Eliselle: The Myssa Sylvellica

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It is stated that the English Problems of History are Prosecuted, Now and in the Afterlife.
It is stated that THE ALPHA AND OMEGA,EXACT put down Elizabeth & Diana, and Told Them No:
Diana is MarriedtoMarkNow&intheAfterlife, both as Misses M and Herself. And, as it should
Be Said: Im Above You, People, and Above Elizabeth and Diana, who are Not. TheAmalgam Male
of that History, a Boy Toy of Government Issue, Must Leave Off. Also, Deirdre, The Whore, is put down
And Michael Is Prosecuted, REJECTED and Put Down Now and in the Afterlife.

Of the Dreams of a Faith, and this is My Faith,
Who Incepted and built the Faith in Free Will,
A Cathedral of Love to HE/He, and who hoped

For a Different Type of Faith, of Free Will, and of

Truth, and of Example of Love of a Faith walked
To in Free Will, and Known by All to Be Good Will
To All, and Love of All Faiths, as All Faiths to Love.

All Faiths to be Loved by their Loves, who are Their

Congregations, and who should Know by Now that
Their Gods are True, as I Know They, and I Know You
In The BODY of HUMANKIND, and Love You. HE/

He, As Well.

The Love of a Faith is of the Soul, of the Person, and

Should Never Be Disturbed from Faith To Faith.
This is What I have Fought For, Partly, in My Faith.
This, and To Love You. To Love You, and To Tell You

You Are Loved By Many. I Know All of They, Who Are.

And They Love You.

Of the Dream of a Faith, Weaving in the Soft Water that

Makes its way down the Pale Blue Sky River, and The
Stars that Gently Fall from the Sun, and the soft waving
Of the Light on the Leaves, this is the Grace of Eliselle.

The Heaven of the Astarite Faith, Eliselle, Heaven of Beauty,

And Light everywhere, this is the Heaven tat Lives in the
Leaves on earth, The Stars of Light Seen by the Eyes in the
Leaves and the Bright, Sparkling Star of the Drops of Dew.

Hidden in the Star, HE/He Himself, of Beauty.

Somewhere in the Light, Eliselle, Waiting for You.
This, the Diamonds on the Water, and I sit beside
The Water to Tell You of Eliselle, of the Birth of Love,

And of the Pain of the Desecration of Eliselle by False

Queens, and Errant Kings of Plunder, in Countries
Afar, who tried to steal a Faith of Truth, in Heinous Hurt
To the Faith Itself, for the Aggrandisement of Notoriety.

Thus, The Dream, in the Stars floating, and, it seems, those

Of Pain somewhere behind with their Hands Jabbing like
Swords, Their Rage to not be what They are Not. Raging
Harbies and Harpies, both, who clung to their Riches, Greed.

Thus the Dream Begins in that of the Faces of They caught in

The Water Floating, thus they float down the River, thus they
Die with their Faces to Heaven, only to Dream another Dream,
And Eliselle Beside Them Caught in the Stars of Light on the


The Bell Strikes One, Upon This Pain.

Upon the Earth a Filth was Born upon the Head of Michael,
Who tried to steal the Faith for a set of Females like a Mary,
Who does not exist in This Faith, and should never have been
Imposed upon The Astarite Faith by Those of That errant Faith.

The Battle, half of, of Eliselle, was for the Faith, TheASTARITE
FAITH, to not carry the Energy of a Mary, at all. Mary with Her
Head down on the Floor, jealous of the floor, jealous of the light,
Jealousy of the Micahel not to be the History, as it is of the


And He was Told As Much To His Face by the Establishment.
This is a History that is an ALPHA History, and it is Near Our

There is No Other. To Those of Earth, and of My

Fight for Your Love to Exist, with All of the Beauty
That Becomes You upon It, HE/He is HIMSELF,
ALONE. There is No Other. Others who Seem Like


HUMAN BEING, Neither Godself nor God, but a
TYPE Near Our Creator, New. I chose to Stay a Unique
Human Being to Fight for My Faith and Your Love as

One of My Own, but a Unique Member of Humankind.

