CIT1121 Network Basics Syllabus

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CIT 1121 Networking Basics

Tony Chen
COD Main #: 942-2537
Office Hours: Friday 1:00-5:00 pm,
Monday till Thursday 4:30-6:00 pm;

Course Name:
Credit Hours:

CIT 1121
Fall Semester 2010
Tuesday & Thursday 12:30 pm-4:20 pm
Class Location: BIC-2K

Office: OCC 124A

CIT1121 Networking Basics

3 credit hours

Required: NONE
Recommended Textbook:

Network Fundamentals, CCNA Exploration Companion Guide

ISBN: 1587132087 / ISBN 13: 9781587132087

Optional Textbook:
CCNA Portable Command Guide, Second Edition, By Scott D. Empson., ISBN-10: 1-58720-1933; ISBN-13: 978-1-58720-193-6

Course Description:
First of four courses designed to provide students with experience in current and
emerging numbers, hexadecimal numbers networking technology. Instruction includes
internetworking terminology, binary numbers, hexadecimal numbers, address classes, IP
addressing and subnetting, protocols, standards, basic electrical concepts, and cabling
Topical Outline:
1. Network fundamentals
*. Historical and current network communication systems
*. Network topologies
*. Network data transmission a data sharing
2. OSI reference model
3. Local area networks
4. Application layer
5. Transport, session, and presentation layers
6. Routing protocols
7. Routing and IP addressing
8. Data link layer concepts and technologies
9. Physical layer media, connections and collisions
*. Asynchronous; synchronous data communication; analog; digital communication;
*. Cabling and wireless media;
10. Network documentation and cabling
11. Basic router and switch configuration

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Class Attendance, Participation and Timely Completion of Assignments:

Class attendance and active participation are essential if students are to receive maximum benefit from
this class. Participation requires preparation including completion of reading and other assignments by the
due dates .If you cannot attend class or complete an assignment on time, please let me know beforehand
so that we can discuss alternative strategies. 10 points will be deducted for each unnotified absence up to
a maximum of 100 points. A student who misses 3 weeks of classes will be dropped from the course.
Make-up Policy: If you cannot attend class on the scheduled date for a test, please let me know
beforehand so that a make-up can be arranged. Tests must be made up within one week of the scheduled
date. Failure to pre-arrange a make-up will result in the loss of points for the test. Only one make-up per
student is allowed.
Academic Honesty: Any violations of College of DuPage policies regarding academic honesty and/or
integrity will be referred automatically to the appropriate College authorities for disposition. See
appropriate pages in the college catalog for definitions and regulations.
General Note: In order to achieve the course objectives, it is essential that you enjoy the class in addition
to complying with the above requirements and the rules and policies of College of DuPage contained in
the catalog and other College materials. If you are having course/College related problems, please feel
free to talk to me so that we can resole them to your satisfaction and benefit.
Class Policies In order to make our class a comfortable and encouraging learning environment for
everyone, the following is a set of class policies.

Quizzes take place during the first 30 minutes of class.

Please treat other students, the instructor, and guests with courtesy and respect.
Please do your best to be on-time for class. If you are late, enter quietly and find out
what you missed from another student.
Please listen when others are speaking.
Please raise your hand to ask a question or make a comment. This allows me to finish my thought and for
everyone to ask questions fairly.
Bigotry and prejudices of any kind will not be tolerated.
For the courtesy of others, if you need to take a call, answer the call outside of the classroom.

Computer Use Policies

Do not use computers during lectures unless you are following the lecture using the online curriculum or the PowerPoint presentation. This includes surfing the net.
Do not install any software on the computers in the classroom or the lab.
Do not copy any software from any of the computers in the classroom or the lab.
Do not change the desktop or any of the default configurations of the computer unless it
is part of a lab exercise.
Any misuse of the equipment or unprofessional conduct will not be tolerated.

Routers and Switches

Erase all startup-config files when finished.

Make sure configuration register is set to 0x2102.

Turn-off routers and power-supplies when finished.
Do not disconnect serial cables unless it is part of a lab exercise.
Do not erase or modify flash memory.
Use class for privileged passwords (enable secret) and cisco for all other passwords.

Method of Evaluating Students:

Point Distribution:
IP address quiz :
Labs final:
Online Final:
Total points:

10 pts.
50 pts.
10 pts
20 pts.
10 pts.
100 pts.

Final Grades will be assigned as follows:

Accumulated Points
90 or above........................................ A
80-89.................................................. B
70-79.................................................. C
60-69.................................................. D
59 or lower......................................... F

1) No incomplete (I) grade will be given in this class.

2) Stop attending the class does not equal withdraw (W).

Course Outline/Schedule


08/24/2010 (T)
08/26/2010 (R)
08/31/2010 (T)
09/02/2010 (R)
09/07/2010 (T)
09/09/2010 (R)
09/14/2010 (T)
09/16/2010 (R)
09/21/2010 (T)
09/23/2010 (R)
09/28/2010 (T)
09/30/2010 (R)
10/05/2010 (T)
10/07/2010 (R)
10/12/2010 (T)
10/14/2010 (R)

T Tuesday
R - Thursday

Chapter 1: Living in a network centric world
Packet Tracer and Lab setup tutorial
Chapter 2: Communicating over the network
Chapter 3:Application Layer
Chapter 4: Transport Layer
Chapter 5: Network Layer
Chapter 6: IP Address
Chapter 7: Data Link Layer
Chapter 8: Physical Layer
Chapter 9: Ethernet
Chapter 10: Planning and Cabling Networks
Chapter 11: Configuring and Test your network
Hands-on lab (chapter 11)
Hands-on lab final
Hands-on lab final
Online Final

Online Quiz

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

IP workbook
IP Book:
IP Book:
IP Book:
IP Book:

0 to 7
8 to 14
15 to 27
28 to 57

VLSM book: 55 to 85

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