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Cassidy Wuesthoff

UWRT 1103
Ashlyn Williams
16 October 2014

Research Paper

Blair stared solemnly down at the floor as all the blood drained from her face. She felt the
room begin to spin, or maybe it wasnt even spinning at all. She looked up apprehensively
and met eyes with Chuck Bass, no not Chuck Bass, THE Chuck Bass; the sinfully beautiful
and dark man she was in love with. He couldnt even look her in the eyes, after sealing the
deal he had just approved. How could the power of love ever out way the power of money
in Chucks Bass world? Jack Bass, Chucks deranged uncle sat contently after signing over
the deed to the Empire Hotel to Chuck in exchange for the chance to have intimate
relations with Blair, Chucks long time love affair. Blair watched as the only ounce of
Chucks morality withered away in seconds as the idea of becoming even richer clouded his
mind. Blair had seen this trend within Manhattans elite and even in herself several times
before; money often overrides morals.
My personal relationship to the Gossip Girl Series is an on-going one. I watch the
Gossip Girl series pretty consistently on Netflix in my spare time. It is easy for me to relate
to the characters in the show because they experience high school and college scenarios
just on an exaggerated level. With the characters in the show being extremely privileged,
they often face difficult situations where they dont always make ethical decisions. This is a
relatively relevant topic to our world today; Social class and accumulation of wealth can
often lead to the decay of morality.
Commented [CW1]: The introduction to your paper is
really detailed and I can tell that you are really interested in the show based on the way you described the love
connection between Blair and Chuck and his moral issues with becoming wealthy. It was a really enjoyable
introduction to read, I was hooked when you were stressing the importance of Chuck Basss name. I also think you did

a really great job relation Gossip Girl

to your life and how it reminds you
of your own high school
experiences, great job.
Commented [CW2]: I really
enjoyed reading your introduction
section, especially the first
paragraph. The way you wrote your
first paragraph was good enough to
hook your readers, including myself,
even though the blood part in the
first sentence made me shiver a bit.
Ive never watched Gossip Girl
before so your introduction did give
me a brief detail on what the show
is like. I also like how you capitalized
the by Chuck Bass name; to me, it
adds such a dramatic effect to this
Commented [CW3]: Your first
paragraph really sets the tone of the
paper well, I have never seen the
show, but I can imagine how these
characters act and exactly what you
are talking about. You also did a
good job exposing your bias in the
introduction. Great work so far.
Commented [CW4]: I really like
your first paragraph. The hook is
pretty intense and grabs my
attention instantly. My favorite part
of the first paragraph of the
introduction is when you stated that
money often overrides morals.
Although this was a very well
written first paragraph your second
paragraphs jumps instantly into
your connection with Gossip Girl.
Maybe you can come up with a
sentence that smoothly transitions
from your hook to your personal
relationship with Gossip Girl.
Commented [CW5]: I noticed
that you didnt include a topic
proposal in your draft, based on the
rubric for this assignment that was
one of the required elements for
the paper. I would have loved to
read your topic proposal so I could
have had an idea of exactly what
your paper was going to tell me
before I began reading it so I knew
what to look for. The topic proposal
would have been helpful to tell your

Cassidy Wuesthoff
UWRT 1103
Ashlyn Williams
16 October 2014

readers why you chose your topic of research and how you are going to present the information you gathered
throughout your paper.

This paper explores the many implications of wealth and how those coming from

it is hard to dislike her as a

character in the show

higher social classes often stray away from accepted morality. When individuals are

because she is so relatable,

privileged, meaning that they have accessed to a wide variety of resources they are often

however she is

more likely to be involved in lying, cheating, embezzling, and fraudulent scams in addition


to many other unacceptable situations. From my own personal observations I have seen

Commented [CW6]: I think that

you should change your theme of
the paper to money changes the
way we think as people. Not a
society. If the person next to me has
millions of dollars, that does not
necessarily change the way I think.
It changes the way they think.

this theme to be very true in the Gossip Girl series. The privileged teens of Manhattans
Elite are handed everything they could possibly need from their wealthy parents and their
find themselves in difficult situations where they make choices that an average person
would more than likely avoid in order to keep their name clean.

