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Feng Shui and plants in the home

Plants generate their own special flow of chi energy and create a fresher atmosphere and
help to compensate for the dead materials found in the home, such as plastic and
synthetic substances. Place plants by electrical appliances to counteract the detrimental
chi energy given off by the appliance.
Different plants will have different effects depending on their general shape, the shape of
their leaves and flowers and their colour. Plants with pointed leaves e.g. Peace lily are
more yang and help to move chi energy more quickly. Prickly plants e.g. cacti encourage
fire energy, low spreading plants e.g. Selaginella produce soil energy, those with small
round leaves e.g. Jade plant, metal energy and trailing plants e.g. Ivies, water energy.
The large floppy leaves of the Swiss Cheese Plant - Monstera deliciosa are yin and is an
ideal species for an area that needs calming especially in the south, southwest and
Another yin plant is the common Spider Plant - Chlorophytum comosum which is ideal in
the north.
A typical yang houseplant would be Dracaena marginata and can be placed in a corner to
stimulate the chi energy there and combines the wood and fire elements with its strong
upward growth and sharply pointed leaves.
Fresh flowers bring a lively chi energy to the home especially if they are healthy and well
looked after. Dried flowers symbolise death and decay and so are best avoided!
Depending on their colour and shape flowers will enhance the chi energy of particular
directions. Here are the properties of a few of the commonly available fresh flowers.
Tulips - carry metal energy, red tulips in a western aspect create romance and pink tulips
Iris - are associated with vitality and passion and free energy.
Sunflowers - have fire energy and a powerful stabilizing influence.
Carnations - the pink and red ones enhance romance and pleasure while the white
carnations add dignity and serenity.
Anemone - is associated with metal energy and red ones in a west facing bathroom could
help prevent chi energy from dispersing.
Daisy - white daisies in the north add tranquillity, in the northwest dignity and in the
northeast motivation.
Mimosa - with its abundance of small yellow balls mimosa increases the chi energy of the
centre. So place them in the centre of your home to keep your life more centred.

Lily - the flowers that point down give a settling influence and can be used to quieten and
over-active part of your home.
Rose - red roses will increase the chi energy of romance and style especially if

Feng Shui Flying Star 2006

(Effective From 4 Feb 2006 @ 07:29am Until 6 Jan 2007 @ 01:41am)





Click on the Star above to see annual affliction and recommended cures
Feng Shui Flying Star (Xuan Kong Fei Xing)
Feng Shui Flying Star changes from year to year, and to the extend, if you want to be
more precise, it can be calculated from month to month. Flying star can be applied to the
whole house which is called Big Flying Star (Big Xuan Kong) and also to individual
room which is called Small Flying Star (Small Xuan Kong).
There is no connection between Chinese Zodiac Astrology and Feng Shui Flying Star.
Compare Flying Star to Personal Kua Number, Flying Star affect everyone who lives in
particular house or work in the same office but Personal Kua only for individual. If there

is any conflict between the Flying Star with your Personal Kua, you should follow the
Flying Star remedies. The above chart is Flying Star for year 2006. It is divided into 9
section which represent 9 sector of your house, office or building. It is just like a blue
print where you can take this chart and super imposed to your house or room layout.
How does each sector determine your wealth, health, illness, disaster and potential ill
fated area. Please click on each sector to understand what should be place and not to be
place. You can also find remedies and cure in each sector.
Besides the Flying Star, you should also take note on the annual afflictions of the Three
Killing and Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter).
Flying Star No.2 - Star of Sickness
This star is called Er Hei, also known as Star of Sickness. The element of the star is earth,
and it represents illnesses and diseases. If you activated this corner, anybody who lives in
the room or house will be weak and always fall sick through out the year. Therefore you
need to reduce the harmful energy released from this corner.
The best cure to neutralize the energy created by the Star of Sickness is to place one or
two Bronze Wu Lou in this corner, the larger the better for it to control the harmful
If you have an air-conditioner unit or a door at this area, then you need to hang some
Prosperity Coin Balls on it or a Nine Emperor Coins Tassel behind the door to reduce the
bad energy generated by the Star of Sickness.
Avoids placing red color object such as red carpet or triangle shape object in this corner,
because the fire element can enhance the earth energy generated by the Star of Sickness
making it more harmful.
Flying Star No.7 - Star of Broken Army
This star is called Qi Chi, also known as Star of Broken Army. The element of the star is
metal, and it represents fire, violence, robbery, theft, burglary and crime.
The best cure to neutralize the energy from the Star of Broken Army is to place a Blue
Rhinoceros for Protection in this corner of the room or office to prevent any loss of
If you have an air-conditioner unit or a door at this area, then you need to hang a Chinese
Coin Sword on it or behind the door to reduce the bad energy generated by the Star of
Broken Army.
Avoids placing crystals rock or large porcelain vase in this corner, because the earth
element can enhance the metal energy generated by the Star of Broken Army.
. Flying Star No.9 - Star of Prosperity

