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Yes, all the TBFs are in Acknowledged mode.

Interestingly, the LLC Throughput indicators "GPRS_DL_LLC_throughput_per_GPRS/EG

PRS_ack_TBF" give even stranger values. The values for the BSCs done exceed even
5Kbps :). Also, note that the denominator used in this formula is the same one
that we are suspecting to be wrong (GPRS_DL_active_connection_EGPRS_ack_time*100
0). So, we cannot expect even this indicator to give correct values. I wonder if
someone has devised a new formula with new observation period which depicts the
true throughput values?
good analysis.
the denominator is doubtful too, in my opinion :)
GPRS_DL_useful_throughput_radio_GPRS_TBF_avg = GPRS_DL_useful_bits_CSx_ack / (GP
GPRS_DL_active_connection_GPRS_ack_time = Cumulated time duration of all active
DL TBFs established in GPRS mode and RLC acknowledged mode
Note: An active DL TBF connection is a DL TBF not in delayed release state.
Are all your TBF in RLC ACK mode ? As far as I can see, that would be the only p
ossible explanation.
Have you checked the mono object distribution reports I was talking about ?
Basically, you could also check these (as new, but simpler) indicators:
They should provide better stats.
let me know...

-------------------------------------Thanx for your quick response.We have B-10 in the network. I have already check
ed the counter level stats and I see high values for data volume(bytes) for CS4
resulting in high Throughput.But how can we be sure that the value reported for
data transferred is correct or not? Secondly, I seriously doubt the reliability
of Alcatel Throughput Formula for both GPRS/EGPRS(per TBF and even per cell). In
our network, normally we get very good throughput from Drive Test(above 100Kbps
) but no BSC is exceeding 40Kbps EGPRS Throughput per TBF which is very strange.
Note that as per our investigations, same behaviour is being observed in other
Alcatel Networks. I can confirm that there is no limitation from any interface p
oint of view.We have already done expansions for Abis,PS Atermux,Gb interfaces a
nd tried almost all Radio Features aswell but to no avail.So,authenticity of thi

s indicator is quite doubtful(I personally believe that in the formula,there is

some problem with the denominator(observation period)!
in which release are you ?
this indicator's formula is based on a total amount of volume, divided by a time
. Check those two values, see which one is "weird". Maybe you'll be able to inve
stigate where is the fault coming from.
since B10, you can check the LLC throughput distribution (in the report mono obj
ect distribution), which is probably more precise.
i don't recall any issue with the average throughput per tbf though... but i nev
er checked it as you did :)

I am suspecting that the Alcatel indicator for throughput (GPRS/EGPRS) is wrong.
I conducted a test by forcing the MS on GPRS and downloading data continuously
for a few hours.On TEMS the average throughput that I got was around 65-70Kbps(w
ith Max being 80Kbps for 4TSs used).However, for the same interval the throughpu
t per TBF GPRS_DL_Useful_Throughput_Radio_GPRS_TBF_Avg" that was observed on NPO
was around 250Kbps which is strange as in GPRS the max throughput that you can a
chieve would be around 80Kbps( CS4 and 4 TSs being used). Would you please share
your views in this regard and has anyone observed any discrepancy in Throughput

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