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Company Overview ........................................................................................................................ 1

Teletalk ........................................................................................................................................ 1
Center Fresh ................................................................................................................................ 1
Ad Agency ...................................................................................................................................... 2
Objectives of the Ad Campaigns: ................................................................................................... 3
For Teletalk: ................................................................................................................................ 3
For Center Fresh: ......................................................................................................................... 3
Customer Profile ............................................................................................................................. 3
Successful Campaign ...................................................................................................................... 4
Unsuccessful Campaign .................................................................................................................. 5
List of IMC tools used by both this companies: ............................................................................. 6
TVC ............................................................................................................................................. 6
RDC............................................................................................................................................. 6
Facebook Marketing .................................................................................................................... 6
Shop Branding ............................................................................................................................. 6
Communication Process.................................................................................................................. 7
Major Selling Idea: ......................................................................................................................... 8
Teletalk ........................................................................................................................................ 8
Center Fresh ................................................................................................................................ 8
List of factors contributing successful/unsuccessful of an Ad Campaign: ..................................... 9
Teletalk 3G: ................................................................................................................................. 9
Center Fresh: ............................................................................................................................... 9
Budget consideration: ................................................................................................................... 10
Effects of ROI ............................................................................................................................... 11
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 12

Company Overview
Teletalk Bangladesh limited was established keeping a specific role in mind. Teletalk has forged
ahead and strengthened its path over the years and achieved some feats truly to be proud of, as
the only Bangladeshi mobile operator and the only operator with 100% native technical and
engineering human resource base, Teletalk thrives to become the true peoples phone.
Basic objectives for which the Company was formed are highlighted here under:

To provide mobile telephone service to the people from the public sector

To ensure fair competition between public and private sectors and thereby to safeguard
public interest

To meet a portion of unmitigated high demand of mobile telephone

Teletalk Bangladesh Limited (the Company) was incorporated on 26 December, 2004 as a

public limited company under the Companies Act, 1994 with an authorized capital of
Tk.20,000,000,000 being the only government sponsored mobile telephone company in the
country. On the same day the Company obtained Certificate of Commencement of Business.

Center Fresh
Perfetti Van Melle is a privately held Italian global manufacturer of confectionery and gum. It
was formed in 2001 with the acquisition of Van Melle of the Netherlands, by the Italian group
Perfetti of Italy and having its corporate headquarters in Lainate (Milan), Italy.

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Ad Agency

Ogilvy & Mather Bangladesh has done a lot of ad campaigns for Teletalk and Center Fresh, so
we chose this company because they have a huge number ads been done. Out those all ads we
got to know that their Teletalk 3G campaigns was a major success but their recent release for
Center Fresh was something they would like to forget after the feedback they got.
From our question we got to know that Ad Agencies are directly being contacted by the
companies for their ad campaigns. Then these agencies write up a script and give it to production
houses. Then different production houses come up with different idea using the main script and
those production houses also need to give a detailed budget plan. After they give presentation
considering all the things ad agencies choose production house to execute these ads. Production
responsibility is over at the time they handover the complete video (TVC) to the ad agency. Then
agency buys airtime and performs other necessary task according to preference of Ad Agency.

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Objectives of the Ad Campaigns:

For Teletalk:
To introduce 3G services to their target customers, they were the first to launch this service so
they wanted customers to know about it.

For Center Fresh:

To give their target customer the reminder that they are still in operation and also they focused
on a new attribute that they introduced in their chewing gum.

Customer Profile

Center Fresh


Age- 16-60
Geographic: Urban & Sub Urban

Age- 16-25
Geographic: Urban Areas


Lifestyle: Functionality

Lifestyle: Fashionable

Occupation: Students, Businessman,

Occupation: Students

Job Holders

Page 3

Successful Campaign

In this TVC they showed a girl who is mute (cant talk) in an outskirt location living the ordinary
life with her sister in law and mother. As she cant talk she feels very left out in everything, in
one scene her brother gives a call to her mother and consequently her sister in law rushes
towards the phone but when she is being called by her mother to answer the phone she refuses to
go. Then her sister in law brings in the phone in front of her with video call on, she becomes
utterly surprised to see her brother live through her phone and though she cant talk they were
able to communicate through video call and using sign language.
The reason for this TVC being a major success it showed very simple lifestyle of family that we
are accustomed to and it also a struggle of a mute girl. As a nation we are very emotional and
this has hit majority of its viewers emotion through the ad, and their message of features of 3G
was beautifully executed.

