The Use of Internet by University Student

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The Academic Use of Internet by University Students

Project Approval

The committee certifies that this thesis, submitted by Miss Shamila Shaheen, is up to
the standard and here by approves for its acceptance as partial fulfillment for the
award of the Degree of Master of Journalism and Mass Communication (M.A)


External Examiner:_________________________________________


Internal examiner:__________________________________________


Inam-Ur- Rehman:________________________________________
Senior Lecturer
Department of Journalism
& Mass Communication

Prof.Dr.Shah Jehan:_______________________________________
Department of Journalism
& Mass Communication

The Academic Use of Internet by University Students

This thesis dedicated in loving memory to:
My Father Afsar Khan
My Mother Ashuma Begum
My Brother Waheed Afsar
My Brother Ramiz Afsar
My Brother Haseeb Afsar


I certify that Miss Shamila Shaheen has performed their work under my supervision
and that she have fulfillment the condition of the relevant ordinance and regulations

The Academic Use of Internet by University Students

of the University of Peshawar. So that she is qualified to submit the following

dissertation for the Degree of Master in Journalism and Mass Communication.



Senior Lecturer
Department of Journalism
& Mass Communication

The Academic Use of Internet by University Students


All praise to almighty Allah, The most merciful and compassionate, who enabled me
to complete this thesis.

Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor Inam-ur-

Rehman Seiner Lecturer Department of Journalism and Mass Communication
University of Peshawar for the continuous support of my Master study and thesis, for
his patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge. His guidance helped
me in all the time of preparing this thesis. I could not have imagined having a better
supervisor and mentor for my thesis.

I also thankful to my all Department teachers they are provide all information which
I required during the thesis. I also thankful to Intranet EIT Services Workshop
University of Peshawar especially I mention the name of Mr. Raja Inayatullah Khan
Assistant Professor Department of Physics University of Peshawar who is the
Incharge of Intranet EIT Services Workshop . He provides the initial information
about the start of Internet in University of Peshawar. Ofter that I also thankful the
chairman’s of all Departments they allow me to collected data using questionnaire.

I especially thankful to my fiancé (Basharat Ali) his constant help and support
through the thesis, especially during the Data Collection, Data Analysis and Making

I also thankful to my classmates Laila, Saira, Lubna and Madiha they also support
me making the thesis.

Last but and least I thankful to my all family members because of their prayers I am
able to complete my thesis. I especially thanks to my mother, my brothers they
support me in all difficulties.