Those who turn into Godselves or Gods are Raped of
Their Life Path Rights by the Establishment, or Way Of,
And This a Dispute to My Love, I chose to Decline the

Pain of Such Things. Those of Godselves, who were born

of the Michaelian pain and Historical Problems, Deirdre/
Deadre, the Perpetua [Damned Being], The False Queens
Diana and Elizabeth, who tried to Steal Eliselle, Outright.

Diana/Daina, the female of the Satanic Problems, who raped

The Establishment in Afterlife Problem to try to be Queen
With a Godship, and the Rape Blackened the Sky, and Eliselle
Died under the Murders of Night, and the Engraved Jewels

Handed secretly in the Dark to those who could be Paid Off.

Diana of the Body of Satan, who took Her to His Bed, and
She made the Sky Red, and all paid for it. Thus, the Alpha to
The Sky and HE/He to pay, the Body and Beautiful Person


The BODY Itself of the Whole, as the Body of She, and of the
ALPHA, Puts Down The Problem. Many, Diana/Daina, Mia,

To return to a Type of Good, but Not Good At All, Still Satanic,

But of a Body that Survives. And the Night deepened, into that
Of the Satan that Lived in the small horror of Mark, who, a
Serpent of the Harbinger, Blue Death was He, and upon whom

The Male of Satan preyed. The BOY, They called HE,

They called the BOY HE, as of the Whole of Earth,
The Male of Pain called Satan Is of the BODY of PAIN
that is Heinous, Murderous. Thus, The Bodies of HELL


Of the Body of, All Comprise the Downstairs or Lower
Regions of Pain. But Mark decided to be a Harbinger,
And of Michael, who sat near Him, Corrupt, to hurt the

History of TheASTARITEFAITH, Faith of Beauty. The

HOUSE of PAIN they called the House of Mark, which
Was of Deirdre, Diana and Tina. Mark was a Serpent,
Who decided that He was going to try to marry the Mentor,

Who is Not Appropriate for He. She put Him Down, and
Destroyed Him, and He turned to Diana and Fell in Love,
They Both Did, and Diana and Mark Married. Mark was a
Prince to Diana, the Establishment showed, and had a Son

by Diana Alone, and The Son a Beautiful Son, but Mark, the
Rage of the Harbinger, discontent. Why the Blue Male Raged
Was a Problem, and He very nearly destroyed Diana in His
Problems, which was that of wanting what He Could Not Have.

Part of It had to do with the Micahel, whom Mark claimed to be

A part of. Michael was told No to the Mary History, which was
In Direct Violation of TheASTARITEFAITH and FAITH Structure.
Mark knew He was going to Die, and without the Put down of the

Faith and the Faiths Mentor, who kept Destroying Him, and who
Never, Not Once, Touched a Thing about Him. The Pain of this
History is Immense, and the BODY of HUMANKIND, in the End,
Condemned Mark to Diana, and Diana to Mark for their Crimes
Against The Structure and Against the Persons of True Goodness,


And ISABEL GRAY, who were Raped so deeply, the Pain of Rape.

The Pain of Being Raped So Deeply.

Half of the Time The Stars Fell at My Feet. Half

of the Time I looked at the Sky, and Beyond the
ALPHA into That Which IS, and there was Nowhere
to Look, in the Face of Pain. All of the Stars, and in

The Dream, of November 17, when I was Murdered

At Night, and Both Zachary and Isabel were Also
Murdered at Night by Those who abuse Bodies for
Their Sexual Desires in the Preterantural Physical.

But, the Dream, and the Black Michael, who sat there
Riding My Son, Zachary, in His Errant Rage and who
Was angry that He and His Marys would not be, nor
The Misses M, who tried to rape History from England.

They Murdered.

I Dreamed, and the White Michael of Hell had My Son,

Zachary, and I went after Him and put Him Down, and
I Tool Back My Son, Zachary and walked. I hid the both
Of Us in another City, and I could not find My Daughter

Isabel, who was raped by Diana, Mary and Misses M. I

Later found her and Rescued She, as well. But, I took
Them Both and walked and Protected Up. I took My
Son, Zachary to another City to Hide Them, and I Hid

Them Both, Later, and Im Their Mother, as well as the

Mother and Wife of HE/He Himself. Of the History,
Sordid History, I had to battle a Male who was called a
False God Type, who sexually aggrandized an English

