Assignment Two Reflection (2014!11!04 01-37-28 UTC)

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In assignment two, I had strengths and weaknesses in the project.

Of my strengths in the
assignment, my major strengths were my in depth knowledge of the show How I Met Your
Mother and the types of styles of the storytelling that many television shows operate with. These
strengths help me make connections between the plot, especially How I Met Your Mother, and
the way the story the story is told. Along with the strong examples from the show, I made the
connection between the plot and the storytelling along with some other factors like relationships
between the characters and their psychology. Some of the weaknesses I had with this assignment
were the lack of sources available on the topic of connecting the plot with how the story is told.
Most of my sources were peoples opinions and views from professional, credible newspapers
that I was able to stitch together to make my argument. Another weakness I had in my project
was the lack of information I could into the paper without making it too wordy or too broad. This
lead to me being repetitive to an extent and that may have taken away from the collusion I came
to in my paper. Both my strengths and weaknesses contributed to my paper but the weaknesses
in this case may have overpowered my strengths a little so the paper could not have been written
to its fullest extent.
Most of the comments that were made on my assignment one paper were helpful in me
revising it. The comments were not sentence structure based or about the flow of the paper but
were more about the content. Most of the comments that were made were inquiries about the
paper like the long comment from Lucas or the comment from tanner that begins with I promise
Im not hating on your paper These were solely content based and helped me think through my
paper as I revised it and helped me to make it more understandable and have a clearer message
that was not to repetitive or complicated to understand.
I went above and beyond in my paper by venturing out into a subject that has not been
researched and came up with a conclusion that supports the evidence I found from all different
types of sources. I analyzed the paper using sources from psychology and relationships to how
the story was told and the plot that all the factors predicted. My paper was the first and only one
in my research that I could find on the topic that actually went into how factors from the show
impacted the future plot developments that will define the ending of the show. Even though the
topic was difficult to research, there was enough in the evidence of the show How I Met Your
Mother to make my conclusion with research from watching all nine seasons of the show. This
along with the research behind why the show works, e.g. the relationships between the characters,
the way the story is told, helped to define my final conclusion.

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