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January 2010

Vol. 11 Issue 1

A winning pattern for the New Year

Some anonymous wise person penned the following directions for living
without bringing pain to others or oneself:

“You will never be sorry — for thinking before acting, for hearing before
judging, for forgiving your enemies, for being candid and frank, for helping
a fallen brother, for being honest in business, for thinking before speak-
ing, for being loyal to God and the church, for standing by your principles,
for refusing to participate in gossip, for holding your words when tempted
to demean another, for not entertaining impure or hateful thoughts, for
sympathizing with the afflicted, for being courteous and kind to all.”

Community Services

If you have old coats or

This New Year…. blankets that you’re not
using anymore, think
about donating them to
We will continue to our Community Services.
need your articles and Someone will find a great use for them
ideas, also, if you have this winter season.
pictures of activities
share them with us and
with the webministry. In this Issue:

Thank you for all your Parson to Person ···· 2

Think about It········ 5
help during the 2009.
Jewelry in the Bible 6
Getting to Know ···· 7
We've just finished celebrating the birth of our Saviour, and the year 2009 is
about to end! It went by extremely fast, didn't it?? And a new year--2010
--is soon to begin! What will this new year hold for you? What do you want
to accomplish? What new year's resolutions are you making? Like so many
others, we make so many plans, even promises to ourselves, but it seems
most of them are never carried to completion. Hopefully that won't happen
again---maybe we'll carry out our resolutions!

But there's one resolution every single one of us should make, and carry
out!! And that's to determine to live closer to the Lord and to His
truth! There's no greater resolution than that! Regardless of our plans, our
highest priority should be to put Christ first in everything, and, with His
help, make every adjustment to live in accordance with His will in all
things. Nothing is more important; in fact, everything else pales into insig-

Yes, there are many things that must be done and taken care of. There are
many things necessary for our health and happiness. There are many things
that wrestle for our attention, and are important to everyday living.

But nothing else matters if we don't have a connection with the Saviour and
His truth! Whatever our work, plans, and hopes are, they are totally useless
without the endorsement of the Lord! Note what the wise man, Jeremiah,
once wrote: "Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His
compassions fail not. They are new every morning....Great is Your faithful-
ness."(Lam. 3:22,23) Did you notice that it's because of God's great compas-
sion we are still here! And His compassions are new every morning! No
wonder His faithfulness is great!

In this new year let's make sure we put first things first! God is faithful be-
cause of His compassion! Yours for allowing His compassion to continually
mold us, even remold us, Pastor and Sharon Webb

Page 2 The Church Courier

New Year Resolutions
If your New Year Resolution is…

• To forget about old mistakes and sins - Read Psalm 85:2, 1

John 1:9, and remember that “He was taken our sins away
from us as far as the east is from west.” Psalm 103:12

• To stop being worried - Read Isaiah 26:3, 1 Peter 5:7, and

keep in mind that Jesus said, “Don’t Let your hearts be trou-
bled. Trust in God, and trust in me.” John 14:1

• To be brave. - Read Hebrews 13:8, Psalm 91:4-7, and be brave

Psalm 23.

• To trust in God. - Read Psalm 138:7, Isaiah 42:16, and don’t

ever forget the message of Isaiah 26:3, “You Lord, give true
peace to those who depend on you, because they trust you.”

Now that you know where you can find some advice to be able
to fulfill your resolutions you can be sure Jesus will bring satis-
faction to your life, because “Those who want to do right more
than anything else are happy, because God will fully satisfy
them”. Mathew 5:6

Vol. 11 Issue 1 Page 3

Bible Quiz
According to Matthew’s gospel, King
Herod heard that wise men (astrologers)
from an eastern land had come to Jerusa-
lem to honor one they believed was “born
king of the Jews.” Herod was frightened
because he did not want any competition for his position or his power.

Herod told the wise men to return when they found the new king, and
tell him where he could go to pay homage himself. Of course, Herod
had murder on his mind.

The wise men found the child, but what did they do afterward?

A. They immediately returned and told Herod where to find the child.
B. They returned to their own country by another road (or way).
C. They stayed in Bethlehem until Herod died.
D. They returned to Herod, but gave him misinformation.

The answer can be found in Matthew 2:12.

Answer: B. They returned to their own country by another road (or

We have some new members

and we want to welcome
them, they are: Margaret
McCoon from St. Petersburg
SDA Church, Garret Williams
from Bethlehem SDA Church
in Clearwater. Also, Donald
and Carol Pigeon, and Mary
Poitier . Happy you are here!