Literature Review
Blair Waldorff and her fellow friends in the hit TV series Gossip Girl that aired on

Commented [CW7]: The first

sentence in paragraph three states
This paper explores the many
implications of wealth and how
those coming from higher social
classes often stray away from
accepted morality. This is a very
well written sentence and states
exactly what the purpose of this
paper is. Its a clear view of the main
theme of your paper.

the CW during the early 2000s are a prime representation of several problems that we face
in not only this generation, but the generations to follow. The overly privileged teenagers in
the show exemplify the morality, and the lack there of in our more recent generations.
Countless studies have been carried out that point to the root of the decline of values,
which stems from ones social status and the accumulation of wealth. (Paul K. Piff, Daniel M.
Stancato, Stphane Ct,
Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, and Dacher Keltner, 2012) This has been a developing issue since
the 20s when our economy experienced its first economic peak. Since then, the issue has
become more prominent and unfortunately overlooked. Blair Waldorff is a prime example,

Commented [CW8]: The

beginning of your literature review
seems a little wordy. Also,
remember to change your citation
style to the et al. thing. Maybe
when youre talking about their
parents, talk about how their
childrens actions have impacted
them, if at all.
Commented [CW9]: Overall your
literature review is very impressive.
I feel like maybe you could
elaborate more from different
sources because you do only use
three of the 8 sources we are
suppose to have. So maybe try to
incorporate more sources. Other
than that, that whole section of
your paper is very well written and

Cassidy Wuesthoff
UWRT 1103
Ashlyn Williams
16 October 2014

it seems like you pretty much know what you are talking about.

themselves. Between the

Commented [CW10]: In the first paragraph of your literature review, you repeatedly use the word generation over
and over. Maybe you can find a way to limit your use of that word in the first view sentences in the first paragraph. Its
a little repetitive and substituting that word can broaden the vocabulary used in your paper.

financial fraud, the lies, and

Commented [CW11]: I really like your Literature Review section in your Assignment Two paper and how you
included your sources in it. However, Im a little confused on how you typed your sources into your paper. For
example: Countless studies have been carried out that point to the root of the decline of values, which stems from
ones social status and the accumulation of wealth. (Paul K. Piff, Daniel M. Stancato, Stphane Ct, Rodolfo MendozaDenton, and Dacher Keltner, 2012) This has been a developing issue since the 20s when our economy experienced its
first economic peak. Is this source related to that first sentence or the sentence after that? If its related to the first
sentence Countless studies., then add the source before the period, like this: Countless studies have been carried
out that point to the root of the decline of values, which stems from ones social status and the accumulation of wealth
(Paul K. Piff, Daniel M. Stancato, Stphane Ct,
Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, and Dacher Keltner, 2012).

the manipulation of the

upper class parents, its no
wonder their children act
the way they do.

as our community as a whole. The problem that our society faces is not necessarily related
to Americas lower class, or even the middle class for that matter, but it is mostly consistent
with in or upper-middle class. (Husted, Brian W., 1999) The values of the overly entitled
teenagers that make up the show consist of materialistic desires, and self-centered
aspirations. Even more disconcerting, is the fact that the values of the teenagers of the
show are an exact reciprocation of the morals of their parents.
There are specific examples in the series that the director exaggerates on film to
capitalize on the idea that our society tends to focus on the wrong things nine times out of
ten. For example through-out the many seasons of Gossip Girl, the two main protagonists
are always in the midst of an ongoing battle to trump the other in the social hierarchy of
Manhattans upper class. Blair, being the more vindictive of the two, is consistently plotting
against Serena, and scheming ways in which she can blackmail her into doing what she
wants her to do. (Wuesthoff, Cassidy. Assignment One Observations, 2014). This is quite
ironic considering Serena and Blair are supposed to be best friends. Its questionable as to
why social status has become more important that acting like a rational and respectable
adult. This can be the result of the parents and the scandals that they participate in

Adding to the Conversation

Commented [CW12]: I love your
first paragraph on Entering the
Conversation, this was a well
thought out and well organized
paragraph. You jumped right to the
point that money can greatly have
an influence on society and morals.
This paragraph is extremely relevant
to society today, and I personally
can relate to it. You have chosen a
strong topic of research that many
people have experienced in society
and their own lives today. You also
gave great explanations on how you
personally think money influences
society and morals.
Commented [CW13]: I really like
your second paragraph of the
adding to the conversation
section. It really relates the show
back to real life or why we should
care about it, which is a key aspect
of this assignment. Overall you have
exceeded on the paper to this point.

Today in our busy

world, money has become
the object of our
motivation and the
epicenter of our daily lives.