This star is called Jiu Zhi, also known as Star of Prosperity. The element of the star is fire,
and it represents advancement and prosperity. This is the second best star among the 9
flying stars besides Star of Wealth. If you want to achieve advancement in your business
or career, you need to activate this area of your room or office.
To activate the Star of Prosperity, the best way is to place a Green Dragon Carp or a
Green Dragon in this corner, to create abundance and prosperity.
Star of Prosperity is the rising star of period 8, you cannot neglect this corner as it is the
future of your business and career. Activating it will keep your business and career
continue to develop and flourish. Avoids placing earth element object especially like the
porcelain vase or rice urn in this corner because the earth element can reduce the fire
energy of the Star of Prosperity.
. Flying Star No.1 - Star of Relationship
This star is called Yi Bai, also known as Star of Relationship. The element of the star is
water, and it represents romance and friendship. If you want to achieve good romantic
relationship or gain more sincere friends, you need to activate this area of your room or
To activate the peach blossom luck or get more romantic opportunity, the best way is to
place a pair of Mandarin Ducks made of Rose Quartz in this corner, the bigger the better.
Besides that you can add on with a pair of Sacred Elephants to increase more love luck.
To gain more sincere friends or to be welcome by your friends, place a Bronze or Golden
Laughing Buddha in this corner to activate the Star of Relationship.
Avoids placing plants or trees in this corner, because the wood element can reduce the
water energy generated by the Star of Relationship.
. Flying Star No.3 - Star of Struggle
This star is called San Bi, also known as Star of Struggle. The element of the star is
wood, and it represents argument, conflicts and war. In the year 2006, the star located in
the center of every house and office. If it is not neutralize, then there will be a lot of
argument and conflicts between family members. In the office, your job or business will
face a lot of legal issues. Therefore you really need to remedy this harmful energy before
it affects you.
The best cure to neutralize the energy from the Star of Struggle is to place a Red
Triangular Crystal in the center of the room or office. The fire energy of the red triangular
crystal can exhaust the wood energy release from that corner.

If you have a ceiling air-conditioner unit in the center of your office, then you need to
hang a Red Mystic Knot Tassel on it to reduce the bad energy generated.
If you have a ceiling fan in the center of your house or room, try not to switch it on too
often, because when you switch on any moving object in this area, you will activate the
bad energy.
. Flying Star No.5 - Star of Death
This star is called Wu Huang, also known as Star of Death. The element of the star is
earth, and it represents disaster and chaos This is the worst star among the 9 flying star,
you need to avoid activation of this corner at all cost. If you activated this corner of your
house, then all the bad luck will fall on you and your family, even death. If this corner of
your office were activated, then your business will fail or you will lose your job career.
The best cure to remedy the energy created by the Star of Death is to place a Five
Element Pagoda in this corner, the larger the better for it to control the deadly energy.
If you have an air-conditioner unit or a door at this area, then you need to hang a 6-Rod
Bronze Wind Chime with Coin on it or at the entrance to reduce the bad energy generated
by the Star of Death.
Avoids placing red color object such as red carpet or triangle shape object in this corner,
because the fire element can enhance the earth element of the Star of Death making it
more deadly.
. Flying Star No.6 - Star of Courage
This star is called Liu Bai, also known as Star of Courage. The element of the star is
metal, and it represents career and authority. If you want to success in your career, you
need to activate this area of your room or office.
To achieve nobility and fame in your career, the best way is to place a Victory White
Horse in this corner of your office or house.
To success in your career for power and authority, the best way is to place a Bronze Ru Yi
or Golden Ru Yi in this corner of your office.
To gain benefactors in your career or business, the best way is to place a Bronze or
Golden Dragon Tortoise in this corner of your office.
To protect your business or career opportunity from competitors, place a Metal Kwan
Kung in this corner of your office or house.
Avoids placing water element or blue curtain in this corner, because the water element
can reduce the metal energy generated by the Star of Courage.

