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They were masters of the darkness, searching through eternity for a mistress of
the light...

Descent in The Only One
Hunger in Hot-Blooded

Darkest at Dawn (omnibus)

Welcome to the home of the Carpathians. The extraordinary nature of these men an
d women make it a pleasure for this writer to revisit their land again and again
in my novels. The Carpathians fire my imagination! Their stories allow me to ex
plore everything from shapeshifting, to wild, exotic and dangerous animals, to t
he nature of true love (and passion). I hope you enjoy the Carpathians and their
Dark Series as much as I!!
For a virtual preview of the stories, please check out the teasers and trailers
associated with some of the Dark Series books. Or you can read the first chapter
of each book. Better yet: do both!
Dark Demon will be released in 2006 hopefully on schedule. I will be working on
MaryAnn s book next. I have a feeling MaryAnn is no pushover and will give her Sou
th American lifemate a run for his money teaching him that women are not chattel
s to be led around by their men! I think it should be a fun and exciting book, m
odern strong woman meets South American ancient determined to have his way.
I m especially excited to tell you I m working on a big surprise for my readers with
this series. Cross your fingers for me that I can pull it off!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------History of the Carpathians

Background and Title Summaries


BDP = Before Dark Prince

ADP = After Dark Prince
BCE = Before the Common Era

Dark Prince, I have taking place in the 1980 s-1990 s. Give or take, personal comput
ers didn t take hold until the late 70 s early 80 s. That s how Mikhail states he gets
his work done.
Based on a Baseline of 1980-1990, possibly a few years earlier for Dark Prince t
o have taken place, 2000 BDP would be about 20BC, give or take a 10-20 years eit
her way. At this time Vladimir and Sarantha Dubrinsky become lifemates. One co
uld assume at this time that at least Vlad was about 200 years old by then, base
d on a fledglingship of about 200 years. Sarantha could be said to have been ab
out the same age.
It was around this same time that the Dark Twins are born, supposedly. But sinc
e they are reputed to have served Mikhail Dubrinsky s grandfather, they may be muc
h older than 2000 years. But if we assume they were born at this time, then Gabr
iel and Lucian would have been infants at the time that Vladimir and Sarantha ma
ted. Lucian states at one time that he had walked with a man, one they called t
he SON OF GOD. If you make a logical assumption and believe that it is Christ h
e is discussing, he would have to be only about 50 years or so in 33 AD. If one
jumps forward to about 980 AD, or approximately 1000 years BDP, Mikhail is born.
Mikhail Dubrinsky was groomed from the start to become prince of his people.
Gregori was born 25 years after Mikhail, which would set the date at 975 BDP, or
1005 AD. Soon after this time, about 800 years BDP, Jacques Dubrinsky, Mikhail s
younger brother is born. This would make him born around 1180 AD. Aidan and Ju
lian Savage are also born. Unlike Gabriel and Lucian, who were often referred to
as the Dark Twins, Aidan and Julian were referred to as The Golden Twins, due t
o the fact that they were unique as their hair color was golden blonde, not dark
like many other Carpathians.
Around 775 BDP, Jacques friend, Byron is born. This would be around 1205AD. Mikh
ail was reported to have had another brother he was forced to sentence to death,
but it is unknown whether he was older or younger than Jacques.
The Ottoman Turk invasions, being sometime around 1442, this would make Gregori
about 437. One would expect his brother and sister to be born around this time.
Which would make Gregori 431 when Darius was born, his sister Desari just an inf
ant when they escaped. Vladimir Dubrinsky and his lifemate, Sarantha, died duri
ng the Turk invasions. But
Noelle Dubrinsky is born about 500 BDP. This would make her born about 1480 or
so. However, logistically this may prove an impossibility if Vladimir Dubrinsky
was killed during the Turk Invasion, would not Noelle have never been conceived
? She becomes mated to Rand sometime thereafter, however they were not true lif
emates. This is purely based on when Dark Prince actually occurs in the 20th Cen
tury. Darius, Desari, Dayan, Savon, Syndil, Barack were thought lost in Turk War
s, however they managed to escape due entirely to Darius s strength. Darius was b
ut 6 when they escaped, the other boys a few years younger. Syndil was 1 year o
ld and Desari was 6 months old or so.
Vlad The Impaler aka DRACULA was born in 1431 and died 1476, however this is mos
t definitely NOT Vladimir Dubrinsky.
Now, as we flip towards the 20th Century, other couples are born and mated eithe
r during or around this time zone. Celeste and Eric, Tienn and Dierdre, and Vla
d and Eleanor are other associated couples. Eleanor is Byron s sister; Dierdre an

d Vlad are also siblings.