Set, and tried to build a Godship Set who whored the

Mary Type, and who very nearly tried to turn My Faith
Into a Faith of Ill Problem, and of Death Itself. The
Godship Set was placed in a Configuration of Pain, that

Of SENCHAUO, Godships and a Problem Structure of

Mark and Michael continually trying to Rape the Structure
CALIFORNIA. This was the Way that The Filthy Problem

Developed. The Godships thought that they would Make

A Problem, and thought to stick Her, and She, the One who
Built Everything of TheASTARITEFAITH in True Love, with

The Filth of a Mark/Michael/Harbinger History, which was

Filthy Rape of the Physical of REBECCATACOSAGRAY,
CALIFORNIA, to the Detriment of the Physical, and also the
Rapes of Her Two Children who are also part of the Structure,

While the whoring programs of Mary and Diana sexually had

Their way with Godships and Others, all with a New and
Beautiful Faith in Tow, and in Rape of the Structure Itself.
The Male Called SENCHAUO, an Amalgam of Two Problems,

One of Bruce, the Other an Officer in the Earth Physical,

Betrayed the History Itself, along with Many Officers in the
CALIFORNIA in Honor, and then tried to rape by placing Mark

Underneath Her by the Payoffs of Diana and the Queets, He raped

The Two Children to whore Nicks Wife as a Diana/Daina Type,
To near Bone of the Structure, meaning the Faith Itself, and showed

Himself as a type of Godship, which is Illegal. He is Not a Godship,

And is not allowed to be in whoring, in unfaithfulness to The One
All to Stay Faithful. But He Doubled up to Whore the Mary in a

Godship of Alpha Type and Raped the Faith. What Registered was
A True Violation, as a Filthy Set of Being were showing up with
Eliselle upon Themselves, which is of REBECCATACOSAGRAY,

CALIFORNIA Only, No Others. Filthy, Filthy History, of They.

And So, Law was Set that Day.

Mary is Not Myself, it was Said by Eliselle,

And Mia is Not Eliselle, Nor the Faith Itself,
No Other.

Misses M is Not the History, Nor Ever. She was

Murdered by History for the Attempted Murder of
Whose the History Itself.

Mark is Married to Diana alone, No Other, and was

Condemned to Her and She to Him for their Heinous
Crimes Against the Establishment and Against Humanity.
Mark was Told No to His Rapes of My Physical.

Michael was Told No to the Mark History and that He

Would be murdered by the Problems, as He cannot use
The Sole Owner/Inceptor as a grounding for whoring to
Take place upon the Earths Surface for Earth Physicals

Who are not a part of History, who are Not of the Faith,
And who have No Business raping the History and the
Physicals for a Sexuality High upon their Persons and
Upon the Preternaturals in Peripheral Histories. Shame.

Shame upon the Establishment, to murder the Actual

History and Work for a Set of whores of Catholic Origin.
May the Pope die for His Crimes, as it was stated to He:

This Faith is Not Catholic. Nor is the Mentor, who Built

The Faith, who is ASTARITE. The Attempts of Theft
Are of Grave Problem Now, and the Rapes of Eliselle by
Whoring of the Mary Types unforgivable. Also the rapes

Of Two Little Children, and Zachary with His Head

Bandaged, and the Michael Raping with Filthy Sexuality,
Who are Dogs and whores of Their Kind, to Rape at all.

Michael must die, at the end, Someone said. He and

Mark must die. Humanity told Him to Die.

They said that Senchaou said, Well, I want to Be a King

on That Structure There, with all of That Sexuality in tow,
and He raped the Truth to be a whore with whores. And
Of This Pain, that of the Rape of REBECCATACOSAGRAY,

CALIFORNIA, by the Establishment of PAIN, for Their

Filth. Filthy, Filthy History, to Be. Filthy, Filthy History.


The Bell Strikes Two, Upon This Pain.

Eliselle, Weep For Me and the Two Who are of the Structure,
To Be raped by the Problems of Pain, Satanic Rages of They,
Who in Greed Rape Creation and the Beauty of Truth, Shame

I have watched Myself Raped by Other Bodies in the Preternatural.

Last Night, Senchaou and Others walked to Whores who pose as
An As If Structure, and who also rape the Earth Physical Body
Parts to aggrandize Their Love, and who Rape My Person to Do So.