The Academic Use of Internet by University Students

Table of contents

List of Tables........................................................... ix

List of Graph........................................................... x

1 Introduction.......................................................... 1

1.1 University of Peshawar ……………………………………… 4

1.2 Research Question…………………………………………… 5

1.3 Objectives……………………………………………………. 6

1.4 Purpose of the Study………………………………………… 6

1.5 Significance of the Study……………………………………. 7

2. Literature Review……………………………… 8

2.1 Internet……………………………………………………… 8

2.2 What is Internet……………………………………………… 8

2.3 History and Development of the Internet……………………. 9

2.4 History of Internet in Pakistan………………………………. 10

2.5 Internet History of University of Peshawar…………………. 11

2.6 Public Opinion for Internet Usage………………………….. 12

2.7 Sketch of Internet………………………………………….... 12

The Academic Use of Internet by University Students

2.8 Gateway……………………………………………………… 12

2.9 Client and Server…………………………………………...... 13

2.10 FTP………………………………………………………..... 13

2.11 Tools of Internet…………………………………………..... 13

2.11.1 Internet Protocol…………………………………......... 13

2.11.2 URL…………………………………………………... 14

2.11.3 Modem…………………..……………………………. 14

2.11.4 Hardware……………………………........................... 14

2.11.5 Software………………………………………………. 15

2.12 The World Wide Web……………………………………… 15

2.13 Use of Internet……………………………………………... 15

2.13.1 Entertainment………………………………………..... 17

2.13.2 Chat…………………………………………................ 17

2.13.3 Banking via Internet………………………………… 18

2.13.4 Job Seeking.................................................................... 18

2.13.5 Purchasing Tickets for Your Favorite Movies………… 18

2.13.6 Hotel Reservations……………………………………. 18

2.13.7 Getting Admission in Foreign Universities………….... 19

2.13.8 Streaming Media………………………………............ 19

2.13.9 Voice Telephony (VOIP)……………………………... 20

The Academic Use of Internet by University Students

2.13.10 Shopping Through Internet………………………….. 20

2.13.11 Leisure Activities………………………………….... 21

2.13.12 Sending E-mail……………………………………..... 21

2.13.13 Fund Raising……………………………………….... 21

2.14 Internet Education Use……………………………………... 22

2.14.1 Communication………………………………………. 23

2.14.2 Information…………………………………………….. 23

2.14.3 Services………………………………………………... 24

2.14.4 E-Commerce…………………………………………... 24

2.14.5 Education and Internet………………………………... 24

2.14.6 Health & Internet……………………………………….... 25

2.15 Educational Benefits of the Internet……………………….. 25

2.15.1 Access to Resources…………………………………... 26

2.15.2 Communication and Collaboration…………………… 27

2.16 Disadvantages…………………………………………….... 28

2.16.1 Spamming……………………………………………... 28

2.16.2 Virus Threat…………………………………………... 28

2.16.3 Pornography................................................................... 28

2.17 Internet and Preferences of Young Pakistanis……………... 29

2.17.1 Findings and Discussion………………………………. 31

The Academic Use of Internet by University Students

2.17.2 Hollywood Movies' CDS and the Native Youth ……... 35

3. Research Design……………………………….. 37

3.1 Time Duration………………………………………………... 37

3.2 Universe of the Study………………………………………... 37

3.3 Data Collection…………………………………………….... 37

3.4 Sample Size……………………………………..................... 38

3.5 Methodology ……………………………………………...... 38

3.6 Quantitative Approaches…………………………………….. 40

3.7 Strengths of Survey Method…………………………………. 40

3.8 Weaknesses of Survey Method…………………………….... 40

3.9 Preliminary Work……………………………………………. 41

4. Findings and Discussions……………………... 42

5. Data Analysis………………………………….. 44

6. Summary……………………………………….. 57

6.1 Conclusion ………………………………………. 57

References………………………………………… 59

The Academic Use of Internet by University Students

List of Tables
Table -4.1: Faculties of University of Peshawar………………………………….. 39

Table -5.1: Use of Internet by the Students of University of Peshawar.................. 44

Table -5.2: Times Spend on Internet Daily.............................................................. 45

Table -5.3: How often do you Use Internet............................................................. 45

Table- 5.4: Frequency of Internet Usage by Everyday Users.................................. 46

Table -5.5: How often do they Use Internet for Academic Purpose....................... 48

Table -5.6: Frequency of Internet Usage by Everyday............................................ 49

Table - 5.7: Comparative use of Internet by Male and Female Students................. 50

Table -5.8: Faculty - Wise Use of Internet.............................................................. 51

Table-5.9: Students Connect to the Internet............................................................ 53

Table-5.10: Which Sources Students get Help for Their Academic Needs............. 54

Table-5.11: Students Preference Level in the Use of Internet................................. 55

The Academic Use of Internet by University Students

List of Graphs

Graph -5.1: Use of Internet by the Students of University of Peshawar............... 44

Graph- 5.3: How often do you Use Internet............................................................ 46

Graph-5.4: Frequency of Internet Usage by Everyday Users................................... 47

Graph-5.5: How often do they use Internet for Academic Purpose........................ 48

Graph:-5.6: Frequency of Internet Usage by Everyday Users................................. 49

Graph- 5.7: Comparative Use of Internet by Male and Female Students................. 50

Graph -5.8: Faculty- Wise Use of Internet................................................................ 52

Graph -5.9: Students Connect to the Internet.......................................................... 54

Graph- 5.10: Which Sources Students get Help for Their Academic Needs............ 55

Graph-5.11: Students Preference Level in the Use of Internet................................. 56

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