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Medani Mohamed M.Ahmed

[I]. Personal Data
1. Name: Professor Medani Mohamed M. Ahmed
2. Academic Positions: Professor of Economics, [October 1999- 2010], University of
Khartoum, Sudan.
3. Work Position & Current Address :
Economic Expert, at the Regional Development and Infrastructure
Department, General Directorate of Services Sectors development, the
Supreme Council for Planning [previously was the Ministry of National
4. Working Address:
Supreme Council for Planning, P.O. Box 881, Postal Code 100, Muscat,
Sultanate of Oman [since January 2010 to date].
Cell phone: 986-989 66 292[in Oman].
E-mail Address: , also :
5. Permanent Address:
University Khartoum, P.O Box 321, Khartoum- Sudan. Code: 11115. Mobile:
6. Marital Status: Married with children.
7. Nationality: Sudanese.
8. Birth Date: January 1, 1954.
9. Passport No: P00797701
10. Issue Date: 17/3/2013.
11. Expiry Date: 16/3/2018.

[II]. Academic Qualifications.

1. [1981-1985]: Ph.D. Economics, University of California, Riverside. United States of
America. The Award was on June 15, 1985.
2. [1978-1980]:M.Sc. Economics, Department of Economics, Faculty of Economic and
Social Studies, University of Khartoum, Sudan. The Award was in October, 1980.
3. [1972-1977]: B.Sc. Economics (Honors: Second Class Division One] Department of
Economics, Faculty of Economic and Social Studies, University of Khartoum,
Sudan. The Award of the degree was in May 1977.
4. [October 1978-April 1979]. I attended a six months course on Economic
Development at the University of Kent at Canterbury, UK financed by a scholarship
offered by the British Council, UK.

[III]. Working Experiences:

[January 2010- to Date]. Economic Expert at the Supreme Council for Planning
[previously was Ministry of National Economy], Muscat, Sultanate of Oman.
[October 1999- January 2009] . Professor of Economics at the Institute of African
and Asian Studies, University of Khartoum, Sudan.

[September 1993- September 1999]. Associate Professor of Economics at Institute of

African and Asian Studies, University of Khartoum, Sudan. My job responsibilities
include teaching and supervision of postgraduate Diploma, M.A and Ph.D. Students,
conducting research, coordinating projects, and administrative responsibilities at
the IAAS and the University of Khartoum.
[July1985-September 1993]. Assistant Professor at Institute of African and Asian
Studies, University of Khartoum, Sudan.
[1985-1990].Part-time Assistant Professor at the Sudan Academy for Administrative
Sciences, Sudan.
[1985-1987]. Part-time Assistant Professor at the Development Studies and Research
Center (DSRC), University of Khartoum.
[1986-1989]. Part-time Assistant Professor at the Institute of Extra Mural Studies,
University of Khartoum, Sudan.
[1985-1987]. Part-time Assistant Professor at the Institute of Banking, Bank of
Sudan, Khartoum, Sudan.
[1984-1985]. Teaching - Assistant, department of Economics, University of
California, Riverside, U.S.A.
1977-1978]. Teaching - Assistant for a number of courses at the department of
Economics, University of Khartoum, Sudan.
[1977-1985]. Teaching - Assistant at the Institute of African and Asian Studies
[IAAS], University of Khartoum.

[IV]. Research Areas of Interest.

I have been conducting research, consultation and advising in the following areas:
Sustainable Development in the Developing Countries & Sudan .
Indigenous knowledge & Sustainable development in the Developing
Countries & Sudan .
Social , Economic & Human Development in the Developing Countries.
Structural Adjustment Policies [SAPs] & Social & Economic Development in
the Developing Countries.
Fiscal Policy and Poverty Alleviation in the Developing Countries & Sudan.
Government Spending and Economic & Social Development in the Third
World & Sudan.
External Indebtedness and its Impact on Economic Development of the
External Debt Sustainability & MDGs in the Developing Countries .
The Impacts of the Global Financial Crisis on the Developing Countries .
Public Expenditures & Financial Assessment[PEFA] Performance Indicators
& Evaluation..
Public Expenditures Review in Third World Countries: Assessment and
Performance Indicators.
Country Integrated Financial Assessment[CIFA], Performance Indicators.
Regional Development & Transfer of Resources from the Center to the Subnational levels in the Developing Countries.
Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations & Regional Development in the Sudan.
Economic Feasibility Studies : Measurement , Assessment & Evaluation.