Diana/Daina tried to rape the ALPHA AND OMEGA to be a Queen

And tried to rape My Person, as well, with Misses M, both thinking,
With Mia, a Satanic, that they were gong to be the Queen as a
Problem, meaning they were going to be Eliselle. They will never.

I, REBECCATACOSAGRAY,CALIFONRIA, state This: Eliselle is Myself.

It is Not Mia, Nor Misses M, Nor Diana, who is Not Crystal, Nor Love.
The FAITH ITSELF, TheASTARITEFAITH, is also Myself. I, the Actual,

ONE ROSE is My Rose and is THE FAITH ITSELF, and it is Called

Climbing Eden, a True Rose on Earths Physical Surface, cupped Rose.
There are, in Reality, only Two Roses of This Faith, the ONE ROSE and
The ROSE of BEAUTY: The Roses of Creation, The Roses of All Faiths,

And the Roses of The MYSSA AURORA, which I will Build Myself, are of
The ROSE of BEAUTY, and The Two Combined. The Other Two Roses
Associated with My Faith are Of The CONGREGATION, White and
Cream. They are Two and Two.



The Style of My Faith is MACKINTOSH, Structurally, and

it is the only Structural Style Associated in Full with My Faith.
Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh,
Francis Macdonald, and Herbert Macnair. The Glasgow Four.

The Glasgow Boys and Girls, All, and All of Their Beauty are Of
My Faith. They are Beautiful To Myself, and They are Honored.
Mackintosh Style to Forms of My Own, and that Is What is Seen
In My Faith. Also, One LOVE True, in Finality, The Love of

THE ALPHA AND OMEGA is Seen in the Artwork fo My

Building, from the Style of Mackintosh and of My Own Love,
That of the Work Called ELISELLE. Of Tiny Roses, and of
The ROSES of BEAUTY, of Water, of Softness, of Light.

ELISELLE is Beauty, This is What Was Said. It is Also HE.

Eliselle is in the Light, and is of the Garden of he Music that I,

Which was the Garden in My Mind, Before I knew the


Eliselle is Real, and is of a Castle, and a Wal of Roses that are

Humankind Itself, born of the Thorns and out of the Darkness,
Into the Light. To the Right, the Body of My FAITH, a Castle
Of Wondrous Beauty, a Structure of Truth, Facing a Sea of

Diamonds. Blue Light the Ocean, a True Ocean of Salt,

Crystal Beauty, and the Gentle Glass of Sea Fans, in Their
Beauty, waving Gently to and fro. Somewhere across the
Ocean William, the Boy King, and a Beach upon which

Trousers are rolled for a gentle walk through the waves.

Truth is present upon the Crests of White Diamonds
Cascading one into the other, and the Poetry of the Day
Is just as it is seen on Earth when viewed Properly. The

Feet into the sand, the Glass to be formed of Heat, which

Is that of Love, and of Truth, and of the Beauty of Creation,
And That of Recognition of what Life Is. Must I change,

To Love so Deeply the Creation Before Me? Someone Said.

Yes, You Must. If Just To Love.

Somewhere in Eliselle the Dragon Sleeps. Somewhere in

Eliselle the Spinal Column of the World is curled in Splendor.
Somewhere in Eliselle a Dragon Sleeps with the Sword of
The CADUCEUS, and of True Love The History of Truth,

Lies Sleeping Like Beauty.

Eliselle, of the Light, I am of My Body. There in the Sleeping

Form, upon the Floor, The Body of Humankind Lays in Beauty,
Like a Sleeping Beauty, Dreaming of Itself, and of the Future,
And of the Past, and of Other Things

Eliselle, I am of My Body, The Form of Love, and The Form of

History. There in the Body, upon the Floor, is The Record of
My Past. Within The Human Body The Caduceus Lives, and the
History of Our Origin Lives, As Well. I am the Universe Dreaming.

