3 LLB Mid Term Sept 2012

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September, 2012

Political Science - III

Max. Marks: 60

Answer all the questions.

Figures in the margin indicate the marks.
(Section A)
(1 x 20)
1. Explain Offshoring, Supply chaining, Insourcing and Informing as the flatners of the global economy after
Explain the global, domestic an individual influences in the making of the foreign policy of any nation.
(Section B)
Comment on the following:
(5 x 4)
2. Steriods.
3. Initiative.
4. Medical transcription.
5. Classification of government according to Aristotle.
6. Rousseaus concept of General Will.
(Section C)
(10 x 2)

Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be


Name the school set up by Aristotle to propogate his ideas.


What is the name given to the States in Switzerland?


Who was the Greek philosopher who believed in the transmigration of soul?


What is psephology?


Which political scientist believes that Political science begins and ends with the state?


Who is the pioneer of Geo-economic school of International relations?


The book Politics is written by Plato.


What is Sanskritization?


What is Dialectics?


What is the ideal form of government according to Aristotle?



September, 2012

Psychology - III

Max. Marks: 60

Answer all the questions.

Figures in the margin indicate the marks.
(Section A)
(1 x 20)
1. Exposure to victimization is pathological, discuss with reference to the effects of victimization on women and
Discuss the issues of debate about nature of crime and criminality from the perspective of psychology.
(Section B)
(5 x 4)

Why the clients are viewed differently by forensic psychologists and traditional clinical psychologists?

3. Present a list of purposes of personality assessment of police officers.

4. How identification of hunting behavioural patterns of offenders help in surveillance of specific locations?
5. Accurate memory for facial composites is difficult to achieve.Comment.
6. Describe the services provided by forensic school psychologists to schools and criminal justice system.
(Section C)
(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be
Define the following:

Fairness in testing.


Psychological regression due to victimization.

Fill in the blanks:


Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a form of .. .


Name the suspect, who malingered the symptoms of multiple identity disorder in hypnotically induced
testimonials .


The acronym LCP symbolizes . offenders.


The interpersonal relationships and interpretations of experienced world are transformed in .ways
due to victimization


The first inmate classification system was introduced in New Jersy in 1918.

viii. Physiological changes depicted in polygraph measure emotional reactivity not lying.



Psychological profiles of criminals, involved in universally condemned offenses, cannot be tied to legal
constructs because of shifting definitions of crime.


Though burglary is considered a property crime but in many ways it can be called an interpersonal crime.

September, 2012

Sociology - III

LLB/ SEM-III/12-13/MT/Socio.III
Max. Marks: 60

Answer all the questions.

Figures in the margin indicate the marks.
(Section A)
(1 x 20)
1. Modern societies are characterized by a preponderance of organic rather than mechanical solidarity. Comment on
the statement with reference to the theory of Emile Durkheim.
The spread of capitalism contributed to the development of the rationalization of law. Comment on the
statement with the help of Weber and Habermas theory.

(Section B)
(5 x 4)
2. Write a short comment on the Shah Bano case.
3. Write a short note on Colonization of Life World.
4. Write a short note on Civil Society.
5. What do you understand by Alienation?
6. Write a short note on Organized Capitalism.
(Section C)
(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be

Bureaucracy is an example of rational legal authority.


ii. Marx emphasizes upon reciprocity in his theory regarding law.

(True/ False)

iii. Comte is associated with the Frankfurt school.

(True/ False)

iv. Name three personalities associated with the Critical School.

v. Norms that are of a transitory nature, such as fashion and fads, are known as:
a. Morally neutral norms b. Folkways c. Pseudocustoms d. Law
vi. Interpretive sociology is associated with Weber.

(True/ False)

vii. Cultural Relativism is the answer to Ethnocentrism.


viii. In liberal capitalism the State has very much involvement with the economy.


ix. Communicative action results in and is based upon a robust civil society.


x. Hegel emphasizes upon dialectic idealism.




