained and to identify opportunities for improvement.
Accordingly, the internal audit is a key method for communicating with and involving all persons
involved in a continual improvement process.
Internal audits should be conducted in accordance with a published schedule that identifies the
audit scope and frequency. The schedule may be developed on the basis of status and importance
of the activity to be audited and previous audit results.
4 External or third party audits should be carried out by competent persons, who have no direct
connection with any other contractor, and most importantly an extensive knowledge of the activity
being carried out, and the standards against which the audit should be conducted.

8.2 Client representatives

1 Should be appointed by the client and provided with a clear briefing on the contractual
requirements and standards to be adopted on the project.
2 Should also be experienced in the type of operation being carried out and fully aware of the
procedures and practices being used by the diving contractor.
3 Should ensure that the standards to which the works are to be carried out are clearly set out and
ALL parties understand and are familiar with their respective responsibilities.
4 Efforts to establish the above elements before the works on site are commenced should be made.
Changes to expectations or requirements that are imposed after contracts are awarded and works
commence, can only result in unwarranted confusion and frustration that is of no benefit to any of
the parties involved.
5 Relations between the contractor and the clients representative should, whenever possible, be
conducted in a professional and polite manner.
Better outcomes will result when all parties involved carry out their part of the works in a
professional and courteous manner.

ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012


Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

Association of Diving Contractors

Code of Practice

Work and Improvement Arrangements

9.1 Post Works Review Meeting


A project is considered to be effective when pre-project expectations are met. Effectiveness can
be measured in terms of zero accidents or incidents, client satisfaction, quality, accuracy,
performance, employee performance against established objectives, or cost performance.
A project is efficient when resource utilisation is optimal. Efficiency can be measured in terms of
total resource utilization, productivity outputs or wasted costs.
Since effectiveness is of primary importance to our clients and efficiency is of primary importance
to management, achieving and improving effectiveness and efficiency of all key processes is
important to achieve success
The post project review is the final opportunity to evaluate and record the outcome of the project
and identify any lessons that can be used to benefit future projects.
In addition to allowing historical information to be retrieved from a previously completed task,
the availability of records allows for their use as a reference when works of a similar nature are to
be carried out and lessons dealing with the effectiveness of work systems, control measures
applied to mitigate particular hazards or specialist techniques can be used to benefit the outcome
of new tasks and projects.
The review should take the form of a de-briefing session, held as soon after completion of the task
as work activities permit and should include all key parties and all those directly involved in the
execution of the works.
A record of the session should be kept and specifically highlight any changes or improvements
that are suggested. Most importantly the record should indicate who has responsibility for
implementing proposed improvements, by when the task should be completed and the action

9.2 Post Works Reports

1 Full work reports are generally required as part of the contractual commitments.
The specific requirements should be contained within the contract documents so that provision to
compile the required records and data is ongoing throughout the work on site..
2 Clients representatives tend to be responsible for compiling copies of daily records, dive logs as
well as any video or audio records developed as the project progresses.

9.3 Record Retention

1 Project specific records, including the DPP, MS, RA and any other records used as part of the safe
system of work should be retained by the diving contractor for no less than two years and more
usually at least six years for normal contract activity and thirteen years when any design
responsibility is held by the contractor.

ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012


Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects


Association of Diving Contractors

Code of Practice

of External Reference Documents

Document Reference

The following documents were used as reference material during

the preparation of this Code of Practice.



HSE Diving at Work Regulations 1997

Approved Codes of Practice, Inland / Inshore and Offshore.
Guidance on Offshore Diving
OGP Diving Recommended Practice
Code of Practice for the initial and periodic examination, testing and
certification of diving plant and Equipment.
Diving Equipment Systems Inspection Guidance Note for surface
oriented (air) diving systems.


Minimum Quantities of Gas required Offshore

The Safe Use of Electricity Underwater (Code of Practice)
The Effects of Underwater Currents on Divers Performance and Safety
Offshore Team Manning Levels
Diving Operations from Vessels Operating in Dynamically Positioned Mode
Design for Mobile / Portable Surface Supplied Systems
Guidance on Operational Communications
Part 1 Bridge and Dive Control
Model safety Management System
Model Format for Assurance of Diving Plant and Equipment. (Inland /
ADC Guidance Procedure Documents:
Protocol for Isolating Machinery Systems
Identification, Assessment and Control of Differential Pressure Hazards
Noise Exposure of Commercial Divers Guidance on Mitigation Measures.
Effectively Using USN Rev 6 Decompression Tables.
Design, Layout and Operation of Air Diving Control Panels.
Use of Ladders for Access and Egress Arrangements.
Operational Guide for Decompression Chambers

SI 1997 No 2776

L103 and / or L104

IMCA CD (Multiple Files)
Report No 411 June 2008
IMCA D 018
IMCA D 023
IMCA D 010 (Rev 3)
IMCA D 040
IMCA 205 M 046
ADC-MF-002 ADP/01


ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012


Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

Association of Diving Contractors

Code of Practice



Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Audit Requirement and Template for Diving Operations and Equipment

used in connection with Renewable Energy Projects

Model Template for Dive Planning and Task Risk Assessment

First Aid Requirements for Renewable Projects

ADC CoP:001

Issue 2 - July 2012


Diving Operations in Connection with Renewable Energy Projects

Association of Diving Contractors

Diving Operations in Connection with
Renewable Energy Projects

Appendix 1


Reference Standards:
UK Diving at Work Regulations (1997)
Commercial diving projects inshore/inland (L104)
Assorted Industry Guidance (IMCA, ADC and OGP)

Document Revision...................... Rev A
Revision Date February 2012

Record of Inspection



Record of Inspection and Operation Summary

Guidance on inspection of Diving operations


General Setup
First Aid Equipment
Air/Nitrox Dive Panels and Associated Valves
Divers Umblicals
Pre-dive checklists
Acces and Egress Arrangements
Safe Operating limits
Man-riding winches and cranes
Man-riding wires
Secondary Recovery
Communications with the stand-by diver
Examination testing and certification
Diving Baskets
When onboard gas cylinders are to be used in a diving basket.

Compressers (HP and LP)

Basic requirements
Air Receivers and Pipework
Maintenance, safety devices and emergencies.

Gas Storage Requirements or Arrangements

General requirements
Volume of Gas required
Emergency and firefighting requirements
Examination, testing, certification and calibration

Twin Lock Decompresion Chambers



Communications between Vessel and Divng Supervisor

Diver Launch and Recovery System



Dive Planning
Risk Assessment
Emergency Preparedness

Dive Control Arrangements



Diving Certificates and Medicals

Training records and Competencies available
Site Induction

Dive Support Vessels


Overview of the worksite


Dive Planning, Risk Assessment and Emergency Arrangements



Chamber external elements
Chamber Internal elements
Examination, testing, certification and calibration

Divers Heating Systems


Redundancy and Monitoring
Oil Fired hot water heaters
Examination, testing, certification and calibration

Site / Inspection Specific Elements

Copyright ADC 2012


Safety consideratons when working on the dive support vessel, around the dive site, and when
operating plant and equipment.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Good Housekeeping
Purpose of Inspections
Frequency and Conduct of Inspections





Health and Safety Items



A 2












Doc No: ADC DSA001(R1)

Record of Inspection

Record of Inspection/Operation


Worksite / Project:

