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Entropy 2014, 16, 1211-1242; doi:10.


ISSN 1099-4300

The Maximum Error Probability Criterion, Random Encoder,

and Feedback, in Multiple Input Channels
Ning Cai
The State Key Lab. of ISN, Xidian University, No. 2 Taibai South Road, Xian 710071, China;
E-Mail:; Tel.: +86-(0)29-88204275
Received: 30 October 2013; in revised form: 10 December 2013 / Accepted: 24 December 2013 /
Published: 25 February 2014

For a multiple input channel, one may define different capacity regions,
according to the criterions of error, types of codes, and presence of feedback. In this
paper, we aim to draw a complete picture of relations among these different capacity
regions. To this end, we first prove that the average-error-probability capacity region of a
multiple input channel can be achieved by a random code under the criterion of maximum
error probability. Moreover, we show that for a non-deterministic multiple input channel
with feedback, the capacity regions are the same under two different error criterions. In
addition, we discuss two special classes of channels to shed light on the relation of different
capacity regions. In particular, to illustrate the roles of feedback, we provide a class of
MAC, for which feedback may enlarge maximum-error-probability capacity regions, but
not average-error-capacity regions. Besides, we present a class of MAC, as an example
for which the maximum-error-probability capacity regions are strictly smaller than the
average-error-probability capacity regions (first example showing this was due to G. Dueck).
Differently from G. Duecks enlightening example in which a deterministic MAC was
considered, our example includes and further generalizes G. Duecks example by taking
both deterministic and non-deterministic MACs into account. Finally, we extend our results
for a discrete memoryless two-input channel, to compound, arbitrarily varying MAC, and
MAC with more than two inputs.
Keywords: average/maximum probability of error; random/deterministic encoder;
feedback; multiple input channel; Chernoff bound

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1. Introduction
The behavior of a multiple user channel is quite different from that of a point-to-point channel. For
example, it is well known that the choice of the error criterion, i.e., the average or maximum probability
of error, makes no difference for the capacity of a point-to-point channel; whereas G. Dueck [1] showed
that, maximum-error-probability capacity regions of multiple access channel (MAC), two way channel
(TWC), and interference channel (IC) can be strictly smaller than their average-error-probability capacity
regions. It is worth mentioning that this had been pointed out in an earlier work by R. Ahlswede [2].
Nevertheless, the two criterions may lead to the same capacity region for an MAC as well, as such an
example was presented by P. Vanroose in [3].
The difference of the two capacity regions could be intuitively explained as follows. For a channel
with two inputs, two senders may not always well cooperate (although in most cases they may cooperate
well). If the criterion of maximum probability of error is used, the worst case has to be counted. As
a direct consequence, the capacity region in this case may be strictly smaller than the one under the
criterion of average error probaility (where only the average case is considered). This also explains why
for a broadcast channel (BC), which is a channel with one single input, the maximum-error-probability
capacity region is always equal to the average-error-probability capacity region [4] (p.293).
In network information theory, a lot of excellent work has been done on the criterion of average
error probability (for example c.f. [5]). However, the progress of research on the criterion of maximum
error probability seems to be relatively slow. As a comparison, for a discrete memoryless MAC, to
determine its maximum-error-probability capacity region is still a challenging open problem even today;
whilst its average-error-probability capacity region was completely determined in early of 70s of the
last century [6,7].
Another interesting issue is feedback. It is well known that feedback may not increase the capacity
of a point-to-point memoryless channel [8]; whilst it may enlarge the capacity region of a multiple
user channel (e.g., [914]). Remarkably, feedback may not increase the capacity region of a physical
degraded BC [15], as to a point-to-point channel. Moreover, the capacity region of a multiple-user
channel with feedback also depends on the error criterion used. As shown in Duecks example in [1],
the maximum-error-probability capacity region of an MAC, even when feedback is present, may be
strictly smaller than its average-error-probability region without feedback. Therefore, for a MAC with
feedback, the capacity regions under two different error criterions may be different. To clear the clouds,
an investigation on the difference made by error criterions in coding theorems for multiple user channels
with feedback, is necessary.
Finally, let us take a look at the impact on the capacity regions made by different types of codes,
i.e., deterministic and random codes. If the criterion of average probability of error is used, obviously
the capacity regions of a channel for both deterministic codes and random codes are the same.
Actually, the proofs of most direct coding theorems are based on this fact. So, when speaking of
average-error-probability capacity region, (without or with feedback,) one does not have to distinguish
which types of codes are employed. As a direct consequence, a point-to-point channel has only one
capacity, no matter which criterion of error is considered, whether feedback is present or not, and which
type of codes are employed. And, the same applies to a BC without feedback. However, this is not

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applicable to an MAC, IC, or TWC, since their maximum- and average-error-probability regions might
be different when deterministic codes are employed. Therefore, there is no reason to believe that for
them, random codes and deterministic codes have the same maximum-probability-error capacity region.
In fact, we shall see in this paper, that random codes may have a larger maximum-error-probability
capacity region than deterministic codes.
In general, for an MAC or IC, we can define the following 6 capacity regions:
average-error-probability capacity regions, without and with feedback;
maximum-error-probability capacity regions of random codes, without and with feedback;
maximum-error-probability capacity regions of deterministic codes, without and with feedback.
Similarly, when speaking of capacity region of a TWC, we must distinguish which type of codes and
error criterion are used.
We observe that the relations of these capacity regions of MAC, IC, and TWC are similar, due to the
fact that they all have multiple inputs. We refer to them as multiple input channels. The goal of the paper
is to clarify the relation of the capacity regions of multiple input channels, but not to determine them. To
simplify the discussion, we first assume that all channels have two inputs, and then extend them to the
general case.
First, we show that the average-error-probability capacity region for a multiple input channel may
be achieved by a random code under the criterion of maximum probability of error, no matter whether
feedback is present or not. Thus, we reduce the above 6 capacity regions to 4 of them. By definition,
a random code for a two-input channel may have two random encoders, or one random encoder and
one deterministic encoder. Notice that a deterministic encoder can be considered as a special random
encoder. Therefore, capacity region of random codes with two random encoders may not be smaller
than that of random codes with one random encoder and one deterministic encoder, no matter maximum
or average error criterion to be considered. For the same reason, no matter which criterion of error to
be used, the capacity region of random codes with one random encoder and one deterministic encoder
may not be smaller than the capacity region of deterministic codes. On the other hand, for random codes
with two random encoders, the maximum-error-probability capacity region may not be larger than its
average-error-probability capacity region, which is equal to average-error-probability capacity region of
deterministic codes. We propose a coding scheme, which achieves the average-error-probability capacity
region by employing a random code under the criterion of maximum probability of error. In our coding
scheme, randomization at one encoder is sufficient. Therefore, the maximum-error-probability capacity
regions of random codes with two random encoders, and one random encoder and one deterministic
encoder must be the same.
Consider the remaining 4 capacity regions. Recall that for a MAC which employs deterministic
codes, feedback may enlarge the average- and maximum-error-probability capacity regions; and the
maximum-error-probability capacity region may be strictly smaller than the average-error-probability
capacity region. In particular, G. Dueck [1] gave an example of a deterministic channel and showed
that, the maximum-error-probability capacity region of a MAC with feedback or TWC may be strictly
contained by its average-error-probability capacity region, even when the feedback is absent. So, it
nature for us to ask whether maximum-error-probability capacity region for a multiple input channel with

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feedback may be larger than the average-error-probability capacity region for the same channel when the
feedback is absent. This motivate us to study maximum-error-probability capacity region with feedback.
In contrast to Duecks example, in this paper, we demonstrate that, for a non-deterministic discrete
memoryless or Gaussian MAC and IC with feedback, the average- and maximum-error-probability
capacity regions are always the same, as well as for a TWC. This tells us that only the deterministic
channel may possibly have the properties in [1]. By combining our result and Cover-Leung bound [10],
it is not difficult to find a MAC such that its maximum-error-probability capacity region with feedback is
strictly larger than its average-error-probability capacity region without feedback. As a conclusion, we
obtain a complete picture about the relation of the capacity regions of a multiple input channel.
The choice of criterion of error makes no difference for random codes.
The maximum-error-probability capacity region for deterministic codes without feedback is
contained by all the other capacity regions; and, the contained relation can be strict.
The average-error-probability capacity region with feedback contains all the other capacity
regions; and, the containing relation can be strict.
The maximum-error-probability capacity region for deterministic codes with feedback may
be strictly larger than, or strictly smaller than the average-error-probability capacity region
without feedback.
For deterministic codes with feedback, if the channel is deterministic, the choice of criterion of
error makes a difference; whereas if the channel is non-deterministic, it makes no difference.
When deterministic codes are employed, feedback may enlarge both the average- and
maximum-error-probability capacity regions. However, the reasons may be different. To illustrate it,
we provide a class of MAC, for which feedback may enlarge the maximum-error-probability capacity
regions, but not the average-error-probability capacity regions. As the contraction channel (the channel
used by G. Dueck in [1] to show that the maximum-error-probability capacity region of a multiple input
channel may be strictly smaller than its average-error-probability capacity region), is deterministic, we
are especially interested in having a non-deterministic example. For this purpose, we generalize the
contraction channel to a class of MAC, which contains both deterministic and non-deterministic MACs,
and show that, for all channels in the class, maximum-error-probability capacity regions are strictly
smaller than average-error-probability capacity regions.
Moreover, we extend above results to compound channels, arbitrarily varying channels, and channels
with more than two inputs. It turns out that for a random code under the criterion of maximum probability
of error, to achieve the average-error-probability capacity region of an arbitrarily varying MAC, a
randomization at one encoder is not sufficient any longer; and it is necessary to have randomization
at both encoders. This leads us to the 3rd capacity region of an arbitrarily varying MAC, which we shall
call semi-average-error-probability capacity region.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we briefly describe our
problems and review the contraction channel which was introduced in [1]. In Section 3, we prove
that the average-error-probability capacity region of a multiple input channel can be achieved by a
random code under the criterion of maximum probability of error. In Section 4, we show that for a
non-deterministic discrete memoryless channel with feedback, and a Gaussian channel with feedback,

