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Board of Contract Appeals

General Services Administration

Washington, D.C. 20405

GRANTED: June 21, 2005

GSBCA 16404


Willis J. Gildersleeve, President of Gildersleeve Electric, Inc., Oakland, CA,
appearing for Appellant.
M. Leah Wright, Office of General Counsel, General Services Administration,
Auburn, WA, counsel for Respondent.
Before Board Judges DANIELS (Chairman), HYATT, and DeGRAFF.
HYATT, Board Judge.
Gildersleeve Electric, Inc. filed this appeal in connection with the terms of a

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termination settlement agreement it entered into with the General Services Administration
(GSA) following GSAs decision to terminate for its convenience a contract under which
appellant was to reconfigure a parking lot and replace exterior lights for the Social Security
Administration Building in Richmond, California. One of the items of relief Gildersleeve
Electric seeks in its appeal is recoupment of attorney fees incurred to defend against a suit
brought by one of its subcontractors in United States District Court, seeking payment from
appellant for work it did under this contract. Respondent, the General Services
Administration (GSA), has moved for partial summary relief, contending that the pertinent
facts are not in dispute and that, as a matter of law, even if appellant is otherwise successful
in its appeal, appellant cannot be awarded these attorney fees by the Board in this action. For
the reasons stated, we grant the motion.
Undisputed Facts1
On February 26, 1998, GSA awarded to Gildersleeve Electric, through the Small
Business Administration, a contract to reconfigure the parking lot at the Social Security
Administration Building in Richmond, California. The contract also required appellant to
replace the exterior lights in the lot. Appeal File, Exhibits 3-5.
The contract estimated that the work would require 120 calendar days to perform.
Gildersleeve Electric received a notice to proceed on April 2, 1998, with the work to
commence on May 2, 1998. Appeal File, Exhibits 2, 5.
The initial contract award was in the amount of $842,847. Appeal File, Exhibit 5.
Several modifications were issued to the scope of the work. By December 1998, the total
contract price was increased to $1,036,417.13. Id., Exhibits 6-18.
On December 7, 1998, Gildersleeve Electric contracted with Paragon Construction
to perform work on Phase II2 of the project for the amount of $213,000. This work included

These facts are essentially those stated by GSA to be undisputed.

Appellant disagrees with GSAs assertion that it cannot recover the attorney fees it claims,
but has not contested any of the facts that GSA has stated to be undisputed. Our independent
review of the record shows that the facts as stated by GSA are supported therein.

Various items of correspondence in the appeal file and supplemental

appeal files suggest that the contract work was divided into two phases, although the contract
itself does not provide for this or explain what it means. Apparently the work was divided
into phases to accommodate the Social Security Administrations desire to keep at least part
of its parking lot open at all times. Thus, the contract work was divided up and

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complete landscape installation, installation of concrete walks and curbs, complete

installation of new electrical site lighting (labor only), application of slurry seal in the
parking lot, and installation of concrete bollards. Appellants Supplemental Appeal File,
Exhibit 4.
Prior to December 1998, payments to Gildersleeve Electric under the contract totaled
$899,846.92. On December 29, 1998, Paragon Construction submitted two invoices to
Gildersleeve Electric. One invoice asserted that ninety percent of Paragon Constructions
work was completed and billed Gildersleeve Electric for $191,700. The second, corrected,
invoice claimed that seventy percent of the work was completed and billed Gildersleeve
Electric for the amount of $149,100. Appellants Supplemental Appeal File, Exhibit 3.
On January 15, 1999, GSA terminated Gildersleeve Electrics contract for the
convenience of the Government. GSAs termination letter to Gildersleeve Electric advised
appellant to contact its subcontractors immediately and instruct them to stop work under the
contract. Further, appellant was instructed to have its subcontractors promptly submit
settlement proposals for any unpaid work. The letter also reminded appellant that it was
liable to the subcontractors for their settlement proposals and should settle with the
subcontractors and then submit costs to GSA under its own settlement proposal. Appellants
Supplemental Appeal File, Exhibit 8.
Also on January 15, 1999, Paragon Construction sent its second progress billing to
Gildersleeve Electric, asserting that it had completed ninety percent of its work under its
contract with Gildersleeve Electric and claiming it was due an additional $42,600, bringing
the total owed to $191,700. Appellants Supplemental Appeal File, Exhibit 3.
On January 22, 1999, the contracting officer and project manager met with
Gildersleeve Electric to discuss the terms of the termination settlement. The contracting
officer told appellant that there was a shortfall of money for the project. It was agreed,
however, that Gildersleeve Electric would complete the punch list items for Phase I by
January 29, 1999. Following this meeting a representative of GSAs construction
management firm, Abide International Inc., and Gildersleeve Electric assessed which items
on the punch list were appellants responsibility. Appellants Supplemental Appeal File,
Exhibit 10.
On January 28, 1999, GSA issued a letter contract to Paragon Construction in the