Vessel Name:

Diving Contractor:


Brief description of
the operation and
diving system being



Last Audit/Inspection

General Comments:

Contact No:




Date to be
Closed Out by

Action Required to Rectify

Copyright ADC 2012

A 3

Doc No: ADC DSA001(R1)

Record of Inspection
Additional Notes from Inspection:


Copyright ADC 2012

A 4

Doc No: ADC DSA001(R1)

Record of Inspection


Guidance on Inspection of Operations

2.1 Safety on the work vessel, around the dive site, or operating plant and equipment.

Accidents and incidents around work vessels, dive sites, plant and equipment are avoidable
and frequently caused by a failure to follow routine task procedures and / or risk
assessments through one or more of the following potential root causes:

Complacency - undertaken the task many times, no need to check procedures or risk
Familiarity - undertaken same task many times on similar items of plant
Enthusiasm - taking short cuts to get the job done as quickly possible
Knowledge - not competent to perform the task

2 Even equipment failure can be attributed to incorrect use or inadequate maintenance e.g.:

Pressure vessel exploded - failure to maintain and test relief valve at defined interval or
Helmet detached from neck-dam and locating pin torque setting on locking band
incorrect, incorrect tools used, no-one in company competent to service
helmets iaw manufacturers manual, manufacturers manual not held in
company technical library and no access to internet .
Contaminated LP Air supplied to diver service interval outwith manufacturers
recommendation, incorrect oils used, Air sample analysis not
undertaken at defined intervals

3 Implementing and maintaining a safety culture within a company is the responsibility of

However, everyone is responsible for safety and complying with companys policies, practices
and procedures.
Diving supervisors must ensure that procedures, training and maintenance programs are
followed, safety equipment is used as intended, and diving teams adopt a safe attitude
towards all work activities being carried out.
4 Diving supervisors setting a high standard personally and leading by example can instill a safe
attitude into a team.
Although being put under pressure to get the job done, supervisors must put safety first and
be seen to be safely getting the job done.
5 Many clients and companies use regular shift-change, toolbox-talks or time-out for safety
briefings to communicate to all participating personnel in the team the next phase of work,
raising safety critical points that personnel should be made aware of and the risk reducing
measures required, also allowing the team time for feedback and input.
Other personnel who are not members of the diving team may also be involved supporting the
diving operation, they should also be briefed with allowances made for their lack of diving
One output from these briefings is identifying items of plant and equipment that must be
checked as being fit for purpose prior to being put into use, including emergency preparedness.
6 Should a problem arise where safety of personnel, the environment, plant or equipment is at
risk, an ALL STOP should be activated, and the problem managed appropriately.
7 Particular care must be taken at shift changes briefings to ensure accurate current information
is passed over to the oncoming shift. Every team member should have a clearly defined
opposite number to hand over to.
8 Personnel responsible for inspecting, maintaining, testing and certifying plant and equipment

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A 5

Doc No: ADC DSA001(R1)

Record of Inspection
8 Personnel responsible for inspecting, maintaining, testing and certifying plant and equipment
must follow the latest revision of manufacturers manuals, company procedures and processes
supporting by risk assessment, without deviation. Should an alteration to plant or equipment
be required, a problem arise or a safer way of doing the job identified, the deviation must be
managed through a formal Management of Change process before changes are made.
9 After a period of time, personnel performing the same routine task regularly may become
complacent ticking checklists off without undertaking a through assurance check, this mind-set
brings risk to the operation. To reduce this risk, personnel should be rotated periodically
between different tasks and responsibilities.
10 Good communications horizontally and vertically between all parties involved in an operation
is critical towards running operations safely. This includes implementing clear, concise verbal
instructions and briefings as well as using correct hand signals to others e.g. crane operators.
All personnel on site must be made aware of the ALL STOP signal, and feel free to initiate it
when, in their opinion, circumstances have the potential to deteriorate into an unsafe
11 Trainees or those with limited experience should be identified early, and through a formal
induction process be allocated a mentor experienced in company policies and procedures, site
rules, workscopes, risk assessment and emergency procedures before being allowed
unrestricted / unsupervised access of site and work tasks.
12 Once notified by office management, the diving supervisor should keep personnel notified of
any safety notices, changes to company procedures, legislation, and trade guidance or
manufacturers information bulletins.

2.2 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

1 The minimum basic level of PPE consists of overalls, safety boots, working gloves, hardhat and
glasses. Task specific risk assessments will identify any additional specific PPE required e.g.
lifejacket or buoyancy aid if there is a potential to fall into water, fall arrestor harness and line
if working at height, ear defenders if working in high noise level areas, full face masks if using
grinder, personnel lights for night working.
2 Diving supervisors must ensure suitable PPE, appropriate for the task, is available and worn.
Damaged PPE and safety equipment should be reported to supervisors as soon as identified,
quarantined and not used e.g. scratched or opaque safety glasses, dented hard hats, torn and
dirty gloves, oil soaked lifejackets, frayed body harnesses lines.
3 Wearing jewellery and managing long hair should also be considered in risk assessment for
some tasks e.g. wearing finger rings, earrings, bracelets or necklaces.
4 Anything, which interferes with, the ability to see or hear can contribute to accidents. Problems
may be caused by large hoods, which interfere with peripheral vision, sunglasses in poor light
and personal stereos, which are distracting and seriously interfere with hearing instructions.

2.3 Good Housekeeping

1 Good housekeeping discipline and basic orderliness around all areas of the operation, is
synonymous with safe practices and sets a good example for others to follow. It demonstrates,
and gives assurance, to clients and others that the operation is being well managed overall.
2 A dirty, untidy, chaotic worksite gives clients and others the impression of a badly managed
operation that has high risk potential for a serious accident or incident, or continual project
delays through difficulty in locating and maintaining certified plant, equipment, tools, spares
etc. and inability to manage an emergency scenario successfully.

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A 6

Doc No: ADC DSA001(R1)

Record of Inspection
2.4 Purpose of Inspections
1 Inspections are intended to be a methodical and probling effort to confirm that the diving
contractor is;

(1)Meeting the requirements of all relevant Regulations and Approved Codes of

(2)Is compliant with any contract specific terms and conditions or special instructions
provided by the client, and forming part of the scope of work.
(3)Is aware of, and following any appropriate industry guidance in respect to any task
specific tasks that are being carried out.
(4)Has an effective emergency action plan in place for any forseeable event that could
occur in the work environment.

In addition the inspection is aimed at identifying any failures or shortcomings in meeting the
required standards.
2 The following sections are intended to aid the inspector in focusing on the keyparts of the
diving operation known from previous experience to be the unintended cause of non
compliance matters.
3 Whilst the separate sections are intended as a comprehensive aid memoire whilst carrying out
inspec tions, they may not cover every aspect of the equipment and systems being used.
To aid in dealing with these additional requirements, Section 13 provides a blank format into
which site specific items can be incorpoarated.

2.5 Records
1 Keeping records of audits is important to assist in follow up inspections and allow some
monitoring of improvements as they are achieved.
2 In some instances, obtaining copies of relevant site documentation or test certifciates may be
necessary to support the findings of specific parts of the inspection.
3 Copies documents considered to be relevant should be appended to the inspection report and
will be of assistance as reference material during subsequent inspections.

