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Roman Catholic Tridentine Lectionary

This is the lectionary promulgated in 1570 by Pope Pius V after the Council of Trent, and was the
Roman Catholic lectionary until 1970. It was replaced in general use by a lectionary utilizing a
three-year cycle (I have posted comparison tables of this new Roman Catholic lectionary, the
Revised Common Lectionary, and the Episcopalian Book of Common Prayer 1979 lectionary in
four separate pages, for First Reading, Psalms, Second Readings, Gospel Readings).
This table is based upon that provided by Father Felix Just, SJ.

Liturgical Date
First Sunday of Advent
Second Sunday of Advent
Third Sunday of Advent
Ember Wednesday in Advent
Ember Friday in Advent
Ember Saturday in Advent

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Christmas Vigil (12/24)
Christmas: First Mass at Night
Christmas: Second Mass at Dawn
Christmas: Third Mass in Daytime

St. Stephen (12/26)

St. John (12/27)
Holy Innocents (12/28)
Sunday in Octave of Christmas
St. Thomas Becket (12/29)
Sixth Day in Octave of Christmas (12/30)
St. Silvester (12/31)
Circumcision of the Lord & Octave of
Christmas (1/1)
Holy Name of Jesus
(Sunday between Circumcision and Epiphany,
or 1/2)
Vigil of Epiphany (1/5)
Epiphany of the Lord (1/6)
Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
(Sunday in the Octave of Epiphany)
Weekdays after the First Sunday after
Octave of Epiphany / Baptism of Our Lord
Second Sunday after Epiphany



Rom 13:11-14a
Rom 15:4-13
Phil 4:4-7
Isa 2:2-5
Isa 7:10-15
Isa 11:1-5
Isa 19:20-22; 35:1-7; 40:9-11; 45:1-8
Dan 3:47-51, 52-56
2 Thess 2:1-8
1 Cor 4:1-5

Luke 21:25-33
Matt 11:2-10
John 1:19b-28
Luke 1:26-38

Rom 1:1-6
Tit 2:11-15
Tit 3:4-7
Heb 1:1-12

Acts 6:8-10 ; 7:54-60

Sir 15:1-6
Acts 14:1-5
Gal 4:1-7
Heb 5:1-6
Tit 3:4-7
1 Pet 5:1-4, 10-11
Tit 2:11-15

Matt 1:18b-21
Luke 2:1-14
Luke 2:15-20
John 1:1-14
Matt 2:1-12 (postcommunion)
Matt 23:34-39
John 21:19-24
Matt 2:13-18
Luke 2:33-40
John 10:11-16
Luke 2:15-20
Matt 16:13-19
Luke 2:21

Acts 4:8-12

Luke 2:21

Gal 4:1-7
Isa 60:1-6
Col 3:12-17

Matt 2:19-23
Matt 2:1-12
Luke 2:42-52

Rom 12:1-5

Luke 2:42-52

Isa 60:1-6

John 1:29-34

Rom 12:6-16

John 2:1-11

Luke 1:39-47
Luke 3:1-6

Luke 3:1-6

Third Sunday after Epiphany

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany
Fifth Sunday after Epiphany
Sixth Sunday after Epiphany
Septuagesima Sunday
Sexagesima Sunday
Quinquagesima Sunday
Ash Wednesday
Thursday after Ash Wednesday
Friday after Ash Wednesday
Saturday after Ash Wednesday
First Sunday in Lent
Monday after First Sunday of Lent
Tuesday after First Sunday of Lent
Ember Wednesday in Lent
Thursday after First Sunday of Lent
Ember Friday in Lent
Ember Saturday in Lent

Second Sunday in Lent

Monday after Second Sunday of Lent
Tuesday after Second Sunday of Lent
Wednesday after Second Sunday of Lent
Thursday after Second Sunday of Lent
Friday after Second Sunday of Lent
Saturday after Second Sunday of Lent
Third Sunday in Lent
Monday after Third Sunday of Lent
Tuesday after Third Sunday of Lent
Wednesday after Third Sunday of Lent
Thursday after Third Sunday of Lent
Friday after Third Sunday of Lent
Saturday after Third Sunday of Lent
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Monday after Fourth Sunday of Lent
Tuesday after Fourth Sunday of Lent
Wednesday after Fourth Sunday of Lent
Thursday after Fourth Sunday of Lent
Friday after Fourth Sunday of Lent
Saturday after Fourth Sunday of Lent
Passion Sunday I
Monday after Passion Sunday
Tuesday after Passion Sunday

