Introduction To CAN Scripts

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Introduction to CAN Scripts

Slide One

Hello my name is Bones Hewitt,

today I will be taking you through an introduction to CAN Bus as
typically found on motor vehicles.
Those of you that are well versed in CAN, may find this introductory
course a little easy in that you already know a lot of the information
that I am about to present, but spare a thought for those who are
coming through as this is their first taste so to speak of CAN.
The objectives of the course are to deliver a basic understanding of
how CAN works, how CAN benefits us as we connect the CAN enabled
FM units and finally how to set up CAN in the back end software and
the unit.

Slide Two

The purpose of this course is take you on a journey of discovery so

that by the end you will not only have a working understanding of
what CAN is, where it is used but also how we at MiX Telematics use
CAN to supply information to our in vehicle equipment. In addition we
will cover the actual setting up of a MiX FM3000 CAN enabled unit so
that you will feel comfortable when connecting a FM Unit to CAN and
harvesting the required information.
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Introduction to CAN Scripts

As CAN is a rather large and detailed subject I will cover it in two

modules this one being Introduction to CAN and the later course
Advanced CAN will cover the more theoretical and advanced
features of CAN.
The content of this course is as follows:
A Brief history of CAN, helps you understand where CAN
originated and who set it in motion
CAN basics, in this section I will walk you through the concept of
CAN and how we use CAN
Practical CAN, deals with the actual physical equipment that is
used to make up and operate a CAN network
CAN protocols essentially the language of CAN
CAN messages, here I will introduce you to the way CAN creates
a message and then decides who speaks first.
Use of Script, in this section I will tell you about the specific
scripts that are developed by the MiX Engineers and why.
Setting up the FM unit, this section deals with the back end
software settings and how these are transferred into the FM unit
Connection of the FM unit will show you some practical aspects
of connecting the FM unit to the vehicles CAN network.
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The FM3000 series harnesses are pre-wired with the various inputs
and outputs.
As there are two harnesses it is worth taking a moment to sort out
which harness hosts which inputs and outputs.
The Main Harness supplied as standard with the unit kit has the
following connecting wires as standard:
Two frequency lines speed & RPM, you will recall that we covered
these in Module one.
Three Input lines I1, I2 & I3
And finally two outputs, Positive Drive & Relay Drive.
The IO Harness is not supplied with the kit and needs to be ordered
separately, this harness has five input wires I4 I8
An additional Frequency line F4 is available on this harness and is a
shared line with I8
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Slide Four Frequency Connections

For those of you that completed Module one, you will be familiar with
F1 & F2 as these were covered in that Module. If that is the case you
can benefit from a little refresher as we again cover these very
important inputs in module two.
Two of the key parameters monitored by the FM3000 series units
Speed and RPM, I will deal with them separately even though they
are often both connected at the rear of the instrument cluster. Both
of these input wires are found in the main harness which as you will
recall is supplied with the kit.
The Blue wire with a White trace found in the main harness is the
input which when connected to a VSS line or a gearbox mounted
speed sender which both supply a pulse signal to the FM unit to
enable the monitoring of speed.
In many instances speed will be derived either from CAN or from
GPS. GPS being the least accurate and therefore the least desirable
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Introduction to CAN Scripts

connection. In these instances the F1 input is not used, when this

happens roll up the excess wire and secure with a cable tie to a
convenient spot.
The plain Green wire connects to the RPM of the vehicle and again
often times one can locate a RPM signal behind the instrument
cluster, but dont be fooled in many instances even though you can
see the Rev counter working you just cannot locate a viable RPM
signal. In instances such as these you may be force to look elsewhere
in the vehicle, places that have long yielded a RPM signal are
injectors, and if fitted a W terminal on the alternator. This W
terminal can be added by most good auto electricians but is often an
expensive option.
In the graphic on screen you will see that F3 is indicated as a GPS
Internal input, and that is just what it is. There is no external
connection i.e. a wire in the harness. You will not have to concern
yourself with connecting this as it is a manufactured input from the
units internal GPS receiver.
Finally F4 which shares the white wire with I8. What this means is
that I8 can be set up to record frequency F4 or analogue & digital I8
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Introduction to CAN Scripts

whichever is required. Typically when used for connection as F4 it

would be used for items such as external GPS or fuel flow meters etc.
Now is most probably a good time to remind you about planning your
install as we learned in Module One. Before starting to connect any of
the inputs or outputs, be sure that you have gathered as much
information as possible to assist you as you complete the install.