[V].Consultancies and Research Partnerships:

I worked as a consultant for the baseline Survey Project Sponsored by the UNDP
and Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, Sudan. My assignment was to
examine and evaluate Regional Finance and its constraints in the Northern Region
of the Sudan. The project code is (Sud/86/578 and Sud/87/529). A Final Report of
my assignment was submitted and included in the final report.
I have also worked as a Research Partner for the Education in Crisis in Africa
Project which was sponsored by the World University (WU). My job responsibility
included data collection on general education and conducting of two-small
Questionnaires on the crisis of education. Interviews were also done with
educationalists, officials of the Ministry of Education and Teachers at the three
educational levels. Issues discussed focused upon factors affecting general
educational productivity, level and quality as well as the impacts of the economic
problems on education in the Sudan. A comprehensive report has been written and
submitted an incorporated in the final results of the book. The book was published
in 1991
Member of the National Research Team of experts formed by the Ministry of
Manpower to construct a comprehensive questionnaire for the Migration Data Base
project [SUD/1996/ P07] which was implemented by Ministry of Manpower and
supported financially and technically by United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA).
The questionnaire was a well-designed pre-coded questionnaire which included six
modules covering the characteristics of labor force, housing, immigrant and rural
households. Three fieldworks Migration of labor force surveys were implemented in
1990, 1994 and 1996.
Visiting Researcher in a research arrangement between IAAS of University of
Khartoum and the French Center CEDEJ Cairo [CEDEJ: Center for
Documentation of Economics and legal Studies Egypt in the June- August 1992.
A Special Advisor to the World Wide Intellectual Association for African Hunger
Relief [WIAAHR) Seoul, Korea, 1996.
Initiator and Developer of Ford Foundation (USA) project entitled The Blend
between Indigenous Technical Knowledge and Modern Technical Knowledge for
Agricultural Development in the Sudan. I have written the initial proposal, revised
the subsequent copies and finally submitted the final approved project proposal to
the Ford Foundation. The foundation accepted and approved the project with a
total finance of $ 80,000 for the IAAS, grant No. 910-0360 ITK Projects 1990. Under
my directorship of the Traditional Music Archive [TRAMA] of the IAAS we were
able to write and successfully submit a three-year proposal for funding the different
a program of TRAMA for the Ford Foundation Regional Office in Cairo for the
period 1997-2000.A budget of $390,000 was approved.
I was elected a Board member of the African Publishers Network [APNET] for two
years 1997-1999 and reelected again for another two years 1999-2001 representing
the North Africa Region. APNET is an NGO based in Harare, Zimbabwe [founded
by some African publishers and concerned donors in 1992.Now it has a membership
of more than 30 African countries], aiming to promote indigenous publishing in
Africa. It attempts to transform and change African people through easy access to


books. It works as a network for all National Publishers Associations [NPAs] in

Africa. Am heading the Capacity Building Committee of APNET.I have contributed
actively to the progress and development of its membership and success. APNET
has undergone a very critical external evaluation by its donors for its various
activities and received an excellent report on the level of its efficiency and
competence. We have just finished proposing a Five-Year Strategic Plan 1999-2004,
as partnership between APNET and its Donors with a total budget of $5 million. I
have proposed the capacity building item of the budget of nearly US $300,000.
I worked as a member of Team of consultants for the UNDP, [with Michael Bell,
George Washington University and MEB Associates, Inc. and Rahamatalla A.
Babiker of the ministry of Finance and National Economy, Sudan,] to write a
chapter titled: An Analysis of Fiscal Policies in the Sudan: A Pro-Poor
Perspective within the UNDPs project on Macroeconomic Analysis of Poverty in
the Sudan in the period February-September 2004..
I worked as a consultant for the World Bank for the period July 10-September 30,
2004 on Intergovernmental relations in the Sudan as a Member of the
decentralization Custer 1 of the Joint Assessment Mission [JAM]. The JAM is a
tripartite agreement between World Bank, UNDP and government of Sudan to
make assessment of the needs of the Sudan in the post peace era in accordance with
the assigned peace protocols.
Consultant for the Fiscal , Financial , Allocation & Monitoring Commission , the
Presidency of Sudan, advising on intergovernmental fiscal relations & l resource
allocation among different tiers of government in the Sudan, 2005-2006.
Lead consultant, for the World Bank Public Expenditures Review: Gezira State
Case Study, for the period June 1-July 31, 2006.12A consultant for the Ministry of Finance and National Economy Project: Capacity
Building development program in the Post conflict Era, 2006.
A consultant for the World Bank project :Country Integrated Financial Analysis
[CIFA] in the Sudan , 2007..
A consultant for the World Bank project : Public Expenditures and Financial
Analysis Performance in the Sudan, September-December 2006.
Consultancy works for the Macro-micro issues on the Sudan, Chair Michelsen
Institute [MCI], Norway, University of Ahfad and university of Khartoum, Sudan,
Consultant for the United Nations Economic Commission [UNECA], Ethiopia,
consultancy work for the Peer Review of ECA Development Report 2009, December
2008. [Major work is external assessment of the Development Report published by
the ECA.
Consultant for the Forum of Federations, Canada, June 17-29, 2009.The assignment
was to participate in intensive training courses on Fiscal Federalism in the Sudan,
presented to the FFAMC, Economic Affairs committee, National Assembly and
Ministry of Federal Rule, Sudan.
Consultant for the FFAMC, on Revising and Updating the Horizontal Formula for
resource Distribution between Northern States in the Sudan. October-December,