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the maximum-error-probability capacity region is always equal to the average-error-probability capacity

region. To better illustrate the results of random coding and coding with feedback, we provide two
examples in Section 5. In Section 6, the results are extended to compound channels, arbitrarily varying
channels, and channels with more than two inputs. Finally we conclude the paper by a brief discussion
in Section 7.
2. Problem Description and Previous Work
2.1. Channel Codes and their Error Criterion
Consider a MAC, which has two inputs and one output. Two senders aim to send messages from their
own message sets Mi , i = 1, 2 to a receiver, who accesses the output of the channel. A code C for the
MAC is specified by its encoding functions i , i = 1, 2 and decoding function . Note that the encoding
functions i , i = 1, 2 are two mappings from the message sets Mi , i = 1, 2 to the two input alphabets
of the channel, respectively; whilst the decoding function is a mapping from the output space of the
channel to the message set M1 M2 .
Consider an IC, which has two inputs and two outputs. Two senders aim to send their own messages
from sets M1 and M2 to two receivers, respectively. Similarly, a code C for the IC is specified by its
the encoding functions i , i = 1, 2 and the decoding functions j , j = 1, 2. In general case, the capacity
region of an IC remains unknown; and, the best inner bound is due to T. S Han and K. Kobayashi [16].
For a MAC/IC, we say that feedback from the output y(j) (for a MAC, the output index j = 1; whilst
for an IC, j {1, 2}) is available at the encoder i for i {1, 2}, if the codeword sent by the i-th
sender, not only depends on the message mi , but also the output y(j) causally. I. e., the codeword can be
written as
(j) (j)
i (mi , y(j) ) = (i,1 (mi ), i,2 (mi , y1 ), . . . , i,n (mi , y1 , y2 , . . . yn1 ))






where y(j) = (y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ); and i,t (mi , y1 , y2 , . . . , yt1 ) is the symbol sent by the sender i at
the time t.
A TWC has two inputs and two outputs, and is used by two users for exchanging messages. The first
user sends messages to the first input of the channel, and receives messages from the second output of
the channel; and the second user sends messages to the second input, and receives messages from the
first output. The symbol sent by a user at the time t depends on not only the message that he/she wants
to send, but also the output that he/she has received before the time t. A user decodes the messages
according to not only the output that he/she received, but also the message sent by him/her. TWC was
introduced by C. E. Shannon in his milestone paper [17]. It was actually the first model in network
information theory. In the case that the users encode only according to their own messages, respectively,
but not the outputs received by them, we refer the channel as a TWC without feedback. In other words, a
TWC without feedback is an IC, for which his/her own message of a user can be used in decoding.
To distinguish MAC, IC, and TWC from point-to-point channels and BC, we refer them as multiple
input channels. Note that in general a MAC may have more than two inputs. In the following, we first
consider a MAC with only two inputs; and results obtained will be extended to the general case later.

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It is well known that, a discrete channel W n : X1n X2n Y n for a MAC (or W n : X1n X2n
Y1n Y2n for an IC/TWC), is memoryless if for all x(1) = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) X1n , x(2) =
(1) (1)
(x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) X2n , and all y = (y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ) Y n (or all y(1) = (y1 , y2 , . . . , yn )
(2) (2)
Y1n , y(2) = (y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ) Y2n )



W (y|x , x ) =




W (yt |xt , xt )

for a MAC


( or W n (y(1) , y(2) |x(1) , x(2) ) =






W (yt , yt |xt , xt )

for an IC/TWC)


where Xi , i = 1, 2 are input alphabets; Y (Yj , j = 1, 2) is (are) output alphabet(s) of the channel. We
call W the generic of the channel. For simplicity, we call the discrete memoryless channel with generic
W , the discrete memoryless channel W in the sequel. With a slight abuse of notation, we also denote a
channel not necessary to be discrete memoryless, abstractly by W .
For a multiple input channel, let pe (C, (m1 , m2 )) be the error probability of a given code C for the
message pair (m1 , m2 ) M1 M2 (i.e., the probability, that the decoder of the MAC, or at least
one decoder of the IC or TWC, does not correctly decode, when the messages m1 and m2 are sent
simultaneously through the channel). Then the average probability of error and maximum probability of
error of the code are defined as
1 1
pa (C) :=
pe (C, (m1 , m2 ))
M1 M2
(m1 ,m2 )M1 M2

pm (C) :=


(m1 ,m2 )M1 M2

pe (C, (m1 , m2 ))


respectively, where Mi = |Mi |, i = 1, 2.

We say that an encoder i is random, if it can choose the codewords randomly, where i {1, 2}. That
is, in the case that feedback is absent, the encoder i first generates a random key Ki , and then chooses a
codeword according to the message to be sent, and the outcome of the random key; whilst in the case that
feedback is present, the choice of codeword is additionally according to the received output of channel
via the feedback causally. If the i-th encoder is random, accordingly we denote its encoding function by
capital Greek i .
In this paper, we assume that the random key is uniformly distributed. A random code may have
two random encoders, or one random encoder and one deterministic encoder. If a random code has two
random encoders, we assume that the two random keys K1 and K2 are independent. We shall see in
the next section that the number of random encoders makes no difference in the capacity regions of an
(ordinary) multiple input channel. However, we shall see in Subsection 6.2, that random codes with
two random encoders, and random codes with one random encoder and one deterministic encoder may
have different capacity regions for an arbitrarily varying MAC. Thus, we do not need to distinguish the
number of random encoders, when speaking of the capacity region, until Subsection 6.2.
For a random code Cr , the error probability pe (Cr , (m1 , m2 )) for a fixed message pair (m1 , m2 )
is a function of the random keys, and thus is a random variable. Therefore, it must be replaced by

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its expectation in the definitions of error probabilities. That is, the average probability of error and
maximum probability of error of the random code Cr are defined as
pa (Cr ) :=
pm (Cr ) :=

1 1
M1 M2

pe (Cr , (m1 , m2 ))


(m1 ,m2 )M1 M2


(m1 ,m2 )M1 M2

Epe (Cr , (m1 , m2 ))


respectively, where E is operator of expectation. Obviously random codes may not have a capacity region
smaller than deterministic codes, because by definition, a deterministic code is a special random code.
The capacity regions of a multiple input channel are defined in a standard way. According to the
presence of feedback, criterions of probabilities of error, and types of codes (random or deterministic),
formally one might have 8 capacity regions.
As a matter of fact, every random code such that its average probability of error defined by (3)
is smaller than a given number, has a realization with an average probability of error (defined
in Equation (1) smaller than the same number. So, the type of codes makes no difference, if
the criterion of the average error probability is employed. Therefore, we may simply speak of
average-error-probability capacity region, and do not need to distinguish the type of codes.
For the criterion of the average probability of error, we have two capacity regions for a given

f (W ), respectively, according to whether feedback

channel W. We denote them by R(W
) and R
is absent or present.
For the criterion of maximum probability of error, one may define capacity regions of
random codes without and with feedback, denoted by Rr (W ) and Rr,f (W ), respectively; and,
capacity regions of deterministic codes without and with feedback, denoted by Rd (W ) and
Rd,f (W ), respectively.
As a special kind of random codes, deterministic codes may not have larger capacity regions than
random codes; and, feedback may not reduce capacity regions. Therefore, relationship of the six
capacity regions are presented as follows.
Rd (W ) Rd,f (W )

Rr (W ) Rr,f (W )

f (W )
) R


Remarks 2.1 We have the following observations:

(1) By definition, a multiple input channel may have different kinds of feedback; and, its capacity
regions may depend on the kinds of feedback. Nevertheless, we denote the capacity regions with
different kinds of feedback by the same notation. It makes no problem in this paper, since we are
interested in the relation between the capacity regions, but not the capacity regions themselves.
And, the kinds of feedback are also clear by the context.
(2) Let Cr be a random code with a random encoder 1 and a deterministic encoder 2 for a multiple
input channel. Then {1 (m1 ) : m1 M1 } is not necessary to be a set of independent random

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variables. However, one can obtain a random code Cr0 with the same rate, the same average and
maximum probabilities of error for the same channel, from Cr , such that 01 (m1 ), m1 M1 are
independent. The reasons are the followings:
(1) For 01 , one can simply choose values of 01 (m1 ) for all m1 M1 , randomly and
independently according to marginal distribution of 1 (m1 ), and keep the deterministic
encoder and the decoder(s) unchanged.
(2) Then {pe (Cr0 , (m1 , m2 )), mi Mi } is a set of independent random variables with the same
marginal distribution as pe (Cr , (m1 , m2 )), for all (m1 , m2 ) M1 M2 . That is, we
have that
Epe (Cr0 , (m1 , m2 )) = Epe (Cr , (m1 , m2 ))
(3) Thus, without loss of generality, one may assume that {1 (m1 ), m1 M1 } and
{pe (Cr , (m1 , m2 )), m1 M1 } for m2 M2 , are sets of independent random variables.
By the same reason, for a random code with two random encoders i , i = 1, 2, we may also assume
i (mi ), mi Mi , i = 1, 2 are independent and pe (Cr , (m1 , m2 )), m1 M1 are conditionally
independent, given 2 (m2 ) = x(2) .
(3) We may also assume that the decoder (decoders) of a random code accesses (access) the random
key(s) generated by encoder(s), and decodes (decode) according to the outcome(s) of the key(s).
In this case, the decoder(s) is (are) random. The code is often referred as a correlated random
code in coding theorems of arbitrarily varying channels. One may have a random code with
deterministic decoder(s), from a correlated random code with vanishing key rate(s), by sending
the outcome(s) of random key(s) to decoder(s), if the capacity region of deterministic codes has
non-empty topological interior.
2.2. Duecks Contraction Channel
In [1] G. Dueck showed by an example that, for MAC and TWC, maximum-error-probability capacity
regions can be strictly smaller than their average-error-probability capacity regions. Without being
pointed out explicitly in [1], the same example also implies that the maximum-error-probability capacity
region of an IC may be strictly contained in its average-error-probability capacity region.
Duecks contraction channel is a discrete memoryless channel with a generic W : X1 X2
Y1 Y2 , where
X1 := {a(0), b(0), a(1), b(1)}
X2 := {0, 1}
Y1 := {a(0), b(0), e(0), a(1), b(1), e(1)}
Y2 := {0, 1}
Let g be a function from X1 X2 to Y1 , such that
g(a(0), 0) = g(b(0), 0) = e(0)
g(a(1), 0) = a(1)