2.6 Frequency and Conduct of Inspections

1 To many inspections are almost as damaging as to few inspections, finding a balance that is
applicable to the scope and complexity of the project works is important
2 As a rule of thumb guide carrying out an inspection immediately prior to commencement of
work on site can be beneficial and identify any obvious ommissions that may have been
overlooked during the preparatory stage
Following this up on a one or two month cycle, depending on the type and duration of the
project can be helpful in identifying that all procedures and practices are being maintained and
proving to be effective as a result of the operational challenges.
3 The conduct of the inspector or inspectors is important.
As far as practical, inspections should be carried out as operational works are underway,
without disrupting the normal progress of the activities or distracting those involved.
Specific discussions with Supervisors or identifed individuals should be carreid out during
breaks in the work cycle or when the designated person is no longer directly involved in
activities on the work site.
4 Maintaining a courteous relationship with the diving contractor, the supervisor, the diving
personnel or any other designated representative on site is important.
Failure to keep the inspection on a professional standing will only dilute the benfit of any

Copyright ADC 2012

A 7

Doc No: ADC DSA001(R1)

Record of Inspection
4 Maintaining a courteous relationship with the diving contractor, the supervisor, the diving
personnel or any other designated representative on site is important.
Failure to keep the inspection on a professional standing will only dilute the benfit of any
findings and may even put into question the competency of the auditor.
Handled correctly, inpsections are a powerful tool that can be a significant aid to safety and
operational performance.
Handled poorly, they are almost a complete waste of time.
5 Although the sections that follow suggest a tick box approach to reviewing and checking the
various elements that make up the complete diving operation, conducting a thorough audit of
inspection requires much more than just checking some specific item at face value and ticking
a box.
The information that is important may sit behind the document, piece of equipment or work
practice that is being focussed upon , so there is a need to establish the process by which items
came to be selected for this particular project.

The certificate on display appears to be valid, do the reference numbers match

with those used on the the piece of equipment in question?
Procedures referred to in the dive plan are supposed to be available on site, is this
actually the case?
Does the equipment used meet the expected standard?
Do the personnel involved understand their responsibilities?
Have thyey been briefed?
Have they seen the plan?
Do they know what is expected of them in an emergency?

The list is potentially endless, but this should give you an understanding that ticking a box is
not an effect audit, there is so much more to the requirement.
6 It is recommended that users refer to the following sections as an Aide Memoire, a memory
jogger that sets you off in the right direction and assists you in delving into the aspects of the
operation that are important and could ultimately affect the safety and well being of those
involved or others.

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Record of Inspection



Health and Safety Items

Overview of worksite
Is personnel access to the work area safe and secure?
Are areas requiring handrails or barriers appropriately
Are the required safety notices displayed?
Emergency Evacuation
Assembly area.
Is there adequate signage indicating:
Fire extinguisher locations, types and positions
First aid boxs and eye wash station positions
Emergency BA and O2 sets positions
Safety routes and emergency exits clear
Appropriate warning signs and barriers used.
Tripping hazards
Head/height obstructions identified (black/yellow)
Refuelling proints indicated
COSHH notices displayed
Lighting for night working?
Waste Disposal:
Provide plenty of rubbish bags or bins
Is there a waste segregation system and regular
disposal regime
Are Bund trays for machinery
Preparedness for oil & chemical disposal
Allow for oil spill clean up materials
WCs and washing facilities
Rest room and smoking area
Changing and drying rooms
Is there a communications link between the dive support
vessel and the dive control.
Is there a tanoy system in place for warnings and alerts

Yes / No


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Diving certificates, medicals and First Aid
Do the diving personnel hold the relevant diving
Are all medical certificates in date
Are the required number of First Aiders / DMTs available
properly certificated?
Are offshore survival records in date?
(When appropriate)

Yes / No

Training Records and Competencies


What specific training is required for this task?

Are there records or the relevant training?
Are specialist tools / equipment being used?
Are instructions available for personnel to review?
Site Induction
Have personnel new to a worksite undergone a site
safety induction ?
2 Area records available?

Did the content include:

Site specific rules
Emergency procedures, muster points
ALL STOP signal
Permit to work system
Incident reporting process
Procedures, Risk assessments,
Briefings, Tool Box Talks, Time Out For Safety
Managing change process
Certification and/or current colour code arrangements
for lifting equipment
Question diving personnel to confirm that they

4 understand the general safety aspects highlighted as part
of the site induction.
NB: Prepare separate records as appropriate.


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Dive Planning

Yes / No

Has the dive plan been prepared?

Is a copy available in the dive control?

When was it prepared?

Are there any site amendments?

Has the plan been updated since work commenced?

Have diving personnel been questioned about elements

of the plan to confirm their awareness of specific details
relating to them?
Risk Assessment

Have risk assessments been prepared?

Are they of a generic or task specific nature?

Have any new / additiontal hazards been identified and

risk assessed?
Have mitigation measures been proposed?

Are they working?

Emergency Preparedness

Procedural arrangements and risk assessment must be in

place and where possible exercised prior to
commencement of work on site. required
The recovery of an injured or unconscious diver in a

timely manner, from the maximum expected working
depth to a safe place suitable to administer whatever
medical assistance may be required is preferable.
Prior to commencing diving operations, procedures and

risk assessment for foreseeable emergency situations
should include:
Location of the nearest decompression chamber, travel
time at various times of day
Identifying / dedicating suitable transport and driver/s,
vehicles checked fully operational and available
during and post dive
O2 resuscitation unit, maps, route cards and mobile
phones etc immediately available
Confirm the chamber is currently certified and in-date,
operational and available throughout the diving
project. (See Section 11)
Confirm availability of competent chamber operator
and define transfer of responsibilities
If the nominated chamber becomes unavailable
through use by others, planned maintenance, non-
availability of suitable operator etc, diving
supervisor must be notified and a management of
change process initiated




Dive Planning, Risk Assessment and Emergency Arrangements

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Prior to commencing diving operations, procedures and

risk assessment for foreseeable emergency situations
should include:
Location of the nearest decompression chamber, travel
time at various times of day
Identifying / dedicating suitable transport and driver/s,
vehicles checked fully operational and available
during and post dive
O2 resuscitation unit, maps, route cards and mobile
phones etc immediately available
Confirm the chamber is currently certified and in-date,
operational and available throughout the diving
project. (See Section 11)
Confirm availability of competent chamber operator
and define transfer of responsibilities
If the nominated chamber becomes unavailable
through use by others, planned maintenance, non-
availability of suitable operator etc, diving
supervisor must be notified and a management of
change process initiated
Access to the chamber and operator must be
considered for outside normal working hours
Suitable arrangements must be made divers off site
that recognise the on-set of a DCI
Contact numbers of diving personnel and their
accommodation should be included in emergency
contact lists
An assessment should be available identifying which
diving plant and equipment is needed for the safe
completion of a dive from maximum working depth if
primary power supplies fail, including any decompression
This assessment should also consider the need to
maintain essential services around the worksite if
working 24 x 7 e.g. suitable and sufficient lighting
Any equipment identified as necessary must be proven to
be able to continue operating in the event of loss of the
primary power. This may be by the use of batteries,
stored energy (hydraulic or air power), connection to an
emergency generator
Considerations should also be given to conducting diving
operations during periods of poor surface visibility.

