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1. Who wrote The Snow Queen?

Hans Christian Anderson did.
2. How many characters are there in the story? Who are they?
There are about ten characters. They are: Gerda, Kay, the Snow Queen,
the Magic Flower Garden Woman, the Crow, the Prince and the Princess.
The Little Robber Girl, the Reindeer, the Lapland Woman and the Finland
3. Whos the main character?
The main character is Gerda.
4. How does the story start?

Kay and Gerda are two little friends who love each other very
much. They play outside among the roses in summer and they
play inside in winter. They are very happy until one night, when
Kay is going to bed he sees Snow Queen and thinks shes very
beautiful. The following day Kay gets a piece of broken mirror in
his eye and another in his heart and he sees only bad things
around him. He starts being unkind and cold towards everybody.

5. What kind of mirror was it?

It was magic.
6. What happened to the mirror?
It broke.
7. What happened when the mirror broke?
It broke and pieces of it got into Kays eye.
8. Where did the pieces of the broken mirror go?
They went into Kays eye.
9. What happened when people got pieces in their eyes?
When pieces got into peoples eyes and everything they saw looked ugly.
10.What happened when people got pieces in their hearts?
When pieces got into peoples hearts their feelings turned into ice.
11.Were the goblins good or evil? Why?
12.Who were Gerda and Kay?

They were two little friends who loved each other very much. They
are very happy until one night
Where did Gerda and Kay play in summer?

They played outside among the roses in summer and they played
inside in winter.
13.Which were Kays favourite flowers?
They were the roses.
14.Where did Gerda and Kay play in winter?

They played inside in winter

15.What did the Snow Queen do?

She took Kay away to her castle.
16.Who did Kay see one night?
He saw Snow Queen.
17.What happened to Kay one day?
He saw the Snow Queen

18.How did Kay feel?

He felt happy.
19.Where did Kay go one day?

One day he went to the square alone because he didnt want
to play with Gerda.
21.What did he do there?

There he tied a rope to a sleigh.

22.What happened to Kay then?

The sleigh went out of town

23.Who did Kay find in the sleigh?

He found the Snow Queen who took him with her.

24.Did Kay go back in spring?

No, he didnt.
25.How did Gerda feel? Why?
She felt sad because she wanted to see Kay. She missed him.
26.Where did Gerda go to look for Kay? What happened?

She went to the river and took a boat which took her to a beautiful
flower garden.

27.Who did Gerda meet? Where did she live?

There she met the Magic Flower Garden Woman who made her
stay with her.

28.What did the woman use to make Gerda stay?

She used magic.
29.Why did the woman make the roses disappear?
Because Kay liked roses and Gerda remembered him.
30.How much time did Gerda spend at the womans cottage?
She spent some months there.
31.What happened when Gerda saw a rose in the garden?
She remembered Kay.
32.What did Gerda do? What season was it?
She escaped. It was winter.
33.Who did Gerda meet on her way?
She met the Crow.
34.What did Gerda tell the Crow?
She told him about Kay.
35.What did the Crow answer?
He said he knew where Kay was.
36.Where did the Crow take Gerda?
He took her to the Princes Palace.
37.What happened when Gerda got the bedroom? Did Gerda find Kay?
she found the Prince and the Princess but she didnt find Kay.
38.What did Gerda tell the Prince and the Princess?
She told them about Kay.
39.What did the Prince and the Princess give Gerda?
They gave her a golden carriage to look for Kay.
40.What happened when Gerda was travelling through a dark forest?

When she was travelling through a dark forest robbers wanted her
golden carriage and trapped her.

41.What did the robbers want to do to Gerda?

They wanted to kill her.
42.What did the little girl want to do?
She wanted to play with her.
43.Where did the robbers finally take Gerda?
They took her to their house.
44.What did Gerda tell the robbers?
She told her about Kay
45.Who knew where Kay was?
Bac, The reindeer did.
46.What did the girl give Gerda?
She gave her the reindeer.
47.Who took Gerda to Lapland?
Bac, the reindeer did.
48.What did Gerda and Bac see in the sky?
They saw the northern lights.
49.What did the Lapland woman give Gerda?
She gave her a letter for the Lapland woman.
50.What did the Finland woman tell Gerda to do?
She told her to take the broken piece of the mirror out of Kays eye.
51.What did the Finland woman tell Bac to do?
She told him to take Gerda to the Snow Queens Garden
52.Why didnt Kay remember Gerda?
Because he had a piece of broken mirror in his eye.
53.What washed the piece of broken mirror from Kays heart and eye?
Gerdas tears washed the piece of broken mirror from Kays heart and
54.What happened after that?
They went back home.
55.What season was it when they got home?
It was summer.
56.What happened between Gerda and Kay?
They became friends again.

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