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g(b(1), 0) = b(1)
g(a(0), 1) = a(0)
g(b(0), 1) = b(0)
g(a(1), 1) = g(b(1), 1) = e(1)

Let W1 be a channel W1 : X1 X2 Y1 , such that for all xi Xi , i = 1, 2 and y1 Y1 ,

W1 (y1 |x1 , x2 ) = 1 if and only if g(x1 , x2 ) = y1 ; and W2 be the identity channel on {0, 1}, i.e.,
for all x2 X2 and y2 Y2 , W2 (y2 |x2 ) = 1 if and only if y2 = x2 . Then the generic channel
W : X1 X2 Y1 Y2 can be represented as W (y1 , y2 |x1 , x2 ) = W1 (y1 |x1 , x2 )W2 (y2 |x2 ), for
xi Xi , i = 1, 2, yj Yj , j = 1, 2.
Dueck [1] considered the following scenarios:
(1) TWC
(1.w) TWC without feedback, or IC: There are two users in the communication system, say user 1 and
user 2. The user 1 (user 2) accesses the first (second) message set M1 (M2 ) and the second
(first) output of the channel with the alphabet Y2n ( Y1n ), and sends messages to the first (second)
input of the channel with alphabet X1n ( X2n ). No feedback is available. It is easy to see that, for
this channel, their own messages may not help them to decode. So TWC and IC have the same
capacity region.
(1.f) TWC with feedback: In addition to (1.w), the feedbacks from the second output to the first encoder
and from the first output to the second encoder are available. That is, the channel is used as the
standard TWC in Shannons sense [17].
(2) MAC
(2.w) MAC without feedback: Two senders send their messages to two inputs of the channel
independently; and a single receiver, who wants to decode both messages, accesses both outputs.
That is, by combining two outputs as one single output, we use the channel as an MAC. No
feedback is available.
(2.f) MAC with feedback: In addition to (1.w), the feedbacks from the output to both encoders
are available.
Notice that a codeword x(2) , which is sent to the second input of the contraction channel, always can
be recovered from both outputs correctly with probability 1; and, the second output is a function of the
first output of the channel. Therefore, one may assume that the receiver only accesses the first output
of channel in scenario (2). Moreover, a code is decodable in scenario (1) if and only if it is decodable
in scenario (2). Thus, its capacity regions in scenarios (1.w) and (2.w) are the same; and, its capacity
regions in scenarios (1.f) and (2.f) are the same.
be the average-error-probability capacity region of channels in scenarios (1) and (2). Define
Let R
Rout := {(R1 , R2 ) : R1 h( ) + p, R2 h(p), p [0, ]}


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where h() is the binary entropy function. Dueck [1] proved that the maximum-error-probability capacity

regions in all the above four scenarios are contained by Rout , which is strictly smaller than R.
3. Randomization at One Encoder Enhances Codes with Maximum Error Probability
In this section, we show that randomization at one encoder may enhance a code under the criterion
of maximum error probability for a multiple input channel, without or with feedback, to achieve the

average-error-probability capacity region. That is, for a multiple input channel W , Rr (W ) = R(W

and Rr,f (W ) = Rf (W ).
First, let us recall Chernoff bound which will be applied in this paper repeatedly.
Lemma 3.1 Let V1 , V2 , . . . VL be L independent random variables such that EVl < /3 and
0 Vl 1 with probability 1, for l = 1, 2, . . . , L, and positive real numbers and . Then
Vl > L} eL(3)



Vl > L} = Pr{eL+ l=1 Vl > 1}






Vl (a)

= e





E[1 + (1 + )Vl ]
E[1 + Vl + Vl2 ] eL

(1 + 3EVl ) eL (1 + 3)L



where the equality in (a) holds because V1 , V2 , . . . VL are independent; (b) follows from the inequality
ex 1 + x + 2e x2 for x [0, 1]; (c) holds because Vl 1 with probability 1; (d) follows from the
assumption that EVl ; and (e) follows from the inequality 1 + x ex . That is (7).
Theorem 3.2 Let W be a multiple input channel. Then

Rr (W ) = R(W


provided that R(W

) has a non-empty topological interior; and
f (W )
Rr,f (W ) = R


f (W ) has a non-empty topological interior.

provided that R

Moreover, R(W
) has a non-empty topological interior if and only if Rr (W ) has a non-empty
f (W ) has a non-empty topological interior if and only if Rr,f (W ) has a
topological interior; and, R
non-empty topological interior.

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f (W ), it is sufficient to show that, (1) R(W

Proof: Since Rr (W ) R(W

) and Rr,f (W ) R
) is
achievable by a random code with maximum error probability and without feedback, if it has a non-empty
f (W ) is achievable by a random code with maximum error probability
topological interior; and, (2) R
and with feedback, if it has a non-empty topological interior. Both are proven in the same way.

f (W ) have a non-empty topological interior; (R1 , R2 ) be a rate pair in R(W

Let R(W
) or R
) or

Rf (W ), and ,  > 0. Then, for a sufficiently large n, there exists a deterministic code C of length n,
with the encoding function i , i = 1, 2, suitable decoder(s), and rate pair (at least) (R1 2 , R2 2 ),
such that the average probability of error
|M1 | |M2 |

pe (C, (m1 , m2 )) <

(m1 ,m2 )M1 M2



where Mi , i = 1, 2, are the two message sets. Let

Qe (m2 ) =

pe (C, (m1 , m2 ))
|M1 | m M


for m2 M2 ; and,

and M2,1

M2,0 = {m2 : Qe (m2 ) < , m2 M2 }
= M2 \ M2,0 . Then it follows from (10) and Markov inequality that


|M2,1 |
Qe (m2 )
|M2 | m M
|M2 | 6

This gives us |M2,1 | < 12 |M2 | or |M2,0 | > 12 |M2 |. By using the same encoding functions and decoding
function(s), while deleting messages in M2,1 , we have a subcode C0 of C, such that for all (m1 , m2 )
M1 M2,0 , pe (C0 , (m1 , m2 )) = pe (C, (m1 , m2 )).
Next we construct a code with a random encoder and a deterministic encoder under the criterion
of maximum error probability. To this end, we let be the permutation group on M1 ; and,

k , k = 1, 2, . . . n2 , be i.i.d. random permutations uniformly distributed on , where n is the length

of code C. Then for all m1 , m01 M1 , and all k,
k (m1 ) = m01 ) =

(|M1 | 1)!
= |M1 |1
|M1 |!


For a , we define (C0 ) as a code with the same message sets as C0 , encoding functions 1, () =
1 (()) and 2, () = 2 (), and a suitable modification in decoder(s) (i.e., by decoding the first
message to be 1 (m01 ) if the decoding result in C0 is m01 ). Then, we have that pe ((C0 ), (m1 , m2 )) =
pe (C0 , ((m1 ), m2 )), for all (m1 , m2 ) M1 M2,0 . Thus by Equation (13), we have that for all
k {1, 2, . . . , n2 }, (m1 , m2 ) M1 M2,0 ,
Epe (
k (C0 ), (m1 , m2 )) =
k (m1 ) = m01 )pe (C0 , (m01 , m2 ))
m01 M1

m01 M1

pe (C0 , (m01 , m2 ))
|M1 |

Entropy 2014, 16



= Qe (m2 ) <


where (a) and (b) hold by Equations (13) and (11), respectively; and (c) follows from (12) and the fact
m2 M2,0 . Consequently, by Chernoff bound, i.e., Lemma 3.1 (taking L = n2 , = 6 , = 2
and (14), we obtain that for all fixed (m1 , m2 ) M1 M2,0 ,

1 X
Pr{ 2
pe (
k (C0 ), (m1 , m2 )) } e 6
n k=1


Thus, by union bound, we have that with a probability at least 1 |M1 M2,0 |e 6 1 (as n ),
1 ,
2 , . . .
n2 ) has a realization (1 , 2 , . . . , n2 ), such that for all (m1 , m2 ) M1 M2,0 ,

1 X
pe (k (C0 ), (m1 , m2 )) <
n k=1


Now we are ready to construct a random code Cr with a random encoder and a deterministic encoder.
Our code consists of two blocks.
We first prepare a code C fulfilling the criterion of average probability error, choose its subcode C0 ,
and then find permutation groups (1 , 2 , . . . , n2 ), satisfying (16).
Encoders: The first sender uniformly at random generates a key K1 from {1, 2, . . . , n2 }, and then
sends the outcome k1 of K1 in the first block, by using a code with average probability of error 6 . At the
same time, the second sender sends a suitably chosen dummy codeword to help the transmission. Then,
the first sender sends the codeword 1,k1 (m1 ) through the channel in the second block, if he/she wants
to send the message m1 and the outcome of the key is k1 . At the same time, to send the message m2 ,
the second sender sends 2,k1 (m2 )(= 2 (m2 )) through the channel. That is, the two senders send their
messages by using the code k1 (C0 ) in the second block. Notice that the second sender does not need
to know the outcome of the key, because his/her encoding function does not depend on the permutation
k1 . The ratio of the length of the first block in the whole length of the code can be arbitrarily small,
when n is sufficiently large, because the key rate lognn vanishes, as n increases. Thus, the rates of code
are larger than Ri , i = 1, 2, respectively, if n is sufficiently large.
then the second block is decoded by using
Decoder(s): At the receiver(s), first the key is decoded as k;
the decoding function of the code k (C0 ).
Error Analysis: Let E0 be the event, of that an error occurs in the first block; and E0c be its complement.
Then, for all (m1 , m2 ) M1 M2,0 ,
Epe (Cr , (m1 , m2 )) = E[E(pe (Cr , (m1 , m2 ))|K1 )]