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Unsuccessful Campaign

Here in this TVC they showed a bus journey with a male and a female standing on the bus. When
the bus applies brakes for the first time the girl loses her balance and steps over the boy and the
boy shouts in pain. On the next scene again when Bus applies brake this time girl intentionally
falls over the boy as she had enjoyed the first time because of fresh breath of the boy, the boy
quickly understands it and removes his shoes and then when the girl steps over the boy did not
shout and the girl was surprised, once the girl looked at the boy he started to shout and the girl
started to enjoy fresh breath which the boy was getting from chewing Center Fresh.
The reason of this TVC not getting much attention is entirely because this TVC does not get
along with our culture and people were not able to take it and furthermore the message that it
tried to portray through this TVC was inappropriate.

Page 5

List of IMC tools used by both this companies:



Facebook marketing

Shop branding

The ad which is being telecasted on national Television. The TVC has the highest reach in terms
of viewers so companies usually go for TVC as their first priority.

RDC means radio commercial, with the introduction of many FM radio channels in Bangladesh
RDC has been a good component to advertise products. Both Teletalk and Perfetti (Center Fresh)
used this medium to promote their products.

Facebook Marketing
Teletalk and Perfetti (Center Fresh) posts different types of ad on Facebook. With facebook, ads
go viral very quickly and often the results are very positive for the companies.

Shop Branding
Shop branding is the new trend that has hit Bangladesh, here we Teletalk the proactive in taking
measures than Perfetti. We see a lot of Top Up stores are decorated by Teletalk with their theme
and offerings posted in the walls.

Page 6

Communication Process

Brief from the


Brief goes to
creative team

Brainstorming from
Creative team


Script sent to
clients for


Script given to
production houses

Production house
comes with a
presentation and
detailed budget

Develop the story


the best



Page 7

Major Selling Idea:

Teletalks major selling idea was to create a brand positioning in the minds of customers. As we
know that Teletalk is a low involvement product in very well competitive industry so they came
up with a TVC that is something which touches with their styles of offerings. Basically they had
this one major selling idea which was being used.
Appeal: Emotional


Center Fresh
Center Fresh used a mix of major selling ideas, in that they TVC they went for Inherent Drama
and Unique Selling Proposition. The first part of the TVC was purely inherent drama providing
information through drama and in the last part they described their product and showed that they
have changed some features and added some new features.
Appeal: Reminder
Slogan: A Fall of freshness
Message: Magic of Fresh Breath

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List of factors contributing successful/unsuccessful of an Ad Campaign:

Teletalk 3G:

The ad increased the sell.

People started to know about 3G and many people switched to Teletalk to try out 3G.

The ad created likeability amongst us and we also tried to experiment with 3G.

Gave a new dimension to Teletalk.

ROI was higher.

Center Fresh:

The TVC failed to communicate its message properly and many viewers could not
interpret it properly.

It was entertaining but had no relevance with the chewing gum

It was a bold new attempt but in our culture it was unfortunately not accepted.

Low ROI, which indicates viewers did not accept it.

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Budget consideration:
Ad agencies do not make TVCs rather they give it to production house. Production estimates a
budget on which the work is done. A detailed approximate Budget chart is given below:


Media Time




Director fee




Art Director


Location (Survey, travelling)


Hire Camera

60000/day (35mm)
=1,20,000 (for 2days)

Production Team


Setup cost (Stage, Decoration, etc)


Artist fee




Page 10

Effects of ROI
During our interview he was said that the figures are close approximate as he does not remember
the exact figure for all our queries. As we got approximate figures of budget so it is difficult
from our end to come to a conclusion on ROI, but as they mention Teletalk ad campaign was
successful so it is safe to assume that Teletalks ROI was positive and Center Freshs ROI did not
get the desired result and hence that campaign was unsuccessful.

Page 11

There is no one right formula for making ad campaigns. Through our interview we learnt that
success of ad campaigns depends on various factors and some are way beyond controllable, for
e.g. the perception of the viewers or even the mood of the viewers. But when Ogilvy & Mather
Bangladesh launches any ad campaign they want to make sure that their ads never hurt anyones
emotion rather they want to design their ad campaigns in such a way that everybody accepts this
without a hint of doubt or disbelieve.

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