Cassidy Wuesthoff
UWRT 1103
Ashlyn Williams
16 October 2014

Money has given many people from all different cultures the false perception that money
can fix all of your troubles. In our high society, it is no secret that money has an immense
influence on our actions and morals and as a result has subconsciously pulled us away from
the positive values that our grandparents probably carried. To generalize the theme of this
paper specifically, money changes the way that we think as a society. It is become more
evident based on the unveiling of new evidence that money has the power to debilitate our
once good nature. The more than privileged young adults in the Gossip Girl series that aired
on the CW for the first time in 2007, explicitly makes a mockery of our society by pointing
out our flawed perceptions of what is considered to be morally correct. In the series we see
multiple instances where the morality of the characters waivers in the face of temptation.
The Manhattan teens that star in the Gossip Girl series are a prime example of the abuse of
wealth. We watch the show because it is full of juicy gossip and keeps us wanting to watch
more, but viewers fail to realize just how realistic the scandals in the show really are. The
series highlights the intertwining scandals of each of the main characters that range from
lying to family members, to being involved in financially fraudulent scams. However, we
tend to forget that although the show can be seen as an exaggeration, the characters
deceptions are seen in everyday life. Although government bribery, cheating, lying,
blackmailing, and stealing make for quite an interesting story line, these specific examples
would be considered less than acceptable in all actuality. Socioeconomic status is one of the
most pressing factors affecting
Commented [CW14]: At the end of your first adding to the conversation paragraph, you say there are multiple
instances where they act differently in the face of temptation. What are some of these instances? Maybe dont put
them in that paragraph, but the next one or even the one after that.
Commented [CW15]: The second the last sentence in the first paragraph of where you started entering the
conversation, is a very strong sentence. I felt like it was a very powerful statement and was very clear as to what you
were adding to the conversation. Reading this sentence, I pictured someone like Lindsay Lohan in my head

Cassidy Wuesthoff
UWRT 1103
Ashlyn Williams
16 October 2014

the moral decline not only in the U.S but across the globe. Greed is the main driving force
behind the increase of unethical behavior, which stems solely from the pursuit of selfinterest.

We also see a similar theme in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

One of the main ideas that the author addresses in this piece of literature is the idea that
money can buy you the privilege of living in the world with the absence of consequences.
The main characters in the novel come from wealthy families. The poor choices that the
characters choose to make are a direct result of the wealth that they have. For example
when Daisy Buchanan speeds down the road in Jay Gatsbys car in a panicked fluster, she
accidently runs Myrtle over who runs into the street. This is just one of the many examples
that exemplify the carelessness that the wealthy in the novel acquire.
One of the many implications of the wealth and how it affects morality is very
visible in family life. In the series, the parents of the Upper East Side of Manhattan, higher
social class typically resides, are often too busy to have much interaction with their
children. Most typical families of Americas middle class capitalize on family life and the
raising of their children. This is not the case in Gossip Girl however. The parents in the show
are more self-concerned than most parents are, they are more concerned with their own
social lives and relationships and often consider their children a burden. They think by
supplying them with money and all of their material wants, that it will make up for their
absence. The morality of the parents in the show is no more respectable than the values of
their offspring. They create their own scandals, in which they think they are immune to
consequences because of their social prestigious social statuses. For example Lily Van Der
Woodsen was looking to face up to 10 years in prison after
Commented [CW16]: Your Adding to the Conversation section was very good and well-written. I was very hooked
to this section when you used this sentence Today in our busy world, money has become the object of our

motivation and the epicenter of our

daily lives as the starting sentence
for this section. This helped readers,
including myself, understand that
what youre adding to the
conversation deals with money.
Commented [CW17]: When you
describe Scott
Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, you
say that the characters came from
wealthy backgrounds but it is very
vague and there is not much detail
about how the characters portray
wealthy characters. You mention
that they are careless because they
are wealthy, but you only give the
one example as to how Daisy runs
over Myrtle with a car. This is a
scenario that could happen to
anyone wealthy or not unless you
explain why she was so careless and
give more of a background about
the characters. I would describe the
characters relations to wealth a
little bit more, like the way they
dressed or acted and how money
made them believe they were above
other members of society.

faking an affidavit accusing

on of her daughters
teachers for having a
relationship with her
underage daughter.
Unfortunately in this
episode we dont see Lily
Van Der Woodsen go to jail,
because she is a wellknown New York Socialite
she manages to get her

Cassidy Wuesthoff
UWRT 1103
Ashlyn Williams
16 October 2014

sentence reduced to six months of house arrest. This is only one of the many cases that
represent the ability of social class to increase the decline or morality.
Not only is this theme present in family life, but it also carries over into the
political aspect of our country. In the series, Nates cousin Trip Vanderbilt is running for
congressman, and the polls are running a very close race. Nates grandfather, a wealthy
senator, stages a man drowning in the Hudson river one day when Trip is there visiting. Of
course, Trip being the good citizen that he is rips off his shirt and jumps in to save him.