Slide Five

Frequency Explained
Frequency can be defined as the number of occurrences (or pulses)
within a given time period. In electronics frequency is the number of
complete cycles per second in the direction of the alternating current.
The pulses can take many different forms; however, the two most
commonly encountered when installing FM products are the Square
wave and the Sine wave. As can be seen in the diagram it is easy to
see why they are named as such. It does not impact on you in this
course but worth knowing all the same, that all wave forms are a
product of Sine waves.
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The standard unit of frequency is the hertz, abbreviated as Hz. The

diagram now showing shows a single square wave cycle, now if that
cycle is completed within one second then it will be cycling at 1 Hz.
Now that we know this and if we were to look at a reading where 60
cycles were completed in 1 second the frequency would be 60 Hz. Ok
lets see if you understand this. If your reading was over two seconds
and the value was 200 cycles, what would the Hz value be?
Thats right 100 Hz. Because it was measured over two seconds you
would divide the number of cycles with the number of seconds 200/2
= 100hz
The frequency inputs on the FM3000 series of units can be configured
to monitor any device that generates a change in frequency (in other
words any input that produces pulses)
Examples are: Speed Sender (pulses per km), RPM Counter (pulses
per second at 1000RPM) and electronic fuel consumption
measurement (EDM, pulses per liter) to name a few.
Slide Six

Typical Frequency Connection Points

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Generally installations will take place in newer vehicles so the

frequency connections can be made to existing sensors already in the
vehicle. In this situation the most common location for the various
frequency signals you will be looking for is behind the instrument
cluster. However, do not think for one minute that this is always the
case, often you may have to locate the various frequency carrying
wires elsewhere in the vehicle.
Once again I am going to remind you of the need to do some preplanning i.e. get as much information on the vehicle that you are
installing to before attempting the install. You can save yourself a
whole heap of work with this tactic.
Some older vehicles may not have electronic sensors, especially with
regard to the speedometer. In cases such as this you will be required
to install a gearbox mounted pulse generator. This device is installed
between the gearbox and the cable drive leading to the speedometer
and converts the rotation of the cable into a pulse which can be
interpreted by the FM unit on one of the frequency input lines. Later
in the course you will see a diagram which depicts this type of pulse
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Testing the Signal Using an Oscilloscope

When no information exists on a particular vehicle the safest and
best way to locate the correct frequency inputs is by using an
oscilloscope. There are some excellent hand held automotive units
available and these can reduce your levels of frustration and give you
very definite results. They can also be used to authenticate the
information you are using.
An oscilloscope can be used for many things but typically in the
installation environment it can deliver a very good view of the type a
magnitude of the signal on any wire tested. It will also give you a
good view of any noise or voltage spikes that may influence the
accuracy of data at a later date.
As much as I recommend that you have one of these in your tool kit,
it is expensive and not critical, as there are good value multimeters
available and some other tricks to getting to the correct wiring, which
I shall cover a little later. However, none of these options deliver the
detailed quality information you will get from an oscilloscope.

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Finding Speed Signal Using a Calibration Plug