. Flying Star No.8 - Star of Wealth

This star is called Ba Bai, also known as Star of Wealth. The element of the star is earth,
and it represents wealth. If you want to gain more wealth, you need to activate this area
of your house, room or office.
To activate the Star of Wealth, the best way is to place as much Crystal Spheres in this
corner, the bigger the better and the most effecting color will be yellow, pink and clear
Besides Crystals Sphere, you can place a large Citrine Tree in this corner, it will further
enhance the wealth energy from the Star of Wealth.
To activate windfall luck, you will need to place one Red Robe Laughing Buddha Lifting
A Huge Ingot among the crystals in this corner.
Star of Wealth is the most auspicious star among the 9 flying stars, if you have a door at
this area, then you must use this door frequently, and hang some Red Mystic Knot Tassel
on the door or above the door at the entrance to activate more wealth energy.
. Flying Star No.4 - Star of Intellectual Achievement
This star is called Si L, also known as Star of Intellectual Achievement. The element of
the star is wood, and it represents academic achievement and intelligence. This corner of
the room is best used for studying purposes.
The best way to enhance the energy of the Star of Intellectual Achievement is to place a
Wen Chang Pagoda in this corner.
For those who is going to sit for examination, place an Aventurine Crystal Tree will
further increase the examination luck.
Avoids placing red color object such as red carpet or triangle shape object in this corner,
because the fire element can reduce the wood energy generated by the Star of Intellectual

Product Description
For the Chinese, the Chi Lin is the mythical Unicorn. It has the head of a dragon and
body of a horse. The Chi Lin promises good omen, prosperity, success, longevity and
illustrious offspring.
Using Chi Lin to confront the Three Killings
The Three Killings direction is also known as the Saam Saat. You must never have this
direction behind you at any time. So you must find out where it is each year and confront
it boldly, otherwise it sends three types of misfortunes to disturb you and make your life
miserable. It is part of Feng Shui practice to take note of where the Three Killings is
located every year.
In 2006, the year of DOG, the Three Killings is in the NORTH. This means that during
2006 sitting with the direction NORTH behind is foolish and deadly. This means you
should not sit facing south. This holds even when the south is your best direction. You
may, however, face the Three Killings directly. This means that in 2006 you can and
should sit facing north. Confronting the Three Killings will not hurt you but having it
behind you will. It is always more advantages to sit facing the Three Killings head on.
When you are planning to do house repairs and renovations you must not do it in sectors
that house the Three Killings. Thus in 2006 this means you should not undertake any
renovations in the north part of your house, however, undertake renovations in sectors
that are opposite the Three Killings.
The Three Killings direction always occupies one of the four cardinal sectors north,
south, east, or west. So this is an affliction that covers 90 degrees of the compass. Here is
the summary of where it flies to each year. Take note of these afflicted directions in each
respective year and follow the advice never to have your back to this direction and never
disturb it with renovations.
Place of the Three Killings:

In Ox, Snake, and Rooster years the Three Killings is in the EAST (2001, 2005, 2009)
In Pig, Rabbit, and Sheep years the Three Killings is in the WEST (2003, 2007, 2011)
In Monkey, Rat, and Dragon years the Three Killings is in the SOUTH (2004, 2008,
In Dog, Horse, and Tiger years the Three Killings is in the NORTH (2002, 2006, 2010)
Placing 3 Chi Lin in the direction of the Three Killings or placing 3 Chi Lin facing the
directions of the Three Killings to restrain and prevent the killing Chi from harming you.
(Adopted from "Lilian Too's flying star feng shui for the master practitioner")
In year 2006, the Three Killing (San Shar) is located in the North. This means that in year
2006 sitting with the direction North behind is foolish and deadly. In other word, you
should not sit facing south. This holds even when the south is your best direction in your
personal Kua. You may, however, face the Three Killings directly. Confronting the Three
Killings will not hurt you but having it behind you will. It is always more advantages to
sit facing the Three Killings head on.
The best remedy is placing 3 Chi Lin in the direction of the Three Killings or placing 3
Chi Lin facing the directions of the Three Killings to restrain and prevent the killing Chi
from harming you.

