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Applied Marketing Strategy - Module Handbook- RBA-I

Applied Marketing Strategy

Module Handbook

Abid Saeed
Faculty of Business Administration
Department of Management Sciences
Department of Management Sciences, CIIT Islamabad

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Applied Marketing Strategy - Module Handbook- RBA-I

Table of Contents





Contacting the module instructor..................................................................


Rationale including Aims............................................................................


Prerequisites ...................................................................................................


Teaching and Learning Outcomes.................................................................


Teaching Methodology.................................................................................


Course Participation.......................................................................................


In-Class Participation.....................................................................................



Bug me with things you dont understand....................................................



Assessment Scheme.......................................................................................



Reading Materials...........................................................................................



Course Requirements and Expectation...........................................................






Academic Dishonesty.........................................................................



Module Contents.............................................................................................



Module Contents..............................................................................................



Module Contents..............................................................................................


Department of Management Sciences, CIIT Islamabad

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Applied Marketing Strategy - Module Handbook- RBA-I

Applied Marketing is a business function that identifies current unfilled needs and wants, defines and
measures their magnitude, determines which target markets the organization can best serve, and decides
on appropriate products, services, and programs to serve these markets. Marketing serves as the link
between a society's needs and its pattern of industrial response.
The purpose of this course is to focus on Marketing strategies and the process that are associated with it.
The different philosophies which become the guiding efforts of marketing & integrate what you have
learned in other marketing courses into one coherent body of knowledge and skills.

The course is designed to enable students to meet the following objectives:
Be familiar with basic theories, concepts, methods, variables, problems, practices, processes, and
terminology of contemporary marketing.
Begin to develop and utilize analytical, decision-making, and problem-solving skills that
approximate "real world" marketing.
Be aware of the breadth of possible applications of marketing, and to gain as much from a
professional's perspective on marketing as may be feasible.
Develop a consciousness about the importance of ethics in the marketing discipline.

Contacting the Module Instructor

You can contact your module instructor in the following ways:


By appointment only or during the office hours (arranged prior to coming)

Rationale Including Aims

The module will explore in detail the major concepts and issues that are essential to todays marketing
business world. It will provide you with a solid background of different marketing strategies applied by
institutions operating nationally and internationally. This module will also cover issues and other rules
and regulation governing different principles, standards and guidelines.

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As this is a foundation course at RBA level studies so no prior completion of course work is mandatory
for studying this course.

Teaching and Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this course, students will be able to complete the following key tasks:
Understand the importance in the business practice of being marketing oriented.
Describe a range of common strategies for use with each of the various marketing mix tools:
product, pricing, promotion, and distribution.
Recommend and justify an appropriate mix of such strategies to form a cohesive overall strategy
for a given marketing task or situation.
Use examples from current events, as well as more formal case studies, to apply, illustrate, and
discuss different marketing strategies.
Discuss key trends impacting on the current practice of marketing.
Critically think about the importance of effective business communications in all aspects of
marketing management.

Teaching Methodology
My basic teaching philosophy of this course is to blend the theory and practice of Marketing in a
comfortable, supportive classroom environment that promotes active learning. A good theory is
invaluable because it structures problems and suggests possible solutions.

Course Participation
"Course participation" does not just mean "the amount of time you talk in class" it means participation
in the class as a whole. Thus, there are actually many ways to improve your participation grade:

In-Class Participation
Many people are intimidated by the "obligation" of speaking up in class. Don't be. Your anxiety will be
reduced only through practice! Getting comfortable with public speaking will give you a HUGE career

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Applied Marketing Strategy - Module Handbook- RBA-I

advantage. Here's the secret to cutting your stress level - BE PREPARED. Your class participation grade
is weighted heavily in favour of quality over quantity.

Bug me with things you don't understand

Contact me for clarification on confusing topics. Not only will this let me know of your sincere interest
in the course, but it will actually increase your chances of a good grade on the written work.

Assessment Scheme
Midterm examination I after 08 weeks
Terminal Examination after 16 weeks


Reading Materials
Core Texts:
Marketing Management A South Asian Perspective
By Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller, Abraham Koshy & Mithileshwar Jha,
13th Edition.
Pearson Education, Inc.
Additional reading:
Strategic Marketing Management Meeting The Global Marketing Challenges
By Carol H. Anderson & Julian W. Vincze Published
Houghton Mifflin Company.
Marketing Management
By Michael R. Czinkota & Masaaki Kotabe,
2nd Edition.
South-Western College Publishing.
Cases in Strategic Marketing Management
By Julian W. Vincze, Carol H. Anderson.
Houghton Mifflin Company.