[Pr(K1 = k1 ) Pr(E0 |K1 = k1 )E(pe (Cr , (m1 , m2 ))|K1 = k1 , E0 )

k1 =1

+ Pr(K1 = k1 ) Pr(E0c |K1 = k1 )E(pe (Cr , (m1 , m2 ))|K1 = k1 , E0c )]

Entropy 2014, 16




Pr(K1 = k1 ) Pr(E0 |K1 = k1 )

k1 =1


Pr(K1 = k1 ) Pr(E0c |K1 = k1 )E(pe (Cr , (m1 , m2 ))|K1 = k1 , E0c )]

k1 =1


Pr(K1 = k1 ) Pr(E0c |K1 = k1 )E(pe (Cr , (m1 , m2 ))|K1 = k1 , E0c )]
6 k =1

Pr(K1 = k1 ) Pr(E0c |K1 = k1 )pe (k1 (C0 ), (m1 , m2 ))]
6 k =1


(d) 5
1 X

+ 2
pe (k1 (C0 ), (m1 , m2 )) < <
6 n k =1


where (a) holds since pe (Cr (m1 , m2 )) 1 with probability 1; (b) holds since the average probability of
error in the first block is no larger than 6 ; (c) follows from the code construction; (d) follows from (16).
Thus we complete the proof of Theorem 3.2.
The part of the proof will be used in the next section and Section 6, for readers convenience, we
summary them as the following lemma:
Lemma 3.3 Let C be a deterministic code of length n for a multiple input channel, without or with

feedback, with average probability of error 1 = 12

, and a message set M1 M2 .
(1) Then, there is a subcode C0 of C, with a message set M1 M2,0 , such that M2,0 M2 ,
|M2,0 | |M2 2 | , and Qe (m2 ) < 21 , for Qe (m2 ) as defined in Equation (11), and m2 M2,0 .
(2) Let
k , k = 1, 2, . . . , n2 , be i.i.d. random permutations uniformly distributed on , then
Equation (15) holds for C0 as described in 1).
(3) Therefore, there are n2 permutations k , k = 1, 2, . . . , n2 on M1 such that (16) holds.
Next, let us look into the reason why the average- and maximum-error-probability capacity regions
of deterministic codes for a multiple input channel may be different. The two senders of a multiple input
channel may cooperate only in the choice of codebook, since they must choose codewords independently
due to the independence of messages. The combinations of the codeword pairs sent by them may be
good or bad. Intuitively, comparing to the whole codebooks, the bad combinations are very few.
Thus their contributions to the average probability of error can be ignored, when the codebooks are
sufficiently large. On the other hand, if the criterion of maximum probability of error is used, one must
consider the probability of error for worst combination of codeword pairs. To guarantee the worst
combinations of codeword pairs to be correctly decoded with a high probability, the capacity region for
codes satisfying the criterion of maximum probability of error often must be reduced. The randomization
at an encoder plays a similar role to probability algorithms in theory of computation, or mixed strategies
in game theory, mixing the good and bad combinations. As a consequence, the average-error-probability
capacity regions are achievable.
The proof of the theorem tells us that adding randomness with a vanishing rate at one single
encoder is sufficient for a code fulfilling the criterion of maximum error probability to achieve the

Entropy 2014, 16


average-error-probability capacity region. That is, the cost for the randomization is very low. This
suggests us to use random coding in the network communication, because in any sense a small maximum
probability of error is better than a small average probability of error, although in most cases the latter is
By Theorem 3.2, the 6 capacity regions in (5) can be actually reduced to 4 capacity regions. Namely,
(5) can be represented by
Rd (W )

Rd,f (W )

f (W )/Rr,f (W )
)/Rr (W ) R

f (W ); and, there are MAC, IC, and

So far we have known that there is a MAC W , such that R(W
) R

TWC W , such that Rd (W ) Rd,f (W )

). In the next section, we shall apply Lemma 3.3
to non-deterministic and Gaussian multiple input channels with feedback, and show that for all
non-deterministic discrete memoryless and Gaussian multiple input channels W ,
f (W )
Rd,f (W ) = R


By applying Cover-Leung inner bound [10], it is not hard to find a non-deterministic discrete memoryless

f (W ), which with (19) yields that R(W

MAC W , such that R(W

) R
) Rd,f (W ). Thus, we have a
complete picture of the relation of the capacity regions of multiple input channels. That is, all contained
relations in (18) may possibly be strict; and, Rd,f (W ) may be strictly contained by, and strictly contain

). Therefore, the relations in (18) may not be simplified further.
4. An Application to Feedback
In this section, we apply Lemma 3.3 to non-deterministic discrete memoryless and Gaussian multiple
input channels with feedback.
An output of a multiple input channel is deterministic, if the output is a function of inputs. That
is, for a deterministic output, no matter what input letters are input to the channel, at the output the
channel always outputs a letter with probability 1. We say that the output is non-deterministic, if it is
not deterministic. A multiple input channel is non-deterministic, if it has at least one non-deterministic
output. Throughout this section, we assume that feedback from a non-deterministic output is available
at least at one encoder, say the first encoder, if a multiple input channel is non-deterministic. Obviously,
the contraction channel is deterministic. Here, by Gaussian channels we mean discrete-time additive
Gaussian noise channels in the sense of [5] (93,137138,438) or [18] ([Chapter 15]). It is easy to see
from the following that, the result in Corollary 4.1 is true for all multiple input channels with the property
(*) below, although for simplicity, we assume that the channel is non-deterministic discrete memoryless
channels or Gaussian.
(*) There is a positive such that for all > 0, > 0 and a sufficiently large integer n0 , there exist
two codewords x(i) , i = 1, 2 of length n0 , and a subset A in an output space, whose output is sent to the
first encoder as a feedback, such that
with probability at least 1 , the output sequence falls in A;

Entropy 2014, 16


A can be partitioned into a = 2n0 (+o(1)) parts with nearly equal probability, i.e., the probability of
each part is in ( a1 (1 ), a1 (1 + )) when (x(1) , x(2) ) are the input to the channel.
Typically, we require that 0 and 0 as n0 .
Obviously, for a non-deterministic discrete memoryless or a Gaussian multiple input channel, one
may always choose a pair of codewords (x(1) , x(2) ) of length n0 , such that the random output of the
channel has positive entropy n0 , when x(1) and x(2) are sent to the channel. It is easy to see that, by
taking the set of typical sequences as A, by AEP, one can partition A into (nearly) 2n0 parts with nearly
equal probabilities. For instance, for a non-deterministic discrete memoryless channel, there are about
2n0 (+o(1)) output typical sequences with nearly equal probabilities, if the output entropy is n0 . Thus,
one may partition the typical sequences into a = 2n0 (+o(1)) parts, such that each part contains nearly
equal number of typical sequences, and therefore has nearly equal probability, similarly for a Gaussian
channel. That is, (*) follows.
Feedback in memoryless channel usually may play the following 3 roles:
(1) Reducing Size of the Decoding List: The idea was introduced by C. E. Shannon in his pioneering
work [8]. In short, the receiver lists all messages, which are possibly to be sent to him/her. Initially,
the list contains all messages in the message sets. At each time t, the receiver reduces the list
according to the output symbols, that he/she has received so far. Finally, the receiver decodes the
message, when only one single message remains in the list. The senders learn the list via feedback,
and thus can effectually cooperate with the receiver(s) to work on the list (instead of the whole sets
of the messages).
(2) Shifting the Private Messages to the Common Messages: Perhaps, it is the most common way to
use feedback to enlarge capacity regions (e.g., [9,10,19] and etc). One difficulty for the senders
of an multiple input channel (without feedback) to cooperate is that, their (private) messages are
independent. When feedback is present, a sender can obtain certain information about the message
sent by the other sender(s), via his own inputs and previous outputs, which he has received via
feedback. Thus, he/she can shift the information from the private messages (of the other encoder)
to the common messages, and cooperate with the other encoder(s) to resend them.
(3) Extracting Common Randomness: Finally, receiver(s ) may extract a common randomness, or a
random key from the output(s) and sends (send) it to the sender(s) via feedback. Thus, they may
use the common randomness to help transmission (e.g., [20,21]).
The feedback will play the 3rd role in the following corollary. That is, by the property (*), we shall
use a block of length n0 to generate a random key of size a. Then by using the random key, we shall
mix the good and bad combinations of input codeword pairs.
Note that
f (W )
Rd,f (W ) R
f (W ) is empty, then the topological interior of Rd,f (W ) is
Therefore, if the topological interior of R
empty too. For simplicity of the discussion and ignoring this trivial case, we assume that the topological
f (W ) is not empty.
interior of R

Entropy 2014, 16


Corollary 4.1 For a non-deterministic discrete memoryless or Gaussian multiple input channel W , such
f (W ) is not empty, we have that
that the topological interior of R
f (W )
Rd,f (W ) = R


f (W ) is achievable by
Proof: By (20), it is sufficient for us to show that, all (R1 , R2 ) R
(deterministic) codes under the criterion of maximum probability of error and with feedback. For any
given ,  > 0 and a sufficiently large n, we first find a code C of length n with feedback, such that its

, and n1 log |Mi | Ri 2 , i = 1, 2, where M1 M2 is the

average probability of error is at most 12
message set of C. Then we find a subcode C0 of C and permutation groups (1 , 2 , . . . , n2 ) as described
in Lemma 3.3. Next, we choose (x(1) , x(2) ) with the smallest possible n0 in the property (*) such that
2n0 a = n2 ,





Obviously, nn0 can be arbitrarily small, by choosing a sufficiently large n, since an integer n0 no less than
log n2
is sufficient, and lognn 0, as n .