In many instances you may find yourself without any formal
equipment i.e. oscilloscope etc. and it is here that you want to be
able to use the basics at hand.
So what I am going to do is walk you through the procedure of using
a manual speed calibration plug and the unit itself to check if you
have found the correct VSS signal wire.
Firstly you need to have the installation at a point where the unit can
be turned on by inserting a blue driver plug and then turning on the
ignition. This test is best done with the ignition on and the engine
NOT running.
Once you are at this point temporarily connect the F1 (the blue &
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white wire) to the wire that you think is the VSS signal wire.
With these connected and the FM unit still in drive mode insert the
violet speed calibration plug. Now with the calibration plug still
inserted move the vehicle about 10 meters and remove the
calibration plug once moved. If you do have a VSS signal the unit will
indicate this with three confirming beeps when the calibration plug is
removed. If there are no beeps or less than the required number
beeps then it is necessary to test another wire using the same
procedure. It is worth noting that the vehicle can be moved either in
a forward or reverse direction and so you can repeat the test a
number of times without moving the vehicle any great distance.
Note that the vehicle is not calibrated at this point as all you have
done is to locate the VSS wire.
Once the vehicle is calibrated as per the calibration method described
in module one there still remains one important check and that is to
carefully check the maximum speed during the test drive to what is
showing in the data. It is possible to find and connect to a wire which
is not fully linked to speed and you will find this out as calibration
issues i.e. data mismatch, the test trip speed does not align with the
recorded speed.
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If this occurs you may need to redo the test to locate an alternative
VSS supply.
Slide Nine Finding RPM Signal Using a Calibration Plug
As with speed you can use an RPM calibration plug to assist you
finding a viable RPM signal.
So lets go through the procedure of using a manual RPM calibration
plug and the unit itself to check if you have found a viable RPM
source wire.
Firstly you need to have the installation at a point where the unit can
be turned on by inserting a blue driver plug and then turning on the
ignition. This test is best done with the ignition on and the engine
running unlike the previous procedure which was done with the
ignition on but the engine not running.
Once you are at this point, temporarily connect the F2 (the green
wire) to the wire that you think is the RPM signal wire.
With these connected and the FM unit still in drive and the engine
running insert the violet RPM calibration plug. After a short period
10-20 seconds remove the calibration plug and if you do have a RPM
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signal the unit will indicate this with three confirming beeps when the
calibration plug is removed. If there are no beeps or less than the
required number beeps then it is necessary to test another wire using
the same procedure.
Note that the vehicle is not calibrated at this point as all you have
done is to locate the RPM wire.
Once the vehicle is calibrated as per the calibration method described
in module one there still remains one important check and that is to
carefully check the maximum RPM during the test drive to what is
showing in the data. It is possible to find and connect to a wire which
is not fully linked to RPM and you will find this out as calibration
issues i.e. data mismatch, the test trip RPM values will not align with
the recorded speed.
If this occurs you may need to redo the test to locate an alternative
RPM supply.
Slide Ten

Testing the Signal Using a Multimeter

So far I have covered the use of an oscilloscope, violet calibration
plugs and now it is worth mentioning the most valuable electrical tool
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in your tool kit and that is the multimeter.

Certain categories of multimeters have an ability to record a Hz value
as can be seen in the graphic, and these can give you a good
indication which wires have pulses or a Hz value but bear in mind
that you will have to follow a similar procedure as that followed when
using a calibration plug to get the line you are testing to have a value
on it, with the exception that as you are not using the unit to assist
you it need not be activated in either test speed or RPM.
Now when selecting a multi meter for your tool kit be sure to get one
in this category so as not to have to repeat the purchase later as you
begin to find the need pressing.

CAN Connections
This course does not set out to teach CAN even though CAN is an
input, CAN will be covered in detail a later course.
However there are a few pearls of wisdom you need to know even at
this early stage.
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If you do connect CAN then remember that both harnesses are

twisted at a pre-determined rate and are already cut to the optimum
length for their particular protocol, so do not rewind, cut or extend
either of these twisted pair harnesses during the installation.
What this means is that when locating your unit and you intend
connecting to CAN be sure that the CAN wires will reach your
intended connection point once the unit is secured. If not you will
have to relocate the unit so as not to have to extend the wires.
Again a little pre-planning goes a long way.

Input Lines I1 I3
Firstly these three input lines are found in the main harness so are
available for connection with the standard kit.
They also differ from I4 I8 insofar as they are able to record tacho
data. What this means is that the activity of whatever they are
connected to can reflect on the tacho chart if the input is selected at
chart level.
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What they do have in common with all input lines is that they are
able to record both analogue and digital signals. I will deal with the
differences in some detail later in the course.
In addition they are able record voltage variations within two ranges.
High voltage in the range 0 38 volts in increments of 0.15 volts.
Low voltage in the range 0 5 volts in increments of 0.02 volts.
So with this in mind it is important that you check the relative
voltage variations using a good quality multimeter or even your
oscilloscope before setting up the event on the backend.

