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Q.1 Multiple Choice Questions (Marks 1)

(1) The exploitation

of consumer due to inferior quality of goods is.........

(a) Physical

(b) Economical

(c) Ordinary
(d) Environment
ANS : (a)
(2) Charging higher prices than the printed ones is.........
(a) Economical exploitation

(b) Physical exploitation

(c) Environmental loss

(d) Ordinary loss
ANS : (a)
(3) Which reward is offered to youth whose performance is best in the field of consumer protection?
(a) Padmashri

(b) Padmabhusan

(c) National award

(d) National youth award
ANS : (d)
(4) From which funds are the organizations working for consumers awareness and justice given financial
(a) Social welfare funds

(b) Consumer welfare funds

(c) Social security fund

(d) International monetary fund
ANS : (b)
(5) How many members are there in state level committee?
(a) Two

(b) Three

(c) Four
(d) Five
ANS : (b)
(6) Which commission can hear and decide appeals of more then 20 lakhs...
(a) Consumer protection committee (b) State level commission
(c) Public interest committee (d) National commission
ANS : (b)
(7) Which

university provides consumer education in Gujarat State?

(a) Sardar Patel University(b) Dr. Baba Sahab Ambedkar Open University
(c) South Gujarat University(d) Gujarat University
ANS : (b)
(8) How many members

(a) Five

are there in national level committee?

(b) Three

(c) Four
(d) Two
ANS : (a)
(9) Who can hear and decide claims up to Rs. 5 lakhs?

(a) State Forum

(b) District Forum

(c) National Forum

(d) International Forum
ANS : (b)
(10) Who gave the principle of "Trusteeship"?
(a) Gandhiji

(b) Sardar Patel

(c) Baba Sahab Ambadkar

(d) Indira Gandhi
ANS : (c)
(11) The consumers are cheated because,........
(a) Most of them wealthy

(b) Most of them illiterate

(c) Bad effect of advertisement

(d) Are greedy
ANS : (b)
(12) ... is organized for redressal of consumer grievances.
(a) District Forum

(b) Lok Adalat

(c) State Forum

(d) National Forum
ANS : (b)
(13) Charging more price than printed is.........exploitation.
(a) Mental exploitation

(b) Physical exploitation

(c) Exploitation of public interest

(d) Economic exploitation
ANS : (d)
(14) Which organization co-ordinates all organizations engaged in the work of consumer protection?
(a) C.C.C.

(b) C.U.T.S.

(c) C.E.R.C.
(d) C.G.S.I.
ANS : (a)
(15) How many District Forums are established in every district?
(a) One

(b) Two

(c) Three
(d) Four
ANS : (a)
(16) Which scheme has been introduced by Indian Government to stop the environment from being
(a) Ecomark

(b) Agmark

(c) ISI mark

(d) FPO markA
NS : (a)
(17) Which quarterly journal is being published for consumer protection by department of Government of
(a) GrahakJagran

(b) Upbhokta Jaagran

(c) Rights of Consumers

(d) Mubarka Kadam
ANS : (b)
(18) called "King of Market".

(a) Producer

(b) Consumer

(c) Distributor
(d) Salesman
ANS : (b)
(19) When was Consumer Protection Act enacted?
(a) 1983

(b) 1986

(c) 1988
(d) 1990
ANS : (b)
(20) Not to publish misguiding advertisement is.........of the business.
(a) Legal liabilities

(b) Moral liabilities

(c) Oral liabilities

(d) Collective liabilities
ANS : (b)
(21) Which day is celebrated as Consumer Right Day in all over world?
(a) 15th January

(b) 15th March

(c) 15th October

(d) 15th December
ANS : (b)
(22) What is the nature of activity of consumer protection?
(a) Religious

(b) Political

(c) Social
(d) Economic
ANS : (c)
(23) Which day in India is celebrated as National Consumer Protection day?
(a) 24th March

(b) 24th December

(c) 24th January

ANS : (b)

(d) 24th November

Q.1 Multiple Choice Questions (Marks 1)
(1) In

which year in India FEMA Act was introduced?