Product Description
Pi Yao is a powerful and auspicious create of good fortune. Pi yao has the ability to help
anyone who is having a bad Feng Shui due to having offended the Grand Duke Jupiter
(Tai Sui).

If a person is having a series of bad luck after moving to a new home or just completed
any renovation should display the Pi Yao at home.
Pi Yao Ritual by the Chng Dynasty
Pi Yao is one of the 3 animal protectors of your home. The other 2 are Chi Lin and the
Lion. Most people select Pi Yao because besides protecting your home or businesses, it
will bring good luck to you. Pi Yao have a large mouth to bring in luck, a big pair of eyes
to look out for possible danger for you, a big pair of ears to listen to your wishes and a
pair of wings for you to fly far and beyond in your career. All Pi Yao have a big backside
but do not have an anus. Pi Yao will suck on all the good fortune in its mouth and do not
let it to waste and thus keeping all the good fortune for you.
In the Chng dynasty all Emperors Official will perform a Pi Yao Ritual every morning
to protect them and also to bring them luck. You too can perform this ritual every
morning before work.
Below are the steps to perform the Pi Yao Ritual for Good Fortune and Protection.
With your two hands, rubs the ears of your Pi Yao so that it will listen to you and slowly
move your hand down to its chest and rub it for longevity. Please do not touch its eye or
mouth. If you touch the eye, you will block its view and are unable to look out for you. If
you touch its mouth, you will block the good fortune from entering its mouth.
After rubbing its chest, move down to the two front legs for stability in business or
relationship. Move your hand back up to the wing and rub the wing. It will help your
career to advance far and beyond and lastly move your two hands down to its backside
and rub for luck. While rubbing its backside, take a moment a make a wish and then close
your fist and put your fist into your pocket for luck.
Using Pi Yao to increase Wealth
Besides being a cure for the Grand Duke, Pi Yao also can be used as wealth enhancer. By
placing Pi Yao according the below diagram locations, one can increase wealth luck in
business, gambling luck, and investment luck. Furthermore the Pi Yao can protect your
luck against being affected by those killing Chi. According to the below Feng Shui
arrangement, the Pi Yao has to be in pair. The small Pi Yao should be facing out the
windows and the large Pi Yao should be facing directly at the main entrance of the house
to capture the wealth and auspicious Chi.

Where to Place
Pi Yao can be place at any location depending on your need.
Put a Pi Yao at your living room in you have just move into new house. If you have just
finished renovating your house, the more reason why should have a Pi Yao in your living
room. It will save you from any bad obstacle due to your recent renovation that might
have created. A Pi Yao in your living room also ensure good health for you and your
family members. If you drive long distance, ensure that you put a Pi Yao is your car. Pi
Yao will protect you from any unwanted incidents.
Facing a Pi Yao directly on the front door will bring you good fortune. A Pi Yao has a
very big stomach and it is said that Pi Yao will suck all the good fortune and wealth luck
into his stomach. Since the Pi Yao is located in your house, the good fortune and wealth
luck will stay in your house.
For Business owner, put a Pi Yao at your reception area or any place in your office that
you conduct negotiation with your customer or supplies. This will bring you good luck.
You might also want to put in your working table facing northwest to bring authority for

In year 2006, the Tai Sui (Grand Duke Jupiter) is located in the Northwest. Meaning
avoid any digging or hammering on this sector at all cost, if you disturb the Tai Sui, any
disaster will happen to you through out the year inclusive death.
The best remedy is placing one or two Pi Yao in ths area, can be facing any direction. The
larger the Pi Yao, the better for it to control the treat from the Tai Sui.

Below is an example on how you use the flying star and super impose on to your house or
office. The main entrance of this house is facing north.(Big Xuan Kong). The same

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