Consultant for the ODI, UK, the Global Financial Crisis and Developing Countries,
July-December 2009.
Consultant and assessor for the background papers of the Second Human
Development Report for the Sultanate of Oman, 2010-2013.

[VIII].Membership of International Organizations and Institutions.


Member of Indigenous Knowledge and Sustainable Development Network. [1991].

Member of the African - Asian Society of South Africa. [December, 1996].
Member of the African Institute of South Africa, [1996].
Member of Africa Publishers Network (APNET), Harare, Zimbabwe, [August 1996May 2001]...
5. Member of Organization of Social Sciences Research in East- Africa [OSSREA],
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1995-2010].
6. Member of the Board of the African Publishers Network APNET {July 1997 May
7. Member of the British Society for Middle Eastern Studies {BRISMES}, Durham,
U.K [1998].
8. Member of the Union for African Population Studies (UAPS), Dakar Senegal,
9. Member of the African Conflict Resolution Network, African Association for
Political Science, Harare, Zimbabwe [1998].
10. Member of the Steering Committee of the Culture Africa Network [CAN] project,
based at University of Cape Town, South Africa. The Network is composed of nine
African Centers, which have substantial collections of cultural materials. The
Network aims at sharing African cultural creativity, richness and artistry through
multi-media documentation and information technology-based sharing and
dissemination of these materials for the purpose of cultural Research, education and
the promotion of Africa's artistic heritage [1998-2002].
11. Member of the Association of African Political Science, Harare, Zimbabwe, [2001.
12. Member of the joint research team between CHR Michelson Institute, Norway,
Ahfad University and Khartoum university tilted: Micro and Macro Issues of Peace
Building in the Sudan, [2007-2010].
13. Member of four- experts Peer Review Committee to assess and evaluate the 2009
Africa Development Report, published by the Economic Commission for Africa,
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, [December, 2008].
14. Member of the Team of researchers to study Impact of the Global Financial Crisis
on Low-Income Countries, Overseas Development Institute, UK , and SIDA,
Sweden, 2009-2010.
15. Member of the Arab World Network of University Professors & Higher Education
Administration Members, 2014.
16. Member of the Economic Development Network, 2014.
17. Member of the Indigenous Economic Development Network, 2014.
18. Member of the International Development Network, 2014.
19. Member of Research, Methodology, and Statistics in the Social Sciences Network,

[IX].Membership of Editorial Boards of Academic Journals.

1. Chief Editor of the Bulletin of Sudanese Studies, IAAS, University of Khartoum
(Feb. 1992- June 1997).
2. Member of the Editorial Board of the Sudan Notes and Records [SNR], Sudan
[Sept. 1992 - June 1997.].
3. Chief Editor of Journal of Arab and African Studies. IAAS, University of
Khartoum [since Sept. 1996 February, 2001].
4. Member of the Editorial Board of the Sudanese Studies Bulletin, MOB Center for
Sudanese Studies, [1998-2010]
5. Member of the Editorial board of Bulletin of Sudanese Studies, University of
Khartoum, [2004 -2010].

[X] Consultancy Experiences.

