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Guidelines 20-01-2012

Guidelines for film production grants from Srfond

Issued by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs 20-01-2012
Film is one of today's most important cultural expressions. Film, as an art form and as
cultural expression, combines in a unique way other art forms such as music, drama and
moving images. Movies are, at one and the same time, entertainment, an independent artistic
expression, and a medium reflecting both our past and our future. Film is also about identity,
community, freedom of expression and sense of belonging. The Norwegian Film Institute and
the Films From the South Foundation have recognised that it is difficult for filmmakers in
developing countries to realise film projects that are locally based, despite the great demand
for such productions. Filmmakers in developing countries have the need for both production
capital and international professional networks. It is in that spirit that Srfond was created.
The Norwegian Film Institute oversees the administration of the scheme in accordance
with the grant letter from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated 8th December 2011. Specific
decisions made according to the guidelines may be appealed to the Foreign Ministry.
1 Overall objective
The grant shall contribute to strengthening film as a cultural expression, to promoting
diversity and artistic integrity on the international film scene, and to strengthening freedom of
expression. The grant shall also contribute to an increased cooperation between Norwegian
and international film industry.
The purpose of the Srfond grants is to stimulate to the production of films in
developing countries where such production is limited by political or economic causes.
2 Scope
The guidelines apply to grants for the production of films with a main producer based
in a country on the OECD's current list of countries and territories eligible to receive
assistance (DAC-list), and a minority producer established in Norway.
3 Definitions
In these guidelines, the following terms will be understood as:
a) Film: a fiction film or documentary with a minimum running time of at least 50
minutes, produced for screening in cinemas, on television, or on other audiovisual
media platforms.
b) Main producer: a foreign private production company that has prime responsibility for
the financial and practical implementation of the project.
c) Minority producer: a private and independent production company established in
Norway that is not predominantly publicly owned, nor substantially related to a
broadcasting organisation.
d) De minimis support: support under a certain amount that can be given to enterprises
without prior notification to the EFTAs surveillance body ESA, see regulations
concerning exemptions from the obligation to notify reception of public support 2,
see also Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1998/2006 of 15 December 2006. The total
de minimis aid cannot exceed 200 000 euros over a rolling period of three fiscal years.
The period begins on the first payment of the de minimis support, independently of the
source of such support.

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Guidelines 20-01-2012

4 Production requirements
The application has to concern a film with the main producer established in a country
on the DAC-list. In addition, the director must have citizenship from, or be resident in, a
country on the DAC-list.
The film must, for the most part, be shot in a country on the DAC-list.
In exceptional cases, derogations may be made regarding the establishment of the
main producer in a country on the DAC-list, if, due to political reasons, the film cannot be
produced in such a country.
Production grants
5 Application for production grants
The minority producer puts forward, on behalf of the production, the application for a
production grant (top financing) of the film, as mentioned in 2.
The application shall be submitted within published deadlines and must contain:
a) the CV of the main production company and of the minority production company , as
well as the CVs of the responsible producers of both production companies.
b) letter of intent regarding co-production between the main and the minority producers.
The guidelines for film production grants from Srfond shall/must be annexed to the
letter of intent.
c) the scriptwriters CV.
d) the directors CV.
e) copies of up to three of the directors most recent productions.
f) directors notes.
g) script or project description if the application concerns a documentary film.
h) documentation that the main producer holds complete chain of title as well as all
production and screening rights.
i) production schedule, shooting schedule and estimated date of release .
j) pilot (if applicable).
k) total budget estimate for the project in NOK, EUR or USD.
l) any agreements with distributors, TV-channels or other media platforms.
m) financial plan, specifying funding and other financing, and documentation that funding
for 50 per cent of the productions costs are confirmed.
n) information about potential other de minimis aid that the main and the minority
producers have received in the two preceding financial years, as well as within the
current financial year, see 3, letter d.
The application must be submitted in English.
6 Assessment and selection
A panel consisting of three to five members appointed by the Norwegian Film Institute
processes the applications and nominates candidates to the Norwegian Film Institute, which
holds the decision-making power. At least one member from a DAC-listed country shall be
represented in the panel.
The assessment and selection of the applications shall be based on an overall
assessment of artistic, production-related, economical and technical aspects of the project.
Particular emphasis is placed on the purpose of Srfond, the project's cultural identity,
including the use of local languages and local shooting locations. Emphasis is also placed on
the directors and the producers' experience, as well as on the representation of women in key

