Angels and Demons Analysis

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Analysis of Angels and Demons by Dan Brown






4. Plot Summary of Angels & Demons

The character of Robert Langdon is introduced, professor of religious iconology and
art history at Harvard University. As the novel begins, he's awakened in the middle of the
night by a phone call from Maximilian Kohler, the director of CERN, the world's largest
scientific research facility in Geneva, Switzerland. One of their top physicists had been
murdered, with his chest branded with the word "Illuminati." Since Langdon is an expert on
the ancient secret society known as the Illuminati, he's asked to help solve the murder.
The murder victim is Leonardo Vetra. Not only is he one of the world's leading physicists,
he's a Catholic priest. He's a priest who has adopted a daughter, Vittoria, who is also a
scientist at CERN.
Vetra and his daughter were using the world's largest particle accelerator to create
antimatter, and then suspend the antimatter properly in canisters so that it doesn't interact
with matter. If a canister is removed from the electrical system which keeps the matter and
antimatter separated, then backup batteries will serve the same purpose for 24 hours.
When those 24 hours expire, the two will collide in an instantaneous explosion of
unprecedented power.
Lenoardo Vetra created the antimatter to simulate the Big Bang. In his mind, this would
show proof that God exists, being able to create new matter and antimatter in the same
way God created the universe. Vetra's murder, though, allows one of the canisters to be
stolen. The question of who stole the canister and what they planned to do with it is soon
answered. The canister is quickly found on a security camera in Vatican City, with its LEDs
counting down the time until the batteries run out. The security camera, however, is
nowhere to be found, leaving the canister's whereabouts a mystery too. Langdon and
Vittoria Petra are quickly sent off to Rome and Vatican City, to help find the canister and
return it to CERN before it explodes at midnight.
Not only does the canister threaten to destroy Vatican City, but with the recent death of the
Pope, the cardinals of the Catholic Church are all within the city for the conclave to choose
the new pope. They are all about to be locked within the Sistine Chapel where, according to
church law, they must remain until a new pope is chosen. They are awaiting the four
cardinals from four different European countries who are the preferred candidates to
become the new pope. While Langdon and Vittoria are trying to convince the captain of the
Swiss Guard and the camerlengo, the Pope's chamberlain who leads the church until the



new pope is named, that the antimatter bomb is real, a phone call is received from a man
who claims to be from the Illuminati. He has the four cardinals, which he will murder one by
one, and then allow the bomb to destroy Vatican City, which houses not only the church
hierarchy, but also its possessions and wealth. He has no demands; his only wish is the
destruction of the Catholic Church in retribution for the church's treatment of scientists and
the Illuminati over the centuries.

History of the relationship of the Roman Catholic church and the scientific community.
Symbolism and Art
Hidden motifs
History of the illunimati and the enlightenment era of the world.

There are two major settings in the novel.

The first is the Vatican and its surrounding sites of Catholic worship in
Rome. It also discusses tombs, paintings, structures and sculptures.

The second is CERN, a scientific counterpoint to the Vatican. Located in

Geneva, Switzerland, CERN is ultramodern and filled with world-class minds
and gleaming technological artifacts that extend its reach around the world
(such as the Internet, which it had a hand in creating).


The main conflict concerns Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon, who

tries to stop the Illuminati, a legendary secret society, from destroying
Vatican City with the newly discovered power of antimatter.




Robert Langdon: A professor of symbology at Harvard University and the main

protagonist of the novel.

Leonardo Vetraa physicist at CERN and a priest who is killed by the supposed

Vittoria Vetra: The adopted daughter of Vetra. She, like her father, works with

Camerlengo Carlo Ventresca: The Camerlengo (Papal Chamberlain) during the

conclave. He murdered the pope, who is later revealed to have been his biological

Maximilian Kohlera discrete particle physicist serving as director of CERN

The Hassassina highly trained killer who infiltrates the Vatican to kidnap the

Janusthe Illuminatis spy in the Vatican (eventually revealed to be the camerlengo)

Cardinal Saverio Mortati: The most senior cardinal in the conclave, and the current
Dean of the College of Cardinals.

Commander Olivetti: The commandant of the Swiss Guard. He is initially skeptical

on the claims of Langdon and Vittoria until he talks with the Hassassin.

Captain Rocher: The second in command after Commander Olivetti.

Hassassin: He is the killer. He murders Leonardo Vetra, the four cardinals, and
Commander Olivetti. He dies after being pushed from a balcony by Langdon at the
Castel Sant' Angelo and breaking his back on a pile of cannonballs below.

Gunther Glick and Chinita Macri: A reporter and his photojournalist for the BBC.

Lieutenant Chartrand: A young Swiss Guard. He, together with Commander Olivetti
and Capt. Rocher, search desperately for the antimatter hidden somewhere in the

Cardinal Ebner: One of the four Preferiti and a cardinal from Frankfurt, Germany. He
is killed by asphyxiation, by means of putting dirt and soil into his mouth.

Cardinal Lamass: One of the four Preferiti and a cardinal from Paris, France. He is
killed by punctures to his lungs, from which he bled to death.



Cardinal Guidera: One of the four Preferiti and a cardinal from Barcelona, Spain. He
is incinerated alive.

Cardinal Baggia: One of the four Preferiti and a cardinal from Milan, Italy and the
favorite to succeed as the new pope. He was drowned to death.

7. Rising action
European scientist, Leonardo Vetra, discovered a substance similar to the nuclear
weapon called antimatter for energy use.
The scientist was discovered murdered by CERN director Maximillan Kohler. A canister
of the Antimatter was stolen from the laboratory.
4 Cardinals were kidnapped.
Robert Langdon (Professor at Harvard) was summoned to be at the Vatican to use his
expertise in historical symbols for the release of the kidnapped bishops.
8. Climax
The original climax comes when it is revealed that as the Illuminati plot was
engineered by Camerlengo Carlo Vetrensca and no Janus or Illuminati really exist in the
whole scene. The fact unveiled at the end that Carlo is the son of late Pope (which he
conceived by artificial insemination) can be said to be another climax.
9. Falling Action
The fourth cardinal gets murdered
The Carmelingo and Robert Langdon take the bomb in the helicopter.
A new pope is elected
The Camelingo dowses himself with propane and lites himself on fire.
10. Resolution
The Vatican is saved and the villain is unmasked



Writers theme
The main purpose of the author to write such a story seems as if he is trying to
coincide the ends of Science and Religion, which most of the times is thought to be a
distance apart. All the settings in the novel are stunningly superb. It keeps a reader going
and also gets you up-to-date with history as well as Science. The main objective that author
wants to achieve is he is trying to tell a new way how to balance between both of these
important things. He also gives a notion to the readers that Science never confronts religion
rather it reinforces its ideas. He is of the view that Science itself is not bad at all, but how it
is used makes the difference. So is the case with religion.

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