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Lesson Plan

English Language - Form 4

Number of students:
English proficiency of students:
Main skill:
Integrated skill:

7 Nov 2014 (Friday)

4 Science 1
7.00 a.m. 7.30 a.m. (single-period)
Science and Technology
Mobile Phone

Curriculum specifications:


1.1 Make friends and keep friendships by
a. taking part in conversations and
d. exchanging ideas, information and
opinions on topics of interest
1.2 Take part in social interaction by
a. carrying out a variety of language
b. discussing plans and arrangements,
solving problems, and making decisions;

Level 1
ii. Responding to questions politely by
giving the required information.
Level 2
vi. asking questions and making statements with the
correct intonation

Level 1
i. Disagreeing politely in simple language.
iv. Persuading someone to do something in
simple language.
Level 2
vi. Making a decision regarding an action to
be taken based on agreement of all
members of a group.
Level 3
vii. Suggesting ways to solve a problem

Learning outcomes/ Objectives:

Teaching aids:

Moral value:

Set induction
( 5 minutes)

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

1. Rejecting idea or statements that the students are not supporting by disagreeing using suggested
sentence patterns such as "I do not agree with your idea because of....", "I do not think that you idea
on this matter is right because...", and "In my opinion, I disagree with the statement because of the
following reasons".
2. Conclude the decision of a group discussion on certain topics briefly in a given time by reporting the
final decision of the group discussion that agreed by all members in the group with supporting
details and explanation.
3. Give responses orally to answer all the questions in discussion of topic and the answers for listening
activity exercise by answering questions asked by the teacher correctly either through restate the key
words or phrases in the sound recording where they can find the answers or giving spontaneous
relevant responses.
4. answer all the questions in the listening exercise while listening to the CD recording on 'mobile
phone' with at least 13 questions answered objectively correct out of 15 questions in the exercise.

LCD Projector
Listening activity exercise
Newspaper rolls made by rolling 4 pieces of
newspaper sheets fixed with cello tape..


Whiteboard and whiteboard maker pens

Internet Access
Colourful stickers
CD recordings

Learning how to utilise new technologies and inventions with a rationalised manner.
Learning to be grateful with the inventions of scientists

Teaching and Learning Activities

1. Teacher will divide the class into two main group
with 15 students each same as the groups in the
previous 2 class.

1. To engage students

Teaching Aids
1. Whiteboard and
whiteboard maker pens
2. Colourful stickers

2. Teacher will further divide the main groups into small

groups of 5 people and a total of 6 groups in the class
2. To induce interest among
same as the group in the previous two class.
students toward the topic
3. Students will sit with their small group and main
of the day which is a very
common technology that
the students might not
4. Teacher will ask the brand of mobile phone the
find interesting and not
students are currently using.
5. Teacher will ask students from each group to sent 2
persons to come in front of the class and to write the
brand and model of the mobile phone and the
intended purchase purposes on the whiteboard and
reward 1 stickers to the students who came up to give
6. Students elected will write their brand and model of
mobile phone on the whiteboard.
7. Teacher will do sorting and analysis to find out which
brand is the most and the least popular brand in the
class according to the answer written by the students
on the whiteboard.
(20 minutes)

1. Teacher will distribute listening activity exercise to

every students and ask the students to answer all the
questions in the exercise and also asking students to
pay attention at the intonation when the speaker is
making a statement and asking a questions.
2. Teacher will play CD recording on 'mobile phone'

1. To engage students in
active listening
2. To expose students to
speech from the English
language native speakers.

1. Laptop and speaker

2. Listening activity
3. Colourful stickers

from the British Council Mobile Phone Application.

3. Students will listen to the recording and answer the
exercise while listening.
4. Teacher will play the CD recording again and ask
students to check their answers.

3. To instil the habit of

taking note to the main ideas
and important information
while listening instead of all
the petty details of the

5. Students will listen to the recording for one more time

and check their answers.
6. Teacher will discuss the answer together with the
7. Teacher will give one sticker to those who answered
the exercise with 13 questions and above correctly
out of 15 questions in the listening activity exercise.
8. Teacher will take turn asking one student from the
left group to ask questions with correct intonation
using the questions in the exercise and one student
from the right group to answer using the intonation of
making statement. This repeat for 4 turns.
9. Students will read the questions with the intonation of
asking questions and the other student answer the
question using the intonation of making statement.
10. Students who can use the correct intonation in
asking questions or making statement get a sticker.

1. Teacher will ask the students to sit with their small


1. To allow students to use

the English language for

discussion purposes.
(10 minutes)

2. Students will sit together with their small groups'

3. Teacher will ask the groups discuss on topic:
"Mobile phone should be banned in Malaysia."
4. Teacher will ask the groups to disagree with the first
statement and ask the students to discuss why mobile
phone should not be banned in Malaysia and come
out with a best reason at the end of discussion.

2. To create opportunity for

students to talk to each
another with English
language and make it
their habit.
3. To train students to be
able to persuade their
classmates on their ideas.

6. Students will discuss the topic given.

7. Teacher will monitor the conversations of the group
members, correcting the intonation if found wrong in
their questions or statements during the discussion.
8. If more than 3 students doing the same mistake,
teacher will do the correction publicly in the class so
everyone understand to correct intonation in making
statement and asking questions.
8. Students will present their views on "why mobile
phone should not be banned" and their final decision
on 'the best reason why mobile phone should not be
banned in Malaysia'.

1. Teacher will prepare 2 newspaper rolls.

(10 minutes)

2. Teacher will draw two big question mark "?" on the

whiteboard, one on the left and one on the right.

1. To drill students to ask

questions and make
statement using the correct

1. Colourful stickers
2. Newspaper rolls

3. Teacher will put two chair, one the left and one on the
right, 3 meter away from the respective "?" on the
3. Teacher will ask one student from the left group to sit on
the left chair and holding a newspaper roll and one from
the right group to do the same.
4. Teacher will give statements randomly using any
statements in the previous listening activity exercise.
5. Whichever student who is fast will run and hit the "?" with
the newspaper roll and create a question corresponding to
the statement with correct intonation.
6. Student who can create a question with correct intonation
corresponding to the statement given by the teacher willl
get a sticker.
6. Student who cannot create a corresponding question within
3 seconds after hitting the "?" will be sent back the their
seat and another representative will replace him while the
another group will get a sticker.
7. The activity is about 5 minutes only.
8. After 5 minutes, the stickers that the students collected for
the consecutive 3 days will be counted. All members in
the main group with the lesser sticker have to write "I will
do better next time" on the sticker pass up to the teacher.

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