We assume that the channel is a MAC. Our code consists of two blocks. In the first block, two senders
send x(1) and x(2) (in the property (*)) respectively, no matter what messages they want to send. After
the first block, both the first sender and the receiver learn the output y of the first block. In the case that y
does not fall into A, the receiver declares an error, and we denote this error event by E0 . By assumption,
we have that

Pr(E0 ) <
In the case that E0 does not occur, we assume that y falls into the k-th subset in the partition of A. Then
in the second block, two senders send message m1 and m2 , respectively, by using the code k (C0 ) as
described in Lemma 3.3. Recall (16). We have that for any fixed (m1 , m2 ), the probability of error in
the second block is upper bounded by

pe (k (C0 ), (m1 , m2 )) <
pe (k (C0 ), (m1 , m2 ))
(1 + )
(1 + )
12 k=1

< (1 +

12 3


which with (22) together implies that, the total probability of error of the code for the MAC is upper

bounded by 12
+ 3
= 5
. Moreover, by choosing sufficiently small nn0 , the rates of code may be larger
than Ri , i = 1, 2.
Notice that the second sender does not need to know k although he/she may know it. That is, the
statement of the corollary still holds in the case that the feedback is available at one encoder only.
Differently from an MAC, a TWC or IC has two outputs. Let A be in any of outputs. Then a receiver
accessing the other output, may not know the outcome of the random key. Thus, we need an additional
block, for the first encoder to inform him/her the outcome of the key. This can be done by using a code
with feedback and with average error probability at most 6 . Thus as in the proof of Theorem 3.2, the
total maximum probability of error may not exceed . Again, because the rate of random key lognn 0
as n , a vanishing rate is sufficient for the block. Thus, the total rates of code are not smaller than
Ri , i = 1, 2. This completes our proof.

Entropy 2014, 16


Remark 4.2 Now, among the capacity regions of Gaussian MAC, only the maximum-error-probability
capacity region without feedback is unknown, because the average-error-probability capacity region
of a Gaussian MAC with feedback was determined by H. Ozarow [11]; and, by Corollary 4.1, it is
equal to the maximum-error-probability capacity region of the same channel. We conjecture that the
maximum-error-probability capacity region of a Gaussian MAC would be strictly smaller than the
average-error-probability capacity region, when the feedback is absent. However, a proof or disproof has
not been discovered so far. It would be very appreciated, if one might point out its existence. Otherwise,
it would be a good problem for future research.
Corollary 4.1 tells us that, for a non-deterministic channel with feedback, the error criterion makes no
difference on its capacity region. But, it is not always true in the general case, because we have learnt
from the contraction channel [1], which is a deterministic channel, that its maximum-error-probability
capacity region of deterministic codes with feedback is strictly smaller than its average-error-probability
capacity region without feedback. Now we know from Corollary 4.1, that one can find neither example
of non-deterministic channel nor example of Gaussian channel, which leads us to a similar result as
in [1]. So, Corollary 4.1 actually provides a counterpart of Duecks case [1]. By comparing these
two cases, we see an essential difference between deterministic and non-deterministic multiple user
channels. The reason behind the difference is that: for a non-deterministic channel, one can build a
common randomness through the feedback and use it to mix the good cases and bad cases; but for
a deterministic channel, it is impossible. In this sense, noise may help transmission when feedback is
present. We have seen this phenomenon from arbitrarily varying channel [20]. We will illustrate it in
more details by examples in the next section.
5. Examples
Motivated by the following, we present two subclasses of MAC, as examples, in this section.
We have seen that one can apply feedback, not only for shifting the private messages to the
common messages, but also for extracting common randomness, to help the transmission under
the criterion of the maximum probability of error. On the other hand, the common randomness
may not help the transmission under the criterion of the average probability of error, as random
codes and deterministic codes have the same average-error-probability capacity region. So,
it is expected that there exists a multiple input channel, for which feedback may enlarge the
maximum-error-probability capacity region, but not the average-error-probability capacity region.
We wonder if there is a non-deterministic MAC, whose average- and maximum-error-probability
capacity regions are different, since Duecks contraction channel is special for being deterministic.
First let us recall an inner bound on the average-error-probability capacity regions of discrete
memoryless MAC W with feedback, due to T. M. Cover and C. S. K. Leung [10], which will be used in
this section:
Rcl (W ) =

{(R1 , R2 ) : R1 I(X1 ; Y |X2 , U ), R2 I(X2 ; Y |X1 , U )

R1 + R2 I(X1 , X2 ; Y ), (U, X1 , X2 , Y ) Q(W )}


Entropy 2014, 16


where Q(W ) is the set of quadruples (U, X1 , X2 , Y ) of random variables, with a joint distribution
PU X1 X2 Y (u, x1 , x2 , y) = PU (u)PX1 |U (x1 |u)PX2 |U (x2 |u)W (y|x1 , x2 )
for all (u, x1 , x2 , y) U X1 X2 Y. Here Xi , i = 1, 2 are input alphabets of the MAC; Y is the
output alphabet of the MAC; and U is a finite set with |U| min(|X1 ||X2 | + 1, |Y| + 2).
It was shown by F. M. J. Willems [22] that, the inner bound is tight, when the second input of the
MAC is uniquely determined by the first input and the output of the MAC. We denote by Kw this special
class of MAC. In this section, we will discuss a subclass of Kw to illustrate the role of feedback.
5.1. A Class of MAC, for which Feedback Does not Enlarge Average-Error-Probability Capacity Region
We say that a MAC W is in the class K , if there is a function g : Y X2 , such that x2 = g(y),
whenever there is an x1 X1 with W (y|x1 , x2 ) > 0. Obviously, K Kw . Furthermore, we partition
K into two subclasses:
Kd = {W : W K and W is deterministic}
Kn = {W : W K and W is non-deterministic}
The maximum-error-probability capacity region of channels in Kd with feedback was obtained by R.
Ahlswede and N. Cai [23], where the channels in Kd were referred as semi-noisy deterministic MAC,
based on the 1st role of feedback: reducing size of the decoding list. It is easy to see that both the
contraction channel in [1] and noiseless binary switching MAC in [3] belong to this subclass Kd .
As K Kw , by F. M. J. Willems theorem in [22], the average-error-probability capacity region of
a channel W K is equal to Cover-Leung inner bound Rcl (W ) in (24), when feedback is present. By
applying Corollary 4.1 to non-deterministic members in K , i.e.,the channels in Kn , we have Rd,f (W ) =
f (W ) for W K . In summary, we have
f (W ) = Rcl (W ),
Rd,f (W ) = R

for W Kn

In fact, for all channels in K , feedback does not enlarge the average-error-probability capacity region.
Proposition 5.1

(i) For all W K ,

f (W )


f (W )
Rd,f (W ) = R(W


(ii) For all W Kn ,

Proof: Since (ii) immediately follows from (i) and Corollary 4.1, it is sufficient for us to show (i).
To show (i), we only need to verify that, the average-error-probability capacity region of any channel
in K without feedback, is equal to Cover-Leung inner bound. Recall that the average-error-probability
capacity region of an MAC W is equal to the convex hull of
R0 (W ; X1 , X2 ) = {(R1 , R2 ) : R1 I(X1 ; Y |X2 ), R2 I(X2 ; Y |X1 ), R1 +R2 I(X1 , X2 ; Y )} (27)

Entropy 2014, 16


where (X1 , X2 , Y ) are a triple of random variables with a joint distribution PX1 X2 Y (x1 , x2 , y) =
PX1 (x1 )PX2 (x2 )W (y|x1 , x2 ), for all (x1 , x2 , y) X1 X2 Y, where Xi , i = 1, 2, are input alphabets
of the MAC, and Y is the output alphabet of the MAC. Now we only have to show that for all W K ,

Cover-Leung bound Rcl (W ) in (24) is contained in the convex hull of (27), since R(W
) Rcl (W ).

To this end, we fix a W K . First we observe that, for any pair of independent input random
variables (X1 , X2 ) and the corresponding random output Y , we have that
H(X2 |Y ) = H(X2 |X1 , Y ) = 0
due to the fact that by definition of K , the random input X2 is uniquely determined by the random output
Y with probability 1. Therefore,
I(X2 ; Y ) = I(X2 ; Y |X1 ) = H(X2 )


as X1 and X2 are independent. Then the bounds on R2 and R1 + R2 in (27) can be rewritten as
R2 H(X2 ),
R1 + R2 I(X1 ; Y |X2 ) + I(X2 ; Y ) = I(X1 ; Y |X2 ) + H(X2 )
respectively. In addition, we notice that R1 I(X1 ; Y |X2 ) and R2 H(X2 ) imply that R1 + R2
I(X1 ; Y |X2 ) + H(X2 ). Thus for a W K , one can simplify (27) to the following:
R0 (W ; X1 , X2 ) = {(R1 , R2 ) : R1 I(X1 ; Y |X2 ), R2 H(X2 )}


On the other hand, since for (U, X1 , X2 , Y ) Q(W ), I(X2 ; Y |X1 , U ) H(X2 |U ) (actually the equality
holds for W K ), additionally omitting the bound on R1 + R2 in (24), we obtain that
Rcl (W ) {(R1 , R2 ) : R1 I(X1 ; Y |X2 , U ), R2 H(X2 |U ), (U, X1 , X2 , Y ) Q(W )}
That is, Rcl (W ) is contained in the convex hull of R0 (W ; X1 , X2 ). This completes our proof.
By Proposition 5.1, feedback may not enlarge the average-error-probability capacity region
of a MAC in K .
In the next subsection, we shall present a subset of MACs in Kn ,
for which the maximum-error-probability capacity regions are strictly smaller than the
average-error-probability capacity regions. This serves as an example, where feedback does enlarge the
maximum-error-probability capacity region (to the average-error-probability capacity region), but does
not enlarge the average-error-probability capacity region. Intuitively, this can be explained by the roles
of feedback as follows.
Feedback may not enlarge the average-error-probability capacity region of a MAC in K :
Cover-Leung bound was obtained by the technique of shifting the private messages to the common
messages. That is, a sender may obtain some information about the message sent by the other sender,
via his/her own inputs and previous outputs of the channel, which he/she learnt from the feedback. Then
he/she may shift the information from the private messages of the other sender to common messages,
and cooperate with the other sender to resend it. The key idea is that the common message is more
easily to be sent, under the cooperation of two senders. A premise is that the common message should