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6. Dive Support Vessels


Yes / No

Is the vessel suitable for the support of diving


What mooring system is being adopted?

If a DP system is being used the Inland / Inshore AcoP is

not applicable, the offishore code applies.

The work site or vessel general alarm must be linked in to

dive control (or sited close by) so that the supervisor is
aware of it

Any audio (bell, klaxon etc) must be capable of being

muted or cancelled to allow the supervisor to hear his
other communications

All necessary interface activities with the vessel crew

must be checkede and where appropriate excerised.

Has this been completed?

Are records available?

Have plans, procedures or risk assessments been revised

as a result of these excercises

Have the crew been briefed about their role during

diving operations?


Is a permit to work necessary to ensure all aspects of the

vessel have been isolated?


What prmit system is being used?


Is it effective?


Review copies of recently closed out permits and report

on the findings.



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7. Dive Control Arrangements




General Setup
Dive control should be easily accessible and a reasonably
short distance from the diving site
The Diving Supervisor must be fully protected from
weather and other elements (including dropped objects),
which may affect his concentration. This also means he
must be kept suitably warm (or cool)
The Diving Supervisor needs good access to all relevant
areas of control and should be able to read all gauges and
displays without difficulty.
Dive control and its controls should be adequately
illuminated for operations at night (if relevant)
Suitable fire fighting arrangements must be located near
to dive control
If a fixed fire system is in place then function test needed
in last six months, if portable a visual examination and
check of fill level needed
Copies of the diving contractors manuals and diving rules
should be available in dive control for reference.
Emergency actions / procedures should be readily
Diving logs and other relevant documentation should be
available for completion as the operation progresses.
A easy view diagram showing all inlets, outfalls, thrusters,
other hazards or obstructions that may pose a danger to
the diver should be displayed in dive control.
There should also be a diagram of the maximum
permitted lengths of divers umbilical for each depth for
the specific dive station position(s)
The Diving Supervisor should be able to see (directly or
by video link) the launch / recovery area, the chamber
and any working areas which are appropriate
If an ROV is in use in conjunction with diving operations,
or working close by, the Diving Supervisor must have a
monitor in dive control showing him the same picture as
the ROV operator.
First Aid Equipment
First aid equipment to the standard required by the
diving contractors manuals should be provided. Refer
below to Appendix 3 for Current guidance
This should have been checked within the last six months
for completeness and expiry dates
The first aid equipment should be in clearly marked
Air / Nitrox Dive Panels and Associated Valves

The dive panel should not be used unless in date certification

package exists for all assembled panel components including
appropriate examination, testing and calibration records

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Where no certificate package is available for the assembled
dive panel, the panel should be considered as unsuitable for
operational use

Diver/s and the stand-by (emergency) diver must each

have an independent breathing air supply, i.e. supplied
from different sources.
Each line should be fitted with a non-return valve, such
that failure of the pipe-work in one supply does not cause
the other supply to exhaust through the failed
Sufficient sources of breathing quality Air or Nitrox, must
be available and suitably arranged so that if the on line
supply to the diver fails, an alternative supply can be
immediately switched on
Divers air supplies should not be interrupted or reduced
by the operation of decompression chamber valves or
other plant etc
An in-line filter to remove foreign bodies / objects e.g.
dust, swarf, tape etc
An indicating upstream gauge showing inlet supply line
pressure, a regulator to reduce inlet line pressure to that
which is safe to supply the diver at working depth, and a
indicating gauge showing reduced downstream pressure
A pressure relief valve or other safety device to protect
the diver, others and panel pipe-work should the
regulator fail and panel lines exposed to full inlet supply
line pressure
The filter and regulator will normally be fitted close to
the inlet supply source although for HP supplies the
regulator is often fitted at the quad or cylinder
FMEA or FMECA assessments of panel components must
be suitable for supplying sufficient flow for the defined
number of divers at working depth
If an in water standby diver is used (such as in a wet bell)
then his supplies must meet the same criteria as those
for the surface standby above, save that his primary
supply may come from the cylinders on the wet bell
Serious consideration should be given to constantly
monitoring the diver(s) downstream gas supply through
an oxygen analyser with an audio/visual hi/lo alarm fitted
Analysers should be examined, function tested and
calibrated within the last 6 months


Consideration should be given to the type of valves used

and their design layout to ensure maximum safety and
ergonomics. The following guidance is given


Where practical, valves should be of the same type

The "open" and "shut" positions should lie in the same

respective orientation on all quarter turn valves and
indicate direction of flow





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Divers Umbilicals
Umbilical(s) should be suitable for the tasks intended.
They should be robust and made up from components
designed for use in an umbilical.
Adequate umbilical stowage should be provided. This
should allow the umbilical to be coiled up away from risk
of damage and such that minimum bend radius of
components is not compromised
Umbilicals should be marked for length at least every 10
metres using a recognised system which allows easy
visual identification of the length paid out
The divers end of the umbilical should be fitted with a
means which allows it to be securely fastened to the
divers safety harness without putting any strain on the
individual whip ends
The length of the divers umbilical, which it is permissible
to pay out, will normally be dictated by some outside
factor such as the bail-out endurance (depending on
depth/distance) or the distance to the nearest intake,
outfall, thruster or other identified hazard. This maximum
length should be clearly identified for each diving
operation and arrangements should preferably be made
to ensure that this is the maximum length of umbilical
which can be paid out.
The standby divers umbilical should be 2 metres (6 feet)
longer than the working diver(s) umbilical

Two way voice communications between diving

supervisor and each diver including the standby diver
should exist

These facilities should be fitted with a back up power

source, such as batteries

A recorder (tape, CD, DVD or video) should be fitted to

record all communications between divers and
supervisor. There should be spare discs, tapes etc to
allow for retention for 24 hours after the dive is over.
There should be a means of playing back the recording
after the dive

If chamber is remote from dive control (and is to be used

while diving is taking place) then there should be
communications between the two areas

The Diving Supervisor should have verbal

communications with the winch operator

The Diving Supervisor should have voice communication

with other areas, if relevant. This may include machinery
operators, crane drivers etc

If an ROV is in use in conjunction with diving operations,

or working close by, then there must be a dedicated hard
wire communications link between the Diving Supervisor



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If an ROV is in use in conjunction with diving operations,

or working close by, then there must be a dedicated hard
wire communications link between the Diving Supervisor
and the ROV operator.