Input Lines I4 I8
The connection harness for these input lines is the IO Harness which
is an auxiliary harness that is ordered separately to the main kit. So
once again planning is required in that if your intention is to connect
more than the three lines included in the standard kit, you should
ensure that an IO harness is ordered along with the standard kit.
As with I1 I3, I4 I8 record voltage variations within two ranges:
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High voltage in the range 0 38 volts in increments of 0.15 volts.

Low voltage in the range 0 5 volts in increments of 0.02 volts.
And record both analogue and digital signals.
All connect in the same way with the exception of I8 which will record
frequency, analogue & digital the specific setup being carried out in
the backend software.

Digital Explained
Well now we get to the essence of this particular course, and that is,
understanding the difference between analogue and digital and how
we locate and connect each.
To kick off lets look at Digital.
Digital inputs are easy to understand and are either on or off much
like a switch, switching a light on or then off as shown in the graphic
demonstrates a digital sequence. It only has two positions on (1) or
off (0) the relative voltage between these two states is irrelevant as
the values are the same on each changeover.
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There is usually one voltage when the switch is off, normally 0 volts
and another when the switch is on this is whatever the operating
voltage is. In the case of a motor vehicle this will invariably be 12 or
24 volts.
It is this change that is recorded by the unit and interpreted as an
event based on whether the condition is true or false.
Lets watch the demonstration one more time, when the switch is
moved to on the light illuminates and when the switch is turned off
the light extinguishes or turns off.

Typical Digital Inputs

There are a large number of digital inputs that can be connected to
the FM3000 Series units.
The three most common inputs are:
Brakes - The foot brake is a digital signal in that when the brake is
applied then a voltage is allowed to pass a switch which illuminates
the brake lights.
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Doors - When a door is left ajar a switch makes contact with the
body in effect grounding the circuit which illuminate the the warning
light on the dash. Note that later we will speak of negative switching
and it is this warning light that act as the load that we will speak of.
Seat Belts - As this is a safety issue the monitoring of non-use of
seatbelts when driving is a very common connection. Be careful here
as there are no standard as some seat belts are negative switching
and others positive switching with some other variations for good
There are a number other items that can be connected to such as
Cargo doors, Hazard warning, dash tamper, headlights etc.

Analogue explained
As we now know what digital is, lets look at what analogue is.
If you look at the graph now showing on your screen you will see that
there is a direct relationship between the Voltage and the
Temperature. This graph represents the operation of a temperature
sensor as the temperature rises then the voltage reading increases
and vice versa. You will notice that the increase or decrease is linear
in other words a straight line and therefore directly proportional.
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By aligning the upper voltage to a recorded temperature value and

the lower voltage to a recorded value the temperature values can be
predicted based on the voltage reading at the time and it is this that
the FM uses when an input line is set up as an analogue input
recording the input voltage and interpreting it at the calculated value.
In this example the FM will be set up in the 0 5 volt range and
deliver temperature values between -20 & 5 degrees.
The reverse of this can be seen when a dimmer switch is operated, in
this case the red indicator will rise up the voltage graph as the
dimmer is rotated. And you will notice that the light will become
progressively brighter as it receives higher and higher voltages.
Analogue is not restricted to temperature but can relate to many
different sensors such as: degrees (temperature), Bar (Pressure),
Tons (weight), ride height (measurement) etc.
FM3000 Series Analogue Options.
As we have seen leading up to this point the various input lines are
able to be set to monitor to different voltage ranges:
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1. Upper range 0-38volts in increments of 0.15volts.

2. Lower range 0-5 volts in increments of 0.02
Use a multimeter to establish which range is required for the device
being monitored. Usually this will have been preset during database
The voltage readings are linked to a device parameter or unit of
measure, for example on a refrigeration temperature device the
voltage reading resembles a temperature (degree) value.
Analogue readings mean that as the sensors increase or decrease so
does the voltage on the input line either directly or indirectly
proportional (temperature sensor refer to NTC or PTC sensors which
is negative or positive temperature coefficient)

Typical Analogue Inputs

Oil Pressure An oil pressure gauge if installed will receive
information from the oil pressure switch which converts actual
pressure to a representative voltage.
Water Temperature The water temperature gauge if installed will
receive information from the water temperature switch.
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Unlike Oil pressure this is a relatively easy sender to test by placing

in boiling water and observing the results using a multimeter.
Note: As with other warning devices oil and temperature senders can
be connected to a warning which is usually a digital input i.e.
situation OK light off or warning light on.
Cargo Temperature generally this would be a third party
component which monitors the cargo area or the actual core
temperature of the goods and delivers a continuous reading (variable
voltage) based on the temperature in the area being monitored.
Again there are a large number of devices in the automotive
environment which can be connected to these inputs either by way of
digital or analogue.