Page 4 The Church Courier


December baby was: Cynthia Cortes

Clue: “Goldilocks?”
Cynthia has beautiful curly blonde hair.

Our winners were: Nobody guessed!

We want to thank Gary Grimes

for all the help he gave us during
many months with his monthly
articles. God Bless you!!

Think about it…

• God will never lead you

where His strength cannot
keep you.
-Barbara Johnson

• If you're looking for a sign

from God to get back to
church, this is it!

• Don’t let my car fools you,

my treasure is in heaven.
–Bumper sticker

Vol. 11 Issue 1 Page 5

Jewelry in the Bible
by Juan Rivera

It has been said many times that the topic of

jewelry is one that we should not waste our
time in. This is true in some ways. There are
other topics more important that deserve our
attention. Although when we study this topic we are exploring the nature of
the Christian life, the function of biblical principles and norms. Yes, jew-
elry is a detail, small perhaps, but it opens a wide area of study, because not
only does it confront us with our Savior, but also with a God who reclaims
authority over every aspect of our lives.

I will present to you an in-depth study done by Dr. Angel M. Rodriguez

about the use of jewelry in the Bible and its implications for the members of
our worldwide church. We will let the bible texts speak for themselves.
Biased? Yes. This is written by a Seventh-day Adventist that accepts the
norms of the church on the use of jewelry as an ornament. However, we
need to state from the start that the acceptance of the Adventist norms in
regards to the use of jewelry makes no particular contribution to our salva-
tion and it should not occupy the center of our lives. Christianity is based in
the person and the work of Jesus Christ on behalf of the human race and we
should not permit anything else to take this position. Only through Jesus
can we be accepted by the Father (John 14:6). Every doctrine and norm of
the church should contribute in some way to reveal the significance of the
cross and to indicate its implications for the Christian life.

Among the fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-day Adventists, number 22

summarizes the position of the church in regards to the norm of personal
adornment: “While recognizing cultural differences, our dress is to be sim-
ple, modest, and neat, befitting those whose true beauty does not consist of
outward adornment but in the imperishable ornament of a gentle and quiet
spirit”. This is explained a bit further in the church manual in the chapter
titled “Standards of Christian Living”. However, the Manual introduces
what appears to be an exception to the norm by permitting the use of a wed-
ding ring “in some countries where it’s considered imperative, having be-
come, in the minds of the people, a criterion of virtue, and hence it is not
regarded as an ornament”. We will examine wedding rings in more detail in
this study. continue on page 9

Page 6 The Church Courier

We are so glad to have this talented lady in our
church, and many of us want to get to know her a
little better. Rebecca is the daughter of Pastor
and Sharon Webb.

Q: What is your favorite Bible character? Why?

A: I have so many it’s hard to pick just one, but

when pressed, I would have to say David.
Because as the Bible says, even though he did Rebecca D. Morro
so many things wrong, he was still “a man
after God’s own heart.” That gives me encouragement that no matter how
bad my choices or actions may be, I can still be called a “woman after
God’s own heart.”

Q: We know you sing and play the piano, what other talents would you like to
share with your Church family?

A: I LOVE telling the children’s story because I have always LOVED children.

Q: What is your favorite hymn and why?

A: “Day By Day”, it reminds me that no matter how bad things get and how
dreary it may seem, God is there giving me strength and taking me through
things “day by day”.

Q: Do you have any pets?

A: No pets at the moment, but hopefully in the near future I will have a Chi-

Q: What do you think our NPR Church can do to bring more people to know

A: By being the people we are whether we are at work or just out and about
doing our errands.

Thank you Rebecca for letting us get to know you a little better, God bless!

Vol. 11 Issue 1 Page 7

Self-discipline and the
Christian faith

A new year offers us the opportunity

to make dramatic changes in the
practice of our faith as Christians.
OUR CHURCH Making ourselves more disciplined,
Lorraine C. Wilson for example, especially in our spiri-
(Church member) tual life.
What a privilege to come to Self-disciplined Christians see to it
our church
To be with our Family of
that they pray regularly and often.
God. They will want to learn as much as
they can about the Bible, the
Our church is a sacred place “owner’s manual” which helps us un-
Where we draw closer to derstand what God requires of us.
Him. Self-disciplined Christians will take
advantage of learning opportunities
How wonderful to worship
our Savoir
at their church. Lessons in theology,
Who saved us from sin church history, Christian family liv-
through His grace. ing, operating a business along
Christian principles, etc. can bring
So let us show respect and enlightenment and guidance to us.
love for our church Remember that Sabbath school is
And be reverent in God's for all ages and offers fellowship as
holy place.
well as learning.