Entropy 2014, 16


be unknown by the receiver, because otherwise it is not necessary to be resent. For a MAC in K , the
receiver is able to decode the second input directly, and so shifting it to common message is unnecessary
at all. Thus, in this case the feedback may not be used for shifting message from private to common, to
enlarge average-error-probability capacity region.
Feedback can enlarge the maximum-error-probability capacity region of a MAC in Kn :
However, one can apply the 3rd role of feedback i.e., extracting common randomness from feedback for
mixing the good cases and the bad case. This may enlarge the maximum-error-probability capacity
region, when the worst case is considered.
5.2. Generalized Contraction MAC
f (W ). To
In the previous subsection, we have that for a channel W in Kn , Rd,f (W ) = R(W
have an example in Kn , for which feedback enlarges the maximum-error-probability capacity region,
but does not enlarge the average-error-probability capacity region, we need an example in Kn , for which
). To this end, we extend the contraction channel to generalized contraction MACs
Rd (W )
as follows.
be a (point-to-point) channel with input alphabet X and output alphabet Y.
Denote its capacity
Let W
j , j = 0, 1, be two copies of W
. That is, for j = 0, 1, W
j is a channel with an input alphabet
by . Let W

such that W
j (
X (j) = {
x(j) : x X }, and output alphabet Y(j)
= {
y (j) : y Y},
y (j)|
x(j)) =

W (
y |
x), for all x(j) X (j), and y(j) Y(j). (Here, X (j) and Y(j) can be understood as copies of
respectively; and
alphabets X and Y respectively; x(j) and y(j) as copies of letters x X and y Y,

j = 0, 1, are indexes of the copies.) Let X1 = X (0) X (1), X2 = {0, 1} and Y = Y(0)

is defined as
{e(0), e(1)}. The generic of the generalized contraction MAC originating from W

if y = e(j), x1 X (j) with j = x2

j (y|x1 ) if x1 X (j), y Y(j)

W (y|x1 , x2 ) =
with j 6= x2

for all x1 X1 , x2 X2 , and y Y. For a generalized contraction channel, the decoder may decode
the second input from the output with probability 1. The message carried by the first input is erased, if
x1 X (j) and x2 = j are sent to a generalized contraction channel; otherwise, the generalized channel
j . Obviously, a generalized contraction MAC is in the class K and is
transmits the message as to W
is non-deterministic. By taking the identity
non-deterministic if and only if the original channel W
, we have that the contraction MAC is a special generalized contraction MAC.
channel on {a, b} as W
Since the generalized contraction channels are in K , their average-error-probability capacity regions
are convex hulls of R0 (W ; X1 , X2 ) as given in (29). Let J be the binary random variable, such that
J = j if the first random input X1 X (j). Then the first inequality at the right hand side of (29) is

R1 I(X1 ; Y |X2 ) = I(X1 , J; Y |X2 )

= I(J; Y |X2 ) + I(X1 ; Y |J, X2 ) = H(J|X2 ) H(J|X2 , Y ) + I(X1 ; Y |J, X2 )


= H(J|X2 ) + I(X1 ; Y |J, X2 ) = H(J) + I(X1 ; Y |J, X2 )

Entropy 2014, 16


where (a) holds since J is a function of X1 ; (b) holds since J is a function of Y ; (c) holds since J and
X2 are independent. Next we let PX2 (1) = p and Pr(J = 1) = q. Continue with the above inequality,
R1 h(q) + p(1 q)I(X1 ; Y |J = 0, X2 = 1) + (1 p)qI(X1 ; Y |J = 1, X2 = 0)

h(q) + [(1 p)q + p(1 q)]

where h(q) is the binary entropy of q. Note that in (d) the equality holds if and only if I(X1 ; Y |J =
0, X2 = 1) = I(X1 ; Y |J = 1, X2 = 0) = ; or, equivalently both PX1 |J (|0) and PX1 |J (|1) are optimal
. By the symmetry, we assume that 0 p 1 . Consequently, the average-error-probability
input of W
capacity region of a generalized contraction MAC W is the convex hull of rectangles
R00 (p) = {(R1 , R2 ); R1 max [h(q) + [(1 p)q + p(1 q)] ], R2 h(p)},

for p [0, ] (31)

To show that the maximum-error-probability capacity region of a generalized contraction MAC

is strictly smaller than its average-error-probability capacity region, we need an outer bound on the
maximum-error-probability capacity region. G. Dueck [1] elegantly applied vertex isoperimetric theorem
in the binary Hamming space, to derive an outer bound of the maximum-error-probability capacity region
of the contraction channel. Along his way, we will derive our outer bound.
The isoperimetric problem is a basic problem in combinatorics, which asks how large at least, the
boundary of a subset with a given cardinality in a discrete metric space has to be. Its asymptotic version
is known as Blowing Up Lemma, by people in Information Theory (e.g., c.f. [4,24]). The vertex
isoperimetric theorem in the binary Hamming space first was discovered by K. H. Harper [25]. Its
different proofs were then given by G.O.H. Katona [26], P. Frankl and Z. Furedi [27]. The theorem says
that, the optimal configurations have a nested structure. In this paper, we only need its simplified version
as given below. More about the isoperimetric theorem can be found in [26] or [27].
For a subset A {0, 1}n and a positive integer l, the l-boundary of A is defined as
l (A) = {b : b {0, 1}n and there exists an a A with dH (a, b) l}
where dH is the Hamming distance. The following lemma is a simplified version of isoperimetric
theorem in the binary Hamming space.

Lemma 5.2 [25] Let A {0, 1}n . Then if |A| ki=0 ni , we have that for l n k,

| (A)|



Let C be a code with maximum probability of error and block length n, with codebooks U1 and U2 .

Let k be the largest integer such that |U2 | ki=0 ni , i.e.,

|U2 | <



without loss of generality, we may assume k n2 , since we are interested in the asymptotic rates of
the codes. For j = (j1 , j2 , . . . jn ) {0, 1}n , we denote X n (j) = ni=1 X (ji ) and partition U1 into 2n

Entropy 2014, 16


subsets U1 X n (j), j {0, 1}n . Suppose that a codeword x(1) = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) U1 X n (j) for a
j {0, 1}n , and a codeword x(2) = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) U2 , are sent by the two senders, respectively.
Then, with probability 1, the t-th output of the channel is e(jt ) if jt = xt . Thus the receiver may
distinguish two codewords in U1 X n (j), only by the dH (j, x(2) ) symbols at the coordinates t with
jt 6= xt , when a codeword x(2) is sent to the second input of the channel. In other words, U1 X n (j)
(by neglect of the
must form a decodable codebook (with small probability of error) for the channel W
indexes of the copies), at the coordinates t with jt 6= xt , for all x(2) . Thus by converse coding theorem
for the point-to-point channels, we have that for all  > 0 and a sufficiently large n,

|U1 X n (j)| 2dH (j, U2 )( +)


where dH (j, U2 ) = min{dH (j, x(2) ), x(2) U2 }. Thus we have that

|U1 | =
|U1 X n (j)|

dH (j,U2 )( +)



(|l (U2 )| |l1 (U2 )|)2l( +)



Now we have to maximize the right hand side of (35). By Lemma 5.2 and (33), we have that l (U2 ) = 2n
for all l n k. Thus, the right hand side of (35) can be rewritten as
|l (U2 )|(2(l+1)( +) 2l( +) ) + 2n 2(nk)( +)
(|l (U2 )| |l1 (U2 )|)2l( +) =


which is maximized by |l (U2 )| =



by Lemma 5.2. That is,

n |ik|+ ( +)
n (ik)( +)
|U1 |
n max
where |z|+ = max{0, z}. Thus by s (33) and (36) for
error-probability capacity region of W :



= p, we have an outer bound of the maximum-

Rout (W ) = {(R1 , R2 ) : R1 max




q 0 [p,1]
Because for a fixed p, the function h(q 0 ) + (q 0 p) achieves the maximum value at
q0 =
and q0 [ 12 , 1) for 0, and q0 =


2 + 1


if and only if = 0, the outer bound can be rewritten as

Rout (W ) = {(R1 , R2 ) : R1 h(q0 ) + (q0 p) , R2 h(p), p [0, ]}


is the identity channel on {a, b}, = 1 and q0 = 2 , W becomes the contraction

In particular, when W
channel, and the outer bound (38) becomes Duecks outer bound (6). It is easy to verify that, if > 0,

Entropy 2014, 16


the outer bound in (38) is always strictly smaller than the average-error-probability capacity region, the
convex hull of R00 (p), p [0, 12 ] in (31), since for any fixed p [0, 21 ],
max [h(q) + [(1 p)q + p(1 q)] ] [h(q0 ) + (q0 p) ]


[h(q0 ) + [(1 p)q0 + p(1 q0 )] ] [h(q0 ) + (q0 p) ]

= 2p(1 q0 ) > 0


if > 0. That is, for any (nontrivial) generalized contraction MAC, the maximum-probability-error
capacity region is always strictly smaller than the average-error-probability capacity region. In particular,
by Corollary 4.1 and Proposition 5.1, we have that for all non-deterministic generalized contraction

f (W ) = Rd,f (W ).
Rd (W ) R(W
6. Extensions
In this section, we extend our results to compound channels, arbitrarily varying channels, and channels
with more than two inputs. For the sake of simplicity, we will focus on the discrete memoryless MAC.
As one can see, it is not that difficult to extend the results in Subsections 6.1 and 6.3 to Gaussian MAC
and other multiple input channels. However, it is not very easy to extend Theorem 3.2 to arbitrarily
varying Gaussian channel defined in the sense of [28], due to the following reason. By its definition, a
Gaussian arbitrarily varying MAC with average power constraint to the state sequences, is possibly
governed by any state sequence with average power not exceeding . In our coding scheme, we need to
send the outcome of random key by a block with a vanishing rate. This would not work, when a state
sequence, such that powers of its components in the small block are much larger than , and powers
in the rest part are slightly smaller than , governs the channel.
6.1. Extension to Compound MAC
A compound MAC W is specified by a set of MACs {W (|, , s) : X1 X2 Y, s S}, where S
is an index set, whose members are often called states. Without loss of generality, one may assume that
S is finite, since an infinite state set can be approached by a finite state set (e.g., [4] [pp. 219220]). A
compound channel outputs a sequence y = (y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ) with probability


W (y|x , x , s) =




W (yt |xt , xt , s)




if the sequences x(j) = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ), j = 1, 2 are sent to the channel, and the channel is governed
by the state s. Similarly, for deterministic a code C (random code Cr ) with message set M1 M2 , we
denote by pe (C; (m1 , m2 ); s) (pe (Cr ; (m1 , m2 ); s)) for mj Mj , j = 1, 2 and s S, the probability of
error for the code C(Cr ), when a message pair (m1 , m2 ) is sent and the state of the channel is s. We
assume that the state governing the channel is unknown by the senders and the receiver. Accordingly,
for a deterministic code C, the average and maximum probabilities of error are defined as
1 1
pa (C) = max
pe (C; (m1 , m2 ); s)
sS M1 M2
(m1 ,m2 )M1 M2

Entropy 2014, 16

pm (C) = max


sS (m1 ,m2 )M1 M2

respectively; and, for a random code Cr ,

1 1
pa (Cr ) = max
sS M1 M2

pe (C; (m1 , m2 ); s)


pe (Cr ; (m1 , m2 ); s)}


(m1 ,m2 )M1 M2

pm (Cr ) = max


sS (m1 ,m2 )M1 M2

Epe (Cr ; (m1 , m2 ); s)


respectively. In the following, we extend the results in Sections 3, 4 to compound channels.