Digital Positive Switching

Now I said that digital switching is easy to understand and it is, but it
does have a twist in the tail as there are two types:
Positive switching and Negative switching and to assist you to
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understand the difference and how to deal with these I want you to
carefully watch as I demonstrate using the following circuit diagrams.
What we have is:
An FM unit with a positive line and a ground
An input line
A switch
In addition there is a voltmeter which we will use to tell us when
there is power on the input line.
Now when the probe is placed input line side of the switch there will
be no voltage recorded. This is because the switch is open and so
voltage can be present as the input line is just that and does not
output any voltage.
Now when the switch is closed, immediately there is a voltage on the
input line and as it is set to record voltages greater than 6 volts the
FM unit records the event.
When the switch is released the voltage is lost and the input line
returns to zero volts.
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Examples of this type of switch are:

Panic switches such as the one you see on the graphic; this type of
switch is a normally open switch.
And dash tamper switches again as demonstrated as you can see this
switch has three connectors and so can be wired either as normally
open or normally closed be sure that the correct setup has been
loaded to the backend software.
It is worth pointing out that it is good practice to place a fuse inline
between the power source and the switch and that the value of this
fuse should be lower than that of the primary power supply i.e. if the
main fuse is 7.5 amps the switch fuse value should be no more than
2 amps.

Digital input Negative Switching.

The graphic on screen has been set up to assist you in understanding
how negative switching works and where you will encounter this in a
The components to watch are:
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An FM unit with a positive line and a ground

An input line
A Load
A switch
In addition there is a voltmeter which we will use to tell us when
there is power on the input line.
To begin with we will attach the probe to the circuit on the vehicle
side of the switch and you will notice that the voltmeter value is 24
volts even with the switch open. It is this very reason that the
reading is 24 volts. The meter is measuring the voltage in the circuit
which is equal on both sides of the load, no ground.
Now when the switch is closed and a ground is established the
voltage will drop to zero as the probe is positioned on the negative
side of the load and a direct connection to ground has been made. If
we were to move the probe to the positive side of the load then it
would register 24 volts even with the switch closed. It is in this way
that if the load is a lamp the lamp would illuminate as there is a
potential difference of 24 volts.
This is an important piece of information because if you had
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connected to a circuit that was driving a warning light i.e. a seat belt
and the light was not working you would never get an event to
register until the warning light was repaired or a load was added.
When adding a load a resistor in the value range 5 10 k would
Finally it makes no difference if the switch is a normally open or a
normally closed in that the FM will record the voltage as either
greater than a specific threshold >6 volts or less than a threshold <
6 volts in this way the FM unit can record either setup as long as it is
setup correctly on the backend.

A unit can be setup to work with CAN in two locations within the back
office software.
Firstly by creating a new configuration group and selecting the
desired CAN settings or amending the settings within an existing
group, there after creating a vehicle within the group or moving an
existing vehicle into the created configuration group.
NB: Always be aware of how the changes you make will affect other
vehicles that may already be members of a pre-existing
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Configuration group, if in doubt create a new group to accommodate

your vehicle so as not to jeopardize the operation of existing
The Configuration group can be setup with a specific CAN profile,
meaning that any vehicle created within this group will have the
same settings as the group default.
Remember that when moving a vehicle to a pre-existing group from
another group it is necessary to open the device within the vehicle
properties and select the Reset button. This will force the
configuration group settings to cascade down to the vehicle just
The secondly a vehicle can be setup by editing its device under the
vehicle properties.
Note: It is always preferable to make these changes at the
configuration level making the vehicle a member of that configuration
group rather than at an individual vehicle level as this means that
vehicles with the same setup can be grouped rather than having a
number of vehicles with differing setups scattered throughout the
various configuration groups.
This being the case I will demonstrate setting up CAN at by creating
a new Configuration group, setting the CAN and then adding a
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Analogue Installation Steps

