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Common Semantic Layer

Set Data Source Location

In this lab, you will:
Examine how to use set data source location to change the data source

Set data source location allows you to change the report data source. It is widely used when you
migrate your report from Crystal Reports 2011 to Crystal Reports for Enterprise XI 4.0, from one BOE
system to another BOE system, or from a test environment to a production environment. You can also
change the report data source from a universe to an SAP BEx Query.
In Aurora, CSL set data source location supports:

Set data source from an opened CR2011 report to CSL

Set data source from one universe to another (supports both OLAP universes and relational

Set data source from a universe to other Crystal Reports for Enterprise XI 4.0 data sources,
such as SAP BEx Query and Analysis View

In this lab, we will focus on changing the data source from one BOE system to another for an OLAP
Perform the following steps as described in order:

Set Datasource Location

1. Open dktlab_CSL_setlocation.rpt. This is a report created on the Sales & Marketing universe,
an OLAP universe based on MSAS (Microsoft Analysis Service). In this report,
Customer\Customer Geography hierarchy is selected with two levels: Country and StateProvince; Internet Sales\Sales Amount is also selected. An external group is created on
Customer Geography and Sales Amount is put into the group header and the report header.

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2. Select Data|Set Datasource Location from the menu.

3. On the Change Data Source dialog, click Choose Datasource... to create the target data

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4. Here, select Universe on the Data Source Type dialog, log on to your BOE system, and select
the Sales & Marketing universe. By doing this, a target data source connection is generated.

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5. Click on the target connection to enable the Update button, then click Update.
6. The field mapping dialog is displayed.

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7. Keep everything mapped as default except for Internet Sales\Sales Amount; this should be
mapped to Internet Sales\Tax Amount.
a. Select the mapping of Internet Sales\Sales Amount in the Mapped Fields panel
b. Click Unmap
c. Go to the Source Tables panel and select Sales Amount
d. Go to the Target Table panel, expand the Internet Sales folder, and select the Tax
Amount measure
e. Click Map
8. Click Ok to exit the Map Fields dialog.
9. If the mapping is successful, the following message will appear. Click OK to close the Set
Data Source Location dialog.

10. The report will be updated automatically according to the change: the universe is changed to the
universe on your BOE and the Sales Amount field has been replaced with Tax Amount in the
entire report.

For OLAP connections, the member selection and filter defined in Query Panel will not be
migrated to the targeted universe. The filter, sort, and formulas defined in Crystal Reports will
be migrated to the target report after migration.

We dont recommend that users set location from a relational universe to an OLAP universe.

End of lab

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