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Guidelines 20-01-2012

7 Calculation of the grant

Grants provided under these guidelines are provided as de minimis contributions, see
3 letter d.
Grant amounts are determined by the Norwegian Film Institute on the
recommendation of the panel, and shall not exceed NOK 1 million for any one project. If the
applicant has received travel grants as specified in 11, second paragraph, they are not
included in the production grant amount.
Up to 10 per cent of the grant amount may be retained by the minority production
company in order to cover its administrative costs.
The grant amount, minus the share of the minority producer referred to in the third
paragraph, shall be transferred to the main producer in its entirety. It is a condition that at
least 70 per cent of the total funding must be spent in a country on the DAC-list.
8 Payment of the grant and acceptance of the terms
The grant is paid in three instalments to the minority production company upon its
written request.
The first instalment amounts to 70 per cent of the total grant and is paid when the
minority producer submits:
a) the main and minority producers written acceptance of the grants terms and
conditions, as set out in these guidelines and in the grant letter.
b) documentation that the project is fully funded and that all funding is confirmed.
c) the invoice sent by the main producer to the minority producer, corresponding to the
formers share amount of the first instalment.
d) the signed co-production agreement, if not provided earlier.
e) the signed agreement between the main producer and the film director.
f) the production schedule.
The second instalment amounts to 20 per cent of the total grant and is paid following
the end of the shooting, once the minority producer submits:
a) the invoice sent by the main producer to the minority producer, corresponding to the
formers share of the amount of the second instalment.
b) a rough cut of the film, with sound.
c) the dialogue script in English if the film is not subtitled in English.
d) the updated production schedule.
e) the main producers report on the project.
The third instalment amounts to 10 per cent of the total grant and is paid by the
Norwegian Film Institute once the minority producer submits:
a) a copy of the finished film with English subtitles.
b) the invoice sent by the main producer to the minority producer corresponding to the
formers share of the amount of the third instalment, as well as documentation of
expenses (as an appendix), corresponding to the main producers share of the whole
grant amount.
c) audited and certified financial statements from the minority producer for the whole
grant amount.
d) the main producers statement for the use of the grant and goal achievements,
including documentation that at least 70 per cent of the grant has been used in
country/-ies on the DAC-list, see 7, fourth paragraph.

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Guidelines 20-01-2012

e) the minority producers statement for the use of the amount reserved for
administration expenses (cost report).
f) the minority producers statement on the implementation of the project in regards to
the overall objectives described in 1.
The documents must be submitted in Norwegian or English.
9 Duty of information
The minority producer shall, at all times, provide the Norwegian Film Institute with all
information necessary in order to process the application and the requests for payment of the
Once the funding has been allocated, it is the duty of the minority producer to inform,
of his own initiative, of any change in regard to the conditions for attribution of the grant.
There cannot be significant changes in the project, among these change of director, without
the written approval by the Norwegian Film Institute.
10 Time limit of the grant
Final decision on funding shall be accompanied by a grant letter with these guidelines
in English. Requests for payment of the first instalment must be made within 6 months, unless
otherwise specified in the grant letter, or subsequently approved by the Norwegian Film
Institute. If the request is not received within the deadline, the commitment to grant support
lapses automatically.
Participation in the Srfond pitch forum
11 The purpose of the Srfond pitch forum
The Films From the South Foundation organises the Srfond pitch forum in
connection with the annual Films From the South festival in Oslo, Norway.
The purpose of the Srfond pitch forum is to give potential main producers the
opportunity to present their projects to potential Norwegian minority producers, with a view
to enter into a co-production agreement.
12 Application to participate in the Srfond pitch forum
The main producer may apply to participate in the Srfond pitch forum within the
deadlines established and published by the Films From the South Foundation. A travel grant
is provided to the forums participants.
The application for participation in the pitch forum should contain:
a) clearly defined background and rationale, goal description and the projects history.
b) the CV of the main production company, as well as of the producer responsible for
the project and of the director.
c) the synopsis or script, or project description.
d) the budget in NOK, EUR or USD.
e) the financial plan in NOK, EUR or USD.
f) any pilot, or other visual material aviailable.
The application must be submitted in English.

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Guidelines 20-01-2012

13 Selection for the Srfond pitch forum

The applications for participation are reviewed by the Films From the South
Foundation, who then forwards the relevant applications to a pre-selection jury consisting of
three to five members appointed by the Films From the South Foundation. The pre-selection
jury recommends potential participants to the pitch forum to the Films From the South
Foundation, which makes the final selection in consultation with the Norwegian Film
The assessment and selection of the projects shall be based, as far as possible, on the
conditions detailed in 6, second paragraph.
It is a prerequisite for the main producer to be represented in order to participate in the
pitch forum.
Conditions attached to the grant, sanctions, etc.
14 Screening rights
The Films From the South Foundation holds the exclusive right to the Scandinavian
premiere, at the Films From the South festival, of all productions that have received
production grants from Srfond. No compensation will be provided for such screening, or for
other non-commercial use of the production by the Films From the South Foundation.
15 Credits
Once a production has received a production grant from Srfond, the fund shall be
credited with a logo in the list of opening credits, the films final credits, and on other
material, on an equal basis with other investors and funding providers.
16 Repayment of an excessive grant payment
If the final statements and documents show that the actual expenditure has been lower
than budgeted, the Norwegian Film Institute will demand repayment of excess funds.
17 Sanctions
If the minority producer or the main producer are found to be in breach of these
guidelines, of the terms of the grant letter or of other conditions of the grant, the Norwegian
Film Institute can withhold the grant or claim repayment of grants paid from the producer

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