About 25-23 BDP, Raven Whitney is born. I place her birth as early 1960 s to earl
y 1970 s, depending entirely on when Dark Prince takes place. Her parents conside
red her a demon. She managed to survive childhood, though she was so psychic sh
e couldn t stand to touch or be around massive amounts of people. She became a po
lice psychic and worked at finding serial killers when a case affected her so st
rongly she had to go to Romania to get away from the evil and sickness. It is t
here that she meets Mikhail Dubrinsky. He has a human friend, a priest named Fa
ther Edgar Hummer.
Mikhail recognizes her as his lifemate and exchanges blood with her twice, vowin
g not to a third time so as to convert her. But when members of a vampire socie
ty mortally wounded her, he is forced to replenish her blood and she is converte
d to Carpathian.
Society members who attack Raven include Jacob Evans, Margaret Summers, Harry Su
mmers, and Hans Romanov. Mikhail, in turn, killed them all.
Noelle Dubrinsky is also killed around this time and her mate, Rand, begins to e
xhibit strange behavior. Mikhail orders him to go to ground until he is no long
er a threat to himself. Little does Mikhail know, but that Rand had found his l
ifemate, he just didn t want to bring her before him and admit his mistake. His l
ifemate is an Irish-American named Maggie O Halloran and she becomes pregnant with
a female, Shea O Halloran, who is half human, half-Carpathian. Shea becomes a doct
or and researcher, convinced that her need for blood is a blood disorder, not a
normal occurrence.
About 25 years ADP, in Dark Desire, Jacques Dubrinsky has been tortured for seve
n years and buried alive. He had been turned over to a group of human vampire h
unters by a vampire referred to as The Vulture. The Vulture is actually Rand, t
urned because his lifemate Maggie had committed suicide. Rand is Shea s father, a
nd Shea is drawn to Europe to the place where Jacques has been buried alive. Sh
e manages to save his life, though at great cost to her own life. Jacques disco
vers that her father is his torturer and Shea has also discovered that her broth
er, Noelle and Rand s son, was tortured and killed when he was 18 years old. Rave
n is pregnant with a female child who becomes Gregori s lifemate. When two societ
y members who were working with Rand attack Raven, she nearly loses her life, al
ong with her unborn daughter, Savannah. Gregori uses secret skills to save her
life, while at the same time tying Savannah to him.
Byron was also captured and tortured, but was rescued at the same time. Once ca
n also assume that Alexandria Houton was born somewhere around this time frame.
About 48 years ADP, Savannah Dubrinsky is 23 years old. She has become a World
-Famous Magician who rejected the suit of Gregori when she was 18 years old. I m
under the impression that Tempest Trine is born around this time frame as well,
considering that Dark Gold happens, followed closely by Dark Magic, followed alm
ost instantly by Dark Challenge and Dark Fire.
By Dark Gold, Aidan Savage is living in San Francisco and comes upon Alexandria
Houton. This is about 48 ADP. Alexandria has been attacked and converted by a v
ampire, and Aidan first believes she is a vampiress who must be destroyed. But
once he takes her blood, he determines that she is indeed his lifemate and finis
hes the conversion with a fourth blood exchange. She has a little brother, Josh
ua, who lives with them. At first, Alexandria does not believe that she has bee
n converted. She fears what she has become and tried on at least two occasions
to kill herself. She is a videogame designer.
At around the same time (approximately 48 years ADP), in Dark Magic, Gregori has
arrived in San Francisco to await Savannah Dubrinsky s magic show. He has passed
the point at which he can safely seek the dawn and is very close to turning vam

