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Big Brothers Big Sisters of Richland County

801 S. West Street - Suite 117
Olney, IL 62450
Phone: (618) 392-3863

V olu me 47
I s su e - F al l 2014
O c tob er 1 7, 2014

Definition of a Mentor
An experienced adviser and supporter

Our mission is to provide children facing adversity with strong and enduring, professionally supported 1-to-1 relationships that
change their lives for the better, forever.

The essence of the BBBS mentoring program is rooted in the

most fundamental human relationship: a caring interaction
between two people. More than just a single person is
touched. The mentor benefits by learning more about the
challenges facing youth today; schools benefit as youth
improve their chances of school success; and entire
communities benefit when young adults succeed in their
jobs, their relationships, and give back by becoming
mentors themselves and community leaders.
No one makes it in America without some kind of
mentor. Whenever successful people look back, they cite
those older adults who influenced their development, even
if they knew each other for only a short time. For the youth in our program facing steep odds against
success, having mentors is not only helpful but essential. They can't make it all by themselves. Laugh,
smile and have fun. Its that easy to be a MENTOR!!!!


And a Big Thank You to

Jim & Thelma Muhs
for being our Grill Masters

T h a n k Yo u F o r Yo u r G e n e r o u s
UPS Employees

Brian & Nikki Woods

Holdren children

East Richland School

Dist. Employees


Approximately 70 Bigs and Littles with their

families attended the annual Swim Party at
Musgrove Aquatic Center on Aug.4th. What a great
way to begin our 2014-2015 school year. Have a
great year!

MENTORS 2014 - 2015

Abbegail Vaughn
Amber Brown
Andrew Liston
Angela Fehrenbacher
Angie Allen
Barb Hinkel
Barbara Saul
Baylie Houchin
Beau Brown
Brad Beard
Brandi Foster
Carson Baker
Cathy Conley
Christian Knobloch
Chuck Schmucker
Dalyn Brach
Dana Baker
David McNabb
Deb Waxler
Debi Phillips
Dolores McNabb
Ellen Dasch
Geraldine Lathrop
Haley Ochs
Holly Stallard
Jacob Fritschle
James Brewer
Jean Weber
Jeannie Miller
Jeremy Henson
Joe Lathrop
Joni Ginder
Julia Skelton
Karen Clodfelter
Kathy Haenggi
Kris Newton
Kym Houchin
Linda Ochs

Lorri Rusk
Luke Hahn
Maci Dunn
Mackenzie Michels
Madeline Scroggins
Maggie Dixon
Mallory Pierce
Mariah Bennett
Maridel Schonert
Marley Miller
Martin DeVenecia
Matthew DeVenecia
Megan Schoaff
Mel Hunt
Michelle Rennecker
Naaman Umfleet
Nancy Doerge
Payton Blakney
Reagan Hahn
Reid Kocher
Riley Anderson
Sam Hearring
Sam Jarvis
Sandi Esworthy
Sandy Pippel
Sandy Whitney
Sarah Guinn
Shannon Allard
Sherri Brauer
Sydney ODell
Taylor Parker
Tere Schonert
Thelma Muhs
Travis Hunt
Troy Houchin

Carol Diel
Diane Herdes
Katie Fehrenbacher
Rhonda Hemrich
Teresa Dallmier

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Board of Directors and Staff
would like to take this opportunity
to thank each and every
school based mentor.

BBBS welcomes newest

community match

Do you remember someone who encouraged you to believe in yourself, who encouraged you to work hard in
school and in life? Big Brothers Big Sisters, with the help
of volunteers, encourages the next generation of children.
Our programs encourage children to set higher goals for
high schools and college, improve their confidence in
themselves, and help them have better, stronger relationships with their families.
Debby Zuber and
Haiden were
matched in the
Big Brothers Big
Sisters Schoolbased program 8
years ago. During
that time they met
one hour a week
at school working
on homework,
class assignments, studying
for tests and playing games.
Haiden shared
with us how Debby helped him to raise his grades in math
and spelling. After Haiden completed 6th grade, he aged
out of the School-based program. Debby and Haiden had
built such a strong relationship and they didnt want to see
it end there, therefore he and Debby decided to transition
to the Community-based program. Since being matched in
the Community-program (2 hours per week outside of
school), they have done a variety of activities such as fishing, attending Tiger football games, eating out, going to
the movies and have cheered on the Evansville Otters
baseball team. Debby enjoys introducing Haiden to new
things. Their latest adventure entailed travelling to Evansville and eating at a Japanese restaurant which Haiden
loved. They were each asked what they have learned from
each other. Haidens response was: I have learned to
make better choices in life and have learned to ask for and
accept help from others. Debbys response was: He has
taught me several things, but especially to be kind to everyone, fishing skills, determination and showing compassion toward all animals. When asked how Debby would
encourage others to get involved with BBBS, she added
that most people think you do this to impact a childs life,
but in all actuality we have both been impacted by this
relationship. Haiden has made my life better and taught
me many things. Haiden added he is so happy to spend
time with Debby and enjoy these activities, because he
knows other kids dont have this opportunity. He hopes
this newspaper article will help more children find their
What if every child fulfilled his or her potential? Think
how amazing that would be. Now you can start more
littles on the path to BIG things. For more volunteering
information, please call Dana at 392-3863 today.



Feb. 21st & Feb. 22nd
Feb. 28th & Mar. 1st

Paul (little)
Ann Muston
Angie Allen
Debbie Mitchell
Demetrius (little)
Steve Beck
Debby Zuber
Chuck Schmucker

Skate/Laser Tag Party
Sunday, November 16th
McPeaks Skateland
4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Littles and their Families
Bigs and their Families
Mentors and their Families
BOD Members and their Families

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