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Monday 17 November 2014

Coalition commits $45 million for river frontage care

Re-elected Napthine Government will boost funding for Crown frontage fencing
Funding for works that will improve the health of waterways and riparian areas
Napthine Coalitions investment in waterways is building a better Victoria

A re-elected Liberal-Nationals Coalition Government will invest an additional $20 million to

provide a total of $45 million to continue the successful voluntary program that helps farmers
and landowners fence off Crown Land river frontages.
Minister for Water Peter Walsh made the announcement with The Nationals candidate for
Buninyong Sonia Smith, Liberal candidate for Buninyong Ben Taylor and Liberal candidate
for Wendouree Craig Coltman on the banks of the Yarrowee River at Sebastopol today.
A re-elected Liberal-Nationals Coalition Government will make $45 million available to
continue work with Crown frontage licence holders on fencing projects that protect the Crown
Land riparian areas beside our waterways and rivers, Mr Walsh said.
The Coalition Government has strongly supported voluntary riparian area fencing and
revegetation projects, investing nearly $35 million since 2010 for waterway improvement
works, fencing and rehabilitation activities along 4700km of river banks.
It was also the Coalition Government that provided the new incentive of providing savings of
up to $2100 on water licence fees for landowners who undertake riparian fencing works in
partnership with local Catchment Management Authorities.
This additional $20 million commitment from the Liberal-Nationals Coalition will ensure
important activities that help care for our waterways and natural environment can continue.
Ms Smith said: Landholders in our district have a long history of looking after land and water
assets by controlling weeds and invasive species, planting trees and fencing stock from
waterways and it is wonderful to have this commitment of continued care for the environment
by a re-elected Coalition Government.
Mr Taylor said: This is an important funding commitment which will ensure the successful
partnership approach that farmers and the Victorian Coalition Government have taken for
riparian protection will continue over the next four years.
Mr Coltman said: Its important to understand the interconnectivity of the catchment
surrounding Ballarat and by enhancing the health and resilience of the waterways, as this
Coalition initiative will do, we will deliver wider benefits to our natural environment.
All media enquiries:
Deborah Cole - 0419 962 644
For more updates visit

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