The Mystery of Life is Calling, and in the Distance, in the Light

Beyond the Window, The Red Flower is Flame in the Light, and is
The Flame of Life. Bright. Bright! Bright! Life Is Present! In
The Flame the Curling of Love, and someone, somewhere, who

Is of the Soul, another Faith, is of Beauty...and in True Love this

Flame is part of the Body, part of the Soul. It is a Path. In the
Body, These are Truths that Live in Truth, and are Beyond the
Body, and are Of the Body, and Are of The Soul. Of This Faith,

Origin, Truth, Beauty. And written into the Body, History, Life,
Truth, Faith, Beauty. OUR CREATOR is True to Us, in His
Forms His Love Shows Everything of Truth. What is Also of
Ourselves is Truth. Do We Know Our Lives? To Walk Through

Dreaming is to Look and Not Notice. What is Beautiful? What

Do You Love? How Do You Love? Who Do You Love? Why Do
You Love? What is Love? What is Truth? What is Faith? What is
Trust? All are True Love.

Our History is Of the ORIGIN ITSELF, who is OUR EXACT CREATOR.

He is the One who Built CREATION, and the Fabric of CREATION,

The Science of the Universe is HE/He Exact, No Other. I cannot be Disputed
In This Statement.

HE/He is also True Love. I chose to Love Him of My Own Free Will, and I
Considered Him, outright, before I decided to do so. Im a Pragmatist, and
Of My Mind, required that I Know HE/He, and would choose to Love HE/He
In Order to Love At All. What I state to You is that HE/He has never been known

Until Now, as HE/He, Himself. He Built the Universe in Beauty, He Condemned

ADAM and EVE in True Way, This is Fact. He Condemned Those of the Rebellion
Outright. This Truth is Documented in The Human Body, by Way of Creation Itself.
Upside Down, The Skeleton, which shows the Fall of the Condemned, their Mouths

Open, Their Eyes Vacant, and on the Back View, the Signature of OUR EXACT
CREATOR, The Mandelbrot Heart at the Top of the Head. Of the History, of
That Night View, of Pain where No Stars Shine, There is the View of the Condemned
Being aligned along the Spine, and Their Hands Placed together at the Wrist with

Their Fingers Splayed out like Feathers. Upon Their Backs, Archangels Held Them,
And Their Hands also, Upon Those who Were Condemned, Damned, They Held Them
In Their Condemnation. Upon the Darkess of the View From Above, That of the Pain
Of the ARCHANGEL ST. MICHAEL, who holds the Clavicle, The Neck, The Manubrium,

The SWORD of ST. MICHAEL in The BODY, Driven

Trhough the Head, the Neck, into the Spine, through
The Xiphoid Process, and down, Down, Down into the
The Regions of Pain, The Iliac the Ears and the Butterfly,

The Pelvic Region, and into the Coccyx of Heinous Pain,

And to the Point, like a Scorpion, which curled, finds the
Phoenix, no death, but the curve of the Golden Spiral into
Recognition and Change, and that of a Completed Sphere.

Gentle Spine, no longer sharp. Of the Truth, The Hands

Turned into the Spines of the Back, as that Sword was
Driven in, and the Weeping of the Soul, to be Damned.
The Pelvis shows the Bell of GABRIEL, and The Sword

Point, into the Bell, and a Type of being with Hands Out
To the Sides, HE Whom You Do Not Wish To Know.
Upside Down, One Saw the Feet Turned into Hands. One
Saw the Hands Turned into Feet, at the Feet. And of the

Feet, The Three Cuneiforms, Sumerian, of Our Human

History, of Origin. Of the Feet turned into Hands, Our
Hands, with which We Work Every Day, That of the
Hamate, the Hammer of Hayel, who Batters and Beats,

Who Murders with Weight, Like a Hammer. The Capitate,

Of Decapitation, of the Weight of Condemnation and the
Punishment of Preternatural Forms, the Head Removed,
The Body Placed Separate From the Head. The Lesser

And Greater Multangulars, of the Heinous, whose Angularity

forms the Zig-Zag of Downstairs Forms, the Winged Beings,
who do not fly Straight but from point to point in Zig-Zag Form.
Also, the Multangular Problem of Movement, a Negative Form.

The Triangular, of Jesus Christ, is of the Hand. Triangles are of

Jesus Christ, and of His Form, and the Number Three. The
And which is the Moon, and is TheASTARITEFAITH. And,

The Navicular, which is of The Establishment, Articulate.

The Navicular is Present in both the Foot and the Hand.
And the History continues with the Condemnation of the
Head placed Dwon, viewed from the back, upright position.