There are a few steps that one can take to assist in ensuring a
successful connection
Step 1: Determine whether the device is a NTC (Negative
Temperature Coefficient) or PTC (Positive Temperature Coefficient)
type sensor i.e. Resistance decreases or increases when the
temperature or oil pressure changes.
Step 2: Determine whether there is a load on the line with a
measureable voltage.
Step 3: Accurately measure the voltage at the lowest possible value
the device can record and the highest possible value the device can
record. Record the gauge value and voltage value at each point.
These values should be used when entering information to the
Step 4: Based on the results of Step 4 determine if it requires a 5v
or 38v device.
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FM3000 Series Outputs

As much as the FM unit is able to record the operation of vehicles and
connected equipment using the input lines explained, it is also able to
control certain equipment based on either the status of the event
originated on the input lines or from some other set of
To do this it has two outputs both of which are found on the main
harness and therefore can be connected using the standard harness.
The first is positive drive which is designed to provide controlled
power to low consumption equipment. The output is rated at 24 volts
and its output voltage is -2 volts of that voltage at 1amp . Therefore,
on a twenty four volt system the output would be 22 volts at 1amp
and on a twelve volt system the output would be 10 volts at 1 amp.
Note: it is not advised to push the amperage up on the lower voltage
even though theoretically this could be done.
The second output is a negative output designed to supply negative
to an external relay. This output is rated at 150mA. Obviously by
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controlling an external relay the FM unit can switch a circuit with a

much higher amperage rating than the 150mA rating of the output.
The setup of these two outputs is completed within the backend i.e.
when to activate and for how long.

Positive Drive Connection

In the graphic you can see the connection of a typical device, in this
case a hall sender using the positive drive output to power it and
sensing high spots on a rotating shaft. From what we have learned
we know that this will be a frequency as there will be a continuous
series of pulses.
With the positive drive supplying power and the shaft rotating you
can see that a pulse is generated each time one of the high spots
passes the hall sender, creating a square wave. This demonstration
has been slowed for the demonstration.
The hall sender output sends the pulse along the connected
frequency input line to be recorded and if necessary calculated within
the FM units processor.
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As the power is withdrawn you will notice that there are no more
pulses and the unit no longer records even though the shaft is still
If the power was again turned on the hall sender would begin to send
pulses as it is reliant on the positive feed from the FM unit.
So by controlling the power to the sensor the FM unit controls when
the sensor is active and when not.
Let me remind you not to exceed the current loading of 1 amp on the
Positive Drive output.

Relay drive
It is relatively simple to understand how the relay drive functions. In
the diagram on your screen you can see that the negative of the
relay is connected to the FM unit and the other side connected to
continuous positive.
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What this means is that when the FM unit supplies a ground via the
External Relay Drive output the connected relay will draw down
closing the contacts and therefore making the circuit complete on the
circuit being switched.
Again this can be operated at will by the FM unit depending on the
specific setup of the FM unit.
It is also worth mentioning that the relay can be either a normally
open (NO) or normally closed (NC) depending on the application or
device being controlled.

Final Testing of Inputs

As important as the care with which you connect the input lines and
output is the care with which you ensure that what you have
connected is delivering what you expect.
Trigger any digital device connected and ensure that it records the
expected result in the backend data i.e. activate a panic or open a
door etc.
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Take care when checking analogue devices that you ensure that the
calibrations are accurate, this may require that you test whilst the
condition is active .i.e. Operate a refrigeration unit to lower the temp
and then check that the value on the backend corresponds with that
shown on a local sensor/gauge.
Simulate the conditions when an event should trigger or and output
should activate.
Finally have the correct tools to allow you to complete the testing
procedures as returning to the vehicle is generally not an option.

We have come to the end of Module Two, I hope that you have found
benefit in this course and if so invite you to join me as I explore
other key areas relating to the installation and setup in subsequent
Thank you for your participation.

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