pire. He makes his claim on her, nearly turning vampire before she pulls him ba
ck from the darkness. They go to New Orleans, where society members and vampire
s alike hunt them. They meet a society member, Gary Jansen, who has created a t
ranquilizer to paralyze the Carpathians, but he switches sides and begins to ass
ist them in tearing down the society.
They are alerted to a singer whose life is in danger from the society. In Dark
Challenge, Gregori sends Julian Savage to warn her and to protect her if necessa
ry, so a few months after Gregori and Savannah mate, Julian Savage meets Desari
and claims her as his lifemate.
Desari is a member of a band called the Dark Troubadours. The band s members are
a group of Carpathian Children who were thought lost in the Turk Wars, Desari an
d Darius are the long lost siblings of Gregori and Desari is a singer without eq
ual. Julian discovers her heritage when she is shot by society members at the b
eginning of their acquaintance and takes it as his task to teach the rest of the
group some Carpathian ways. Other members of the Band are Dayan, Barack and Sy
ndil. Another band member, Savon, turned vampire and raped Syndil, Darius was f
orced to destroy him.
A little more than 48+ years ADP and directly after Dark Challenge, Dark Fire sh
ows us that Darius, on the other hand, was slowly succumbing to the darkness whe
n Desari placed an ad for a mechanic for their tour bus. The ad attracted Tempe
st Trine. She had particular psychic powers for animals, which she utilized sev
eral times with the band s two cats, Sasha and Forest. She had a particularly bad
childhood, being raised in a drug-ridden home and abused by her employer. Dari
us didn t wish to convert her, knowing the risks, however she gave him no choice i
n the matter, using her blood to save his life. Darius goes after the men who a
ttempted to abduct her and kills them. This one took place in America.
The anthology, After Twilight, contains a novella entitled Dark Dream in which we
meet an Ancient Carpathian, Falcon. Vladimir Dubrinsky sent out Falcon along wi
th many of the best hunters, a thousand years ago. Falcon has fought the demon
seeking to overtake his soul and has sought to return home, pay his respects to
his prince, and seek the dawn honorably. Along the journey, he finds his lifema
te, Sara Marten, who s soul has been, itself, scarred by the presence of a demon,
a vampire who killed her parents fifteen years ago and is seeking to make her hi
s own. Falcon takes Sara, along with seven orphan sewer children
all of them ps
ychic in some way back to his homeland in the Carpathian Mountains. It is there
that Falcon has the final battle with the vampire who had been stalking Sara fo
r 15 years. He was a boyhood friend who sought the power of the kill and not th
e honor of resisting the lure of darkness. Falcon nearly sacrifices his life fo
r Mikhail, but in the end, completes his mission and makes a home for himself, h
is lifemate, and their children. This one takes place I would assume, nearly co
ncurrent with Dark Fire, but in the Mountains.
Dark Legend is the story of one of the ancient twins, Gabriel Daratrazanoff. In
the opening of the book, he has tricked his brother, Lucian whom he believes to
have turned vampire, and locked them beneath the soil in Paris France. Constru
ction equipment disturbs their resting place, thereby releasing both of them to
the current-day timeframe. Gabriel, who has sworn to destroy his brother in a m
utual pact, meets Francesca Del Ponce, a healer of some renown. They are destin
ed to be lifemates. Francesca has succeeded in concealing her existence from al
l Carpathians for many centuries, waiting for the time in which she can become a
s human as possible before seeking the eternal rest of the sun. This story focu
ses on both Francesca s abilities as a healer
she adopts a psychic teenager named
Skyler Rose Thompson, and on Gabriel s search to bring rest and justice to his bro
ther. Takes place in the current time.
Lucian Daratrazanoff s story is brought to us in the title Dark Guardian. In this
book he discovers his lifemate, Jaxon Montgomery. Jaxon has had a traumatic pa