First we extend Theorem 3.2 by showing that
f (W),

Rr (W) = R(W)
and Rr,f (W) = R


for all compound channels W. The proof is done by modifying the proof of Theorem 3.2. Suppose that

we are given a deterministic code C of length n, with average probability of error 12|S|
. Similarly, for all
s S, we split the message set M2 into two parts: M2,0 (s) and M2,1 (s), such that
1 X

pe (C; (m1 , m2 ); s)
M1 m M

|M2 |
, for all
|M2 |
if we take

if and only if m2 M2,1 (s). Then, by Markov inequality, we have that |M2,1 (s)|

s S. Thus, we have that | sS M2,1 (s)| |M2 2 | ; or equivalently, |M2,0 |

M2,0 = sS M2,0 (s) as the second message set of the new subcode C0 .
By applying Lemma 3.3-(2) to each channel in the set of W respectively, we have that for all s S,

1 X
Pr{ 2
pe (
k (C0 ), (m1 , m2 ); s) } < e 6
n k=1

Then by the union bound, with probability at least 1 |S||M1 M2,0 |e 6 , there is a realization of
1 ,
2 , . . . ,
n2 ), (1 , 2 , . . . , n2 ), such that for all (m1 , m2 ) M1 M2,0 and all s S

1 X
pe (k (C0 ), (m1 , m2 ); s) <
n k=1


We omit the rest parts of the proof of of (44), since they follow exactly the proof of Theorem 3.2.
The extension of Corollary 4.1 to a compound MAC is straightforward. The proof follows from
the argument in Section 4. Note that the definition of the non-deterministic compound channel slightly
makes a difference here. If we define a non-deterministic compound MAC as a compound MAC, such
that there is a pair of input letter (x1 , x2 ), for which no y and s are with W (y|x1 , x2 , s) = 1, then the
same as in Section 4, we can spend a block to build the common randomness. However, it seems more
natural to define a non-deterministic compound MAC as an compound MAC, such that for all s S,
there exists at least a pair of input letter (x1 , x2 ) for which no y is with W (y|x1 , x2 , s) = 1. In this case,
the common randomness can be built by |X1 ||X2 | blocks. That is, every pair of input letter (x1 , x2 ) takes
a block. Surely, the sender and the receiver know from which block(s) they may extract randomness,
because a deterministic block always produces the same output letter. The number of the blocks makes
no difference, since their rates will vanish as the length of the code increases. Thus, the extension of
Corollary 4.1 follows.

Entropy 2014, 16


6.2. Extension to Arbitrarily Varying MAC

Similar to a compound MAC, an arbitrarily varying MAC (AVMAC) W is specified by a finite set
of MACs {W (|, , s) : X1 X2 Y, s S}. Differently from a compound MAC, AVMAC
is non-stationary, and governed by a state sequence in S n . That is, an AVMAC outputs a sequence
y = (y1 , y2 , . . . , yn ) with probability


W (y|x , x , s) =




W (yt |xt , xt , st )




if the sequences x(j) = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ), j = 1, 2, are sent to the channel, and the channel is governed
by the state sequence s = (s1 , s2 , . . . , sn ). For a given deterministic code C (random code Cr ) with
message set M1 M2 , we denote by pe (C; (m1 , m2 ); s) (pe (Cr ; (m1 , m2 ); s)) for mj Mj , j = 1, 2,
and s S n , the probability of error of the code C (Cr ), when a message pair (m1 , m2 ) is sent to the
channel, and the channel is governed by a state sequence s. Similarly, for a deterministic code C, the
average and maximum probabilities of error are defined as
pa (C) = maxn

pm (C) = maxn

1 1
M1 M2

pe (C; (m1 , m2 ); s)


(m1 ,m2 )M1 M2


(m1 ,m2 )M1 M2

pe (C; (m1 , m2 ); s)


respectively; and, for a random code Cr ,

pa (Cr ) = maxn

pm (Cr ) = maxn

1 1
M1 M2

pe (Cr ; (m1 , m2 ); s)}


(m1 ,m2 )M1 M2

(m1 ,m2 )M1 M2

Epe (Cr ; (m1 , m2 ); s)


According to our knowledge, most known works on AVMAC focused on the average-error-probability
capacity regions. By elimination technique, J. H. Jahn [29] proved that, the average-error-probability
capacity regions of random correlated codes and deterministic codes are the same, provided that the
average-error-probability capacity region has a non-empty topological interior. Thereafter, it became a
key problem to find conditions for which the average-error-probability capacity region of an AVMAC
has a non-empty the topological interior. In [30], J. A. Gubner found a necessary condition and
conjectured that it is also sufficient. Eventually, R. Ahlswede and N. Cai [31] proved that his
conjecture is true. Since random codes and deterministic codes for an AVMAC in general may have
different average-error-probability capacity regions, we add the subscript d to the capacity region of
deterministic codes. However, we assume in the following that the average-error-probability capacity
region has a non-empty topological interior, in which case the average-error-probability capacity regions
of random and deterministic codes are the same [29].
Actually, one can define the 3rd kind of probabilities of error, which we call semi-average probability
of error:
1 X
pe (C; (m1 , m2 ); s)
for a deterministic code C
ps (C) = maxn max
sS m2 M2 M1
m M

Entropy 2014, 16


ps (Cr ) = maxn max


m2 M2

pe (Cr ; (m1 , m2 ); s)
M1 m M

for a random code Cr


Accordingly, we denote the semi-average error probability capacity regions of deterministic codes,
d (W) and R
d,f (W), respectively.
without and with feedback by R
The difference among the criterions of the average, semi-average, and maximum error probability
regions is obvious. At first, we have that
d (W) R
d (W) and Rd,f (W) R
d,f (W) R
f,d (W)
Rd (W) R


d (W) may strictly contain Rd (W), and be strictly contained by R

d (W).
Secondly, we observe that R
To see it, let us recall that it was proven in [32] by examples, that the maximum-error-probability
capacity of a (point-to-point) AVC may be strictly smaller than its average-error-probability capacity.
Then we let Wi , i = 1, 2, be two (point-to-point) AVCs with average-error-probability capacity a (Wi ),
and maximum-error-probability capacity m (Wi ) (of deterministic codes), input alphabets Xi , output
alphabets Yi , and set of state Si , respectively, such that m (Wi ) < a (Wi ), for i = 1, 2. Let W be the
AVMAC having input alphabets Xi , i = 1, 2, output alphabet Y = Y1 Y2 , and set of states S = S1 S2 ,
and specified by the set of MACs {W (|, , (s1 , s2 )) : X1 X2 Y, (s1 , s2 ) S}, such that
W ((y1 , y2 )|x1 , x2 , (s1 , s2 )) = W1 (y1 |x1 , s1 )W2 (y2 |x2 , s2 )
d (W), and R
d (W) are given by
for all x1 X1 , x2 X2 , (y1 , y2 ) Y, and (s1 , s2 ) S. Then Rd (W), R
{(R1 , R2 ) : R1 m (W1 ), R2 m (W2 )}
{(R1 , R2 ) : R1 a (W1 ), R2 m (W2 )}
{(R1 , R2 ) : R1 a (W1 ), R2 a (W2 )}
respectively. Obviously we have that
Rd (W)

d (W)

d (W)

i.e., indeed, the three capacity regions are different. Similarly we can see the difference, when feedback
is present.
We have discussed in Section 3 that, randomization at one single encoder is sufficient for a random
code under the criterion of maximum probability of error to achieve the average-error-probability
capacity region, and therefore the number of random encoders makes no difference for an (ordinary)
MAC. Now, we shall see that it does make a difference for an AVMAC. Let Rr,d (W) and Rr,r (W) be the
maximum-error-probability capacity regions of random codes with a random encoder and a deterministic
encoder, and with two random encoders, respectively, when feedback is absent.
Theorem 6.1 For an AVMAC W, whose average-error-probability capacity region has a non-empty
topological interior,
d (W)
Rr,d (W) = R
d (W)
Rr,r (W) = R


Entropy 2014, 16


Proof: To show (53), we first show that

d (W)
Rr,d (W) R


This can be done by simply modifying the proof of Theorem 3.2, similar to the extension to compound
d (W), we have a code
channels in last subsection. For a > 0 and any pair of rates (R1 , R2 ) R
deterministic code C for an AVMAC of length n with rates larger than Ri 2 , i = 1, 2, and the
semi-average probability of error 6 , i.e.,
1 X

pe (C; (m1 , m2 ); s)
M1 m M


for all m2 M2 and s S n . Now, we have to construct a random code Cr,d with one random encoder
and one deterministic encode and show (49) for Cr,d , i.e., for all (m1 , m2 ) M1 M2 , s S n ,
Epe (Cr,d ; (m1 , m2 ); s) <
By (56), the code C already has the property of C0 in Lemma 3.3, which is needed by us. Thus, it is
sufficient to show that, (by replacing C0 in Lemma 3.3-(2) with C,) the set of random permutations in
Lemma 3.3 has a realization (1 , 2 , . . . , n2 ), such that for all (m1 , m2 ) M1 M2 , s S n ,