(a) 1990

(b) 1999

(c) 1992
(d) 1993
ANS : (b)
(2) What does it mean by doing away with controls and giving a free rein to business and industry?
(a) Mixed Economy

(b) Liberalization

(c) Privatization
(d) Globalization
ANS : (b)
(3) Which is that group of factors which provides new opportunities for business of create new challanges
for the same?
(a) Business Ethics

(b) Business Management

(c) Business Responsibility (d) Business Environment

ANS : (d)
(4) In which country are economic growth and income poor?
(a) More developed countries (b) Developing Countries
(c) Developed Countries
(d) Under Developed Countries
ANS : (d)
(5) What does process of handing over the management and ownership of business and industry, to
private enterprise mean?
(a) Liberalization

(b) Modernization

(c) Privatization
(d) Merges
ANS : (c)
(6) After independence, which industrial houses has made maximum progress?
(a) Communication and Electronic(b) Dyes and Chemicals
(c) Textiles
(d) Defence
ANS : (a)
(7) After Liberamization and Globalization, which sector has increased employment opportunities?
(a) Public Sector

(b) Private Sector

(c) Joint Sector

(d) Financial Sector
ANS : (b)
(8) At the end of which century, the India economy suffered the burned of debts?
(a) 20th

(b) 21st

(c) 19th
(d) 15th
ANS : (a)
(9) In which sector do we find the effeciency of private sector and capital investment of Government?
(a) Public Sector

(b) Private Sector

(c) Joint Sector

(d) Non-Government Sector
ANS : (c)
(10) After which year the Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization reforms were introduced?
(a) 1978

(b) 1980 B

(c) 1989
(d) 1991
ANS : (d)
(11) Which industry was nationalization done in India after independence?
(a) Chemical

(b) Cloth

(c) Railway
(d) Toys
ANS : (c)
(12) After the implementation of Globalization which sector has made progress in the last 10 years?
(a) Social
(c) Consumer
ANS : (d)

(b) Political
(d) Industrial

(13) In

which year MRTP Act was passed?

(a) 1970

(b) 1971

(c) 1972
(d) 1975
ANS : (a)
(14) Which act was passed in India for restricting the accumulation of industrial wealth and monololy?
(a) MRTP

(b) FERA

(c) FEMA

(d) Industrial Development Regulative Act

ANS : (a)
(15) In

which field of work, the business process of outsourcing was the most noteworthy?

(a) Political

(b) Scientists

(c) Youth Workers and Expert

(d) Engineers
ANS : (c)
(16) Which factors play an important role in deciding business structure?
(a) Economic factors

(b) Society

(c) Shareholders
(d) Investors
ANS : (a)
(17) State the effect of environment law in growth of business.
(a) Business grows

(b) Business does not grow

(c) Business environment maintains (d) Business is not affected

ANS : (b)
(18) Which

economic system is prevailling in India?

(a) Capitalisms

(b) Socialism

(c) Mixed
(d) Dictatorship
ANS : (a)
(19) What is included in the meaning of wider sense of society?
(a) Group of people

(b) Social institutions

(c) Traditions
(d) Social Science
ANS : (a)
(20) How do people of India get their rights?
(a) Through parliament

(b) Through President

(c) Through Indian Constitution

(d) From their own
ANS : (c)
(21) In how many parts Business Environment can be divided?
(a) Two

(b) Three

(c) Four
(d) Five
ANS : (a)
(22) In which type of country do you find the possibility of economic development?
(a) Developed

(b) Underdeveloped

(c) Developing
(d) Non-Developing
ANS : (a)
(23) What happens when the demand for luxury goods increases?
(a) Increase in price

(b) Depression in market

(c) Advertisement increases (d) Unequal distribution of income

ANS : (d)
(24) State the effect of converting people of country from agricultural to industrial sector to service
(a) Business opportunities expand

(b) Business profit increases

(c) Business opportunity remains same

(d) Business opportunity increases or decreases

ANS : (a)
(25) Which

factor of business environment affects the business?

(a) Direct

(b) Indirect

(c) Direct and Indirect

(d) Direct or Indirect
ANS : (c)
(26) What was organised with the purpose of preparing a platform for trading in the whole world?
(a) FEMA

(b) FERA

(c) WTO
(d) GATT
ANS : (a)
(27) Whose object is to take international trade towards free trade?
(a) FERA

(b) World Bank

(c) FEMA
(d) GATT
ANS : (d)
(28) How is the act of restricting accumulation of industrial wealth and monopoly known?
(a) FERA

(b) IRDA

(c) EFMA
(d) MRTP
ANS : (d)
(29) What is included in internal factor of business environment?
(a) Social factor

(b) Employee

(c) Economic factor

(d) Political factor
ANS : (b)
(30) Consumers do not like certain products after sometimes that benefit means...
(a) Size opportunity

(d) Business environment

(c) Environment for continous learning (d) Knowing Risk

ANS : (d)
(31) If

there is stability in a country, which companies are attracted to invest in it?

(a) Private

(b) Public

(c) Multinational
(d) Joint Sector
ANS : (c)
(32) Which samples of foreign health centres are sent to India for medical test?
(a) Blood-Urine

(b) Kidney

(c) Skin
(d) Bone
ANS : (a)
(33) After independence, in which sector have Indian industrial houses made more progress?
(a) Information and electricity area (b) Textile area
(c) Defence area
ANS : (a)

(d) Colour-chemical area

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