approximately half of the lot was renovated in Phase I; the remainder of the lot was
renovated in Phase II. Appellants Supplemental Appeal File, Exhibit 26.

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amount of $125,000 to complete the work on the project. Appellants Supplemental Appeal
File, Exhibit 10.
On February 9, 1999, GSAs construction management firm notified appellant that
many items on the punch list for Phase I were still incomplete. Appellants Supplemental
Appeal File, Exhibit 13.
On March 4, 1999, GSA and Gildersleeve Electric met to discuss the termination of
the contract. On March 11, 1999, following this meeting, the contracting officer sent
appellant a letter requesting a written settlement proposal to be provided on the settlement
proposal form previously supplied to appellant for that purpose. Appeal File, Exhibit 21.
On March 16, 1999, appellant sent the following proposal to the contracting officer:
Pursuant to the terms and conditions of the termination for
convenience of the Government issued to Gildersleeve Electric,
Inc. on January 15, 1999, this letter hereby releases Gildersleeve
Electric, Inc. from any further liability pertaining to completion
of the punch list items still remaining on Phase I, and the
completion of Phase II.
Furthermore it exonerates
Gildersleeves performance bond. This letter also releases the
Government from any liabilities arising from this termination in
the form of settlements to Gildersleeve Electric, Inc.
As per our previous discussions, any deficiencies in Phase I or
Phase II will be completed by Paragon at the Governments
expense. In accordance with this agreement all monies held [b]y
CDS [Contractor Disbursement Services, Inc.] for Gildersleeve
Electric, Inc. will be retained by CDS to resolve disputes with
Gildersleeves subcontractors, Allen Landscaping Inc., CPM,
and Environmental Construction. All monies due and owing to
Gildersleeve Electric, Inc. by the Government will be retained
by the Government to correct any deficiencies in Phase I and
Phase II and to pay Paragon Construction any and all monies
due for work on this project.
This offer is for the purpose of settlement only and should not
be used against the parties in the event it is not accepted. Please
accept this agreement by signing on the line below.

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Appeal File, Exhibit 22. Gildersleeve Electric also provided a signed release of any and
all claims arising under or by virtue of said contract or any modification or change thereof.
The release of claims contained no exceptions. Id., Exhibit 23.
GSA issued contract modification PS16 as a settlement agreement for the termination
for convenience. The modification provided that the termination was a no cost termination
settlement agreement which releases the Government from any further liability from any
settlement claims arising from this termination for convenience (dated Jan. 15, 1999).
Appellants settlement proposal letter, set forth above, was attached to the modification.
Appeal File, Exhibit 24.
After the issuance of the contract modification providing for a no cost termination for
convenience, Paragon Construction filed a Miller Act suit in the United States District Court
for the Eastern District of California against Gildersleeve Electric, contending that it was due
$213,000, the amount of its subcontract with Gildersleeve Electric. Paragons lawsuit
alleged that it had performed work under its contract with Gildersleeve Electric from
December 1998 through March 26, 1999, and that appellant had paid nothing to Paragon.
Appellants Supplemental Appeal File, Exhibit 21.
On May 19, 1999, Gildersleeve Electric contacted GSAs contracting officer and
requested that she pay Paragon Construction the money owed to that company by
Gildersleeve Electric in connection with Paragon Constructions subcontract to perform work
required under Gildersleeve Electrics contract. The contracting officer responded that she
did not understand the settlement agreement to obligate the Government to pay Paragon
Construction for any work performed under its contract with Gildersleeve Electric. Appeal
File, Exhibit 25.
In November 1999, appellant filed a claim with the contracting officer seeking
$213,000 with interest, costs and related expenses in defending against Paragon
Constructions law suit. Appellant further requested declaratory relief that any monies the
district court found due to Paragon Construction were the responsibility of the Government
and asked that the Government indemnify Gildersleeve Electric against any and all claims
of Paragon Construction in connection with the contract work. Appellants Supplemental
Appeal File, Exhibit 1.
On July 30, 2002, the district court entered judgment against Gildersleeve Electric in
the amount of $108,000. Appellants Supplemental Appeal File, Exhibit 21. On April 3,
2004, the attorney who represented appellant in the district court suit submitted an invoice
to Gildersleeve Electric in the amount of $76,666.38 for legal services in connection with
that matter. Id., Exhibit 22.