September, 2012
Constitutional Law - I
Answer all the questions.
Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

Max. Marks: 60

(Section A)
(1 x 20)
1. The journey of the Constituent power in India, with regard to the Fundamental Rights, has been from unlimited to
limited power. Discuss it in brief and also mention in very brief with reasons which one of the above approach
you support.
Petitioners invoked Article 32 seeking a writ in the nature of Certiorari to quash the Constitution (Eighty Fifth
Amendment) Act, 2001, amending Article 16 (4A) of the Constitution retrospectively from 17th June 1995. The
Amendment Act provided reservation in promotion with consequential seniority. According to the petitioners, by
attaching consequential seniority to the accelerated promotion, the impugned Amendment Act violated equality in
Article16 (1). Petitioners also challenged the (Seventy Seventh Amendment) Act, 1995, which reintroduced
reservation in promotion by inserting Article 16 (4-A) after the SC verdict in the case of Indra Sawhney,1992
which held that reservation was not permissible in promotion.
Argue the case of Petitioners and defend the same on behalf of Union of India by citing the constitutional
provisions and relevant case law.
(Section B)
(5 x 4)
Mediocracy over Meritocracy. Comment.
Discuss the kinds of Constitution.
Discuss the new dimension of Right to Equality which emerged in the early phase of 1970s.
How is backwardness determined?
Discuss the test of the Ajay Hasia case for the purpose of interpretation of the expression "other authorities" under
Article 12 of the Constitution.
(Section C)
(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be


i. State of Uttarakhand v Balwant Singh Chaufal is a landmark case on ..?

ii. Article 15 clause(4)was added by which particular amendment with the intent to dilute the ratio of which case
iii. In which case it was said that Fundamental Right cannot be waived off ?
iv. By which amendment was clause (4-B) added in Article16?
v. Alternate remedy is always to be exhausted before you should proceed to the High Court under Writ Jurisdiction.
vi. Explain "Epistolary Jurisdiction" in a single line or two.
vii. The concept of "Equal Protection clause" has been adopted from which country? Is this a corollary of Equality
before law?
viii. Chakradhar Paswan v State of Bihar is a case on ?
ix. What are the essential epithets of Rule of Law?
x. Explain 'Constitutionalism' in a single line or two.


September, 2012
Criminal Law I
Answer all the questions.
Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

Max. Marks: 60

(Section A)
(1 x 20)
1. With the help of Indian and English case law, discuss the application of the doctrine of mens rea in statutory
What was the state of criminal law before the advent of British regime in India? Discuss. Also discuss the making
of the Indian Penal Code, 1860.
(Section B)
(5 x 4)
2. State two different types of mens rea with illustrations.
3. Differentiate between motive and intention.
4. Actus me invito factus non est mens actus. Comment.
5. What are situational offences?
6. How can one infer that an offence is one of strict liability?
(Section C)
(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be

Common law offence of blasphemy requires mens rea.



In the medieval Europe, animals and inanimate objects were tried for crimes.



Failure to act can never constitute actus reus.



Most strict liability offences are regulatory in nature.



Only a natural person may be liable for an offence.



IPC may have extraterritorial application.



The IPC recognizes passive personality principle.



Umashankar v State of Chattisgarh, AIR 2001 SC 3074, underlines the importance of

.......................(name the element of crime).


What is the nature of liability under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006?


In R v Prince (1875), Brett J. delivered the opinion of the court.



September, 2012

Economics - III

Max. Marks: 60

Answer all the questions.

Figures in the margin indicate the marks.
(Section A)
(1 x 20)
1. ` A country will export those commodities in which its comparative advantage is the greatest and import those
commodities in which its comparative disadvantage is the least. Who has given this statement and framed a
theory? Explain the theory with its criticism.
What do you mean by social security measures? Write in detail about any four social security legislations
in India after independence including the Unorganized Workers Social Security Act, 2008.

(Section B)
(5 x 4)
2. Assumptions of compensation principle of welfare economics.
3. Definition of unorganized sector in India.
4. Welfare economics as described by A.C. Pigou.
5. Causes of industrial disputes.
6. Four new assumptions of Factor Endowment Theory of International Trade.
(Section C)
(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be

The first attempt identifying social welfare was made by .. .

ii. The Indian National Trade Union Congress(INTUC) was formed in the year . .
iii. The book `Labour Problems in Indian Industries` is written by .. .
iv. Since 2006, the amount of gratuity has been increased to Rs. .
v. Paretos economic welfare is explained with the help of.box.
vi. The number of strikes and lockouts in India during the year 2005 was .
vii. The concept of national dividend was given by . .
viii. `The Payment of Wages (Amendment) Act 2005 has raised the ceiling of wage from Rs.1600 per month to
Rs. .. per month.
ix. According to Prof. Graaf, national income is a true measurement of economic welfare.


x. International trade is the result of difference in factor endowment in different countries`.Who has given this
statement? Write the name.