Rom 12:16c-21
Rom 13:8-10
Col 3:12-17
1 Thess 1:2-10
1 Cor 9:24-27; 10:1-5a
2 Cor 11:19-33; 12:1-9
1 Cor 13:1-13

Matt 8:1-13
Matt 8:23-27
Matt 13:24-30
Matt 13:31-35
Matt 20:1-16
Luke 8:4-15
Luke 18:31-43

Joel 2:12-19
Isa 38:1-6
Isa 58:1-9
Isa 58:9-14
2 Cor 6:1-10
Ezek 34:11-16
Isa 55:6-11
Exod 24:12-18; 1 Kings 19:3-8
Ezek 18:1-9
Ezek 18:20-28
Deut 26:12-19; 11:22-25;
2 Macc 1:23-26, 27
Wis 36:1-10
Dan 3:47-51, 52-56
1 Thess 5:14-23
1 Thess 4:1-7
Dan 9:15-19
1 Kings 17:8-16
Esther 13:8-11, 15-17
Jer 17:5-10
Gen 37:6-22
Gen 27:6-40
Eph 5:1-9
2 Kings 5:1-15
2 Kings 4:1-7
Exod 20:12-24
Jer 7:1-7
Num 20:1-3, 6-13
Dan 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62
Gal 4:22-31
2 Sam 3:16-28
Exod 32:7-14
Ezek 36:23-28
Isa 1:16-19
2 Kings 4:25-38
1 Kings 17:17-24
Isa 49:8-15
Heb 9:11-15
Jonah 3:1-10
Dan 14:27, 28-42

Matt 6:16-21
Matt 8:5-13
Matt 5:43-48; 6:1-4
Mark 6:47-56
Matt 4:1-12
Matt 25:31-46
Matt 21:10-17
Matt 12:38-50
Matt 15:21-28
John 5:1-15
Matt 17:1-9

Matt 17:1-9
John 8:21-29
Matt 23:1-12
Matt 20:17-28
Luke 16:19-31
Matt 21:33-46
Luke 15:11-32
Luke 11:14-28
Luke 4:23-30
Matt 18:15-22
Matt 15:1-20
Luke 4:38-44
John 4:5-42
John 8:1-11
John 6:1-15
John 2:13-25
John 7:14-31
John 9:1-38
Luke 7:11-16
John 11:1-45
John 8:12-20
John 8:46-59
John 7:32-39
John 7:1-13

Wednesday after Passion Sunday

Thursday after Passion Sunday
Friday after Passion Sunday
Saturday after Passion Sunday
Palm Sunday (or Passion Sunday II)
Monday of Holy Week
Tuesday of Holy Week
Wednesday of Holy Week
Holy Thursday - The Lord's Supper
Good Friday - The Crucifixion
Holy Saturday - Easter VigilNote: In 1951, the
number of OT readings at the Easter Vigil was
reduced from twelve to four, retaining only #
1, 4, 8 (v. 1 dropped), and 11. Thus, only four
readings were prescribed between 1951 and
1) Gen 1:1--2:2
2) Exod 14:24 15:1a
3) Isa 4:2-6
4) and Deut 31:22-30.

Lev 19:1-2, 11-19, 25

Dan 3:25, 34-45
Jer 17:13-18
Jer 18:18-23
Exod 15:27; 16:1-7
Phil 2:5-11

John 10:22-38
Luke 7:36-50
John 11:47-54
John 12:10-36
Matt 21:1-9; 26:1-75; 27:166

Isa 50:5-10
Jer 11:18-20
Isa 62:11; 63:1-7; 53:1-12
1 Cor 11:20-32
Hosea 6:1-6
Exod 12:1-11

John 12:1-9
Mark 14:1-72; 15:1-46
Luke 22:1-71; 23:1-53
John 13:1-15
John 18:1-40; 19:1-42

