Anthony Burns Final Quiz: Chap 3 PG 15

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Name: Luz Rioja

3/11/10 Period: 4th

Anthony Burns Final Quiz

What was the real reason Anthony was taken to jail at the beginning of the book?
Give your opinion/answer with evidence from the text.
A: The real reason Anthony was taken to jail was he was being arrested for escaping his
slave owner, with the mere excuse of committing robbery. Chap. 3 pg 19-20: Asa
Butman says: Im Deputy United States Marshal and known for catching runaway
property!Anthony says: You said you arrested me for stealing.
Why do you think He Mars John Suttle treats Anthony differently from all the other
slaves? Give you opinion/answer with evidence from the text.
A: I think He Mars John Suttle treated Anthony differently because there was a
possibility that he could be the boys father. He was his favorite of all the slaves, his most
prized. Chap 3 Pg 15: The field and the house word was that Anthony was He Mars
Suttles own boy nothing was certain though
Why do Richard Henry Dana and Charles Ellis decide to defend Anthony Burns?
Give you opinion/answer with evidence from the text.
A: Both Henry Richard Dana and Charles Ellis were both part of Bostons Vigilance
Committee, a large secret body of abolitionists lawyers against slavery. Dana had helped
defend a fugitive slave, Thomas Sims at court as well. Chap 6 pg 42: For it was the
Committee;s sworn duty to defend, without fee, all black inhabitants of Boston and
vicinity against slavers and bounty hunters.
What law does Dana cite, when he tells Judge Loring the trial is illegal? Give you
opinion/answer with evidence from the text.
A: Richard Henry Dana recited the Sixth Section of the Fugitive Slave Act stating the
testimony Anthony had made could not be used as evidence. Chap 15 pg 128: Dana
quotes: In no trial or hearing under this act shall the testimony of such alleged fugitive
be admitted in evidence.
What evidence does Charles Suttle give at trial to prove that Anthony is his slave?
Give you opinion/answer with evidence from the text.
A: Colonel Suttle actually had a written document, or an affidavit that proved Anthony
had served him labor and time. Chap 5 pg 36: Colonel Suttle had provided an affidavit
of ownership, and Commissioner Loring had issued a warrant for Burns arrest.

What does Judge Loring finally decide in the case? What does he base his decision
on? Give you opinion/answer with evidence from the text.

A: Judge Loring decides in favor of Charles Suttle. He bases himself on Anthonys testimony,
even if doing do so was unconstitutional, stated in the 6th section of the Fugitive Slave act. He
also bases himself on three reasons: Chap 19 pg 158: First that Anthony Burns owed him
service in VirginiaSecond, that Anthony Burns escaped from that serviceThird, to prove the
identity of the prisoner was actually Anthony Burns mentioned in the record.

What were the lasting effects of the trial on the city of Boston and Anthony Burns? Explain
your thinking and support it with evidence.
A: The lasting effects of the trial on the city of Boston and Anthony were: Even though
Anthony had lost the trial, people hadnt forgotten about his fight for freedom. He was
their image, their symbol of freedom. People like Reverend Grimes couldnt forget about
him, so they kept fighting. And eventually they won. He was able to buy Anthonys
freedom. The city wouldnt forget how it felt to be united and fight for something as one;
Anthony likewise. Chap 20 pg 171-172: Reverend Grimes says to Anthony: I knew I
would find you too, for I could not rest until I did. When he arrived North, as a free
man, he was famous. People wanted to hear his story, shake his hand

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