They call the Condemnation of the Mouth, or possibly,

The Third Eye, which is of the Soul, to the Spine, into the
Feet, an Elephant. It is the Condemnation of Pain, of
Length. And the Silence of the Butterfly, the Pelvis, in

Non-Movement, and the Butterfly of Quiet, and of the

Cyclical Pain, of Continuance Without End, is Truth.
No One, No One, Understands what such things of
Our EXACT CREATOR are, when HE/He Condemns,

HE Condemns in True Way.

Of the Pain of Weeping, One Body, and of ADAM and

EVE of Possibility, a Body Bent Over, and the Spine
In Reverse at the Pelvis, with the Head Cut Off. The
Spine Descends into the Distance, this a Detail of the

Pelvis, at its entry into the Pelvis. Viewing of a Detail

Of the Pelvis only. And the Pelvis, much like the Atlas,
Of a Set of Ears, Held to be Told That They Must Listen.
Of Our Body, All Things to Listen. All Directed to Listen.

The Bell Strikes Three, Upon This Pain.

The Blue Arcs, Called the House of Michael, Condemned

For All Time, for Their Hubris, and Their Attempts to place
Their Whores Above Myself, REBECCATACOSAGRAY,
CALIFORNIA, Exact, who is the Only Direct Representative


Michael is Dead, in this Faith. Michael is Dead.

Michael went corrupt in Downstairs Regions
Fighting, and birthed the Criminal Male Mark,
And is Dead for His Crimes Against Humanity.

He must Die for His Crimes. Also, the Corruption

Of Officorial and U.S. Agent Problem, who whored
the Diana and the Mary to try to steal a Faith, and
Was Condemned as a Criminal along with Mark,

who Is not Myself, and will Never Love but Diana.

The Diana and the Whoring Lines are called the
Queets. A Filthy, Filthy History was erupted in
England, where a Surrogate bedded a Female who

Tried to called Herself Queen of a Faith of Which

She is not even a Part. Michael tried over and Over
Again to forge Histories of mary types and was put
Down and told No: He is a Filthy, Filthy Male, He.

Filthy, Filthy Blue Arch, who tried to Murder the

Little Boy and Little Girl to whore Himself, and
Who placed a Male Criminal in order to Rape for
Histories of Filth, Mark si Dead, They Said out loud,

Murder Him in the End. He is Dianas Spawn.

Somewhere in the Environs of Modesto, near the

DMV, Pleasantry and the Filth of He, and a House
Filled with Garbage and Paraphenalia, and the
Community in Blue Death by the Harbinger, whom

The Male Called Mark Invited to His Person, of His Own Volition
He Intended to Murder. And Michael was Present, and Mary, also
of Mark, who is Marks actual Complement. Mary was angry that she
Is not the History, and so tried with Nicks Wife to be, and with
Diana, to be, and with Joanne to be, Mary tried to Rape repeatedly.

The Males of the Criminal Exchange, who know

That it is against the Law for they to touch or rape,
Which they have tried, the Personage of the FAITH,

Burney Street Male, Dale, Roy, Mark Simms , Michael.

Thesea re the Males who need to be Condemned by
Humankind from the Person of REBECCATACOSAGRAY,
CALIFONRIA, who raped two children to whore, and

Who need to Die to the History, with the Harbinger put

Down, who was Told No, and the Downstairs told No,
And the Rapes by the Mary Told No, and the rapes by
The Agents for their main squeezes No. And the Filth

Of the Queets Told No. How many crowns were there,

And How many Pay-offs in History for the Pain to Exist?

Of the Females, The Queets Must Die, it was Said, by the

BODY of HUMANKIND, whom they murdered in the
And over Again: They said, We cannot have Them Supporting

You. The BODY of HUMANKIND Condemned All of Them


The Queets are Condemned, They Said: Mary, Misses M, Deirdre,

Dottie, Elizabeth, Diana [The Filth Itself], Nicks Wife, who tried
To aggrandize Themselves upon Isabels Physical Body, and who
Raped for their Sexual Aggrandizement, and Stole Personality to be.