Sunsets The letter to the Hebrews is very re-

from: alistic when it points out that “No dis-
cipline seems pleasant at the time,
but painful.” It goes on to say, “Later
Jan 2 ......... 5:46 pm on, however, it produces a harvest
Jan. 9 .......... 5:51 pm of righteousness and peace for
those who have been trained by
Jan. 16 ....... 5:57 pm it.” (Read Hebrews 12:7-11.) It is
Jan. 23 .......6:02 pm that wonderful reward we should
Jan. 30 ...... 6:08 pm seek by deepening our spiritual life.

Page 8 The Church Courier

Get out your calculator

• Begin with 66, the number of books in the


• Add 13, the number of Paul’s books in the New Testament.

• Add 7, the number of churches in Asia Minor (Revelation
• Multiply by 3, the Trinity.
• Multiply by 12, the number of tribes in Israel.
• Multiply by 12 again, for the Apostles.
• Add 600, Noah’s age when the flood came.
• Add 3, for Noah’s sons.
• Add 30 the age of Jesus when he began his ministry.
• Finally, add 33, the age of Jesus at his crucifixion.
• Now, press the equal sign, turn the calculator around and
read the number upside down. You’ll see the source for the
solution to all of life’s problems.

Jewelry in the Bible by Juan Rivera

Cont. from page 5

The fundamental issue that confronts the church today in regards to

jewelry is the supposed lack of biblical support. Traditionally we have used a lim-
ited group of bible texts in order to support our position about the use of jewelry
(e.g., Isa. 3:16-26, 1 Tim. 2:9-10, 1 Pet. 3:1-6), but we haven’t examined a signifi-
cant number of other passages that are related with this same topic. Consequently,
some of our sincere church members are confused and when they look for answers,
they do not find them satisfactory. Therefore, it is indispensable that we consider
carefully the Biblical material.

Please join us online at as we go in-depth into

this study. We will discuss jewelry in the Old Testament, jewelry in the New Tes-
tament, implications for the church and potential dangers.---
If you have a topic that you would like to see an in-depth study, please let us know
by writing to us at or contact Juan Rivera.

Vol. 11 Issue 1 Page 9

Support our School bowling league
starting soon!!!
Congratulate your
child or grandchild NEW HOPE TV PROGRAM
and/or advertise your
“Healing Hope”, hosted by
business in the 2010 Lonnie Melashenko of Kettering
School Yearbook. Health Network, debuts and will
air on January 2, 2010.
Time and spaces are The first episode will air on Sat-
running out, last day urday, January 2nd. Each epi-
to reserve is sode will show (all times EST)
Saturdays at 7:00 p.m., Mon-
January 15. day at 4:30 p.m., Tuesdays at
7:00 p.m. and Thursdays at
10:00 p.m.
For more information
contact the School "Healing Hope" features inter-
office, Church office or views with Dr. Becky Wang-
Scriven of Kettering Medical
Omayra Rivera. Center in Dayton, Ohio; Dr.
Kirk Chung, child psychiatrist at
Kettering Behavioral Medicine
Center; Dr. Tom Hardy of
GrandView Medical Center; Dr.
Karl Haffner, senior pastor of
the Kettering SDA Church;
Chris VanDenburgh, Parish
Nurse Director for Kettering
Medical Center; Dr. Steve
Brochures in the office. Schmidt, surgeon and many

Page 10 The Church Courier

From the Editors

Winter just got here and I want to enjoy the win-

I saw one store already ter season: the cool
selling beach summer weather, the nice breeze,
clothes. It wasn't shock- and cold nights. God
ing at all, I have seen wants us to live a day at
worst. Their job is to sell
a time and He is right. This newsletter is
and it doesn't matter Why worry now about published monthly
what, how or when. what to wear in the sum- by the NPR SDA
mer? Why worry in Church. If you
I saw a commercial once September about a have any com-
that a store was selling Christmas gift? ments to make
Christmas gifts on about the news-
September: they called Please enjoy each day, letter, wish to
"Christmas in Septem- as each day is a gift from make a donation,
ber". It was funny at the God. or wish to submit
beginning but suddenly an article, please
all the stores are doing Alex Ortiz send it to the
the same on every church or to us.
single festivity or holi-

Contact Us
Alexander Ortiz Omayra Rivera
727-365-2892 727-372-0052

NPR Seventh-day Adventist Church

6424 Trouble Creek Road
New Port Richey, FL 34653

Vol. 11 Issue 1 Page 11

NPR Seventh–day Adventist Church
6424 Trouble Creek Road
New Port Richey, FL 34653

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