Pre-Dive Checks
All helmets or masks should be in good condition with no
obvious defects
The helmet or mask should be of a type which is suitable
for the intended diving operation
In accordance with manufacturers recommendations,
helmets must be fitted with a means to stop them
becoming detached from their clamp while in use
Every diver, including the standby, must be provided with
a reserve supply of air carried in a bail-out cylinder
The cylinder(s) must have sufficient endurance to allow
the diver to return to a place of safety. This will normally
mean that a calculation should be available showing that
the capacity of the cylinder(s) at the depth of diving will
allow breathing air for 1 minute for every 10 metres
horizontal excursion plus (if using surface umbilicals) 1
minute for every 10 metres of depth
Each cylinder should be correctly colour coded and
marked with the name of the contents
The last hydraulic test date stamp should be highlighted
with a small patch of distinctive colour paint
All whips, hoses, gauges, fittings etc. must be in good
condition with no obvious defects
A suitable diving harness should be worn by all divers
including the stand-by that enables an unconscious diver
to be:
Recovered safely from the water without slipping
out from the harness
Without restricting vital body functions
Secured in a diving basket or wet bell
Access and Egress Arrangements:

Divers must be able to enter and leave the water safely

and in a controlled manner. This should be possible in all
normal and reasonably foreseeable circumstances
Divers must be able to access and leave the water in an
area, which is a suitable distance away from any
thrusters, intakes or other hazard likely to cause
The diver, his umbilical and his equipment must be
physical restrained from coming into contact with any
intakes, thrusters or hazards identified through risk
assessment which have the potential to cause harm
This normally means restricting umbilical lengths
following detailed engineering evaluation and accurate
measurements. A record should be made of calculations
and any such restrictions




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If a ladder is to be used as a means of access exit the

water then it should be securely mounted, extend at
least 2 metres (6 feet) below the water and have
sufficient hand holds above water to allow the diver to
step easily on to the deck
A ladder should not be the primary means of exit from
the water if the deck on to which the diver has to climb is
more than 2 metres (6 feet) above the water surface
If using surface decompression techniques on site, there
must be clear and easy access to the recompression
chamber from the point where the diver surfaces. This
must allow the diver to be inside the chamber and under
pressure within the maximum time allowed by the tables
in use
Refer to Twin Lock Decompression Chamber, Section 11

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8. Dive Launch and Recovery Systems


Safe Operating Limits

Yes / No

The all up weight of the diving basket (or wet bell) in air,
fully fitted out with equipment and divers should be
clearly displayed.

The safe working load (SWL) must be clearly marked on

every winch and on the A frame or similar deployment

Each of these SWL's must be greater than or equal to the

weight of the fully equipped diving basket (or wet bell).

Man-Riding Winches and Crane

Only winches or cranes deemed suitable for man riding

by the manufacturer (or a competent person) should be

The raise/lower control must be designed to return to

the neutral position when released by the operator

The raise, lower and neutral positions of the operating

lever must be clearly marked

An automatic brake must be fitted which will come on

when the operating lever is returned to the neutral
position or if there is a loss of power to the winch

A secondary braking system must also be fitted for use in

case the main brake fails

If any sort of clutch mechanism is fitted to the winch,

there must be a positive means of preventing it becoming
disengaged during operation

A notice giving the operating instructions for the winch /

crane, including the actions necessary if power is lost,
should be displayed where the winch / crane operator
can see it

An independent (secondary) power source must be

available in case of failure of the primary power

The winch drum must be able to accept the full length of

wire being used. Unless special guards are in use, this
means that there should be a clear space between the
outside of the top layer of wire and the edge of the drum
flange of at least 2.5 times the wire diameter


Unless access is physically restricted, guards should be

fitted to the winch and drum to stop anything (clothing,
fingers etc) being drawn in to the machinery

Emergency Breathing Apparatus, fitted with

communications, must be available for the winch driver
to continue operations in a polluted atmosphere. If
umbilical supplied, any air intakes for the supplying
compressor must be in a pollution free area




Through risk assessment crane operators may not require

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Emergency Breathing Apparatus, fitted with

communications, must be available for the winch driver
to continue operations in a polluted atmosphere. If
umbilical supplied, any air intakes for the supplying
compressor must be in a pollution free area

Through risk assessment crane operators may not require


Man-Riding Wires

The lift wire should be non-rotating

The connection of the wire to the basket (or wet bell)

must be of a suitable type. It should have two retaining
means (such as castellated nut locked with split pin) for
the removable pin
Secondary Recovery

There must be a secondary means of recovering the

diving basket (or wet bell) to the surface and bringing it
on shore / board. This must be independent of the main
recovery system

The secondary recovery system must have a certified

SWL which is at least equal to the weight of the fully
loaded basket (or wet bell) in air (see 1.1 above) or in
water if it is only used to bring the basket (or wet bell) to
the surface

If the secondary recovery system has another use (for

example guide weight deployment) then it must have a
certified SWL covering at least the weight required above
PLUS its main task

Where a winch is used for secondary recovery to the

shore / deck it must meet all of the man riding
requirements given in 2.1 to 2.11 above

Where a wire rope is used for secondary recovery to the

shore / deck, it must meet the requirements of the main
lift wire in 3.1 to 3.4 above. (note: certain configurations,
such as double reeving through a guide weight, may not
require the use of non rotating wire)
Communications and The Stand-By Diver

The Diving Supervisor must have a means of verbal

communication to/from the winch / crane driver. Where
practical this should be hard wired

A surface standby diver must be provided with a suitable

means of entry to and exit from the water in the event
that he is required to perform a rescue. If this involves
the use of a mechanical handling system, basket etc. then
the system for the standby diver must meet the same
requirements as that for the working diver.
Examination, Testing, certification and Calibration




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It is normal that the launch/recovery system is load

tested as a complete unit rather than as individual units.
This should happen at the intervals given below but also
if the unit is relocated or any of the major components
are replaced, altered or repaired. The certificate for the
overall test should state clearly all the component parts
which were tested.

Maintenance, examination, testing and certification must

be conducted in accordance with legislation, the
contractors Planned Maintenance Schedule and
appropriate industry guidance.
Diving Baskets

This specification applies to Diving Baskets only. Should a

Wet Bell with / or without a dedicated umbilical be used,
specific checklists will need to be developed.

The diving basket must be located such that it is easy for

the diver(s) to get in and out as well as to surface team to
assist recovery of an injured or unconscious diver to the

If diving is to take place at night, the site and launching

area in the vicinity of the basket must be well illuminated

Should be able to carry two divers in uncramped


Should have a gate or chain to prevent divers falling out

Needs a suitable means for supporting an unconscious


There must be a certified secure point to attach the lift

wire to. This can be a pad-eye, a shackle point or a
captive ring

There must be another suitable certified point to attach a

secondary lift wire if the main lift point fails. (The
secondary lift wire does not need to be fitted)

The SWL should be clearly marked on the basket



Where Onboard Gas Cylinders are used in a Diving Basket

There should be one (or more) emergency Air / Nitrox

cylinders securely fitted in the basket

It / they should be fitted with contents gauge (indicating

type only) and first stage regulator/s

There should be a facility to provide each diver with a

SCUBA mouthpiece and a valved flexible hose connection
for air supply (or other suitable arrangement)

Cylinders should be colour coded for breathing Air /

Nitrox, have the contents permanently marked on it and
have the last test date stamp marked with a small patch
of distinctive colour to aid its location

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9. Compressors (LP and HP)


Basic Requirements

Yes / No

When locating compressors and other plant at dive sites,

consideration must be given to safe and easy refuelling
operations and in the event of fire, availability of suitable
and sufficient fire extinguishers

Where appropriate drip trays should be located under

plant or fittings and oil spill material available on site and
appropriate waste disposal arrangements in place

When locating compressors and other plant at dive sites,

consideration must be given to noise and its effect on
the dive team and diving supervisor during diving

Wearing suitable ear protection may resolve the problem

of noise generated from the plant, but personnel may not
hear instructions from the diving supervisor

Compressors and plant should be located in a suitable

area. This means that any personnel working on them
should not be exposed to any hazard while doing so