1) Gen 1:1-31; 2:1-2

2) Gen 5:32 8:21 (excerpts; 48 vv.)
3) Gen 22:1-19
4) Exod 14:24-31; 15:1a
5) Isa 54:17; 55:1-11
6) Baruch 3:9-38
7) Ezek 37:1-14
8) Isa 4:1-6
9) Exod 12:1-11
10) Jonah 3:1-10
11) Deut 31:22-30
12) Dan 3:1-24
NT: Col 3:1-4
Easter Sunday - The Resurrection of the Lord 1 Cor 5:7-8
Monday in Octave of Easter
Acts 10:37-43
Tuesday in Octave of Easter
Acts 13:16, 26-33
Wednesday in Octave of Easter
Acts 3:13-15, 17-19
Thursday in Octave of Easter
Acts 8:26-40
Friday in Octave of Easter
1 Pet 3:18-22
White Saturday (in Octave of Easter)
1 Pet 2:1-10
Low Sunday or White Sunday (Octave of
1 John 5:4-10
Second Sunday after Easter
1 Pet 2:21-25
Third Sunday after Easter
1 Pet 2:11-19a
Fourth Sunday after Easter
James 1:17-21
Fifth Sunday after Easter
James 1:22-27
Rogation Days (Mon-Wed before Ascension) James 5:16-20
Vigil of the Ascension
Eph 4:7-13
Ascension of the Lord (Thursday)
Acts 1:1-11
Sunday in the Octave of Ascension
1 Pet 4:7b-11
Saturday Vigil of Pentecost
1) Gen 22:1-19
2) Exod 14:24-31; 15:1
3) Deut 31:22-30
4) Isa 4:1-6
5) Baruch 3:9-38

Matt 28:1-7

Mark 16:1-7
Luke 24:13-35
Luke 24:36-47
John 21:1-14
John 20:11-18
Matt 28:16-20
John 20:1-9
John 20:19-31
John 10:11-16
John 16:16-22
John 16:5-14
John 16:23-30
Luke 11:5-13
John 17:1-11
Mark 16:14-20
John 15:26-27; 16:1-4
John 14:15-21

Pentecost Sunday
Monday in Octave of Pentecost
Tuesday in Octave of Pentecost
Ember Wednesday of Pentecost
Thursday in Octave of Pentecost
Ember Friday of Pentecost
Ember Saturday of Pentecost


Feast of the Most Holy Trinity (First Sunday
after Pentecost)
Weekdays after First Sunday after Pentecost
Corpus Christi (Thursday after Trinity Sunday)
Sunday in the Octave of Corpus Christi
(Second Sunday after Pentecost)
Sacred Heart of Jesus
(Friday after the Octave of Corpus Christi)
Sunday in the Octave of the Sacred Heart of
(Third Sunday after Pentecost)
Fourth Sunday after Pentecost
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
Sixth Sunday after Pentecost
Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost
Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost
Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost
Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost
Ember Wednesday in September
Ember Thursday in September
Ember Saturday in September

6) Ezek 37:1-14
NT: Acts 19:1-8
Acts 2:1-11
Acts 10:34, 42-48
Acts 8:14-17
Acts 2:14-21; 5:12-16
Acts 8:5-8
Joel 2:23-24, 26-27
Joel 2:28-32
Lev 23:9-11, 15-17, 21
Deut 26:1-11
Lev 26:3-12
Dan 3:47-51, 52-56
Rom 5:1-5

John 14:23-31
John 3:16-21
John 10:1-10
John 6:44-52
Luke 9:1-6
Luke 5:17-26
Luke 4:38-44

Rom 11:33-36

Matt 28:18-20

1 John 4:8-21
1 Cor 11:23-29
1 John 3:13-18

Luke 6:36-42
John 6:56-59
Luke 14:16-24

Eph 3:8-12, 14-19

John 19:31-37

1 Pet 5:6-11

Luke 15:1-10

Rom 8:18-23
1 Pet 3:8-15a
Rom 6:3-11
Rom 6:19-23
Rom 8:12-17
1 Cor 10:6-13
1 Cor 12:2-11
1 Cor 15:1-10
2 Cor 3:4-9
Gal 3:16-22
Gal 5:16-24
Gal 5:25-26; 6:1-10
Eph 3:13-21
Eph 4:1-6
Amos 9:13-15
Neh 8:1-10
Hosea 14:2-10
Lev 23:26-32
Lev 23:39-43
Micah 7:14, 16, 18-20
Zech 8:14-19
Dan 3:47-51, 52-56
Heb 9:2-12

Luke 5:1-11
Matt 5:20-24
Mark 8:1-9
Matt 7:15-21
Luke 16:1-9
Luke 19:41-47
Luke 18:9-14
Mark 7:31-37
Luke 10:23-37
Luke 17:11-19
Matt 6:24-33
Luke 7:11-16
Luke 14:1-11
Matt 22:34b-46
Mark 9:16-28
Luke 7:36-50
Luke 13:6-17

Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost
Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost
Twenty-fourth & Last Sunday after Pentecost

1 Cor 1:4-8
Eph 4:23-28
Eph 5:15-21
Eph 6:10-17
Phil 1:6-11
Phil 3:17-21; 4:1-3
Col 1:9-14

Matt 9:1-8
Matt 22:1-14
John 4:46b-53
Matt 18:23-35
Matt 22:15-21
Matt 9:18-26
Matt 24:15-35

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