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Pre-King Wen, "Earlier Heaven", Primordial (先天八卦), or "Fuxi" bagua (伏羲八

卦) order

In Fengshui used for burial sites

Probably used in all Baguazhang

卦 卦名 自然 方向
Name Nature Season Direction
☰ 乾 Qián 天 Heaven Summer South
☴ 巽 Xùn 風(风) Wind Summer Southwest
☵ 坎 Kǎn 水 Water Autumn West
☶ 艮 Gèn 山 Mountain Autumn Northwest
☷ 坤 Kūn 地 Earth Winter North
☳ 震 Zhèn 雷 Thunder Winter Northeast
☲ 離 Lí 火 Fire Spring East
☱ 兌 Duì 澤(泽) Lake/Marsh Spring Southeast
King Wen "Later Heaven"

In Fengshui used for the residences

卦 卦名 自然
Name Nature Season
☲ 離 Lí 火 Fire Summer South
☷ 坤 Kūn 地 Earth Summer Southwest
☱ 兌 Duì 澤(泽) Lake/Marsh Autumn West
☰ 乾 Qián 天 Heaven Autumn Northwest
☵ 坎 Kǎn 水 Water Winter North
☶ 艮 Gèn 山 Mountain Winter Northeast
☳ 震 Zhèn 雷 Thunder Spring East
☴ 巽 Xùn 風(风) Wind Spring Southeast

The Guas' names and meanings:

挂 挂名
繁体 简体

☰ 乾 Qián 乾 other meanings: a surname; male; strong

干 other reading: gān; dry, clean, surname Gan
☴ 巽 Xùn 巽 other meaning: obey

☵ 坎 Kǎn 坎 other meanings: pit; threshold

☶ 艮 Gèn 艮
other meanings: a surname
other reading: gěn; blunt; tough; chewy
☷ 坤 Kūn 坤 other meanings: the earth; female-principle
☳ 震
n 震 other meanings: shake; shock

☲ 離 Lí 离
other meanings: to leave; to depart; to go
away; from
☱ 兌 Duì 兑 other meaning: to cash
It is obvious that Early Heaven offers a high degree of symmetry (inviting
philosophical contemplation of the transformation of one thing into its opposite),
whereas Later Heaven appears to be a meaningless jumble (note however, that the
relative lengths of the lines may indicate an intentional sequence). Tracy Valleau
says In the Early Heaven diagram the trigrams are related across the centre of the
circle, in the relationship of heaven. But that in the traditional King Wen diagram,
the trigrams are related as a circle, in the relationship of earth.

If you also reverse the position of the lines in the individual gua (i.e. swap the line
closest to the centre with the line furthest from the centre), a new set of links is

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