Manufacturers may advise the wearing suitable ear

protection when working on plant

Compressors and key plant should be easily accessible to

diving personnel, both for routine maintenance and in an

Compressor intakes should be sited in a suitable location

where they are not exposed to any pollution
particularly exhaust fumes and dust. Intakes should also
be checked regularly for environmental changes

Compressors and other life support plant should be

protected from obvious physical damage e.g. dropped
objects or mobile site plant / traffic

Each compressor and item of plant must be suitable for

the purpose it will be used

Detailed operating instructions for each compressor

should be available beside each unit

Rotating machinery must be suitably guarded and

electrical warning signs displayed on appropriate
distribution panels etc


Where appropriate warning signs should be displayed

stating that a compressor may start or blow down
automatically and care should be taken


Air Receivers and Pipework

All air receivers must have been manufactured to a

recognised international code or standard and be fit for
the purpose they will be used for

All pipe work (rigid or flexible), valves, fittings etc should

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All pipe work (rigid or flexible), valves, fittings etc should

be suitable for the purpose, properly installed and
protected from damage

Maintenance, safety Devices and Emergencies

Each compressor and item of plant should have detailed

planned maintenance schedule and technical service card
showing what work has to be done, when and by whom

Detailed records should be kept of all maintenance


All filters should be checked at regular intervals and

either cleaned or replaced

The date of the last inspection of each filter should be

clearly visible on it along with the date when its next
service is due

Solenoid switches may be fitted to automatically stop the

compressor if it overheats. An alarm for this may be
fitted in dive control

A diaphragm type compressor should be fitted with a

cracked plate detector which will automatically stop the
compressor in the event of failure

A relief valve should be fitted to any pressure container

(e.g. air receiver) if it is could be over pressured

Suitable and sufficient fire fighting equipment must be

located and immediately available in the vicinity of
compressors, plant and re-fuelling points

This may be provided by site operators own dedicated


If any compressors are situated in enclosed and

unmanned areas then consideration should be given to
fitting a fire detection system


All electrical supplies should be properly connected using

suitable equipment


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10. Gas Storage Requirements or Arrangements



This section refers to high-pressure storage cylinders forming part of the air diving and
decompression chamber systems. It considers HP Air, Nitrox and Oxygen storage cylinders,
banks and quads only. (Since it is not envisaged that any gas mixes other than compressed Air or Nitrox
will be stored in enclosed compartments, no requirements are listed below for this eventuality.)
General Requirements.
Yes / No
HP cylinders should be stored in a suitable place where

there is minimal risk of damage occurring from e.g.
dropped objects, mobile site plant / traffic etc
Cylinder valves should be protected from dropped

objects, mobile site plant / traffic, rigging slings etc by
use of cylinder caps and suitable valve protection
frames on quads
Cylinders and quads must be colour coded and marked

with the name and chemical symbol of the contents in
accordance with legislation and industry guidance.
The latest test date stamped on the cylinders should be

highlighted with a small patch of distinctive colour
Each cylinder should be in good condition and free from

serious corrosion
Cylinder quads and frames require in date certification

for lifting
Volumes of Gas required



There must be sufficient supplies available to comply

with the requirements for both diving and
decompression chamber
A record should be kept and be updated daily when the
system is in use.
This record should also show clearly the minimum
quantities required from 2.1 above
Prior to being put on line to a dive panel, cylinder
contents should be confirmed through analysis
Emergency and Firefighting requirements

All HP gas or air storage needs to have suitable

provision of fire fighting equipment in the vicinity.
If any HP gas or air storage is situated in enclosed and
unmanned areas then consideration should be given to
fitting a fire detection system
Where appropriate, worksite fire teams may wish to be
advised of the location and type of gasses stored
Examination, Testing, Certification and Calibration

Maintenance, examination, testing and certification

must be conducted in accordance with legislation, the
contractors Planned Maintenance Schedule and
appropriate industry guidance.

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11. Twin Lock Decompression Chambers


Yes / No



This specification applies to surface compression chambers first taken into use by a diving
contractor after 1 April 1998 having a minimum internal diameter of 1.37m (54 in) designed
and tested in accordance with published guidance.

Chambers manufactured before 1 April 1998 which have a minimum internal diameter of
1.21m (48in) may continue to be used so long as they comply in all other respects with this
specification and meet current legislative requirements.

Chamber must be easily accessible from diving site.

Trip hazards should be removed where possible or
highlighted, routes marked and kept clear
If not containerised, suitable provision must be made
for the chamber operator and occupants against the
elements e.g. heating, cooling, shelter, lights etc

If chamber is remote from dive control and diving

supervisor there must be a suitable means of
communication between the two locations
First aid equipment to the standard required by the
diving contractors manuals should be provided. Refer
to Appendix 3

This should have been checked within the last six

months for completeness and expiry dates

The first aid equipment should be in clearly marked


Breathing Apparatus (BA) fitted with communications

should be available for the chamber operator in the
event of fire or fumes

A risk assessment process should be undertaken when

considering where to site the chamber and its life
support services. This should include all reasonably
foreseeable emergencies e.g.:
* Protected from dropped objects or mobile site plant
and machinery;
* Managing potential hot work in the area during a
decompression treatment;

* Managing the storage of flammable materials in the

*Suitable and sufficient fire fighting arrangements in
the area
* Access to chamber 24x7 with suitable and sufficient

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Be equipped with such valves, gauges and other fittings

as are necessary to control and indicate the internal
pressures of each of the two compartments and
medical lock (if fitted), from outside the chamber. Such
fittings should be made of suitable materials and so
designed as to minimise the noise inside the chamber
during changes of pressure

Be capable of being pressurised in both compartments

to a minimum of 5 bar (g) with a test pressure of 7.5 bar
(g), or as required by the competent person supervising
the test, and be fitted with appropriate safety relief
Be fitted out so that all through pressure hull
penetrations should have suitable valves on both sides
of the hull, with the exception of those for
communications, electrical wiring and specialist lighting.
All penetrations, which are not being used, should be
internally blanked with a suitable type-approved
tapered or shouldered plug.
Be provided with plant and equipment for supplying
and maintaining appropriate breathing mixtures to the
occupants and a back-up air supply with enough stored
air to pressurise the main compartment of the chamber
to a pressure equivalent to 50m plus 10%, at least three
Be fitted so that high-pressure oxygen is reduced to
working pressure by a regulator fitted to the gas
cylinder or quad and supplied through O2 clean piping
to the chamber.
Be fitted with an oxygen analyser to monitor externally
the atmosphere in both compartments
Be provided with a means by which food and medical
supplies etc may be passed into one of the
compartments while its occupants remain under
pressure. If this results in the adoption of a medical
lock then it should be fitted with an interlock, or
multiple interlocks, to prevent either of the following
potential occurrences:

Opening when there is pressure in the lock

Pressurisation if the lock is not fully secured
Whatever method is adopted, it should be fitted with a
gauge to show internal lock pressure
If a medical lock is not fitted then the diving contractor
/ operator must recognise that large quantities of air
will be required if the outer compartment is used in
place of the medical lock, and will need to make
appropriate provision for the inevitable transfer of
items in and out of the main compartment

Chamber External

Copyright ADC 2012

A 26

Doc No: ADC DSA001(R1)

