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By Reginald Hill
The Contect Of The Story :
The story "Deadheads" happend in Yorkshire, UK. In a very big
mansion full of gardens of roses, named : Rosemont.
The owners of all those gardens were Mrs. Florence Alderman,
she was an old lady from the middle class, "The widow of
Rosemont" was her nickname by the neighbors, everyone loves her
although she had a very tough character.
Sometimes she loves her gardens more than her husband, she
hated to see her garden looking so neglected.
Mr. Florence was living with her niece and her son Patrick.
One day in the garden, when Patrick was 12 years old, Mrs.
Alderman decided to cut all the deadheads roses. Patrick want to
try and cut the deadhead too so he took the knife and strated
cuting the roses carfully.
She scremed once before she fell backwards into her rosebed.
Petals from dying roses rained down on her.
Patrick waited untill all the movement had stopped, then he
dropped the knife, and ran towards the house, serching for help.
His aunt, Mrs. Alderman had a heart attack.
Twelve years later, when Patrick become an adult, he got married
to Daphne, a tall, good looking, blonde woman.
They had two childrens : Diana and David.
He worked as an accountant in "Elgood Ceramics", he never had a
problems with money or the police, he's used to live with his wife
and the children in Rosemont mansion and had a peaceful life.
One night, in the "Elgood Ceramics" office, Chirstopher Burke,
one of the Elgood's employees was found dead. Who killed him ?
There were no withnesses, nobody knew who killed him..
Dick Elgood, who was the boss of "Elgood Cermics" reported the

police about Patrick and blamed him of Burke's death and

attempted murder. The police decide to investigate this case.
Inspector Pascoe started to investigate deeply this case.
Andy Dalziel is a fat, brash, uncouth police Chief. Inspector from
Yorkshire. He says eactly what he thinks and doesn't suffer fools
gladly, he's divorced. His long suffering assistant, Inspector
Peter Pascoe, often had a pained expression on his face at his
lord and master's behaviour.
The third main member of the team is Sergeant Wield, a good
solid policeman.
Pascoe would rather be catching burglars, but he begins dutifully
to dig into Patrick Alderman's past.
Meanwhile, his wifr Ellie, becomes friendly with Daphner,
Alderman's wife.
After few nights Elgood has a big Chirstmas party in his seaside
cottage. Patrick was invited too. Elgood forced his finanacial
director, Brian Bulmer, to take a beverage every few minoutes.
(ova ubistva nemoj da pises ovako kao sto pise ovde, nego samo
stavi naslov npr :Brian's accident , a mi cemo da ispricamo)
After the party was over, late at night, Brian was defintly drunk,
he tooks his car and strated driving back home, suddenly he
bumpe into a big tree on the road, Brian was dead too.. and again
no witnesses, nobody saw the accident. At the morning Dalziel and
Pascoe came to Elgood's office and strated to ask qustions.
Elgood denied the fact that he's as the man who forced Bulmer
to drink all the time. And again he blamed Patrick of Bulmer's
death because Bulmer's office was next to Patrick office so
Patrick was jealous of him because he had a better job.
Inspector Pacoe and Chief Dalziel went to Patrick's house on
Rosemint. Dapne saw them from the kitchen window and get
outside to talk to them. They introduce themselves and she
invited them into the living room while they were waiting for her

Patrick got home from work and saw Pascoe & Dalziel in his living
room waiting for. Patrick told them everything he knew about the
two deaths.
A month later a 3rd death occured at "Elgood Cearmics" : the
assistant of Patrick, Tiomthy Eagles, had a heart attack and died.
Again Elgood balmed Patrick and Patrick decide to make a
compaint to the police in Yorkshire about his suspicion that
Elgood is the one who killed all the people in his office. And he's
was right !
On the 4th time, when Elgood tried to kill someome the police
cought him and arrested him for murders. ? (ne pise tako u
When Elgood had inverstigated by the police he admitted his
crimes, he said "Like I remember my mother cut the heads of the
dead roses, she called them "Deadheads" I "cut" from this life
the people the don't like me ! "
In the end, Patrick discover he had a brother, Dick Elgood, that
never knew about it !

The Biography Of The Writer :

Reginald Hill has received British's most coveted mystery writers
awards, the Cartier Diamond Dagger Award for lifetime
achievment, as well at rhe Golden Dagger Award for Dalziel &
Pascoe series. He also writes another mystery series featuring
Joe Sixsmith for St. Martin's Press, and pens thrillers under the
name Patrick Ruell.
Born in 1936, Hill taught secondary school and college until 1980,
when he decided to pursue writing full-time. He lives with his wife
in Cumbria, England.

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