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EUH Review 2

Chapter Six
Constantine- adopts Christianity, converts at death bed; built Constantinopleconcentrating empire in Greek east rather than Roman West; Orthodox Christianity
DiocletianTetrarchy- junior and senior agustus; ceasear in west and east
Christianity- universal toleration for religion; nicean council and creed;
Gnostics & arians are shut out of council of nicea; orthodox Christianity is adopted;
nicean creed is testament of faith;
Sacking of Rome- 410 bc by visigoths;
Clovis- king of franks; conversion is threat to his men (to convert)
Gregory the Great- pope; 1st powerful Roman pope; expansion of influence over own
bishops in Italy & believer of missionaries (to Britain)
Justinian- last latin emperor; successful at taking north Africa, Italy; not able to
hold on long term; responsible for covocation of roman law
Chapter Seven
Lombards- greg great deals with ????????
Gregory of Tours- bishop that served franks; what bishops become when sent to
canbury; contemporary of greg the great; bishops become theological leader and
secular leader; political advisors to kings
Agriculture and the emergence of feudalism- latin rome; major agricultural center;
Louis the Pious- son of Charlemagne
Islam and major figures- Muhammad; death of profit- islam splits Shiiat and Sunne;
familiar relationship with profit; jews and Christians; islam issue in regards to
crusades; emergence of Islamic calapits;
Pepin the Short- father of Charlemagne; 1 of mayors; in charge of one section of
gaul; makes massive donation to papacy (pope would recognize legitimacy of pepin
and his family to rule france)PapacyFather of Europe- Charlemagne; paris priests should be literate (renaissance); 3
sons divide up empire once Charlemagne dies; grandsons disassemble empire;
Vikings attracted to land and empire
Manorialism- how to divide up land in feudalism; gov give land to people- they have
serfs; king>vassals>serfs;
Verdun Oath
Vikings- take over Charlemagnes empires with aid from fighting of grandsons
Chapter Eight

Contract System
Emergent of kings in England and France
Alfred and the Saxons- 3 states: priests, warriors, workers; king is outside 3 states
The Three Estates
Pope Gregory and
the Investiture Controversy- henry 4 and greg great; lay investure; greg
excommunicates henry; king was sanctified figure- not a divine figure; greg said no
one is above church; king is semi- divine; pope is political figure;
Lay Investiture- I invest you as a bishop; settled by concorden of worms; bishops
have a lot of power in rome
Imperial Papacy- expressed by greg great; imperial monarchy; physical states;
Innocent III- 4th ladder of council; sacriments; reassertion of papal power
Normans- settled in Normandy
William the Conqueror- part Norman Part saxon; claimed throne of England through
paternal saxon aunt; fought at battle of hastings to assert that claim (successful);
doomsday book- auditing of England
Urban II- pope who called for crusades; church losing power becase of investiture
Crusades- 1st most successful bc Jeruselum is taken; 3rd crusade because someone
retakes Jeruselum;
Warming Period
Emerging Monarchies in Europe- national monarchies;
Chapter Nine
Learning and major intellectual figures
Bernard of Clairaux- trying to protect against popular
Plantagenets- Henry 2nd; great grandson of William the conqueror; Henry builds
empire that is part French part English part irish; multi faade empire; in control for
10 years; in England for 6 months;
King John of England- son of Henry 2nd; Richard did not leave England in great
shape; patient kings; john overtaxed; needed money; rebels
Magna Carta- king is no longer above the law; john giving up certain power; lessing
rule; parlimant created
Towns- expansion of population and development; more urbanization;
Guilds- paris had 120; guild would control production in city and outside city (trade
& produce);
Holy Roman Empire/Spain/England/ France: Henry 4 th; reconquest of spain;
Augustus; strong france;
Divine Right
Henry II of England of Beckett- builds empire; interested in law; common law
created; wanted control of courts; Church was property owner of Europe & courts;

symbolizes fights with church which are becoming stronger, organized,

economically affluent
Thomas Beckett- bffs with Henry 2nd; chancellor of England; henry 2nd makes him
archbishop of canburry; beckett does not allow henry access to courts (takes role

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