2. Consultant for the World Bank, Decentralization in the Sudan , Joint Assessment
Mission[JAM] Khartoum, Sudan, 2004-2005,
3. Consultant for the Fiscal , Financial , Allocation & Monitoring Commission , the
Presidency of Sudan, advising on intergovernmental fiscal relations & l resource
allocation among different tiers of government in the Sudan, 2005-2006.
4. Consultant for the World Bank, Public Expenditures Review [PER]Project, Sudan,
2006 and 2007.
5. Consultant for the World Bank, Country Integrated Fiduciary and Public
Expenditures and financial Accountability Project, Sudan, 2006 and 2007.
6. Consultant for the UNDP. Macroeconomic Policies for poverty Reduction in the
Sudan project. Khartoum Sudan 2004-2005.
7. Consultant for the UNECA, Assessment of the African Development Report 2009.
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 2007.
8. Consultant to Ministry of Finance and National Economy, Khartoum, Sudan, 20062007 Public Analysis & Development Center Project in collaboration with World
Bank Institute Team of Experts .
9. Consultant for the Ministry of Finance & National Economy Poverty Reduction
Project, , Khartoum, Sudan , 2007.
10. Consultant for the Ministry of Social Planning, Child and Women Affairs, Poverty
Reduction Project, Khartoum, Sudan, 2008-2009.
11. Consultant for the UNDP, External Debts and MDGs in the Sudan. New York, USA,
12. Consultant for the Institute of Zakat on PFM and Budgeting, Khartoum, Sudan,
July, 2009.
13. Consultant for the Forum of Federations, Canada. The Capacity Building Project
and Training program on Fiscal Federalism and Inter-governmental Relations,
Khartoum, Sudan June-July, 2009.
14. Consultant for the FFAMC, on Revising and Updating the Horizontal Formula for
resource Distribution between Northern States in the Sudan. October-December,
15. Consultant for the ODI, UK, the Global Financial Crisis and Developing Countries,
July-December 2009.

16. Consultant and assessor for the background papers of the Second Human
Development Report for the Sultanate of Oman, 2010-2013.

1. Medani M. Ahmed and Hamid Osman Ahmed (Eds.). Sudans Foreign Relations:
the African and Arab Dimension, IAAS, KUP, 1991.
2. Medani M. Ahmed. Development of Agriculture in the Sudan: An Annotated
Bibliography with an Introductory Essay. IAAS, KUP, 1994.
3. Medani M. Ahmed. Indigenous Knowledge for Sustainable Development in the
Sudan. IAAS, KUP, 1994.
4. Medani M, Ahmed. Indigenous Farming Systems, Knowledge and Practices in the
Sudan. IAAS, KUP, 1994.
5. Medani. M.Ahmed. Current Studies on the Sudan, .Mohamed Omer Bashir Center
for Sudanese Studies, Omdurman Ahlia University (1998).
6. Medani. M. Ahmed [Editor]. Bulletin of Sudanese Studies, Vol.14 Compound Issue
[two Issues No 2, 19922 and No 1, 1993], IAAS, University of Khartoum.
7. Medani. M.Ahmed [Editor] Bulletin of Sudanese Studies Vol.15 [Compound issue
[Two issues No.2, 1993 and No.1, 1994] IAAS, University of Khartoum.
8. Medani. M. Ahmed, Mohamed Osman Khidr and Abdel-Rahim S. Karar [Revised
and Edited]. The Project of the University of Khartoum for Rehabilitation of the
University Institutions and Innovation of Programs: The Challenge of the Third
Millennium. University of Khartoum, 1999.
9. Medani M Ahmed. University of Khartoum Consultancy Manual, Investment
Administration, University of Khartoum, Khartoum University Press [KUP], 2000.
10. Medani M.Ahmed. [A contributing Author to the UNDP book: Macroeconomic
Policies for Poverty Reduction: the Case of the Sudan. [UNDP Sudan, June 2006]. [A
chapter on Public Finance with Michael Bell].
11. Medani M.Ahmed, Dirk Willem Te Velde and others. The Global Financial Crisis
and Developing Countries. Phase 2: Synthesis. Overseas Development Institute,
London, UK, March, 2010.
12. Medani M. Ahmed. The Relevance of the Concept of Savings and Economic Surplus
to Economic Development. Monograph Series No. 3, DSRC, KUP 1988.
13. Medani M. Ahmed. The Institutionalization of Capital Accumulation and Economic
Development in the Sudan. Monograph Series No. 38 DSRC, KUP 1991.
14. Medani M. Ahmed, the Political Economy of Development in the Sudan, African
Seminar Series No. 29, IAAS 1987.
15. Medani M. Ahmed. The Political Economy of Agricultural Development in the
Sudan, in French, Bulletin du CEDEJ 22, Cairo, 1987, PP 93 - 115.
16. Medani M. A. Sudans External Debts: Crisis and Solutions , Bulletin of Sudanese
Studies, Vol. 10, No. I (in Arabic) IAAS and KUP, Khartoum, 1990.
17. Medani M. Ahmed. Some Aspects of Regional and Local Finance in the Northern
Region of the Sudan. Journal of Economic and Administrative Studies, Vol. 5 No. 2
Turkey, 1991
18. Medani M. Ahmed. Review of Gunner M. Sorbos book: Tenants and Nomads in
Eastern Sudan. Uppsala, SIAS 1985, in Africa, Vol. 61.3 Edinburgh University
Press, 1994.