Course Requirements and Expectations

Grades: Letter grades will be assigned based on the universitys standard grading scale.

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Being Prepared for Class: Student must go through the assigned readings before coming to the class.
You should be ready to discuss the undergoing concepts by different perspectives.
Attendance: Students are required to attend all the classes; in CIIT minimum 80% attendance at lecture
and tutorials/seminars/discussions are required. This is the student responsibility to follow up on what
they may have missed through absence from a teaching session through interaction with fellow students
who attended the class. You are fully responsible for the information missed in the class due to absence.
Quizzes will be announced and there will be no make-up for missed quizzes.
Assignments: In fairness to students who complete assignments on time, late assignments will not be
accepted. You must turn in the assignments at the end of the lecture on the day they are due.
Minimising disruptions: All cell phones should be turned off during class. Do not involve in side
Report: Students will form teams (5 members) to work on this project. Your assignment is to prepare a
Marketing Plan. Every team must study a different company, and companies are assigned on a "first
come, first serve" basis. The idea behind the research report is to have students conduct an in-depth
examination of a major company of their choice. A variety of sources of information can be used to
assemble for this Marketing Plan.
Students are encouraged to consult trade magazines and business publications, and consult with
company sources. Furthermore, you are expected to conduct your own search on the internet as part of
the exploratory research.

1. First Progress Report

The first progress report is due at the beginning of the class on 3rd week. All that you need to include
with this report is the names of your team members and the name of the top three companies you are
interested in studying.

2. Second Progress Report

The second progress report is due on 07th week. This report should sketch your preliminary vision of a
mental map for the marketing plan in terms of the strength, favourability, and uniqueness of salient
company associations and outline a preliminary draft of the Marketing Plan.
3. Final Report
The final report is due at the beginning of the class on the 10th week. Your written summary should be
double-spaced typed necessary (1 margins, 12-point type). Each team will present their report to the
class in not more than 15-minute presentations, with a 5 to 10 minutes Q&A session following the pitch
on 11th & 12th week. In addition, I would like a copy of the presentation slides on the day of the

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Each of you will be asked to evaluate the contribution of your team, peers at the conclusion of the
course. These evaluations will be used in determining project evaluations. Each student will receive a
team project grade that is proportionate to their participation, as assessed by other team members.
Class Participation: Positive, healthy and constructive class participation will be monitored for each
class. Particular emphasis will be given during the presentation sessions. The manner in which the
question is asked or answered will also be noted. Your behaviour as business executives in the class will
contribute to the class participation marks.

Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty is an offence that will not be tolerated in any form. Any student who is involved
in any such activity will be penalised to the fullest extent possible allowed by university regulations. If
you have any doubts about whether an action constitutes academic dishonesty, before consult with your
instructor before taking the action.

Plagiarism and Cheating: the presentation by a student at his or her own work but is actually stolen
from someone else. Whenever a student submits a piece of writing claiming it to be his own authorship,
it is generally understood that all the ideas, opinions, facts, figures, conclusions, revisions, words are the
students original work, unless he/she has explicitly indicated otherwise using citations, footnotes,
attribution in the text, and/or used quotation marks.

The use of unauthorised material during an examination in order to secure or give help will not be
tolerated. Academic dishonesty also encompasses unauthorised copying and distribution of
examinations, assignments, reports, projects or term papers or the presentation of unacknowledged
material as if it were the students own work. A person failing to acknowledge and recognise the
contribution of the original author will be held responsible under academic deception. Such action will
necessitate measures to discipline the student under the Universitys academic dishonesty policy. Any
academic dishonesty would call for swift punitive action by the faculty and the names of the students
involved would be reported to the concerned Head of Department.