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On February 23, 2004, the contracting officer issued a final decision taking the
position that Gildersleeve Electric had been paid for work completed prior to the termination
of its contract and that under the negotiated no cost termination settlement agreement
Gildersleeve Electric was no longer held responsible for completing remaining punch list
items in Phase I or for the completion of the work in Phase II. The Government retained the
right to contract directly with Paragon Construction for completion of the work, using
remaining contract funds. Gildersleeve Electric remained responsible for paying its
subcontractors for work performed prior to the termination. Respondents Supplemental
Appeal File, Exhibit 35.
Appellant appealed this decision. In its complaint, appellant seeks $76,666.38 in
attorney fees, reimbursement of the $108,000 judgment issued by the district court in favor
of Paragon Construction, and payment of the alleged retention in the contract in the amount
of $77,299.35.
Appellant contends that under its termination agreement with GSA, GSA was required
to directly reimburse its subcontractor, Paragon Construction, for work Paragon Construction
had performed under its contract with Gildersleeve Electric. When Paragon Construction
was not paid by GSA as Gildersleeve Electric expected, Paragon Construction successfully
sued Gildersleeve Electric in United States District Court under the Miller Act. 40 U.S.C.
270a-270d (2000). As a result, Gildersleeve Electric incurred $76,666.38 in attorney fees
to defend against the lawsuit and was required to pay Paragon Construction the amount of
$108,000. Appellant seeks reimbursement of both the judgment amount and the attorney
fees, as well as the amount of $77,299.35, the amount it states was retained under its contract
with GSA, in damages to compensate for GSAs alleged breach of the termination settlement
agreement. GSA has moved for partial summary relief, contending that as a matter of law,
Gildersleeve Electric cannot recover in this appeal the attorney fees it incurred in the district
court lawsuit.
Summary relief is properly granted when there is no genuine issue of material fact and
the moving party is clearly entitled to judgment as a matter of law. Anderson v. Liberty
Lobby Inc., 477 U.S. 242, 247 (1986); Celotex Corp. v. Catrett, 477 U.S. 317, 322 (1986);
US Ecology, Inc. v. United States, 245 F.3d 1352, 1355 (Fed. Cir. 2001); Olympus Corp. v.
United States, 98 F.3d 1314, 1316 (Fed. Cir. 1996). As the moving party, GSA bears the
burden of establishing the absence of any genuine issue of material fact. Mingus
Constructors, Inc. v. United States, 812 F.2d 1387, 1390 (Fed. Cir. 1987); Armco, Inc. v.
Cyclops Corp., 791 F.2d 147, 149 (Fed. Cir. 1986); Corning Construction Corp. v.