19. Medani M. Ahmed. Economic Crisis of the 1980s in the Sudan: An Overview of the
Main Indicators and Structural Causes, Egypt/Monde Arabe, No. 15-16 3e et 4e
trimesters [Sep.-Dec.] 1993, Cairo, Egypt. pp. 27-38{in French}.
20. Medani M. Ahmed. Educational Crisis in the Sudan or ACRISE DE
LENSEIGNEMENT AU SOUDAN, Egypt/Monde Arabe, No. 17- ler trimestre
1994, Cairo, Egypt. PP 79-98. (In French).
21. Medani. M.Ahmed. "In the Sudan: Characteristics and Challenges of its Book
Sector", African Publishing Review,Vol.7,No.3,.
22. Medani M. Ahmed. Capital - Labour Substitution in the Sudanese Industry, in
Mohamed Hashim Awad, (Ed.), Socio-Economic Change in the Sudan. Graduate
College Publications University of Khartoum, Biddles Ltd., Guildford and Kings
Lynn England, 1983.
23. Medani M. Ahmed. Problems of Development and Under- Development in Sudan: A
Preliminary Note, in S.H.Hurreiz and E.F.A.Abdel Salam (Ed.). Ethnicity, Conflict
and National Integration in the Sudan, IAAS, KUP, Khartoum, 1989.
24. Medani. M. Ahmed and H.O. Ahmed."Factors Influencing Sudan foreign
Relations" in M. M.Ahmed and H.O. Ahmed, Sudan Foreign Relation: the African
and Arab Dimension, IAAS, KUP, 1991.
25. Medani M. Ahmed. Development of Agriculture in the Sudan in M.M. Ahmed,
Development of Agriculture in the Sudan: An Annotated Bibliography with an
Introductory Essay, KUP, Khartoum, 1994, pp. 1-32.
26. Medani M. Ahmed. The Concept of Indigenous knowledge and its Relevance to
Sustainable Development, in Medani M. Ahmed, Indigenous Knowledge for
Sustainable Development in the Sudan, KUP, 1994.
27. Medani M. Ahmed. Agriculture in the Sudan: The Need for a Blend between
Indigenous knowledge and Modern Technology, in M.M. Ahmed. Indigenous
Farming Systems, Knowledge and Practices in the Sudan, KUP, Khartoum 1994.
28. Medani M. Ahmed. "An Introduction to Current Studies On The Sudan", in M.
M.Ahmed, Current Studies On The Sudan, Mohamed Omer Bashir Center for
Sudanese Studies, Omdurman Ahlia University, 1999.
29. Medani M Ahmed." The Development of the Book Sector in the Sudan" in M.
M.Ahmed, Current Studies on the Sudan, Mohamed Omer Bashir Center for
Sudanese Studies, Omdurman Ahlia University, 1999.
30. Medani M.Ahmed, Rahamatalla Babiker and Michael Bell. An Analysis of Fiscal
Policies in the Sudan: A Pro-Poor Perspective, Working Paper Number 017, George
Washington Public Policy Institute .The George Washington University,
Washington, DC. 2005.
31. Medani M. Ahmed. Intergovernmental Relations in the Sudan: Field and Policy
Recommendations from Field Visits in the State of Khartoum. A paper submitted to
the World Bank, August 2004.
32. Ahmed Medani, Michael Schaeffer, Michael Bell, and Sebastiana Gianci. Subnational Budgeting Process, Preparation and Execution, A paper submitted to
UNDP and World Bank, August 2004.
33. Michael Bell and Medani M Ahmed. "Findings and Recommendations from an
Initial Reconnaissance of the Intergovernmental System in the Sudan". A paper
submitted to the World Bank, September 2004.

