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Anaeroblc Treatment of Sepge/Corn Stover and Blqsolids to Produce Blogas,
Electrical Power and Treated Blosollds
Townshlp ol Georglan Bluffs and Townshlp of Chatsworth


Monday, August 10,2009


8:00 a.m.

Locatlon: Municipal Ofices ol the Township ol

Georgian Blutls


Mr. Howard Greig, Mayor, Township of Chatsworth

Mr. Bob Pringle, Deputy Mayor, Township of Chatsworth
Mr. AlBarfoot, Mayor, Township of Georgian Blutfs
Mr. Dwight Burley, Deputy Mayor, Townsnip ol Georgian Bluffs
Mr. Will Moore, CAO, Township of Chatsworth
Mr. BillWhite, CAO, Township of Georgan Btuffs
Mr. Rick Winters, Director of PubllcWorks, Township of Georgian Bluffs
Mr. EarlBrubacher, Bio-en power lnc.
Mr. Hoss Slaughter, p.Eng., GENIVAR Consultants Lp


Mr. Martin Lensink, p.Eng., CEM Engineering


By: Ross Slaughtr, p.Eng.

The following items were dlscussed at Meeting No. 3 for the design ol the anaerobic treatmenl of
reptage/corn stover and biosolids to produce biogas, electrical power and trealed biosolids for the

Township of Georgian Bluffs and the Townshp of Chtsworth:

Actlon Bv:


Minutas of Meetng No. 2 (Juty g, 2OOg) were reviewed and accepted.


There was a presentation of the draft Design Brel by Ross slaughter to

the Committee members.


Earl Brubacher from Blo-en power lnc., Elmira, Ontario, was present
and made a presentaton on their biodigester systm using prorietary

temperature phased and anaerobic fermentaton proces



fermentables-like food waste and various biodegradeable organics to

methane gas. The new technotogy would be Ute to hand'ie waste
material not possible with convention anaerobic systems and at the
same time, could produce up to 20 to 4eo/o more gs per unit of input.
There is none of Bio-en's biogqs dgesters n ontrio'up and running,
however, they are backed by a firm in urope who has just constructel
over thirty (30) anaerobic digester plants in Austria and Eastern Europe.

The plant in Leamington is under construction however

operation at this time.



it is noi


septage screening and storage components with estimatod cosls were

reviewed with the Commttee. The high cost of septage screening by
mechanical mgans was discussed.

Connection and Cost Recovery Agreement

submtted August 6, 2009.

for Hydro One


OWEN SOUND 945 Thlrd Avenue East, Suite 212, Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 2KB Tet.: (Si9)37G7612 Fax: (519)376-8008

Meeting No. 3 -Design. Augrrst f 0, 2000

Anaerobic Tteatnnl of Septag/BiosolidgOom Stalls to Prodce Btogas, Electrcat ponr and
lreated Blosolids - Townshlp o! Georgian Btutfs and Townsh of Chaisulorth


Actlon Bv:

There was

discussion wth regard to tender documents and

prequalification of general contractors. tt was indicated by committee
members that we would ast( six (6) or seven (7) contractors who
GENIVAR feels are quatfed to carry out this work. Many of these
would bs contractots who have xpefience in water treatmnt and
sewage treatment construction. To prequalily these general
contractors, a review of information regarding these contractors was
carried out. lt was indicated by the committee that they were not going
to adverlis for prequalification due to the time limts, or have a publi
tnder and would just invite six (6) or seven (Z) contractors.


There was

a dlscussion of suitabls

contractors with regard to

prequalification ol the design/build portion of the digester lystem.

There are approximately three (3) contractors that wer proposed for
prequaliflcation of designauild and Bo-en power, since they made the
prsentatlon, would also be considered.


There was a brief diseussion with regard to approvals from the MoE
and it was indicated that an Application lor a c of A approval will be
submitted when the Design Briel is finalized.


of th target dat for



construction was

September 22,2009. However, this may be somewhat optimistic.


lt was ndicated by the committee that we should purchase a 60 hp

trac,tor as part of this project, with a front-end loader.


There was discussion of storing of materlals lhis fall for operation of the
biodigester including wheat and canola straw. lt was indicatecl that Mr.
Deboer of Tara, has baggers that could be utilzed at this tm.
lt was also indicated that the standby diesel generator, estimated at t20
kW would b a gnerator that runs off the TO from the 60 hp trador.
Ths may cost 96,000 to $9,000.

Earl Brubacher indicated that the facitity at Leamington that is under

construction, wouldn't be operational until February 2010. The size of
this facility is 1.6 megawatts.
The naxt Projec,t Team Meeling is scheduled for g:00 a.m. on Friday,

September 11, 2009 at the Township ol Georgian Bluffs.

he meeting concluded at 11:45

contact the undersigned.
Prepared by:
GENIVAR Consultnts LP

M.R. Slaughte P. Eng.

Senior Water Resources Engineer

a.m. lf there are any erors or omissions in the above mnutes, please

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