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1. The treatment plan for a patient with hemiplegia is based on the theory of reinforcing
normal movement through keypoints of control and avoiding all reflex movement patterns
and associated reactions:
a. Bobath
c. Rood
b. Kabat
d. Brunnstrom
2. Bobath technique is based on retraining normal patterns of movements by initially eliciting
associated reactions and primitive reflexes. Bobath is also a supporter of using the priniciple
of irradiation in treating the hemiplegic side of the Pt.
a. Both statements are true
b. Both statements are false
c. First statement is true while 2nd is false
d. First statement is false while 2nd is true
3. In treating a neurologically impaired patient, which of the ff. best exemplifies the theory of
a. The development sequence is used in conjunction with PNF techniques.
b. Patient is encouraged to use associated reactions.
c. Maximal resistance for maximal contraction
d. Treatment should be active and dynamic
4. The Bobaths have emphasized and believed that sensory disturbances may contribute to
abnormal coordination and decreased motor control. The bobath technique can be used to
either facilitate tone or inhibit tone by manual handling of the key points of control.
a. Both statements are true
b. Both statements are false
c. First statement is true while 2nd is false
d. First statement is false while 2nd is true
5. According to Bobath, the following are the first muscles to be affected by spasticity except

Elbow flexors
Scapular depressors
Ankle plantarflexors
Knee extensors

1. You are treating a Pt. who has suffered a CVA eight weeks ago. The Pt. is demonstrating
isolated joint movements that are performed with coordination. According to brunnstrom,
which stage of recovery is the patient in?
a. 3
b. 4
c. 5
d. 6

2. A client who has suffered a stroke four weeks ago is beginning to show the ability to
produce movement patterns not dictated solely by limb synergies. According to Brunnstrom,
this client is in which stage of recovery?
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 6
3. You are treating a neurological patient in a rehabilitation unit. You are treating the patient
according to the theories of Brunnstrom. Which of the following would be an appropriate
treatment emphasis according to Brunnstrom?
A. Limb synergies are a necessary intermediate stage of recovery and the patient
should be encouraged to use limb synergies patterns
B. Patient should learn diagonal pattern of movement
C. Do no reinforce abnormal patterns of movement
D. Do not use associated reactions
4. Brunnstrom method:
a. A method of exercise treatment using classical PNF methods designed around
predetermined diagonal-spiral movements that are repeated many times
b. A method using cutaneous stimulation (brushing and icing, etc.) to increase
gamma efferent activity
c. A method of exercise that uses extensive bracing to allow desired movement
while prohibiting other movement
d. An ecclectic program used in hemiplegia rehabilitation employing central
facilitation, PNF, and peripheral cutaneous stimulation to move the patient
from mass synergy reactions to voluntary motion contained in synergies, and
then to refined voluntary motion control
5. A pt. who suffered a stroke 2 months ago is starting to develop a typical arm posture. All of
the following are components of typical arm posture EXCEPT:
a. Shoulder Adduction and Internal rotation
b. Forearm pronation
c. Wrist Extension and Finger Flexion
d. Elbow flexion

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