34. Medani M Ahmed and Michael Bell. "Fiscal Decentralization in the Sudan: Concept
and Challenges". Working Paper No. 10, The George Washington University,
Washington DC. , 2005.
35. Michael Bell and Medani M Ahmed. "Government of Sudan Intergovernmental
Transfer Options", a paper submitted to the World Bank, October 2004.
36. Medani M.Ahmed and Michael Bell. The Government of Sudan: Intergovernmental
Policies and Issues, Working Paper No.011, GWIPP, , The George Washington
University, Washington DC., 2005.
37. Medani M Ahmed and Sebastiana Gianci." Zakat", in Cordes, Joseph, Robert Ebel,
and Jane Gravelle, eds., the Encyclopedia on Taxation and Tax Policy [Washington,
DC: Urban Institute Press, 2005].
38. Medani M. Ahmed, Yousif Bashir and Abdel-Latif Taha." Public Expenditures
Review: Gezira State Case Study". A Study submitted to the World Bank, August,
39. Medani M.Ahmed. [A contributing Author to the UNDP book: Macroeconomic
Policies for Poverty Reduction: the Case of the Sudan. [UNDP Sudan, June 2006]. [A
chapter on Public Finance with Michael Bell].
40. Medani M.Ahmed." Sudan External Debts and the Millennium Development Goals",
UNDP, March 2007.
41. Medani M.Ahmed. External Debts, Growth and Peace in the Sudan. Some Serious
Challenges Facing the County in the Post-Conflict Era. SR2008:1, Norway, 2008.
42. Medani M.Ahmed. Can the Sudan achieve the MDGs given its past and current
expenditures allocations patterns? SR 2008:2. Norway, 2008. ). Also Available at
43. Medani M Ahmed. The Economic Repercussions of the International Criminal Court
[ICC] Indictment Procedures on the Sudan. [In Arabic]. Ahfad University and
University of Khartoum, 2009[.
44. Medani M Ahmed. The Impacts of the International Financial Crisis on the Sudan
Economy. SR 2009:1. Norway, 2009.
45. Medani M. Ahmed. The Global Financial Crisis is Derailing the Sudan Economy,
The Journal Radical Political Economy, UK, [2010]. Also Available at SSRN:
46. Medani M Ahmed. The Impacts of the Global financial crisis on the Sudan
economy. Working Papers no.29, ODI, UK, February 2010. SSRN/WPS: the
Journal PSN: Fiscal & Monetary Policy (Development) (Topic]. The journal PSN:
47. Medani M.Ahmed, Dirk Willem Te Velde and others. The Global Financial Crisis
and Developing Countries. Phase 2: Synthesis. Working Paper 316, Overseas
Development Institute, London, UK, March, 2010.
48. Medani M.Ahmed, Budget processes, Expenditures Assignments, and Development
Challenges at the State and Local Levels of the Gezira State, Sudan. (July, 10, 2010).
Available at SSRN/WPS: Economic Research Network [ERN]: National, State and
local Budget and Expenditures [topic].
49. Medani M. Ahmed, External Debts, Growth and Peace in the Sudan: Some Serious
Challenges Facing the Country in the Post-Conflict Era 1651802[August 1, 2010).

Available at SSRN/WPS: Public Economics: National Budget, Deficit, & Debt

50. Medani M Ahmed, Budget Credibility, Predictability, Comprehensiveness,
Accountability and Transparency of the Khartoum State, Sudan (August 9, 2010).
Available at SSRN/WPS: Economic Research Network [ERN]: National, State and
local Budget and Expenditures [topic]: WPS.
51. Medani M Ahmed, Economic Growth and Social Development in the Sultanate of
Oman, 2013. Available at SSRN/WPS: Economic Research Network [ERN] WPS : .
Evaluation of Government Budget Using the Public Expenditures & Financial
Accountability[PEFA] Methodology with Special Reference to Credibility and
Efficiency Indicators, August 21, 2013, The Supreme Council for Planning, Muscat ,
Ranking and Prioritizing Development Projects at the Central & Regional Levels,
August 28, 2013, The Supreme Council for Planning, Muscat , Oman.


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