1 X

n2 k=1


since the rest part of the proof will directly follow from the proof of Theorem 3.2, similar to proof of
extension to compound channel in the last subsection. Applying Lemma 3.3 to all s S n , we have that
for all (m1 , m2 ) M1 M2 , s S n ,

1 X
pe (
k (C), (m1 , m2 ); s) } < e 6
Pr{ 2
n k=1

That is, with a probability no less than 1 |M1 M2 ||S n |e

Next, we show the opposite relation



, a realization satisfying (57) exists.

d (W)
Rr,d (W) R


To do that, we have to prove that, given Cr,d having a random encoder 1 and a deterministic encoder
2 , with the maximum probability of error 4 , one can always construct a deterministic code C 0 with the
same rate and semi-average probability of error . It is done by choosing a realization of Cr,d . Note that
by Remark 2.1-(2), we may for a fixed m2 M2 and s S n , assume that {pe (Cr,d ; (m1 , m2 ); s) : m1
M1 } are independent. Then, applying Chernoff bound, i.e., Lemma 3.1 for = 1 and = 41 , we have
that for fixed m2 M2 , s S n ,

1 X
pe (Cr,d ; (m1 , m2 ); s) > } e 4
M1 m M

Entropy 2014, 16


Consequently, applying the union bound, we have

Pr{maxn max

m2 M2

1 X
pe (Cr,d ; (m1 , m2 ); s) > } < |S n ||M2 |e 4
M1 m M

which can be arbitrarily close to 0, for a sufficiently large n, since M1 exponentially increases as n
increases. This implies that Cr,d has a realization with semi-average probability of error at most ,
i.e., (59).
d (W) is equal to
Now we proceed to the proof of (54). Notice that under our assumption, R
the average-error-probability capacity region of random correlated codes, which obviously contains
Rr,r (W). So it is sufficient for us to show
d (W)
Rr,r (W) R


Similarly to the proof of Theorem 3.2, for a deterministic code C for W, with average probability of error

, and permutations (i) on Mi , i = 1, 2, we define a code ( (1) , (2) )(C), as a code having encoders
i (i (mi )), for mi Mi , i = 1, 2, and decoder (( (1) )1 (1 (y)), (( (2) )1 (2 (y)), for y Y n , where
Mi , i , i = 1, 2, and = (1 , 2 ) are message sets, encoders, and decoder of C, respectively.
Next we randomly, independently and uniformly generate n2 random permutations
k ,
k = 1, 2, . . . , n2 on Mi for i = 1, 2, respectively. Then, similarly to the proof of Theorem 3.2, we have
that pe ((
k1 ,
k2 )(C); (m1 , m2 ); s), k1 = 1, 2, . . . , n2 , k2 = 1, 2, . . . , n2 , are n4 independent random
variables with expectations


Epe ((
k1 ,
k2 )(C); (m1 , m2 ); s) =

1 1
M1 M2

pe (C; (m01 , m02 ); s)

(m01 ,m02 )M1 M2

for all fixed (m1 , m2 ) M1 M2 and s S n . Thus, it follows from Chernoff bound that

1 XX
} e 6
Pr{ 2
pe ((
k1 ,
k2 )(C); (m1 , m2 ); s) >
n k =1 k =1


As a direct consequence, by the union bound, with a probability at least 1 |M1 M2 ||S n |e 6 ,
ki , ki = 1, 2, . . . , n2 , i = 1, 2} has a realization {ki , ki = 1, 2, . . . , n2 , i = 1, 2}, such that for all
(m1 , m2 ), s, we have
1 XX
pe ((k1 , k2 )(C); (m1 , m2 ); s)
n k =1 k =1

Now we construct a two-block random code by using the code C and the realization. That is, the two
encoders randomly generate two keys Ki , i = 1, 2 from {1, 2, . . . , n2 }, and send them in the first block
independently, by using a code with average error probability at most 3 . In the second block, they use
the code (k1 , k2 )(C) to sent their messages, if the outcomes of Ki are ki , i = 1, 2. Then the total
maximum probability of error may not be larger than , if the average probability of error in the first
block is no larger than 3 . That is, (60) holds, which completes the proof of the theorem.
Similarly to in Section 3, here we have the following corollary.

Entropy 2014, 16


Corollary 6.2 For an AVMAC W, if there exist xi Xi , i = 1, 2 such that for all s S, there is no
y Y with W (y|x1 , x2 , s) = 1, then
f (W)
Rd,f (W) = R
Remarks 6.3 (1) The random codes in Theorem 6.1 seems to be slightly different from the random
codes in [29]. In Theorem 6.1, we assume that the two encoders choose codewords according to
the outcomes of two random keys, respectively; and, the decoder does not know the outcomes of
the keys (initially). In [29] J. H. Jahn assumed that the decoder knows the keys. But in the case that
the capacity region has a non-empty topological interior, they are equivalent. This is because (as
we did,) in this case the encoders may send the outcomes of keys to the decoder and by elimination
technique, a block with a vanishing rate is sufficient for the purpose.
(2) The assumption in Corollary 6.2 greatly simplified the problem. The problem would become very
complicated when the assumption is violated (i.e., in the case that for all xi Xi , i = 1, 2, there
exist an s S and a y Y with W (y|x1 , x2 , s) = 1). In this case, the conclusion in the corollary
likely does not hold any more. For a (point-to-point) AVC, the maximum-error-probability capacity
with feedback may be positive, but strictly smaller than its average-error-probability capacity, if
for all input letter x, there are a state s and an output letter y such that W (y|x, s) = 1 [20].
6.3. Extension to Multiple Input MAC
The results in Sections 3 and 4 can be easily extended to an MAC with I inputs for I > 2. As the
proof of the extension is very similar to the proof in Sections 3 and 4, we just give a brief outline as

. Let
follows. Suppose that we are given a deterministic code C with average probability of error 12
i , i = 1, 2, . . . , I, be its encoding functions.
To find a good subcode: It follows from Markov inequality that, C contains a subcode C0 with
message sets Mi , i = 1, 2, . . . , I 1, MI,0 MI , |MI,0 | 21 |MI |, and


1 X X
pe (C; (m1 , m2 , . . . , mI1 , mI )) <
|Mi | i=1 m M

for all mI MI,0 , where Mi , i = 1, 2, . . . , I, are message sets of C.

Existence of permutations for construction of a random code: Similarly to the proofs in Section 3
and Subsection 6.2, define a code ( (1) , (2) , . . . , (I1) )(C0 ), for a set of permutations (i) on
Mi , i = 1, 2, . . . , I 1 i.e., by taking i ( (i) ()) for i = 1, 2, . . . , I 1, I (), as encoding
function, and properly choosing a decoding function. Randomly and independently generate n2
ki , ki = 1, 2, . . . , n2 on Mi , for i = 1, 2, . . . , I 1. Apply Chernoff bound to show
that there exists a realization of the random permutations, {ki , ki = 1, 2, . . . , n2 , i = 1, 2, . . . I
1} such that




pe ((k1 , k2 , . . . , kI1 )(C0 ); (m1 , m2 , . . . , mI1 , mI )) <

(k1 ,k2 ,...,kI1 )

for all (m1 , m2 , . . . , mI1 , mI ) M1 M2 . . . MI1 MI,0 .


Entropy 2014, 16


Constructing a random code with maximum probability of error: Construct a random code under
the criterion of maximum probability of error, with I 1 random encoders and a deterministic
encoder, in two blocks such that the outcomes of random keys are sent in the first block, and
messages are sent in the second block.
Constructing a deterministic code with feedback for non-deterministic MAC: Construct
deterministic code with feedback under the criterion of maximum probability of error in
two blocks, such that common randomness between the i-th encoders and the decoder, for
i = 1, 2, . . . I 1, are generated in the first block; and, messages are sent in the second block.
Here C is understood as a code with feedback.
7. Discussions
In [32], R. Ahlswede defined 6 capacities for AVC and discussed their relation. Readers who are
familiar with AVC, may recognize that a multiple input channel has properties similar to AVC, especially
when the criterion of maximum probability of error is considered; and, our results are similar to those
in [32]. A (point-to-point) AVC can be regarded as an MAC or IC, where an input is controlled by a
malicious user. The similarity is caused by the fact that for both AVC and multiple input channels under
the criterion of maximum error probability, one must consider the bad combination of input codewords.
For multiple input channels, this is due to the fact that the senders may not always cooperate properly.
A user might be considered to be malicious by other users, if they do not cooperate well. This can
be reflected by the following fact. For a random code under the criterion of maximum error probability,
to achieve the average-error-probability capacity region of an I input channel, one needs I 1 random
encoders; and, for arbitrarily varying I input channel, one needs one more random encoder. A difference
is that, for an MAC the receiver has to decode the messages from both input; and, for an IC, a receiver
may decode the message not to be sent to him/her, as a side information; whereas it is impossible for a
receiver of an AVC to decode the state sequence.
We have seen that randomization at encoders serves as an efficient way to solve the problem caused
by the bad combination of input codewords. As in many cases, a perfect cooperation in network
communication is impossible, this suggests us to employ random codes.
So far we have known very little about the maximum-error-probability capacity regions. One reason
is that in most cases a small average probability of error is acceptable. Perhaps, another reason is that,
to determine the maximum-error-probability capacity regions is much harder than to determine the
average-error-probability capacity regions. Nevertheless, from a theoretical point of view, to well
understand the multiple user channels, exploring their maximum-error-probability capacity regions is
necessary. Likely, the study on the maximum-error-probability capacity regions is closely related to the
study on AVCs.
The author would like to thank Yanling Chen for many discussions and helpful suggestions in details
for revising the paper. This work was partially supported by grant from the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (Ref. No. 61271174).

Entropy 2014, 16


Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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