Record of Inspection



Chamber Internal

Exhaust penetrations (including medical lock) should be

fitted with diffusers or guards to stop fingers or
equipment being trapped
Be equipped with one oxygen bibs for each occupant, in
each compartment, and an overboard dump breathing
system exhausting out with a closed environment e.g.
Be equipped in both compartments with a two-way oral
communication system, with rechargeable battery
facility and a back-up voice-activated internal telephone
in the main compartment
Be fitted with appropriate internal deck plates and
bunks for two persons to lay down in the main
compartment. The bunks should be provided with
appropriate fireproof bedding
Be provided with suitable facilities for the persons who
are to use it, taking into account site and other
conditions and the anticipated period during which it
will be used

Be fitted if appropriate with sanitary facilities, e.g. a

portaloo, and be designed as to minimise the risk of

Examination, Testing, Certification and Calibration


Be fitted as and when necessary with equipment for

heating (and its monitoring) and lighting the inside of
the chamber to suit operational conditions
Is it fitted with a least two-viewports, of a minimum of
13cm (5in) diameter in the main compartment to
enable a clear view of the interior of the compartment
and at least one view port in the entry compartment.
(All view ports should be externally protected and be
appropriately certificated)
Be fitted with appropriate externally mounted lights,
e.g. over the control panel appropriately installed to be
protected from falling objects and not close enough to
damage ports

Maintenance, examination, testing and certification

must be conducted in accordance with legislation, the
contractors Planned Maintenance Schedule and
appropriate industry guidance.

The chamber should not be used unless a

comprehensive in date certification package exists
which includes all components and supply services

Copyright ADC 2012

A 27

Doc No: ADC DSA001(R1)

Record of Inspection

12. Divers Heating Systems




Yes / No

Equipment used to generate and supply hot water to

the diver/s should be suitable for the purpose
Redundancy and Monitoring

Whether there is a need for back-up power and hot

water will depend on whether the diver can be safely
recovered to the surface in the event of loss of heating.
This should be stated in the diving contractors
operating procedures
If redundancy is required, there must be two alternative
sources for supplying heat to the diver
If redundancy is required, and if electricity is required to
generate heating or pump it to the diver then there
should be a back-up system in the event of primary
The Diving Supervisor must have a display showing the
temperature and flow volume of the water being
supplied to the diver/s
A Hi-Lo temperature alarm must be fitted to alert the
Diving Supervisor of pre-set upper and lower limits are
Oil Fired Hot Water Heaters

Oil fired water heaters should be located in a safe are

such that they present no risk to the dive system in the
event of fire, or other neighbouring parties
Their position should also present no risk in terms of
pollution or contamination of air supply intakes
They should be fitted with a spill tray which drains off to
a safe area (to reduce risk of fire or pollution) spreading
Where possible the fuel supply should be hard piped

The local tank filler should be fitted with a dead-mans

handle or automatic shut off valve which closes when
the tank is full
The local tank must be fitted with an overflow system

with a capacity greater than the filling supply system (i.e.
capable of allowing a rate of overflow greater than the filling rate)
The overflow system must dump to a safe area

Detailed operating instructions should be readily

Each unit should have detailed planned maintenance
schedule and technical service card showing what work
has to be done, when and by whom
Examination, Testing, Certification and Calibration

Maintenance, examination, testing and certification

must be conducted in accordance with legislation, the
contractors Planned Maintenance Schedule and
appropriate industry guidance.

Copyright ADC 2012


A 28

Doc No: ADC DSA001(R1)

Record of Inspection

13. Site / Inspection Specific Elements:


Yes / No







Copyright ADC 2012

A 29

Doc No: ADC DSA001(R1)

Association of Diving Contractors

Diving Operations in Connection with
Renewable Energy Projects

Appendix 2

Dive Plan Format and Risk Assessment Model Format

This document is intended to be used as a reference for the development of a standard
format that will be adopted for all diving operations. The sections provided are
considered as the minimum that would be required to properly and methodically plan
any potentially complex diving operation.

Document Revision...................... Rev A
Revision Date February 2012

This document is intended for use during the planning and on site element of diving operations on renewable energy diving sites.
A copy of the completed documents should be kept by the supervisor for reference during all diving operations.
All personnel involved in the diving operation must be made aware of this document and its content.
ADC 2012

ADC Model Safety Management System

Appendix 2
Dive Project Plan
Method Statement & Risk Assessment
(Form No: ADC-DPP-01)
Project No:

Project Title:

Part 1

Client Brief and Task Information

Part 2

Important Diving Information Summary

Part 3

Dive Plan

Part 4

Method Statement

Part 5

Risk Assessment

Part 6

Emergency Arrangements

Part 7

Induction and Task Briefing

Part 8

Change Record (Revisions made whilst on site)

Reference Information:

Briefing information provided by Client

Reference Drawings.
Specialist Procedure Details (If applicable)

Approval and Change Record:

Planning Issue:

Issued for Site Use:

By Whom


Checked /


Site Audit

Review/Update/Change: R1



Part 8
Change Record:

Tick this box if the Change Record is amended.

This document is intended for use during the planning and on site element of diving operations on renewable energy diving sites.
A copy of the completed documents should be kept by the supervisor for reference during all diving operations.
All personnel involved in the diving operation must be made aware of this document and its content.
ADC 2012

Contractors Name / Logo

Dive Project Plan

Method Statement &
Task Risk Assessment


Part 1 Client Brief & Task Information:

Briefing Doc attached: (Tick)

2. Date of

1. Client:

3. Task
Summary :

4. Information
Supplied by

5. Site Specific
By Client:

6. Client Contact:
8. Permit to be

7. Tel No:



9. Issued By Whom?

10 Any additional important information provided by the client about the task or dive site:

NB: If all the required information has been included on the briefing document provided the
client, append this to the DPP and tick the appropriate box on this page.

Dive Project Plan

Contractors Name / Logo


Method Statement &

Task Risk Assessment


Part 2 Important Diving Information Summary:


2.Date dive to
take place:

3. Team Size:

4. Supervisor:

5. Dive

6. Vessel
8. Helmet

7. System:
9. Support
10. Emergency Plan
Prepared: (Delete as appropriate)



11. Specialist PPE Required:

(Delete as appropriate)



12. Important Information

that needs be made known
to all team members ?

13. Are there any COSHH or

MH requirements?

14. Key Site Hazard List:



Control Action

Diving at Work Regulations 1997

Inland / Inshore ACoP

DPP - Issue R3

Contractors Name / Logo


Dive Project Plan

Method Statement &
Task Risk Assessment


Part 3 Dive Plan:

Task description:


Site Information:
(ACoP Ref 32 c)

(Site Specific)

Any Special Site Specific Hazard

(Possibly from Client information)
(ACoP Ref 27,a-h) (ACoP Ref 32 b)


How was Team Size established?