September, 2012

History - III

LLB/ SEM-III/12-13/MT/Hist.III
Max. Marks: 60

Answer all the questions.

Figures in the margin indicate the marks.
(Section A)
(1 x 20)
1. The Patna Case pointed out that the administration of justice under the Charter of 1773 was wholly inadequate.
Explain in the light of the facts and the legal issues involved in the Patna case.
To what extent did the Act of Settlement remedy the ruinous mistake of the Regulating Act of 1773?
(Section B)
(5 x 4)
2. The Kings Commissions.
3. The significance of the case of Rama Kamati.
4. Plan of 1670.
5. The Equity jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of Calcutta.
6. The legal issues involved in the Cossijurah case.
(Section C)
(10 x 2)

Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be

...is described as the Magna Charta of the East India Company.

ii. The provisions of the Charter of 1600 pertained only to. .

iii. A...court administered justice in the village area of Madraspatnam.
iv. The Plan of 1672 created a Court of..to try petty civil cases.
v. As per the Charter of 1726, the criminal jurisdiction in each Presidency town was vested in.. .
vi. What was the Court of Requests?
vii. The Recommendations of the Touchet Committee led to the passage of the. (Act).
viii. The Regulating Act raised the tenure of the Directors of the East India Company to years.
ix. What was the status of the mercy petition of Radha Charan Mittre?
x. Trials at the Quarter sessions court were held with the help of a .... and a petty jury.


September, 2012
Law of Contract II
Answer all the questions.
Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

Max. Marks: 60

(Section A)
(1 x 20)
1. Mr. Kanda runs a business and he admits Mr. Kanisk in the business subject to the condition that Kanisk will not
invest any money in the business and B will not have any dealing on behalf of the firm. Is it a partnership
business? Explain in detail in the light of the statuary provisions and the leading case laws.
A company entered into a contract with the Indian Oil Corporation (IOC) to supply specialized coal tar and the
company furnished a performance bank guarantee to the IOC. Certain disputes arose between the company and
the IOC and the matter was referred to arbitration. As a result, the IOC made a demand upon the bank for
encashing the bank guarantee. But, the company wants to restrain the IOC from making any demand for enforcing
the bank guarantee on the footing that the same was stayed till an award by arbitrators was made. Argue on behalf
of IOC and decide.
(Section B)
(5 x 4)
2. Mr. Manish, a partner of Khaithan & Company enters into a partnership business with another firm to boost the
business of the Khaithan & Company. Whether the firm, Khaithan & Company of which Mr. Manish is a partner
becomes the partner in the business of the other firm. Why?
3. An auctioneer is instructed to sell certain property, and after he has incurred liabilities in reference to his
employment, his authority is revoked by the principal. What are the rights and liabilities of the principal and the
4. The owner of deeds delivers them to an agent and empowers him to pledges them for Rs. 1,00,000. The agent
pledges them for Rs. 1,50,000 to a person who takes them in good faith and without notice of the limit on the
agents authority. The owner of the deeds wants to recover them from the pledge. Explain to him the legal
position as per the provisions of the Indian Contract Act, 1872.
5. What is the nature and extent of an agents authority?
6. Is a contract required to create a bailor and bailee relationship? Explain with case law.
(Section C)
(10 x 2)
Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be
Who are liable for statuary compliances under the LLP Act, 2008.
What is the separate legal status of LLP.
What is the liability of partner of LLP.
Can a creditor of a minor debtor recover loan from the surety? Why?
What judgment was given in Watteau Vs Fenwick, 1893 Q.B.D. 346?
The release of a co-surety results in protanto, as opposed to complete, discharge? Do you agree with this
statement? Why?
vii. What does suretys right of subrogation mean?
viii. Can a private company be converted into LLP?
ix. Which E-Forms you suggest as an Advocate for getting LLP registered.
x. Give an example for an indemnity contract.



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