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Strategies for Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills

Help your students become 21st century thinkers! Developed for grades 3-5, this resource
provides teachers with strategies to build every student's mastery of high-level thinking skills,
promote active learning, and encourage students to analyze, evaluate, and create. Model
lessons are provided as they integrate strategy methods including questioning, decisionmaking, creative thinking, problem solving, and idea generating.
Kotak Soalan Fizik

Kotak Soalan
Pelajar boleh meninggalkan nota, soalan, komen, kata pujian, dan pemikiran di dalam kotak
komen yang dibina oleh pelajar sendiri. Ini juga merupakan satu strategi terbaik untuk
melaksanakan di dalam kelas kerana ia akan menggalakkan pelajar yang bersifat malu dan
pendiam untuk bertanya soalan dengan tanpa perasaan malu.

Kotak Soalan
Kotak Soalan disimpan dan dipamerkan di dalam almari kelas di mana pelajar boleh
melontarkan soalan pada bila-bila masa.
Kelas saya boleh menggunakan kotak soalan untuk berkomunikasi dengan saya dengan
rasa tidak mahu namanya disiarkan. Saya mahu pelajar saya dapat bertanya soalan,
berkongsi idea atau beritahu saya tentang situasi. Mudah-mudahan, ini akan membantu
untuk mengurangkan perasaan malu di kalangan pelajar. Mereka boleh menulis segala
pemikiran dan diletakkan di dalam kotak pemikiran dan tiada siapa yang akan tahu siapa
yang bertanya.

Strategies for Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills

Why use Foldables in Physics lessons?


Organize, display, and arrange information, making it easier for students to grasp
physics concepts, theories, facts, questions, research, and ideas.
Replace teacher-generated writing or photocopied sheets with student-generated print.
Incorporate the use of such skills as comparing and contrasting, recognizing cause and
effect, and finding similarities and differences.
Can be used as alternative assessment tools by teachers to evaluate student progress or
by students to evaluate their own progress.

Strategies for Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills

Using mini-whiteboards to transform classroom practice

There are three reasons I find them useful:.

1. Whole-class feedback:Mini-whiteboards, on which the whole class simultaneously
writes down the answer to a question, are a quick way of gauging whether the class as a
whole is getting your lesson. This method also satisfies the high-achievers who would
normally stick their hands up.
2. Developing confidence. Quite a lot of students dont like putting pen to paper. This is
especially true in maths where there is usually a single right answer and, therefore, a high
risk of getting it wrong. Ive found students much more willing to make a start on mini
boards because its easy to make corrections and wipe out mistakes. Once theyve
experimented, they can copy out the solution on paper.
3. Checking individual work. When students complete the same task on mini boards, they
collaborate better by looking at what each other are writing and its easy for me to see too.
Theyre less afraid of someone pointing out a mistake because its quick to make corrections
on the dry-erase surface.

Strategies for Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills

You are required searching for and photographing your own reflection image.

The plate in the kitchen

I was searching for some shiny things to capture in the kitchen and there I found the plate.

The Helmet
I was searching for somethings that can reflect and to capture, I found the helmet.

I was looking for songs that suitable for my happy emotion.

Strategies for Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills

Type of Instrument: Student activity (mind maps)
Definition of Mind Maps:
A mind map allows you to make connections between ideas or words. It
can include words, images,
feelings and much more.
Learning Objectives :
i. Help you to link what you already know with what you are about to
learn. (before T&L).
ii. Help you to making summaries and revision notes. (after T&L).
iii. Help you to clarify your ideas and identify any misconceptions you
might have. (after
iv. Let your teacher know what you already know or have learnt. (after
Construct being Assessed :
Construct V : Scientific skills and moral values.
Title : 4.3 Understanding Specific Latent Heat
1. With your partner, brainstorm a list of all the words you know that are
related to specific latent
2. Draw a mind map using all the words in your list. You can include
additional words if new
ideas arise while you are linking and connecting words.
3. Once you have finished your mind map, take time to consider the
following question:
- Which words do you feel really confident about?
- Which words do you feel less confident about?
(That is, which words do you feel you need more information about to
understand the
concept well)
4. Compare your mind map with your groups members, and then keep
your reference as you
learn more about specific latent heat.
5. Finish by listing all the questions that you would like to find answers for.
6. You are asked to finish the mind maps and hand in after school
holidays. Due date: 8.1.2010.
Example : Sample student mind map.
Teacher note: How to make a mind map.
1. Be creative! Use colour, symbols, shapes ,locations, feelings- anything that
helps you remember.
2. Think of this as mapping whats in your brain and develop your own personal
style of mind map.
3. Mind maps can be made by groups of people contributing ideas. This is when
mind maps can become
really wild and creative.
4. Compare your mind map with another group, write down any similarities and

Strategies for Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills

5. You can always add to your mind map as your ideas change.

Members of Group:
Teacher note:

What is a Group Work?

Group work is working together to achieve a common goal. Group work gives you
opportunity to
discuss and share your ideas, learn from others and, as a team, solve a problem or
complete a
task. Every member of the group has a role and contributes to the success of the

Why work in groups?

A team working together can achieve more than the sum of its individuals. You can
bounce ideas
off each other, clarify your understandings and gain self-confidence.

How do we work in groups?

Group work is about working effectively as a team. However, there are some things you
watch out for, such as the following:

One person taking over.

Leaving someone out
Giving too much work to one person.
Criticizing without offering your own suggestion.
Rules for successful group work.

Strategies for Developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills

1. Work as a team for all to succeed each person needs to contribute.
2. Make sure everyone gets to share theirs ideas. If this is not happening, take
3. Divide the task into bits and give each person their own bit - and deadline.
4. Respect all ideas.
5. Every so often, evaluate how you are going. Help others if you finish quickly.

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