(ACoP Ref 32a) (ACoP Ref 76-78)

Intended Diving Methods &

Suitability of Air Supply:


(ACoP Ref 39, 46, 61 and 62)

Anticipated Max Depth(s) and

Decompression Arrangements:


(ACoP Ref 48 and 110-115)

Medical / Hospital Facilities


Weather and Currents:

(ACoP Ref 49-52)

(Site and Day Specific)


Specialist Equipment required:

(ACoP Ref 54-60)



Plant and Equipment:

(ACoP Ref 93-109)

Supervisor Responsibilities:
(ACoP Ref 122-132)

Reference Information:

(Drgs, Plans, Briefs in Appendix etc)


Diving at Work Regulations 1997

Inland / Inshore ACoP

DPP - Issue R3

Contractors Name / Logo


Dive Project Plan

Method Statement &
Task Risk Assessment


Part 4 Method Statement:


Detailed Work Summary:


Access and Egress Arrangements:


Lifting or associated operations:


Site Controls / Responsibilities:

Diving at Work Regulations 1997

Inland / Inshore ACoP

DPP - Issue R3

Contractors Name / Logo


Dive Project Plan

Method Statement &
Task Risk Assessment


Part 5 Task Specific Risk Assessment:

(A task risk assessment must be attached to this DPP No TRA Do Diving)

See separate sheet. (Important - Only use company approved format)

Part 6 Emergency Arrangements:

(Including Emergency Recovery Plan (ACoP Ref 39))


Site Specific Emergency Plan: (Detail the arrangements applicable for this dive operation)


Emergency Action Flowchart:

Company to insert their Emergency Flow Chart for reference.

Diving at Work Regulations 1997

Inland / Inshore ACoP

DPP - Issue R3

Contractors Name / Logo



Method Statement &

Task Risk Assessment


Emergency Contact List:


Dive Project Plan


Dive Contractor

Main Office
Senior Manager
Contracts Manager,

Medical Support:

Appointed Diving Specialist Doctor:


External recompression facility.

British Hyperbaric Association.

Project Related Contact List

Emergency Services:
(Insert as applicable for project)

Local Coastguard Station.

VHF Channel 16

Local Hospital.
Closest Hyperbaric Facility:
Client :

Project Contact. (Name)

Safety Contact. (If applicable)

Other Numbers:

Harbour Office:

(Useful for Project)

Port Control / VTS:

Diving at Work Regulations 1997

Inland / Inshore ACoP

DPP - Issue R3

Dive Project Plan

Contractors Name / Logo


Method Statement &

Task Risk Assessment


Part 7 Induction and Briefing:

Project Briefing

Details of Project.
Working site description.
Dress Code (PPE)
Training Requirements
General Emergency Arrangements
First Aid
Any Questions?

Site Information

Diving Safety
Access and Egress
Lifting Operations
Hazards Summary and Control Measures
Emergency Procedures
Others working on / close to site
Proposed Work Methods
Specialist Tools
Special Precautions

Any Questions?

Task Specific

Attendance Record
Name (Print)




Briefing Feedback Remarks:

Induction / Toolbox Talk by:


Diving at Work Regulations 1997

Inland / Inshore ACoP

DPP - Issue R3

Dive Project Plan

Contractors Name / Logo


Method Statement &

Task Risk Assessment


Part 8 Change Record: (Detail amendments, revisions or updates made on site)


Risk Assessment Review / Update:

(Summarise details below)


Briefly explain why the review / update took place?


Who made Change:



Briefly explain why the review / update took place?



Who made Change:


Method Statement Revision:

(Summarise details below)


Briefly explain why the revision was necessary?


Who made Change:



Briefly explain why the revision was necessary?


Who made Change:


Diving at Work Regulations 1997

Inland / Inshore ACoP

DPP - Issue R3

Dive Project Plan

Contractors Name / Logo



Method Statement &

Task Risk Assessment


Emergency Plan Update:

(Summarise details below)


Briefly explain why the emergency plan required an update?


Who made Change:



Briefly explain why the emergency plan required an update


Who made Change:


Continuation / Reference Drawing or other record:

(If necessary)


Diving at Work Regulations 1997

Inland / Inshore ACoP

DPP - Issue R3

Association of Diving Contractors

Diving Operations in Connection with
Renewable Energy Projects

Appendix 3

First Aid Requirements Guidance

Reference Standards:
DMAC 15 Rev.3 January 2012
ADC Information Notes.

Document Revision...................... Rev A
Last Revision February 2012

First Aid Requirements Basic Guidance


First Aid Equipment

The 1997 Diving at Work Regulations requires a diving contractor to arrange for the provision
of suitable first aid for every person taking part in the diving project.
In the absence of specific guidance in the Regulations or ACoP (L104) regarding the minimum
level of first aid equipment required to be provided at a dive site. ADC has reviewed the
Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981, and subject to a companies own risk
assessment for the diving project being taking into account has compiled a list of the
minimum that should be available at any dive site.


Important Reference Document:

It is strongly recommended that reference is made to the current issue of guidance from the
Diving Medical Advisory Committee (DMAC) to determine the additional level of medical
equipment to be held at a diving site where there is a decompression chamber, reference
should be made to Guidance Note DMAC 15 (latest revision) during the companies risk
assessment, with approval from the companies medical advisor.
Refer to the DMAC website:


Equipment to be available at any dive site.

Elements that need to be considered:
Remoteness of site;
Number and level of trained medical personnel required e.g. first aiders, DMTs, access
to Paramedics etc.
ADC suggests the following minimum level of items should be held at a diving site
where there is no compression chamber available on site:
Items to be available: (The absolute minimum)
First Aid leaflet giving general guidance (free items are available from HSE books)
1 Airway
1 Pair Scissors, stainless steel, sharp/blunt
20 Sterile, adhesive dressings, individually wrapped
6 Medium size sterile un-medicated dressings (approx. 12cm x 12cm), individually
2 Large size sterile un-medicated dressings (approx. 18cm x 18cm), individually wrapped
4 Individually wrapped triangular bandages (preferably sterile)
2 Rolls, 205cm x 5m hypo-allergenic adhesive tape
25 Sterile gauze pads
6 Safety pins
2 Sterile eye pads
1 Pair disposable gloves
Anti-hypothermia blanket
6 Aluminum foil blankets

ADC Code of Practice - Copyright ADC 2012

Doc No: ADC App3-FAR(R1)

First Aid Requirements Basic Guidance


Availability of Water:
Where mains tap water is not expected to be readily available for eye irrigation, at least 1 litre
of sterile water or normal saline (0.9%) in sealed disposable containers.


In addition there should be an oxygen administration kit with sufficient oxygen to allow a
casualty to breathe oxygen until emergency services arrive at the site (this will depend on the
location of the site but should be for at least 20 minutes) or until the casualty has been
transported to the nearest medical facility or chamber.

Part of this kit should include:


Manual resuscitator (mask and bag type)

Manual or gas operated suction device

The above items should be considered as the minimum, members may wish to add other
items such as extra adhesive tape, plasters, individually wrapped moist wipes, or other items
that may assist a first aider to administer treatment more effectively.
Some additional guidance on storage of the above items may be appropriate:
All items should be stored in a container such that they stay dry and clean while
remaining easily accessible in an emergency;
The storage container must be identified by a white cross on a green background;
The contents of first-aid containers should be examined frequently (maximum of three
months apart) and a label fixed to the container giving the date of the last check;
Containers should be restocked as soon as possible after use and sufficient supplies
should be held for this purpose in a back-up stock either on site or at another suitable
location (such as at base);
Care should be taken to discard items safely after the expiry date has passed;
The oxygen cylinder pressure should be checked each day.

Important Note
The requirement for First Aid equipment on site will be subject to periodic review.
Appropriate information sources should be monitored by contractors to ensure they are following
the current recommendations.

ADC Code of Practice - Copyright ADC 2012

Doc No: ADC App3-FAR(R1)

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