Commented [CW19]: I really like

the new questions you added at the
end of your conclusion section. In
my opinion, these questions are
great to research further into. My
favorite out of the two questions
you wrote is Can the ambiguous
source of this problem, greed, be
addressed even though it is a
normal character trait amongst
Commented [CW20]: The
questions in your conclusion are
great and can lead to new research
on this topic.

values. This complication is

Ironically the whole event is caught on tape and released to the media, to show off Trips
being passed down from
heroism. This ends up being the golden ticket that Trip needs to win the election. In this
generation to generation
instance we see the selfishness and sense of entitlement that social status has instilled in
based on the teachings of
the men of the Vanderbilt family.
each upper class family. As
we become more
accustomed to the way we
With deterioration of the values of our upper class, the future of our nation and
live from day to day the
keeping our morality and integrity intact continues to be a pressing issue. By exploring the
increasing absence of
specific implications of the problem we are one step closer and correcting the dilemma that
morality is becoming
our society is currently facing. There are many different ramifications of the issue that
overlooked within our
directly affect the government, social life, and business industry. The affect that social class
society. Before solving an
and the amount of money you have can make a negative impact on ones social behavior
issue, the problem must be
and also their individual
Commented [CW18]: I really like the way you stress in your conclusion that wealth can cloud your judgment of
yourself and others. How often times wealthy are quick to judge the lives of others around them but dont notice the
way they act and how others may judge them the same way. I thought that was a really great idea to include, it makes
the readers think about the way wealth can negatively affect their image in society, not all rich men are thought of as
powerful leaders. Most people see the wealthy as stuck up and rude, and often times the wealthy themselves are the
last ones to notice that. Excellent point.

identified in order to come

up with a way of correcting
it. With the realization of

Cassidy Wuesthoff
UWRT 1103
Ashlyn Williams
16 October 2014

the complications our upper class is currently overlooking we can begin to work towards a

amongst man kind? With

solution and an effective way to restore our societys morality and integrity. By gaining

these broad question in

more insight on this topic, readers will be able to be more alert and more aware of the

mind we are one step

decisions they are making and whether or not the greed their wealth has instilled in them is

closer to restoring the once

a direct cause. Without the knowledge of the causes of this issues, it is nearly impossible to

good natured values of our

notice these traits in ones self and also in others. With the unethical tendencies being


more aggressive in the wealthier of social classes, we can find ways to limit the negative
behaviors that accompany an abundance of resources. However, this is only the beginning
to a long-term problem. It will take quite some time to change the ideals of such a large
group of individuals. In the mean-time, what temporary or permanent solutions can be
made to discontinue the deterioration of our countrys morality? Can the ambiguous
source of this problem, greed, be addressed even though it is a normal character trait
Annotative Bibliography

Paul K. Piff, Daniel M. Stancato, Stphane Ct, Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, and Dacher Keltner
(2012). Social Sciences- Psychological and Cognitive Sciences: Higher social class predicts
increased unethical behavior. doi:10.1073/pnas.1118373109

This article highlights the main point that I want to address in my paper. This article highlights
seven studies that have been done to emphasize that individuals belonging to higher social
classes are more inclined to participate in unethical behaviors. Those of higher social classes
have a greater resource base making it easier to break laws and act unethically. The researcher
also accredits Greed to being another leading cause of Unethical behavior because the higher

Cassidy Wuesthoff
UWRT 1103
Ashlyn Williams
16 October 2014

your social status, the more you have and the more you have the less one would be willing to

B.J Randall, Dale (1964) Twentieth Century Literature, (Vol. 10, No. 2 Pg.: 51-63): The Seer and
the Seen theme in Gatsby and some of their parallels. Hofstra University.

This article reviews one of the main themes in The Great Gatsby. The idea of the Seer and
the Seen is the idea that people who come from a higher social class often leave behind
damage due to their immoral decisions. This theme goes hand in hand with the main point I
would like to make in my paper relating to the Gossip Girl Series.

Omalley, J.P (Speaker). Americas Voices on the Unwinding of Americas Values, NPR radio

In this NPR radio segment the main topic that is discussed is how the love of wealth can lead to
financial and sex crimes. By diving America into only two social classes; the extremely wealthy
and the poor, we would be creating an enormous gap that would cause several business to fail.
Americas Middle Class is what fuels almost every industry in the world.

Cassidy Wuesthoff
UWRT 1103
Ashlyn Williams
16 October 2014

Husted, Brian W. (1999). Journal of International Business Studies, (Vol. 30, No. 2 (2nd Qtr.2
1999), pp. 339-359. Palgrave Macmillan Journals

This article discusses the affect that money has on the government being that corporate has the
ability to cause corruption in our government. Large corporations have the ability to contribute
large donations to a single candidate making it easier to swing the votes of large groups of

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