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Applied Marketing Strategy - Module Handbook- RBA-I

Module Contents



Introduction to Applied Marketing Strategies Course
Selfintroduction by course supervisor and students, review of course
programmes and literature, methodology of teaching
Chapter1 - Defining Marketing For The 21st Century
The Importance Of Marketing
Core Marketing Concepts
The New Marketing Realities
New Consumer Capabilities
Company Orientation Toward The Marketplace
Company Orientations Toward The Market Place
The Holistic Marketing Concept
Chapter2 Developing Marketing Strategies And Plans
Marketing And Customer Value
Traditional Physical Process Sequence
Value Creation and Delivery Sequence
Value Chain Analysis
Core Business Processes
Characteristics of Core Competencies
What is Holistic Marketing?
Product Planning: The Nature & Contents Of A Marketing Plan
Chapter3 Gathering Information & Scanning The Environment
What Is a Marketing Information System (MIS)?
Steps to Improve Marketing Intelligence
Sources of Competitive Information
Ansoffs Product-Market Expansion Grid
**Marketing Plan Progress Report 1 Due **
Porters Generic Strategies
Categories of Marketing Alliances
Trends Shaping the Business Landscape
Environmental Forces
Chapter 4 Conducting Marketing Research & Forecasting Demand
What is Marketing Research?
Types of Marketing Research Firms
The Marketing Research Process
Step 1: Define the Problem Step 2: Develop the Research Plan
Step 3: Collect the Information Step 4: Analyse the Information
Step 5: Present the findings Step 6: Make the decision
Chapter5 Creating Customer Value, Satisfaction, and loyalty
What are Marketing Metrics?
What is Marketing-Mix Modelling?
Sample Customer-Performance Scorecard Measures
The Measures of Market Demand
Vocabulary for Demand Measurement
How Can We Estimate Current Demand?
Estimating Future Demand
Building Customer Value, Satisfaction & Loyalty

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What is Customer Relationship Management?
CRM Strategies
Customer Retention- A tale of real life
Perils of CRM
Chapter6 Analysing Consumer Markets
Consumer behaviour
What Influences Consumer Behaviour
What is Culture?
Characteristics of Social Classes
Brand Personality
Devising a Branding Strategy LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and
Sustainability) Market Segments
The Consumer Buying Process: The Five Stage Model
** Marketing Plan Progress Report 2 Due **
Chapter8 Identifying Market Segments And targets
Four levels of Micromarketing
What is a Market Segment?
Niche Marketing
What is Customerization?
Bases For Segmenting Consumer Markets
The Brand Funnel Illustrates the Buyer-Readiness Stage
Segmenting for Business Markets
Steps in Segmentation Process
Chapter 10 Creating Brand Equity
Steps in Strategic Brand Management
What is a Brand?
The Role of Brands
What is Branding?
What is Brand Equity
Advantages of Strong Brands
What is a Brand Promise?
Brand Equity Models
Drivers of Brand Equity
Brand Elements
Brand Element Choice Criteria
Designing Holistic Marketing Activities
Measuring Brand Equity
Managing Brand Equity
Branding Terms
Reasons for Brand Portfolios
** Marketing Plan Final Report Due **
Chapter 11Crafting the Brand Positioning
What is Positioning?
Differentiation and Positioning
Competitive advantage
Value Propositions (Examples)
Defining Associations

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Consumer Desirability Criteria for Points of Difference (PODs)
Deliverability Criteria for Points of Difference (PODs)
Examples of Negatively Correlated Attributes and Benefits
Addressing negatively correlated PODs and POPs
Differentiation Strategies
Product Differentiation
Product Life Cycle
Product Life-Cycle Strategies
Project Presentations
Project Presentations
Chapter 12 Setting Product Strategy
What is a product?
Five Product Levels
Product Classification Scheme
Durability and Tangibility
Consumer Goods Classification
Industrial Goods Classification
Product Differentiation
Service Differentiation
The Product Hierarchy
Product Systems and Mixes
Product Line Analysis
Line Stretching
Product-Mix Pricing
What is the Fifth P?
Factors Contributing to the Emphasis on Packaging
Packaging Objectives
Functions of Labels
Chapter14 Developing Pricing Strategies And Programs
Synonyms for Price
Common Pricing Mistakes
Consumer Psychology and Pricing
Possible Consumer Reference Prices
Price Cues
Steps In Setting Prices
Price Adaptation Strategies
Promotional Pricing Tactics
Differentiated Pricing
Brand Leader Responses To Competitive Price Cuts
Course revision, students Input analysis & comments about the course.

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