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Department of the Treasury, GSBCA 16127-TD, 03-2 BCA 32,402. A fact is material if
it will affect our decision, and an issue is genuine if sufficient evidence exists so the fact
could reasonably be decided in favor of the non-moving party. Shepherd Kingdom, Inc. v.
General Services Administration, GSBCA 16553 (Mar. 31, 2005). All reasonable inferences
are drawn in favor of the non-moving party. Prineville Sawmill Co. v. United States, 859
F.2d 905, 911 (Fed. Cir. 1988); Corning.
GSAs argument boils down to this: The Government does not dispute the fact that
Paragon Construction sued Gildersleeve Electric for amounts due under its subcontract or
that Gildersleeve Electric incurred attorney fees in the defense of that suit. But even
assuming these facts, and also assuming arguendo that Gildersleeve Electric might otherwise
prevail in its claim against the Government, absent some specific statutory authority,
litigation expenses, including attorney fees, are generally not compensable as breach
GSA correctly argues that attorney fees incurred to defend against a collateral suit in
another legal forum are not ordinarily compensable as breach of contract damages against
the United States. The seminal case with respect to this issue is Kania v. United States, 650
F.2d 264 (Ct. Cl.), cert. denied, 454 U.S. 895 (1981). In that case the Court observed:
Plaintiff Kania asserts that he is not seeking the costs of
litigation or attorneys fees, as such, rather he seeks damages
arising from the governments breach of contract. Since the
attorneys fees and expenses that he was forced to pay were a
result of the indictment returned against him in breach of
contract, plaintiff argues that they are properly compensable as
contract damages. . . . [W]e must now add that jurisdiction to
award counsel fees and other litigation expenses as an element
of breach damages would be extremely dubious. It is the kind
of consequential damages not normally awarded in contract
breach cases. William Green Construction Co. v. United States,
477 F.2d 930, cert. denied, 417 U.S. 909 (1974). Courts do not,
in awarding breach damages, follow through the remote indirect
consequences of the breach as distinguished from those directly
in contemplation when the contract was made. Northern Helex
Co. v. United States, 524 F.2d 707 (1975), cert. denied, 429 U.S.
866 (1976). No matter whether characterized as litigation costs
or contract damages, plaintiffs counsel fees are not recoverable
in this court.

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Id. at 269.
The rule has been succinctly summarized:
Counsel fees and other litigation expenses are not recoverable
as breach of contract damages absent a specific authorization.
See, e.g., Kania v. United States, 650 F.2d 264, 269 (Ct. Cl.),
cert. denied, 454 U.S. 895 (1981) (expenses in litigation,
whether legal, accounting, secretarial, or other were not
recoverable); Goolsby v. United States, 21 Cl.Ct. 88, 90-91
(1990) (sums expended to defend a collection action, which was
instituted as a result of defendants alleged bad faith breach of
a loan agreement, were not recoverable); Mazama Timber
Prods., Inc. v. United States, 6 Cl. Ct. 87, 90 (1984) (litigation
funds expended by plaintiff as a result of Governments
collection efforts, where those efforts themselves were held to
be a breach of contract, were not recoverable). The attorneys
fees and internal costs sought by plaintiff . . . were not incurred
in connection with the contract at bar. Plaintiff is therefore not
entitled, as a matter of law, to recover the damages sought.
C.B.C. Enterprises, Inc. v. United States, 24 Cl. Ct. 1, 5 (1991); see also Wm. T. Thompson
Co. v. United States, 26 Cl. Ct. 17, 27 (1992), affd sub nom. Hercules Inc. v. United States,
24 F.3d 188 (Fed. Cir. 1994), affd, 516 U.S. 417 (1996); Triad, Inc., ENGBCA 5882, 95-1
BCA 27,290.
The rare exception to this rule occurs when there is a clear breach of the
Governments contractual duties during performance of the contract, entitling the contractor
to an equitable adjustment to fully compensate for the consequences of the Governments
breach, including the expenses of litigation with third parties. See Liles Construction Co. v.
United States, 455 F.2d 527 (Ct. Cl. 1972) (contracting officer wrongfully required the
contractor to terminate for default its subcontractor, who successfully sued the contractor;
entitlement to equitable adjustment included indemnification for the amount of the judgment
and the legal expenses the contractor incurred in defending against the subcontractors suit).
The instant appeal is not covered by the Liles exception, however. Gildersleeve Electric
alleges a breach of the termination settlement agreement, not of a contractual duty imposed
on the Government during performance of the contract.
The rule enunciated in C.B.C. Enterprises applies squarely to the facts of this case.
If appellant prevails, it may be entitled to breach damages under the termination settlement

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agreement, but these would not include attorney fees -- such fees are not compensable as
breach damages and there is no contractual provision applicable to this case that would
entitle Gildersleeve Electric to the type of indemnification damages it seeks. Accordingly,
as a matter of law, the counsel fees Gildersleeve Electric incurred to defend the Miller Act
suit brought by Paragon Construction cannot be recovered in this action at the Board.

Respondents motion for partial summary relief is GRANTED. Gildersleeve
Electrics claim for recovery of the litigation expenses and attorney fees incurred in the
District Court suit is denied.

Board Judge

We concur:

Board Judge

Board Judge

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