Sizes: Metallic FX

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Skill Level:
Project Type:
Womens Clothing
A star stitch sleeveless shell in Metallic FX.
Shown in size Small.

Directions are for womens size X-Small. Changes for sizes Small, Medium, Large and X-Large are in

Finished Measurements
Bust 32(36-40-44-48).
Length 20(20-20-1/2-21-21-1/2).

Metallic FX (25 grs), 10(10-11-12-13) hanks #1002 Silver.
Straight knitting needles, size 8 OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE.
16 length circular knitting needle, size 6.
3 15 mm Silver Bead Buttons #NPL 40115SVW from One World Button Supply Co.

11 sts = 2; 16 rows = 2 in St st and Star Cluster St on size 8 needles.


MC (Make Cluster)
Sl 2 sts to RH needle with yarn in back, bring yarn to front between needles, sl the same 2 sts back to
LH needle, pass yarn to back between needles, sl the same 2 sts to RH needle with yarn in back again.

When decreasing while working Star Cluster St, balance each yo with a k2 tog PLUS the dec called for
in each row. If there are not enough sts to work the entire pat st section, work the extra sts in St st.

Star Cluster Stitch

Row 1 (RS): K1, * k2 tog, (yo) twice, k2 tog TBL, rep from * to last st, k1.
Row 2: P2, * p1 (the 1st yo), p1 TBL (the 2nd yo), MC, rep from * to last 4 sts, end p1, p1 TBL, p2.
Row 3: K3, * k2 tog, (yo) twice, k2 tog TBL, rep from * to last 3 sts, end k3.
Row 4: P2, * MC, p1, p1 TBL, rep from * to last 4 sts, MC, p2.
Rep these 4 rows for Star Cluster St.

With larger needles, cast on 90(102-110-122-134) sts. Knit 1 row, then work even in Star Cluster St for
4, end on WS, decreasing 1(1-0-0-1) st at each end of last row 88(100-110-122-132) sts. Work even
in St st until piece measures 12 from beg, end on WS.
Shape Armholes: Bind off 4 sts at beg of the next 2 rows, then 2 sts at beg of the next 2 rows. Dec 1 st
each side every 4th row 8(8-6-4-2) times, then every 6th row 3(3-5-7-9) times 54(66-76-88-98) sts.
When armholes measure 6-1/2(6-1/2-7-7-1/2-8), end on WS.
Shape Neck and Shoulders: K17(23-27-33-38), join another hank of yarn and bind off center 20(2022-22-22) sts, k to end. Working both sides at once, bind off 4 sts at each neck edge once, 2 sts twice,
then dec 1 st at each neck edge every RS row once. Work even until armholes measure 8(8-8-1/2-9-91/2), end on WS. Bind off 8(14-18-24-29) sts each side for shoulders.

Work same as for back.

Steam pieces lightly. Sew shoulder and side seams.
Collar: With larger needles, cast on 94(94-98-98-102) sts. Knit 6 rows, then work even in Star Cluster
Pat for 4 rows. Dec 1 st each end of next row, then every 4th row 4 times more, end on WS - 84(84-8888-92) sts. Knit 6 rows.

Bind off all sts.

Buttonband: With RS facing, using larger needles, pick up and k20 sts along right edge of collar. Knit 5
rows. Bind off all sts.
Buttonhole band: With RS facing, using larger needles, pick up and k20 sts along left edge of collar.
Knit 1 row.
Next Row (buttonholes): K2, * bind off 2 sts, work until there are 5 sts on RH needle after bound-off
sts, rep from * once more, bind off 2 sts, k to end. Knit the next row, cast on 2 sts over each set of sts
bound off on previous row. Knit 2 rows. Bind off all sts. Lap buttonhole band over buttonband and pin
in place. Sew cast-on edge of collar to neck edge with bands at center back neck. Sew on buttons.
Armbands: With RS facing, using circular needle, beg at side seam, pick up and k126(126-134-142150) sts evenly spaced around entire armhole edge. Mark for beg of round and carry marker up. Work in
k1, p1 ribbing for 3/4. Bind off all sts in ribbing.

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