The Queet Itself would rise up and Say, in a Loud booming voice,
I Will Buy Myself to a Problem in This History. I will produce Theft
Of a Faith whom I do Not Know, at all, and in Rape, etch jewels,
[which is TheASTARITEFAITH TRADITION, under Full Copyright]

Ill take The Surrogates on Outings and Produce Fantastic Problems

In order to be a female in That Bed, and That Bed, and That Bed
Upon the Pantheonic Exchange. For all of This, The Actual Person
And FAITH, The ASTARITEFAITH, was Raped for Their Problems.

All of the Females and The Mark/Michael Problems

Need to be condemned in the Structure. The snakes
In the Night, and the Alpha Snakes of Mia and Diana,
Who raped repeatedly a Structure of Truth. The Sword

Of Michael condemned Him, and it is still His, of He,

As well, but of Itself, as He is not allowed to Hold His
Own Sword. He was told by the Sword that Mark Must die
To the Diana Problems in order for History to Exist in

Its Proper form, as He is a Rapist and Murderer in the

Preternatural History, and was Told No To His Face.
By Law, in Preternatural History, Earth Physicals who
Are like Mark, who rape, if They are Told to Their Face

No, Then They must comply and the Establishment

Must Uphold the Law against Mark, or Rapists. Mark
Is also a Murderer to the Exchange, a Harbinger, and
Is Heinous and rapes sexuality, and raped a 9 year old,

and 12 Year old and needed to Die. He was told by the

Establishment He Had No Rights, there were No deals
The Downstairs Raped. He kept raping the Body of

Preternatural Physical, which is illegal. She Put Him

Down, and He married Diana and that is How it ended.
Diana and Mark were Condemned. Also, Nick and His
Wife were condemned, and Nick and His Wife murderers,

Of a little Girl in U.C. Davis, in the Preternatural Physical,

Which was an Earth Physical Murder by Earth Physical Males,
Casey a Witness and Murderer by Viewing as well, and by
Hurt to the Little Girl. Nick, His Wife, The Pope, Mary Itself,

Dottie, David, A.G., Casey, Deirdre and Mark were the Murderers
In The Preternatural, who knocked Casey, an Earth Physical Over
For the Events to Take Place. This means the Earth Physical could
Not handle the Preternatural and acted out of Problem, not usual.

Michael and Hayel were part of the blame for Those

Events. The Harbinger was Told To Die.

I state to the Body of Earth, Jet needs to Die, and the

Catholic Faith put dowon for My Faith to Exist in
Its proper form. The reason I have had such a time
Putting down the Mark/Michael Problems is due to

The Harbinger being a part of Jesus Christ, which He

Tried to stick on My Faith, and which is in Violation
of the Energy and Natural M.O. of THE ALPHA AND
OMEGA, Exact, as Jesus Christ doesn't Exist in This Faith.

I have grown Tired of Throwing Them Out, Throwing them

Down, They are Filthy, Filthy Problems in This, My History.

Of The History
Jesus Christ, I told You Long Ago, After THE ALPHA AND THE OMEGA first became Near Me, and Had Thrown You Down, Thrown You
Out, just to state that Im the Exact of This History, No. Of the History, of Documentation, I told You This Faith of Mine would Never, and I
Mean Never, be Catholic. I watched You get angry in regards to the GARDEN of EDEN Not Being Your Garden, which is Different from the
ORIGINAL, Which is of HIS/His Exact BODY. I have thrown Your Females Out of My Faith over and Over Again: Misses M, Mary, Mary
Itself, Miss M [Dottie, a Basic Rapist], Deirdre [A Rapist and Perpetua, Sandy, Her Sister, was Also a Perpetua]. This is My History, I have Told
the Pope No, and as it true of History, I have destroyed He And Your Structure in My Own Physical and the Pantheonic Exchange, Get Out of
My Faith. You Must Stop Raping My BODY EL and Body, and Must Stop Raping for the mary Types to Be They are Not of This Faith.

To the Body of Catholics, You are Honored by My Faith. Everyone I know of Your Faith is Lovely: this Battle Regards Preternatural Rights.
They have NO Right to My Faith and Faith Structure. They Must Exit My Faith, Faith Structure and Faith History. Im a TYPE, Different
In History, and a UNIQUE HUMAN BEING with a Unique Human Physical, Earth Physical/Bio-Physical and Preternatural, with a
Wingship that is of My Own History. Im a type, and New to The ESTABLISHMENT.

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