st. Her stepfather killed her mother and brother as well as the adoptive family
who took her in when she lost them. She is Navy Seal Trained and a Special Forc
e police officer who s uncanny abilities to predict when a raid will go wrong driv
es her abilities to be successful at her job. Jaxon and Lucian become a match o
f equals, she is truly the first heroine to actively assist her lifemate in the
hunt for and the elimination of vampires. We also discover that Gabriel and Fra
ncesca now have a daughter, Tamara. And that Shea is closely working with Gary
Jansen to discover how to produce more children, and save the ones that are born
. Probably takes place a year or two after Dark Legend, considering that Tamara
, Gabriel and Francesca s daughter, is still young enough to need Shea s assistance.
I m also under the assumption that Jaxon is in her early to mid 20 s.
In Dark Symphony we get Byron s story. He s encountered the Scarletti Family, the l
ine described in The Scarletti Curse. Antoinetta Scarletti, current heir to the
shipping industry her family has owned and managed for many years, is a blind co
ncert pianist. We discover she has psychic powers and also make the shocking re
velation that the Scarletti Family is descendent from the Jaguar shapeshifter ra
ce. Intrigue, humor, and romance fill this story of a tormented soul, Byron Jus
ticano, and his self-censure from his people. Due to the fact his capture and t
orture in Dark Desire nearly got his prince s lifemate killed, he s sentenced himsel
f to a life of vampire hunting, though he had never been born to be a hunter. T
his is a story of redemption and peace. This is also taking place in the Curren
t timeframe.
The anthology, The Only One brings us the story of Traian Trigovise and Joie San
ders. Dark Descent brings us another short story of an ancient, traveling back to
pay homage to his prince, Mikhail Dubrinsky. Traian comes upon a coordinated gr
oup of vampire, desperately searching a cave, one that he later learns the ancie
nt Wizards once used. During his battles, he is injured, and while healing he s
ees an astral projection of a human woman, Joie Sanders, whom he instantly recog
nizes as his lifemate. Later, as she and her siblings explore a cave in which h
e has been taken prisoner, he realizes that he cannot let her go, that she must
be his. Joie, though she doesn t completely believe he is real, is nevertheless a
ccepting and very much open to remaining with him as his lifemate. Also takes p
lace in the Current timeframe.
An emotional story about love in the worst of circumstances, Dark Melody is a st
ory of the extremes to which a man would go to make certain his mate survives. D
ayan, whom we first encountered in Dark Challenge, then again in Dark Fire, is o
ur central focus here. He meets his lifemate, only to realize he may lose her t
o an incurable heart disease. And what s worse, she s expecting a child, which is s
lowly taking her life from her. This is an emotional story, one that brings man
y tears as the Carpathians seek to save this woman and her precious unborn child
, to save one of their own. We discover that Shea is pregnant by this time.
Dark Destiny is the action-packed story of Destiny and Nicolae Von Shrieder. If
one ever wanted to know how a female would act as a vampire hunter, here is you
r answer. With a great deal of action, suspense, and adventure, this is a story
of a woman, honed by pain and loss and trained by an ancient Carpathian, so pow
erful he may not even be aware of it himself. Destiny is a woman, unequalled in
the world of Carpathians. She IS a vampire hunter. Nicolae, along with his br
other Vikirnoff, realize that she needs healing, having been converted by a vamp
ire the acid blood runs through her veins. This is a powerful story, one that w
ill force you to question the true meaning of suffering. Full of unconditional
love, we finally discover what happens to those who find their lifemate, but may
be a little too late.
Again, this all depends on a frame of reference that is vague, there may be a sp
ecific date we can attach to it, but the ages of the characters all depend on ge
neral assumptions. Also, on general assumptions of when Dark Prince is set. It

cannot be set any earlier than around 1975 or so, as the fax machine and person
al computer were not in wide use at this time. And would most likely not have b
een in use at all in some small, out of the way area as a village in Hungary. It s
25 years between when Mikhail and Raven mate and when she becomes pregnant. Th
erefore, the earliest date for Dark Desire is 2000. The latest possible date is
2010 or so. Then we put 23 years onto that date for Dark Gold. Which takes pla
ce almost concurrently as Dark Magic, Dark Challenge, and Dark Fire. So the ear
liest conceptual date for Dark Gold has to be 2023. Savannah is 23 by that time.
So there is a clever bit of finagling we have to assume with the dates.
Also, current day fax machines did not have wide use until the late 1970 s when Ja
panese companies took over production. The first Electronic Transmittal Machine
in wide use was in 1934, used by the Associated Press for AP Wire Photos. The
first normal fax machine developed for wide use was in 1964. Xerox developed the f
irst business model fax machine, all 46 pounds of it, in 1966. Would Hungary or
Romania in the 1960 s have access to what was possibly very expensive technology
at that time? Remember they are communist until the late 1980 s. So Dark Prince w
ould have to take place in 1970 s at earliest, 1990 s at latest. Assumptions can t be
made about Dark Prince starting in 2000, unless you want to place Dark Gold som
ewhere in 2040 s, around 2048.
Also, you have to be careful about considering the Carpathians as human. What i
s a normal gestational period for Carpathian Children is possibly not a normal n
ine months. Realize, Raven was probably in her 20 s when she was converted. That
would put her nearing 50 by the time she had Savannah. Also, Noelle was over 5
00 when she had Rand s son. Their genetics, unlike ours, are associated with long
evity, therefore fledglingship lasts the first 100-200 years or so.

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